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Hed yora camer She’ waiting fora taxi Isa beautiful day. a sate thing or person: Slice works ina bank. (uot ‘in bank’) Can Lask a question? (wor ‘ask question’) ® Lhave Pheres a Woman at the bus stop. an (nel “s’) befor Do you want am apple or a binana? Pin goiug to buy a bat and am umbrella, There wos am interesting programmie on TY last night alse an hour (b is not pronounced: an (hour) Jur auniversity (pronounced pusiversity) uropean country (pronounced puropean} another (~an + other) is one word: Cam [have another cup of tea? We use a/an ... when we say what a ching ora person is, For example The sun i sta © Footballs a game. Dalhs is city in Texas, A mouse is an ani mal. 1’ 2 small animal, Joc isa very nice person, We uw a/an .., for jobs ete: © A: What's your joh? B: ma dentis (wor “Vu dentist.) What does Mark do?” *He’s an engineer: Would you like (@ be a teacher? Beethoven was a composer. © Picasso was a famous painter Are you a student? {36} wand the «> OEE user E 64 write @ or an, 4n.. old book 4 airport Toon university 2 window 5 ew airport 8 hour 3 horse 6 organisation 9 economic problem What are these things? Choose from the lst. bird fruit mountain river musical instrument flower game planet to exetable 1A duck is. bird. 6 Jupiteris 7 2 Aeartotis 7 Apearis 3 Rennisis - 8 The Amazon is 4 Ahanomer ss, 9 A rose is 5. Hyenestis 10 Atrumpetis What are their jobs? Choose from the lst and fish the sentences. dentist electrician nurse photographer private detective shop assistant taxi driver 6 & And you? Cm Make sentences. Choose fram Box A and Box 8. Use a/an where necessary, x bwanetoaske-yeu Barbara works in 5 old house artist Tom never wears Ann wants to learn party question Tean't ride Jim lives in bookshop — foreign language My brother is This evening t'm going to | haat bicycle 1 Liane to ask you a question [137] tay a/an and the the Gan you opat ean the window? _(f ° = a: (? cae | aswindons ~ window 1 ur 20rd window, | | | r dca ute say cars and > Vin going to clean the ear tomorrow, gor one} (© any ear) Can Task a question? ® Can you repeat the question, please? (ter are may questions ~ eas 1 ask oe?) (= the question that you asked) ® Isthere a hotel near here? thew are © We enjayed our holiday. The hotel was racy loves ~ is shese ome nese hee?) very nice. (= our hotel) Haris ivan interesting city. (ilar ae — | © Paris isthe capital of France. ad Paris one) (ivere is ody one capital of France) Liss isa stud : © Lisa is the youngest student in her class (here ase onnay students sand Lisa és one) {there ix only one youngest student inv her class) Compare a and the: eu ese F bought a jackerand a shirt. The jacket was cheap but the shirt was expensive ( the jacket and the shirr that T bought) We say the ... when it is clear which ching or person we mean, For example: the door / the ceiling / the floor / the carpet / the light ef: (of 010) the roof / the garden / the kitchen / the bathroom eit (ofa house) the centre / the station / the airport / the town hall cc (of foun) Wheres Tom? “In the kitchen. (= the kitchen in this house or Alay) Turn off the light sid close the door. ( the light and the door of the room) De you live far from the centre? the centre of your town) Fu like to speak to the manager, please. (& the manager of this shop ete.) 68 Putin a/an or the. 1 Weenjoyed our holiday. THe. hotel was very nice: 2 °Can Task ©. question?” “Of course, What do you want to ask?" 3 You look very tired. You need hotidy, 4 "Whore Tin?” “He's in bathroom: 5 Jane is... ipteesting person. You must meet her: 6A; Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to... eity centre? B: Yes, go straight on and then take fnext turning left 7A: Shall we yo out for meal this evening? BB: Yes, that... good ides B tes. nice morning, Lee yo for... walk. 9 Amanda is ...... student. When she finishes her studies, she wants to be «journalist. She lives with ovo friends in flat near college where she is studying. flat is small bur she Fikes i 10 Peter amd Mary have gor ewo children, boy and... gil bay isseven years, fold and... iris three. Peter works in factory, Mary hastrt got... job at the Complete the sentences, Use a or the + one of these words: airport cup doer floor picture radio 2 erty 7am you open thes (dg ee op Put in a/an or the where necessary. 1 Dont forget cof tari of Tight) when you go out. turn off the light, 2. Enjoy your holiday and don't forget to send me postcard - 3. What is name of this village? 4 Canada is very bisg country. 3 Wh. la? 6 Tike this room bie {don’t like colour of carpet. 7 ‘Are you OK?’ “No, f've got headache. 8. We live in ald house near station, 9 Whar is name of director of film we saw last night? is langest city itn Ca 1145) [146 the We use the when itis clear which thing or person we mean: What is the name of this screct? (this street has only one name) Who is the best player in your Can you tell me the time, please? (= the time wo) My office is on the first floor. (= the first floor of the building) Do you live near the ‘entre? (101 ‘near city centre’) Excuse me, where is the nearest bank? (vot ‘where is nearest ...") the same We live in the same street. (oy “in same street’) “Are these two books different?” ‘No, they'te the same! (uot ‘they're same”) We uy the sun / the moon / the world / the sky / the sea / the country: # The sky is blue and the sun js shining, © To you live in a tows oF in the country? dhe police / tho fre brigade / the ariay (of cy couy et} Mitel is toler Bley in te pea the top / the end / the middle / the left exc.: ‘Write your name at the top of the page My house is ar the end of this street, theta | MP The table is in the middle of the room, Do you drive on the right or on the left in your country? rice the ight We baton ning to play the the radio: Tlisten to the radio a lot We do not ase the with: (phy) the piano / the guitar / the trumpet etc. (musical instramens):_ e learning, i or ats television: J watch television 4 lor bar © € he tele’ he TV set) / dinner: Dinner is ready! a next / last + week/month/year/summer/Monday ctc.: Did you have a holiday Last summer? (ror ‘the list summer") a sam and the 9 the the oldest / the most expensive cit, What did you have for breakfast? (not “the breakfast’) SHE Fin not working next week. {not ‘the next week’) OEME™ 68 Pat in the where necessary, Write OK if the sentence is already correct. 1 What stan Jor this tree 2 What television tonight? OK 3 Our apartment ison secon floor 1 the name. Would you like to go t moon? 3 Which is best hotel in this town? Whar time is lonieh? 7 How far is i¢10 city centre? 8 Wee going away ar end of May 9 What are you doing next weekend? 10 L didn't like her first came Exiet her I ut afier dinner: 12 Whar b 13. My sistel 14 My dictionary 3s on top shelfon right. 15. We live in country about Five miles fon nearest village gost city in work? = got anarzied Iast anonth, 7 Complete the sentences. Use: thesame + age colour problem street time. 1 Live in North Street andl you live in North Street. We live in the, same street. 2 Larrived at 8.30 and you arrived ar 8.341, We arrived at Jinn is 25 sand Sue is 25, Jann and Suc are 4 My shire is dark blue and so is my jacket, My shirt and jacket are " 5 tye goto money and you've yor no mianey, We've got : Look a the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the if necessary. 1 The sun. is shining, 2 She playing 5 hey 3 ‘Theyre havin, 6 They've swimming in chine Complete these sentences. Choose from the list. Use the if necassary. capital dinner police lunch middle name — sky television We had dénner ar restaurant last ight 1 2. We stayed ata very nice hotel but | don't remember 3 is very clear tonight. You can sce all the stars 4 Did yousee the tim on asc nigh? 5. Someboxly was trying (© break into the shop so [called 6 Takyo is of Japan, 7 "What did you have for 7 “Asalad. 8 Lwoke up in of che nigh. [47] 1152) the ... (names of places) lauds, convns ete) Tn general we do not use the + names of places Feance isa very large country. (not ‘the France’) Cairo is the capital of Bgypt AE 6 Corsten ivan hd in the Mediterranean, | Peru isin South America suc we use the ity names wath “republic’/ States’/“kingdom’: cre the Republic of Ireland (or the trish Republic} the United States of America (the USA) the United Kingdom (the UK) the -s (plural names) We use the | plo names of countries/islands/ mountains THE che Netherlands the Canary Ilands the Philippines the Andes Seas, rivers ete [ We use the * names of occans/seas/rivers/canaks the Adantic (Ocean) the Mediterranean THE the (River) Nite the Suer Canal Places int towns (streets, buileings ete.) In general we do nor use the + names of street Kevin lives in Newton Street. TSE © Where is Highfield Road, plesse? Times Square is in New Yor squares te, We do nor use the + name of place (or person) + airport/station /aniversity ‘castle ete: Tag Kennedy Airpore Victoria Station Cambridge University Westminster Abbey Edinburgh Castle London Zoo } But wuully we use the + pans oF hotels restaurants, pubs, cinemas, theatres, museums: the Hilton (Hotel) the Star of India (restaurant) THE the Science Museum the Odeon (cinema) the National Theatre he ‘Tare Gallery (art gallery) the ... of. We use the + names with ... of the Republic of Ireland the Bank of England THE the Great Wall of China the Tower of London ‘We say: the north / the south / the east / the west / the middle (of . ); ® Pee been to the north of Italy but not to the south, ‘These are geography questions. Chose your answer from the box. Sometimes you need The, mA weg 5 e 1" 6 1% 2 44 18 4 6 4 ‘ , 10 1 Cairo is the capital of Byype. | 2 The Atlantic isbetween Alfiea and America, zon r isa country in northern Enrope. Ande 4 isa river in South America Asia 5 is the largest continent in the world “Adkance 6 is che largest ocean, Bahamas 7 is a river im Europe. Caine 8 isa country in East Africa, Kenya is between Canada and Mexico, Malta are mountains in South America, Pacific oo isthe eapital of Japan Red Sea ate mountaitis in central Europe. Rhine is between Sauici Arabia and Africa. Sweden isan island in the Mediterranean. Tokyo awe a group of islands near Florida. United States Put in the where necessary. Ifthe sentence is already correct, write OK. 1. Kevin lives in Newton Su 2 We went to see.a play 3 Ha 4 Hy 5 Have you ever been to south of France? 6 iro) at the National Theatre, © you ever been to Cl yon ever been to Philippine? Can you tell me whens Regal Cinema is? Can you elle whene Mervin Steet i? 8 Can you tell se where Museum of Modern Artix? 9 Europe is bigger than Australia, 10 Belysum is smaller than Netherland, LL Which riveris longer ~ Mississippi or Nile? 12. Did you go ty National Gallery when you were in London? id you stay? “At Park Hotel in Hudson Road)... far is it from Trafalgar Square to Vietoria Station (jn London)? y Mountains are in North America. 16 Texas is famous for vil aud cowboys. 17 Panama Canal joins Athintic Ocean and Pacific Ocean 18 hope to go to United States next year 19 Mary comes from a small town in west of Ireland. 7 20) Alan studied physics at. Manchester University [153]

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