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Handmade Gamemaster Screen Requisite : calendar, rape binding, white spray paint, spray glue, color printer and skillful hands Dimensions : 3 x (180 x 150) mm - yep, I'm french, I don't use those foolish imperial units ! Instructions : - eur 3 cardboard pannels in the calendar (180 x 150mm each) = let a blank space (5/8 min) between them, use the binding tape for the joint - to standardize, cover with white paint and let dry - paste the front and back picture included in this pdf - et voila! GMC DICE POOL Axtribute + Skill + Speciality (d6) + Trait die (situation/location) + Distinction dice (d4 or d8) + Potential distinction trigger + Signature assets (d6 or d8) + Opponent's complications STANDARD DICE POOL Difficulty die + Trait die (situation/location) + Opponent's complications + Minor GMC (or Extra) Die DIFFICULTIES Difficulty Die type Very easy 4 Easy d6 Challenging 8 Hard dio Really hard di2 PLAYER DICE POOL Attribute + Skill + Speciality (46) + Distinction dice (d4 or d8) + Potential distinction trigger + Signature assets (d6 or d8) + Created assets (scene or episode) + Opponent's complications RECOVERY ROLL Dice pool vs Complication + difficulty die - Success: Step back - Success + jinx: new d6 complication, related to the old one - Failure: no recovery - Failure + jinx: Step up SCALE DICE If. side has an overwhelming advantage on another, add a d8 to his dice pool, and a third die to the total, for free. Defender (or difficulry) Sees the stakes Auacker (or actor) tries to Raise the stakes The person who acted first picks the one to go next, and that last does so, until everyone has acted. Then the person who acted last goes first, and picks the next person to go. ACTION TURN 1- Create dice pool 2- Roll dice, add together the sop swo dice 3- Set aside ones (jénxes/apportunities) 4- Spend a plot point to add one more die to the total 5- Spend a plot point to add a potential big damn hero die G- Attacker’s total must exceeds Defender's total to Raise the stakes - Failure: Auacker Taken out - Success: Defender Taken out - Success by 5: Extraordinary success” - All ones: Botch** 7- Ifa person accepts being Taken out, they cannot contribute to the action any more, Alrer- natively, they can spend a plot point to stay in the action, by taking a complication equal to the highest rolling die from the opponent's pool. Multiple complications can Step up the complication. Past d12, the person is Taken out. 8 Determine any complications from cither avoiding being Taken out or from Jinxes. “Get a Big damn hero die (che highest rolling die in the opponent's pool) "Add a new complication, without the usual plot point reward PLAYER PLOT POINTS Ger - Start with one each episode - Rolling a distinction as a 4 instead of a d8 - The GM buys a complication after you've rolled a jinx - The GM spends a plot point on a rall opposing your character - The GM decides you deserve one as a play reward Spend - Keep an additional die from your dice pool ina total after you roll - Activate a distinction trigger (if required) - Create an Asset at a d6 that lasts until the end of the scene - Make an existing Asset last until the end of the episode - Roll a Big Damn Hero Die and add the result to your total after you roll - Avoid to be taken out (take highest die in the opponent's pool as a complication) GM PLOT POINTS Get (bank) - One plot point for each player Get (pile) - Unlimited number Spend (bank) - Keep additional dice in your total Spend (pile) - Activate a distinction or signature asset - Buy a d6 complication (opportunity) trigger for a major GMC - Step up a complication (opportunity) - Allow a GMC (minor or major) to stay in - Reward player for great moments the fight instead of being taken out

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