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Its Antarctica.
The temperature is about -70 Celsius in winter. That is four times colder
than your freezer! The lower temperature ever was in 1983, when it was
almost -90 C! There is no sun for six months of the year. August and
September are the coldest months of the Antarctic winter.
The continent of Antarctic is bigger than Europe but smaller than South
America. It is the driest place in the world drier than the Sahara desert! It
is also the windiest on earth. The wind sometimes blows 200 miles (320
kilometers) an hour.
Antarctica contains seventy per cent of the worlds fresh water in the
form of ice. There are huge icebergs everywhere. In 1953, there was an
iceberg bigger than Switzerland. That was what showed above water. About
nine-tenths of an iceberg is under water, so that is a huge piece of ice.
There are about seventeen kinds of penguins in or around Antarctica. The
biggest and heaviest is the Emperor penguin. These birds have nothing to
make a nest for their eggs. So after the female penguin produces an egg,
she gives it to the male penguin. The male penguin then holds the egg on
his feet for sixty days. He doesnt move or eat until the baby penguin is born
and the female comes back with food.
Nobody owns Antarctica, but many countries have research stations for
scientists there. About four thousand people live in the stations in the
summer and about one thousand in the winter. But nobody lives in
Antarctica permanently. Its just too cold.
Read these statements and circle correct, incorrect, or doesnt say.
1. There is no daylight for half of the year.
a. correct
b. incorrect
c. doesnt say
2. Antarctica is the biggest continent.
a. correct
b. incorrect
c. doesnt say
3. Most of an iceberg is above water.
a. correct
b. incorrect
c. doesnt say
4. The Emperor penguin is the penguin in Antarctica.
a. correct
b. incorrect
c. doesnt say
5. The female Emperor penguin holds the egg for sixty days.
a. correct
b. incorrect
c. doesnt say
6. Antarctica is a poor continent.
a. correct
b. incorrect
c. doesnt say
Answer these questions
1. Does Antarctica have a permanent population?
2. Is Antarctica a country?
3. How many people stay in the research station in the summer?

4. What are most of these people?

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