Poem Leisure & MR Nobody

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1. The phrase fulls of care means what? ________________________________________

2. Name two things that the persona says people have no time to do.
3. Why does the persona urge people to relax and enjoying nature?
4. The opening lines state the problem the persona wants to talk about. What is the problem?
5. Why do you think the streams look like stars at night?
6. Which phrase in the poem means life is meaningless? ___________________________
7. Give two benefits of taking the time to stand and stare.
8. What does the persona mean when he says And watch her feet, how they can dance
9. Why do people find it hard to stand and stare?
10. What does the word woods refer to? __________________________________________
11. Explain in your own words the line streams full of stars, like stars at night
12. Based on concepts 4-6, what is nature compared to? _____________________________
13. What do you think the persona means when he said that we would lead a poor life?
14. Why does the persona describe life as full of care?
15. What does the persona keep asking us to do?
16. Suggest one way not stated in the extract that you can do what the persona asks you to

17. What is the poem mainly about?

18. Why is it important to have leisure in life?
19. Suggest one activity that you would like to do during your leisure time.
20. What do cows and sheep do in the field?
21. What animal is considered as dairy animals? _____________________________________
22. What do squirrels feed on? ___________________________________________________
23. Why are the streams full of starts? _____________________________________________

1) Why is Mr. Nobody as quiet as mouse?
2) Why does the writer say everyone agrees that every plate we break was cracked by Mr.
Nobody? ____________________________________________________________________
3) In the 2nd stanza, why does the door squeak______________________________________
4) In the last stanza, why do the certain fade? _____________________________________
5) Who is the funny little man? _____________________________________
6) Write one job Mr. Nobody has to do in stanza 2. ____________________________________
7) Would you like a friend like Mr. Nobody?
8) Why do you think the door is always squeaking? ___________________________________
9) Based on stanza 2, give two examples of mischief done by Mr. Nobody.
10) Give a reason why the water in the kettle cannot boil?
11) What lessons can you learn from the stanzas

12) Which sense is evoked in stanza 2? Give an example that shows the sense.
13) What is a possible theme for the poem?
14) Do you enjoy reading the poem? Why?
15) What is Mr. Nobody compared to?
16) Where can Mr. Nobody be found? ______________________________________________
17) Who cracks the plates in the house? ___________________________________________
18) In stanza 2, what are the four things Mr. Nobody does?
19) From stanzas 2 and 3, what are the two things Mr. Nobody should have done?
20) What happens to the carpets in the hall? ________________________________________
21) Why are the papers missing? _________________________________________________
22) What does Mr. Nobody leave on the door? _______________________________________
23) What is spilled by Mr. Nobody? ________________________________________________
24) To whom do the books that are lying around belong to? ____________________________
25) Who is said to be responsible for the cracks in the plates? __________________________
26) Why are the fires not burning properly? ________________________________________
27) What causes the curtain to fade? ______________________________________________

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