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Irn CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MC No. 1 82013 MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR ALL HEADS OF CONSTITUTIONAL BODIES; DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS AND AGENCIES OF THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT; LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS; GOVERNMENT-OWNED AND CONTROLLED CORPORATIONS WITH ORIGINAL CHARTERS; AND STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES SUBJECT Revised Policies on the Grant of Eligibility under CSC MC No. 14 3.1996, as amended Pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 1202124 promulgated on November 27, 2012, the Commission adopts the following policies on the grant of eligibility for skilled positions in government 1, The positions and corresponding appropriate eligibiliies listed under Category | of CSC MC No. 14, s. 1996, as revised, shall be re-categorized under Category Il where the required eligibility can be obtained by completion of one (1) year of Very Satisfactory actual performance; Eligibilties previously issued under Category | (SCEP) shall continue to be appropriate for permanent appointment to corresponding positions re-categorized under Category Il and other functionally-related positions without undergoing one (1) year employment under temporary status, provided the other requirements are met; and Certificates issued by the TESDA for completion of TESDA skills training and/or for passing the TESDA skills tests conducted on April 1, 2013 and onwards shall be considered as training qualificetion for corresponding trades and rafts positions. Accordingly, attached are the updated lists of positions under Category II (Annex A), Category III (Annex B) and Category IV (Annex C). In transition, the Commission shall confer eligibility up to December 31, 2013 to passers of the TESDA skills test covered by the SCEP conducted up to March 31, 2013 only. This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately, Chairman April 2013 * CSC Resolution No. 1202124 promulgated on November 27, 2072 wes published in Mania Tines 09 January 2013, Ina Race to Serve: Responsive, Accessible, Courteous and Fffective Public Service ‘CSC Building, IBP Rosd, Constitution Hills, 1226 Quezon City * Wf 981-7935/931-7939/931-8082 + B esepilePvedmallesegoriph + @ wwcscgoxph Annex A [Category I= tr m pesionswhseqvtcaton sara (C5) qi ages which can be teed coming no (year of Vary Satstacory ecu! werk pertrmence Etgiitty [Position Title |Ai-Condionin/Refrgoration Technician [Ai Conditoning Technician | [AirConditoning Technician I insuiaionman Jared Ligtting & Power Technician ified Lighting & Power Technician IV Aifild Lighting & Power Technician I Aifie Lighting & Foner Technician I ified Lighting & Power Technicien | Audio-Visual Equipment OperatoriTachnician udo-visual Assstant auco-visual Aids Teohnician Jauco-Viual Aids Tecrnician | [Audio-Visual Aids Teohncian | [Auci Visual ids Technician ti [Aucio-Vieal Ads Technician IV [Aucio- Visual Equipment Operator [Audie Visual Equiprent Operator! [Audio-Visual Enuipment Operator tl Juco ¥isual Equipment Opertor [auco-ViswalEqulprent Operator [Audio-Visual Equipment Operator [Audio-Visual Systems Technician A [Audio-Visual Syste Technician 8 ‘Senior Audio-Visual Systems Techrican upenising Audio Vieuel Systems Technician Automotive Electrician [Auio Elestical’Trein Foreman [Auiomotive Electrician Senior Automotive Electrician [Senior Trenspor Electrician [Transport Electrcian [Blacksmith Blacksrith A Blacksmith B Blacksmith Foreman Blacksmith | J [acest Blacksmith Stoo Foreman [Senor Blacksmith [Supervising Blacksmith lbroadcast Operator! Broadcast Operations Technician Broadoasi Operations Technician | Broadcast Operations Technician I [Broadcast Operations Technician Ii [Broadcas: Operaior | [Broadcast Overator I (Carpenter A [Camerier 8 [Carpenter Foreran [Carponter General Foreman [Carpenter Annex A Category Il - ret 1 positons wnose quatircation starderés (GS) require ofinbiltes which can be obtained by comeing one (1) yeor of Very Satisfactory acted work performance Etigioiy Postion Tite [Carpenter Lunior Carpenter Carpontor Legislative Steff Assistant | (Carpenter Foreman) Senior Carpenter [Senior CarperterA Supenising Carpenter [Catogrepner A [Cartogrner B [Cartographer [Cartographer Cartogrpter [Cartographer tt [Cartographer V_ (Cartographer V Senior Cartographer A Senior Cartoorapher B [Conmunicalcns Equipment Operior [Conmmanicalens Equlpment Operaior1 [Conmnanicaions Eauipmient Operaior [Commnicaions Eauipment Operator [Conmnicaiens Equipment Operator 17 [Comenanicaiens Equipment Operaior V Senior Transpor ConductonConduciess Senior Tran Conductor [Creative Arts Spevasti [cute and Ans Offoerl Cuiture and Ais Offosr tl [Cuitue and ts Offoor I Senior Cukure and Ars Offcer Supervising Culue and Als Ofer Draismen A Draftsman 8 Draftsman ¢ Dratsman Draftsman Dratsman Dratsman Draisman Drafisman IV Principal Drafismen Principal Draftsman & Principal Dreismen B Senor Dreftsmen Supenising Draftsman Deckman Diver| Deckman Diverll Deckman Rigger [Communications Equipment Operator IConductodConductiess Culture and Avts Officer Annex A [Category Il rier to pesions whese quaiteatonstandarts (05 requie 2ites whch can be aktelaed by compling a I) yet of Vary Satistactory actu! vokpertomen Etigiility Position Tite Deckman-Rigger [Docking ane Rigging Foreman Lineman | Lineman Lineman i Lineman Linen & Linesman B Line Foreman [Senor Lineman (NAPOGOR] Senior Transmission Linerran JDockman, Etectic Power Lineman [Senior Trarsmiscion Lineman (less than 250 wats) HTranamssion Lino Foreman [ess than 250 vots) [Transmission Linomen A (less than 260 volts) [T:ansmission Linemen B (ess than 260 volts) [Transrission Lineman C (les than 20 volts) [Builing Elecrisian A (ess tan 260 volts) [Builing Etecrician B (ess than 260 volts) [Bulking Etecrician Foreman Buicing Office Eectical Foreman [Elostical Inspector (less than 259 vlls) [Elcstical Inspector Il (es than 260 volts) [Bestician A (oss than 260 vals) (NAPOCOR) [BesticienB (les than 250 vats) (NAPOCOR) Electicien C (les than 250 velts) (NAPOCOR) Eiestical Foreman (ess than 260 volts) [Etectrcien Foreman (less than 250 vlls) Electrician General Foreman (ess then 250 vols) Etectician Electician | less than 250 vols) Etoctician Il (less than 250 vlts) Foreign Senice Sta Employee Ih (Eloctician less than 250 volts) [Flan Electical Foreman (ess than 250 votis) Plant ElecticalMecnenical Maintenance Forentan ( less than 25) vals sono) Plant Electrician A (ess than 250 volts) Plant Electrician B (ess than 260 volts) Plant Elecrsian © (ess than 250 vols) Senior Bulding Electrician A (les then 250 vos [Senior Buding Electrician B (ess than 250 vols) [Senior Electrician (NAPOOOR) Senior len Elecrisien (lass than 250 vel [Commmunicaionsman (NAPOGOR) Electrics ard Communications Equipment Technician Electronics Equipment Techricien Electronics ard Communications Equipment Technician I Electronics ard Communications Equipment Technician i [Elocrorics ard Communications Equipment Technician NV Annex A Category Il - ieters to positions whose quaiicetion starcarcs (GS) require eliginilies which can be obtained by carpeting ne (1) year of Very Satslactory ect! voreperonmence Eligibility Position Title Electronics Equipment Tectrician Electronics and Communications Equipment Technician V Etecroncs Communications Systems Testniian A [Eecroncs Communications Systems Testnician B Electrons Communications Systems Operator A Elecirarios Communications Sysioms Operator B Elecrarios Communications Sysioms Oporaior © Senior Cornaricaionsrran (NAPOCOR) Senior Electonics Communications Systems Technician [Superising Commuricatonsman (VAPOCOR) Supervising Electonics Communioatons Systems Tachniian Supervising Elestronies Commuricatons Systems Operator Senices and Sets Supervisor PTNI) [Senior Feld Praduction Cameraman (PTN) [Senior Lightman (PTNI) HV Cameraman FTV Ganeranan [TV Cameraman rv Cameraman WV Etectical Equipment Operator Etoctreal Control Operator A Etectrcal Control Operator 8 Etocrcal Control Operator © [Etectical Contral Operator [Equipment Operetor [Equipment Operator & (NAPOCOR) Equipent Overator 8 (NAPOCOR) [Equipment Overator C (NAPOCOR) [Equipment Ooerator D (WAPOGOR) [Equipment Operator (NAPOCOR) [Sericr Control Operator A [Senior Control Operator Engineman [Engineman Iavine Engineman Marine Eneineman I Equipment Technician linstrument Technician A Insttument Technician B (Jurior Kay Techrician ‘Senior Xray Technician [Radio Proio Equipment Operator [Senior Equipment Technician A [Senior Equipment Technician B Senior instrument Tecrnician Supervising instrument Technican [Senior Technicizn fTechnisian [Technician A [Technician B Annex A [Category Il iets o pcstions nese wtteaton sanders (05) route sghnies wich can te ottanedby cancer ne) yer of Vary Satisfactory atv! work perfomance Eligibility Position Tite restincian ¢ Frechnician & Founcky Foreman Foundry GoneralForerran Foundry Werker Foundryman [Senior Foundeyman [Supenising Foundiyman [Ccnstrueion Equioment Operaior Dredgeiman Foreman Drecgemen! Drecgemen Heavy Equipment Operator Floating Crane Master Heavy Equipment Operator Heavy Equipment Operator! Heavy Equipment Operator Heavy Equipment Operator I [Ars usiretor A Arist isiretor 8 Arist ilustrator C [Arist ustator Arist thusrator [Art Mustator I Arist Hlusretor Forms Designer strato | instrator i Senior aristhustravor Supervising Artist-tlustrator Laboratory Technician | Laboratory Technician I Laboratory Teohnian I Laboratory Technician A Laboratory Technician B Laboratory Teatnician C [Senior Laboratory Technician Laboratory Inspector Laboratory Inspector Laboratory Inspector Ii Medical Sorice Technician | Equipment Technician Iustrator Laboratory Techni Medical Serise Technician I htecical Service Technician I htecial Service Technician IV Machine Shop Foreman Mectine Shop Foreman & Machinist Mactine Shop Foreman B Machine Shop General Foreman (Category I er topostians vise auton taco (05) enue igs wich canbe bid by coving ae (yar of Vary Stisactory etal wr prance Annex A Eligibility [Position Title Machinist [Machinist Machin A (NAPOCOR) INachinist B (NAPOCOR} (Mashirit | Machinist} Machinist Nelds Technologist Il INetais Technologist etal Technologist IV Metas Tecmnolegsst V Senior Machinist Supervising Machinst Mechanic (Autometive Servicing) [Automotive/Train Mechanic A [AutomotivorTrain Macharie B [Avtomotve/Train Mechario C [Autortive Equipment inspector | [autorolie Equipment Inspector I Autorrove Mechanic | Automotive Mecharic Automate Mecharic | Automotive Mechanic I [Automotive Repair Foreman |Automotive Repair General Foreman Lunior Aulo Neshanic Motor Verisle nspector [Serior Auto Mechents Senior AutofTrain Mecnenio [Sericr Automotive Mectanic [Senior Foreman ISonior Tain Machario ‘Supervising AviofTrein Mechania [Supervising Autorotne Mechario [Supenising Automotive Shop Mechenio [Trenspon Maintenance General Foreman rensport Maintenano Supewvisor Legislative Steff Assistant | (Mectinic I ess than 250 vas) Meckant A. (less then 250 vols) Mechanic B (ess than 250 vats) Mechenio © (less han 250 vols) technic | (iss than 260 volts) Mechanic 1 (less than 250 volts) ectanic I (ess than 250 volts) ecranical Foreman (Chief Mechanic! Testrician Mocharical Shop Foreman (ess than 250 vlts/iess than 50) Annex A [Category Il rte opotian whose quaeston andaris (29) cure efgbiis whic can be otins by comelting ] ar (1) yar ef Very Sasfactory atl mak poromarce Elgiity Position Tle Mechanical Snop General Foreman (less Han 250 vos ho) Plant Mechanic A (ess than 250 volts ess than 59 Np) Plant Mechanic (ess than 260 volts less than 50 hp) [lant Mecharic G (ose than 250 vols less thar 60 hp) 'Neshanio (Automotive Servicing) Plant Mechanical Neintenence Foroman [Serior Mechanic A (ess than 260 vols) [Setior Mechanic B (less then 260 vols) [Senior Mechanic (ss than 260 vals) [Senior PtantMecharic (less than 260 volts less then 50 by Mechanical Electrcal Equant erate | Mechanica Elecrical Equipment Operator ‘Mechanical Electrical Equipment Operator Il Mechanical Electicl Equipment Operator Precision Inrument Repair and Maintenance Senvoes Chief [Precision Instrument Technisian | Precision Instrument Technician I Precision hstument Technician I [Serio Mechanie/Technician Supersing MecharitTechnisian Mechanical Plat Operator | (ess than 50 echaniel Plant Operetr I (ess tan 50 hg) Mechanical Pant Operetor Il (less than 80 ho) Plant Equipment Oporaior A [Plant Ecuipmone Oporaior 8 Plant Equipment Operator © Plant Ecuipment Operator D Plant Equipment Operator medica Equipment Technician A Medical Equipment Tecicen B Medical Equipment Technician C Mecial Equipment Technician D ecical Equipment Technician | ecical Equipment Technician Mevical Equipment Technician I ecal Equipment Teens 1 Head Meval warker Meta Worker [etal Worker Foreman Metal Worker General Foreman otal Worker | Metal Werker [Senior Metal Worker Supervising Metal Worker iMovie Equoment Teotniian | Novie Equpment Technician I 7 ‘odie Equipment Techrican I Munitions Techician unffons Production Tectrician | Mecivanical Equipment Operetor Medical Equipment Technician Meta! Worker Category Il este patos whose vaiaion stance (95) enue eft hlohcen be cared by caltng are (1 yer of Vary Satisfeciny aul wat gefomance Etgiiity Poston Title [Munitions Production Technician I Munitons reduction Supenisor Muniions Technician [care Techican | JOrdnance Technician tI [Crcnance Technician il Museum Curator Museum Curator Museum Technicien | INuseum Technician i IPaintar Painter A, Painter B Nuseum Technician aint Generel Foreman [inert Painter Head Panter ‘Senior Painter [Sunenising Painter IPhotocrepher [Photographer Photographer I Photogrephor i Photogrepher¥ Photographer Vi Senior Potegranher Photo Laboratory Technican |[Fead Photograpner (Ofek Camera Operator (Offset Camere Operator Nicrofiting Machine Operetor Photographer [Micoftring Mactine Operator ticrofiming Machine Operator wicrofiring Machine Operator [Coir Separation Technician [Coir Separation Technician I Photographic Color Processor Photographic Color rososcor I [Photo-Lihographi Technican | Photo-Lthographic Techrician I Proto Editor Prot Eaior I Proto Journalst Photo Journalist! Annex A. Category I= ecm pestons whe qilcatonstraees (6S) oli wc or be ttaned by colina ne (year ot Very Satsactory acti! work parmence Egy Postion Te Pipefitter A Pipefter B Pipefitter C \Pivefiter Pipefitter D \Pipefitter Foreman Pipefitter Pbefiter |Plumber Punter Plumber B Punter Pumbor erenan Plumber | |Plumber | Plumer [Plumbing end Tiorng inspector [Plumbing end Tinvng inspector Senior umber Assistant ie Pressman jel Pressrien (ead Pre [Supenising Pressman Prining Machine Operator Printing Machine Operator I Printing Machine Oreraor I Prining Machine Operator WV Ping Machine Operctor Senior Machine Operator Senior Offset Machine Operator Pring Foremen Prnving Press Operator Pring Prese Operator ay Agistant (BSP) Assay Offcer (BSP) Assayer (BSF) assistant Assay Manager (BSP) Assistant Laboratory Manager (BSP) [Assistant Wainfenance Nanager (SF) [Assistant Matos Contol anager (BSP) Sant Preducien Manager (BSP) [Assistnt Gualiy Conte! anager (BSP) Banknotes Pirting Nactire Operator (BSP) [Banknotes Printing Supervisor (BSP) Bankrotes Producion Assistant | (@SP) Banknotes Production Assisant Il @SP) Bankrotes Producion Supervsor (8SF) Eanknotes'Securites Procuston Grew | (BSP) [Eankrotes/Seourtes Procuston Grew l (BSP) Pressman Security Plant Operative [Category I cies poston wioseqatteaten tants (05) reso wits wich can bo aban ty compra cone (1) ar ot Very Satisfactory aca wok prorrance Eligibty Position Tite (Gaid Reiner (ESP) [Gold Retinery Supenisor (SSP) [aboratory Aralyst (BSP) Laboratory Oficer (BSP) Laboratory Specialist (BSP) | Maintenance Crew! (BSP) Maintenance Grewil (BSP) Maintenance Supervisor (BSP) IMainterance Technicion (SP) IMateriais Control Supervisor @SP) [Mates Contiote (6S) iting Crew | (BSP) Iviring Crew | (BSP) IMirting Nachire Operator (BSP) Mining Supenisor (BS) Security Plant Operative [Quality Gontiol Supervisor (BSP) [Qualty Contoller (BSP) Sexuntes Parting Mactine Operetor (BSP) Secures Printing Supenisor (BSP) [Securities Producion Assistant (BSP) Secures Production Asisant il (65°) [Secures Preducion Supen’sor (BS) Senior Assayer SP) Senior Banknotes Printng Macine Operalor (BSP) Serio: Gold Refrer (BS?) Serior Laboratory Specicist (BSP) [Senior Maintenance Technician (BSP) [Senior Materals Controller (BSP) [Serier Mining Machine Operator (6S*) [Sericr Quality Contoter (BSP) [Senior Secures Printing Macrine Operator (BSP) [Shane Curator [Shine Curator Senior Snrine Curator [Supenising Shrine Curetor (chet Strine Curaior oseum Shrine Curator Provincia Trafic Ofieer C FTW Network Trac Ofeer FV Network Tate Ofice I [TW Network Taf Ofer WI rain Diver A Train Diver 8 Tribal afais Assistant | [bal Affairs Assent I [Tinesetter sSisiant Chiat Elestyper Stine Curator [TV Network Trafic Ortleer [Train Driver ‘Tiival Affairs Assistant (Catagory Il =v postr whose qvlcaten tnaré (95 reaua elie whi can b bain by compre ano) yarot Very Satisfactory el wk prornnce Eligiiity [Postion Title [Assistant Chet Typesetier (Chie! Electrotyper (Chie! Typesetier Elocirctyper! Eleciratyper Elecirotyper ll Elecirotyper Linowypist Supervising Bestolyper [Supervising Typesetter Typesatie Typesetior | [Typeset Typeseter I Typeseter IV \Uphoisterer Upholsterer [Senior Upholsterer 'Water Resources Facilities Operator Waiet Resources Facilties Technician Water Resources Facities Operator A Water Resources Facilities Operator 8 Water Resources Facilities Operator C |Wator Resouro2s Facitivs Operator Foreman (Serior Wator Resources Facies Operator A [Senicr Wator Resources Facities Operator B \Senior Water Resources Facies Technician |Weathor Facities Technician Weather Facies Techricen iweatner Facies Technician I (Weather Facies Tecnician i Wier Maintenance Head \Wetenvorks Techrician Sonior Wear [Weldor Welder A Welder B Welder Foreman welder | Welder Wl Weather Observer Weather Observer lveather Observer I as | eether Observer [Weather Observes Iv [Wel Driller vel Oiter Well Drier vel Dring Supervisor! Wet Dring Supervisor [Core Diller | [Core Dir Annex B Category Il (refers io postions whose quaification standards (OS) require no eligibility in view ofthe dotios «and rspansibilis atachod theo) Position Title [Acupressure Technician [Administrative Services Aide "Animunilon Worker "Ammunition Worker i "Animal KeaperT |Animal Keaper i "Animal Keeper Ti [Antenna Roger lArmorert [ArmoreriT [Arificial Limb and Brace Maker | (Arificial Linb and Brace Maker Il ‘Arifoil Limb and Brace Maker ii ‘Assistant Chef ‘Assistant Chief Bockbinder ‘Assistan Chief Photoengraver ‘Assistant Chie Ticketbinder ‘Assistant Concerimaster ‘Assistant Principal Orchestra Member ‘Associate Conosrimasier "Associate Resident Conductor Bali alli 1 al Fenamester Barangay Hoalth Aide [Barber [Blueprint Wachine Operator Boatswain Bookbinder! Bookbinderil Bookbinder Bookbinder Building Pelper Building Pest Control Oicer (Cemetery Careteker Tet (Chief Bookbinder | Chief Photoengraver [Cher Ticketbinder Clothes Designer compastor Annex B Category Ill (cers to postions whose qualifetion standards (QS) require no eligibility in view of he dutes and esponsbitiesatached thereto) Position Title concertmaster [Construston and Weaintenance Capataz (Constructor and Maintenance Foreman |Constucton and Meintenance General Foreman onstruction and Maintenance Wan [Constructon Foreman A [Coxswain (Cralts and Trades Heber [Culture and Aris Assistant | Culture and Aris Assistant I [Customs Gatekeeper Dam Tender (NAPOCOR) Day Care Worker | Day Care Worker Dental Aide Document Binder Dormitory Afendant Electical Helpar Etectiographic Artst | Evectrograptic Artst I Engineering Ade [Engineering Aido A [Enginearing Aide 8 (NAPOCOR) Engineering Aide C (NAPOCOR) Fabric Worker [Fabris Worker I [Fam Foreman [Farm Supervisor Farm Worker 1 Farm Worker 1 Fiber Technion Fim Custodian Fim Custodian T Fingerprinting Aide Fisherman Food Senveriess Boy Annex B [Category Ill (rfers to posiions whose qualficaton standards (0S) require no efgblty in view of the duties ‘and resgansibies attached thee) [Position Title Food Senvces Helper [Foreman A Foreman 6 Foreman Forest Ranger [Foundry Worker Fouredry Wioreer Freight Senvice Foreman [Fuel Disitbution Foremen FueiGas Atendeni Fumigation Supervisor Fumgator Furigator Assistant Superior Furrigator Foreman (GatelCrassing Keeper [General Services Maintenance Worker | (General Services Maintenance Worker I [General Services Maintenance Foreman [General Services Maintenance Foreman A (NAPOCOR) (General Senices Maintenance Foreman B (NAPOCOR) (Geclogic Ade (Grains Operations Aice Guesthouse Caretaker [Guesthouse Cook! Caretaker A (NAPOCOR) [Guesthouse Cook’ Carataker B (NAPOCOR) [Guesthouse Cook! Caretaker C (NAPOOOR} Fancdiralt Worker Handicrat Worker I [Handicraft Worker I [Hospital Housekeeper [Fousehotd Attendant? [Household Attendant Household Atendant Housekeeping Services Assistant Rouseparent Rouseparent Fouseparert ouseparent IV insrumeninen Infligence Agent Aide |sudicial Sia Employee 1 (Utnty Worker, Messenger] Junior Foreman Annex B ‘and resgcnsitlies attached thereto) [Category II (ors ts postone whosoqalfiaon tankrés (2) oqo no oligbilly in vew ofthe dies [Position Title [Junior Machine Operator \Junior VIR Ecitor (Junior Process Server [Latior Foreman [Labor General Foreman Laboratory Aide A Laboratory Aide B [Laboratory Aide | [Laboratory Aide T [Laborer [Laborer |Cauneh Master [Launch Patron Laundry Foreman (PCMC) | Laundry Worker! Taundry WorerT (Caundry Worker TT [Legislative Staff Assistant | (Bookkeeper Il, Reproduction Machine Operator Il) Tegislative Stal Employes | (Uli Worker, Messenger) Legislative Staff Employee Il (Uilty Worker, Messenger) Teter Carer ison Aide Ubrerian Aide [Gtequard Light Equipment Operator Lighthouse Keeper! Lighthouse Keeper Il Local Legislative Staff Employes | (Utity Worker, Messenger) Local Legislative Staff employes Ml (Utity Worker, Messenger) Lumber Grader [Magnetic Recorder Operator | Magnetic Recorder Operator Magnetic Recorder Operator Mail Sorter Maintenance General Foreman Make-Up Arist Malaria Control Foreman Mason A Mason B Mason Foreman Mason | iason I Annex B ‘and responsblies attached thereto) [Category Il (ors to potions whocoquatcoton stands) rue no obi in vow ft dios [Position Title INaster Fisherman |Master Fisherman Tl [Master Tator Waster Tailor T [Mechanical Helper Media Production Aide Medical Services Aide A Medical Services Aide 8 Messenger Neier Reader! INeter Reader Il Meter Reader Il INeiro Aide 1 [Metra Aide 1 |Muniions Operator Foreman [Munitions Operator General Foreman [Munitions Operator! unions Operator Music Director ‘Musical Scorer (Musician ‘Nureo Maid Nurse Maid [Nursing Attendant Nursing Attendant 1 |Offce Equipment Helper (Offset Machine Operator ier | Operations? Maintenance Aide A [NAPOCOR) Operations! Naintenance Aide B (NAPOCOR) Oparations/ Waintenance Aide C (NAPOCOR) (Orchestra Member (Orchestra ember I (Orchestra Member II [Orchestra Member IV [Orchestra Member V Paper Cuting Machine Operator Paper Cutting Machine Operator | Paper Culling Mechine Operator I Paper Oilting Machine Operator Il Park Attendant |Park Attendant II Annex B Category Ill (cierto postions whose qualizetion standards (QS) roquire no eligibility in viow of tho dutios | and spars tacked thereto) Position Title Park Attendant [Park Maintenance Foreman Park Maintenance General Foreman Parking Aide Parking Aide 1 [Parking Aide I Parking Aide WV Pattemnmeker! Paternmeker Pest Contio’ Technician Pest Conttol Worker! Pest Contiol Worker I Philetelic-Artst | Philetelic-Artst I Photoengraver Photoengraver Photoengraver Photoengraver IV Prani/Substation Helper A Prani/Substation Helper 8 PranviSubstation Helper G Porter Porter Leadman Postran | Pounckeeper PoundkeeperIT Press Roller Maker! Press Roller Maker I Principal Orchestra Wember Prining Scheduler Process Server Proves Server I Production Assisiant [Public Services Foreman Pump Tender (NAPOGOR) (Quartermaster Railways Vantenance General Foreman Reilways Operations Inepector Railways Operations Meintenance Foreman A Railways Operations Neintenancs Foreman B Railways Operations Maintenanos Leadman & Reilways Operations Meintenanoe Leadman 8 and regpensbilies atfched thereto) Annex B (Category Il oie to postoa whose qualcaton aaa (2S) reqite no eligi in vw ofthe ies Position Title Railways Oporations/Maintenance Towerman IRaiivays Operations/Maintenence Worker A |Raliways Operalionsivaintenence Worker B [Recreation Facies AttendanvAide Retgious Worker [Reproduction Machine Operator A [Reproduction Machine Operator B Reproduction Vachine Operator Reproduction Machine Operator I FReproducton Machine Operator Ii [Resident Conductor Rodent Zone inspector Scaler [Science Aide Seaman ‘Seamstress {Senior Blueprint Machine Operator (NAPOCOR) [Senior Dooument Binder Senior Letter Garier Senior Lifeguard [Senior Mell Sorter Senior Meson [Senior Reproduction Machine Operator Senior Water Maintenance Man B [Senior Water/Sewerage Maintenance Man & [Senior Water'Sewerage Maintenance Man 8 Shipping Ade [Shoemaker Sigraiman Social Welfare Ade [Speech Laboratory Technicien [Stevedore Stevedore Leadman Steward Satcher [Siteherl [Siteher Tr [Storekeeger D Storekeeper [Supenising Siueprint Machine Operator [Supervising Bookbinder [Supervising Document Binder Annex B [Category Il (so postions whose qualfatn strdarks (0S) rqure ne eligibility in vew oftho dbs anv esporsbites atest thereto) Position Title [Supervising Photoengraver [Supervising Reproduction Machine Operator [survey Aide A [Survay Aide B Surveyman |Switchyard Operator (NAPOCOR) FTator Tetent Coordinator [Tax Mapping Aide Technology and Liveliiood Operations Aigo Telegram Carrier Ticketbinder Ticketbinder I Ticketbinder I Ticketbinder IV Ticket Checker FTookeeper Tracer Trafic Aide | Trac Aide Taf: Aide Train Conductor Train Foreman Transport Conduotor! Conductress Tree Merker Utity Foreman tity Worker & ity Worker & Utility Worker tity Worker I VIR Editor venom Extractor Waiter A Waiter 8 Waiter waite vatehran | Watehran I Watehman I hater Maintenance Foreman Water Maintenance Man A Water Maintenance Man B Annex B (Catagory Ill (oor postion whee qualfcatcn sanarts(0S)eauce no ety ni oft cies snd sponses aacos the) Position Title \Weter Maintenance Men C \Weter Purp Operator ‘Water Resources Faclities Tender A |Weter Resources Faxiltios Tender B Weter/Sewerago Maintenance Foreman \WeteriSewerage Naintenance General Foreman lWateriSewerage Waintenance Head lWateriSewerage NVaintenance Man A |WateriSewerage Mainienance Man B WateriSewerage Wainienance Man C [Weather Observation Aide [Work Order Tracer Annex C Category IV etustopastos wi, ppc oferta apie, sal eure rites lo pa perp lcoeas ad net becher omen ol he postions License Position Title lai Trafic Controllers License! Aeronautical |siaion Operator License [ir Traffic Conroller Examiner Air Traffic Contoler Examiner I [Ar Trafichtanagemeni Officer JAir Traffic Managament Oficer II lr Trafic Management Oficer [Ar Trafic Management Officer IV [Ar Trafic Manacement Oficer V lar Trafic Senoes Supervisor [assistant Director General, A Trafic Senco [Assiscant rector General Ar Telfc Senice [ATS Depariment Manager, Air TraffcSenia [ATS Division Manager, Air Traffe Service (Chit Air Traffis Controier Senior A Trafic Contoller [Suoenising Ar Trafic Contolee TT Aircraft Meintenance Technician License [arorafi Meintenance Safely Inspector | Fircrafi Maintenance Sefety Inspecior | Aircraft Mechanic Examiner It Senior Aircraft Maintenance Sale inspector Supenising Arerft Maintenance Safety inspector Jtrame and Power Plant License (Aircraft |vtechanic License [Avera Procuctonfiaintenanoe ASSIaTt A [Arcratt Production’ Maintenance ASSStant B [Rcrat ProdusToniMaintenance Resistant c [Aral Producton/Maintenance Chie fAverat ProductoniMaintenance Spostalst A IAiciat ProductouMaintenance Specialist icra Production Mantenance Specialst © [arcrah Production ainienance Supenisor [RreafRvionics Mrantenaroe SUpENVsOr [Aviation Safely Regulations OficerT [Aviation Safely Regulations Offeer Tl [Grief ArcrattNeainionance Officer [aualiy ContovAssurance Chief PADC) [Guality ContoPAssurance Inspector (PADC) [ually ControvAsstrance Officer PAD) _ ‘Senior Arcran wecharic [Senior Aviation Safety Regulations Officer Senfor ually ConoVAssurance Inspector (ADC) Aine Transport Pilot License [Depertnent Marager Il, Amen Examination Board [Department Manager Il, Fight Operations Dopartment Deoartnent Manager ill Licensing ard Certifoaton Deparment bison Chet, Armen Licensing Division, Livensing anc Ge Deparment ication Division Chief Il, Commercial Air Transport Operations Certficaion and Inspection Division, Flight Oparatons Departrent Category IV etostopston wi, prota ofoumasot gp, sel eure piso posi pproileteloneas and noo te arr aque! he postions License Position Tile Division Chief Ill, General Aviation Operations Certification and inspection Division, Flight Operations Department Division Chee Ill, Flight Operatons Contal Safely Inspection Division, Flight Operations Degartment vision Chet Ii, Proiiency Check and Skils Test vision, Licensing ard certication Deparment itn Transport Pio! 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I, Commercial Air Tranaport Operations Cerification and nspeation Division, Airworthiness Department |Dvsion Chet Il, General Aviation Operations Gericaon and Inspecton ivsion, worthiness Depertment [Department Manage Ul, Alrwortiness Deparment Fight Operations Offer Examiner, Armen Examination Board [Senior Airrft aintenance Safety Inspector [Superdising Acrat Maintenance Safety Inspector ieralt Cabin Safety Inspector | cabin Safety Inspector fircrati Cabin Safety specter I Senior Aircraft Cabin Safely inspector lot Exeminer Pst Examines [Senior Fgh! nspaction lot |Conmercial Pict License Senior Pilot Exariner, Approved Training Orgencation & Certficaion and Inspection Dision Senior Pilot Examiner, Proficiency Check and SHils Test Dhision Supervising Pilot Examiner Fight Enginaers Linense Fight Engineer Exeriner | Fight Ooerations Officer License Fight Cperations Officer Exeriner Category IV - nis ors whic pssst pmar spine share cronies pss te proprate anaes ard other ae i Ds Annex C [License Position Title Fight Operations Officer License [Serie Aviation Safely Regulations Oficer 'Suporvsing Aviation Safety Regulatons Officer Pilot License [Bank Pict (Check Prot T [CheckPRotT [Check Piot I Check Pict [CheckPict [check ict V Pilot (TRANSCO) PIOKA Pit [Pike Pitt Pit) Piatt St Professional Drivers License [ChaufferI) Aimnstiaive Aide V [(Chauffor I) Adminsreive Aide VI (Chautfer I) Administrative Resistant T [Chauifer Vj Administave AesstantT (Orver ) Administratve Aide I (Over ih Adrinsalne Ade NV |(Orver Ip Legitatve Slat Assistant | [Driver] Foreqn Senice Stat Employee Il (Driver General Utliymany Foreign Service Sia Employee I [[Divarlvessenge) Foreign Serace Staemoloyee adr SSS Diver [Divert iver V river-Courie | [Diver Corer [DinerCourer TT [pnerCorem™ Diver techaio 3 [Driving Skills Rater Pete Uy venes Dee [Truck Driver ot J Security Guerd License Forest Gueré (VAPOGOR) Senior Forest Ranger (NAPOCOR) Tacstral Securiy Guard [Industral Secunty Guard B Lndustia SeouriyClard SSCS Security Guard Securty Guard [Seourky Guard Senor ngustiel Security Guard Senior Industiel Securly mspecior [Supervising Senunty Guerd (NAPOCORY Annex C Category IV = ies ‘ooestans mt tr puse fear pion sal mai pies e poses te appropriate licenses end meattho oe equenant ol the postions License Position Title | Wardress Securiy Guard License Ped TCB Ratio Lceise [oheak Fight Racho Operator

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