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&Cablesizer a + NewCat Technical Notes 1. Introduction These technical notes provide detais on bow Cablesier is constructed, and in particular, the limitations ofthe sing caleulations. First, it mst be stressed that these caleiations are for low voltage eables only (<1KV) and there is currently no support ven to cable sizing at higher voages Generally speaking, Cablester covers most ofthe common cable sing appliations for domeste and fulustial scenarios, but does not curently cover any special cases Ifyould ike a particular case included, please contact ws at sontact@eahlesze com 2, NEC Cable Sizing “The fllowingtccecal note are applzable forthe NEC cable size caleuations ‘+ Ampacity calcubstions are based on NFPA 70, ‘National Beetrty Code’, 2011 edition + Voge drop caleultons are based on standard volage drop formule. Cable resistances and reactance are approximate and are based on NEC Chapter 9 Table 9 (in PVC conduit) and estinates based on manuficturer data for cable sizes >1250kemi. These impedance valses need tobe verified by the wer + No support given to cable sian. for vokages >1kV + No support fr sing of cables supported on messenger (NEC Table 310, 15(BX20), are conductors in fee air (NEC Table 310.15(B21)),fexble cords (NEC Article 400) and integrated gus spacer eables (NBC Article 326) + No support for sing cables smaller than 14 AWG + No support forthe special cases of AC and MC cables in Article 310.15(B)(3) Notes 4 and $ 3. IEC Cable 1% The following technical nies are applicable fr the IBC cable sizng cautions Ampacity calculations are based on IBC 60364-5-52, "Low vokage clcticalistallations - Part 5-52: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Wiring Systems", 2009 + Short ercuit temperature re cautions ate based on TEC 60364--54, "Low vollageelecial astalaions - Part 5-54: Selection and erection of electrical equpmerd - Earth arrangements and protective conductors" 2001 + Voage drop calculations are hased on standard voltage drop formulae Cable resistances and reactanes are approximate and are based on typical conservative values and need to he veried bythe user, For deratng factors of gouped eables in ee ak (IBC 60364-5-52 Table B.52.20), the number of tay o lider layers only 0 fom | to 3. The 6th ayer 8 omited For ulerground clearances (IBC 60364-5-52 Table B 5218 and Table B.52 19), tbe clearances 0,12Sm, Im and one cable diameter were omitted for the barmontzation between cables tha are direct buried (Table B 52.18) and those bured in condua (Table B 52.19) pytigt © 2013 About Blog Disclaimer apa he! r

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