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Chemistry Syllabus 2015-2016
Patriot HS

Mrs. Brown
Room B223

I am so looking forward to our year together as we explore this exciting subject! Please keep this in the front of your
Chemistry notebook to reference. The curriculum is based upon the Next Generation Science Standards. The
major units covered this year will be:
Properties of Matter
Atomic Structure
The Periodic Table
Chemical Reactions
Acids and Bases
To follow Patriots vision of: Pursuing excellence in learning and character within the Patriot
To obtain mastery of the standards for high school chemistry as set forth by the Next Generation Science
To develop skills that will prepare you to be successful in life.
You are expected to have with you every day paper and pens or pencils (you must have a pencil for taking tests).
You will need to have two notebooks. The first (preferably a 3-ring binder) is to keep the materials you receive or
create in Chemistry, as well as, for your supply of paper needed for assignments. You should keep your returned
work in this notebook to use as a resource for studying for tests and quizzes. The second will be a spiral notebook
or bound lab journal. This will be used to take notes and for writing assignments. It will be checked and turned in
separately from your other work. You will also need a scientific calculator.
You will have a variety of assignments including in-class and homework assignments. Additionally, you will conduct
a number of lab experiments and/or activities throughout the year. The labs are designed to reinforce and expand
upon the information given during lecture.

Labs are an integral part of this curriculum. If you fail to complete a lab, not only will you lose points, but
you will miss out on several key concepts and understandings. As a result, try not to be gone during lab days.
You MUST pass the lab safety quiz before being able to participate in any labs. If you break any glassware or lab
equipment, you will have to pay a lab fine to get that item replaced. PLEASE be careful during labs!!

Generally, you will take a variety of quizzes and a test for each chapter. Quizzes may be announced or
unannounced and may be tests of comprehension, vocabulary, or spelling. Only chapter tests may be retaken to
improve your grade. The maximum score awarded on a retake is 85%. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO SET
UP THE RETAKE TIME. To set up a retake time, a request to retest form must be filled out and turned in to me.
You will have a comprehensive final for each semester.
Unless otherwise specified, all homework assignments are due at the beginning of the period. All assignments are
due when called for and any assignment turned in after that time, even if it is during the same period, will be
considered late. Late assignments will receive a 20% reduction from the assignments score. No late assignments
for a chapter will be accepted after the completion of the following chapter test.
Attendance is extremely important! If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to complete all missed work.
On your first day back, you need to check the class agenda on the whiteboard to see what you missed and gather
any worksheets from the day missed from the absence crate. If the work missed is unclear, then come see me for
clarification. You have as many days as you were absent to turn in the work with a completed absence form
attached. It may not be possible to make up some work, such as lab activities and questions on videos after an
absence. If possible, another assignment will be given to replace the missed assignment.
Extra credit is exactly that, EXTRA. There may be extra credit available throughout the year, however, in order to be
eligible for the extra credit, you will need to have completed at least 75% of the assigned coursework. Extra credit
is designed to augment the curriculum, not as a bailout at the end of the term.

The grades will be weighted accordingly:


Percentage of Grade

Grading Scale



A = 90% - 100%



B = 80% - 89%
C = 70% - 79%
D = 60% - 69%
F = 0% - 59%

There is a zero tolerance policy towards cheating. Students found cheating by either giving or getting help will
receive no credit for the assignment, including tests, and will not be allowed to make it up. Continued cheating may
result in failing the class. Further information about the schools policies regarding cheating and its consequences
can be found in your student handbook.

My role as your teacher is to provide you with the opportunity to learn the information presented in this course. The
decision, desire, and effort to learn must come from you. Your success in this course will be enhanced if you will
adhere to the following expectations.
You are expected to engage in those behaviors that will enhance your opportunities to learn
without detracting from the opportunities for others. You may do this through:
1. RESPECT. Respect your classmates, teacher assistants, teacher, and the classroom and the
equipment inside it. Do not forget to also respect yourself by always doing the best you can.
2. Being in your seat when the tardy bell rings (working on the bell work) and remaining there. Be
prepared for class by having your textbook, notebook, paper, pencils, pens, and assignments
when you come to class.
3. Following directions at all times (your safety may depend on it!).
4. Following all school rules.
5. Working on Chemistry assignments when provided time to do so. Dont waste the time youre
given in class.
6. Refraining from eating or drinking in class. There is to be NO food, drink, or gum in the
classroom. If you have any of these out in class, you will be asked to throw the food, drink, or
gum away. In a laboratory setting this can be a serious safety hazard.

1. First offense - verbal warning
2. Second offense - placement on referral and written assignment
3. Third offense - placement on referral and parent contact
4. Fourth offense - referral sent to guidance coordinator
Severe violations will result in an immediate referral
School board policy and state code specify that cell phones and electronic devices are not to be used in the
classroom. Students using or having these items out in class will have them confiscated and, upon the third
infraction, turned in to the office. Parents, please help your child comply with this by not calling or texting them
during class. If there is an urgent need to contact your child, please do so by calling the main office so they may
relay your message to your child. Cell phones and electronic devices may not be out or used during tests or
quizzes. If these devices are out or used during tests or quizzes, they will be confiscated and the student will
receive a zero on the test or quiz with no option to retake it.
If you need to meet up will me to make up test or quizzes or for additional help, I am available after school. I will not
ask you to make up tests, quizzes, or other assignments during another class time, because this is not fair to your
other teacher or you. Please see me to make arrangements to meet after school when we can both be available.
Please sign and return the attached sheet.

Chemistry 2015-2016 Contract

I have read and understand the syllabus for Mrs. Browns Chemistry class and agree to abide by
its policies and procedures.

Student Name (print)

Student Signature


Parent Signature

Parent phone number(s)

Parents email address

Please check which of the following apply to you.

I have access to a computer at home
I have access to a printer at home
I have access to the Internet at home

Any special notes for Mrs. Brown


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