2.0 Methodology: 2.1 Flow Chart

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2.1 Flow chart.

Identify the topic.

Find the information.

Finalize the topic

Identify the objectives.

Gathering data.

2.2 Data collection.

Basically, secondary data is the data that are cheaper and easy to find than the primary
data. It also may be available when primary data cannot be found. According to At Work
Issue 54 (2008), secondary data can be examined over a longer period of time. When
doing this assignment, the author used secondary data from Nestless annual report which
is more accurate. Any companys annual report really helpful because from there the
author or researcher can gain a lot of information about the company instead of company
website. Secondary data tends to be readily available and it is not expensive to obtain.
Both primary data and secondary data have their pros and cons. Primary data offers
tailored information but tends to be expensive to conduct and takes a long time to
process. For example, government data that must be purchased. Meanwhile, secondary
data usually not expensive to obtain and can be analyzed in less time.

2.3 Limitations of study.

2.3.1 Lack of time

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