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Side-by-Side Youth Page

In St. Paul Youth Group we will try to help others and ourselves grow in their faith while promoting a
nice environment to share our thoughts and ideas. -Senior High Youth

Senior High Side-by-Side Youth

Lets Stay Connected: If you are interested in whats going on in the youth group and would like updates, join us on
twitter! Follow us @StPaulDanbury to keep up!
Calling ALL High School Youth of St Paul and St John: We are going to meet at Coffee Express in Port Clinton,
128 W. Second St (across from the Post Office), for talk & treats on Sunday, April 12th, around 12 or 12:15. See
Helmi Freeh for Coffee Express' loyalty customer punch card or pick one up when you meet us there.
Youth Gathering in Detroit At this writing, 4 of our youth are in Detroit with a few thousand other Lutheran Youth
from all over the country and world. We will hear from them on July 26th at both congregations as they share their
inspiration from this event in the Sunday Message. Thank you to our leaders, Helmi and Chris Freeh, for organizing
our participation, and accompanying our youth. They are Seth and Mason French, Erik Wadsworth, and Heather

Senior High
Side-by-Side Youth

A huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to the
congregations of St John and St Paul for
the many ways you supported us in being
able to attend the 2015 National Youth
Gathering in Detroit! What an awesome
experience to be a part of! The Lord has
used us in ways to challenge ourselves,
interact with others, and to accompany
youth and leaders to go out into the world
to share the good news of His forgiveness
and love!

Youth Sunday
1st Sun. of each Month
Sign up on the easel on the ramp at
church to help with greeting, ushering,
lecturing (reading). Watch for texts and
calls from Chris and Helmi. See Pastor
Chris if you can help with Special Music.

Sunday School for

Preschool 8th
Sunday School We are excited to
announce that a new curriculum is
ordered. More information coming! We
will be using this exciting new curriculum
for all of our classes - Preschool,
Elementary, Jr. High, High School, Young
Adults, and Adults classes, so everyone
will be studying the same thing, allowing
families to have great discussion follow-up
at home. We are in need of a High School
teacher, part time teachers, and subs. See
Chrissy French if you can help! (Rally Day

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