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Michael Hinojosa, Ed.D.

Interim Superintendent of Schools

Educating all Students for Success

August 12, 2015


Michael Hinojosa, Ed.D., Interim Superintendent


Justin Coppedge, Deputy Chief of Staff

SUBJECT: Matrcula Consular (Mexican Consulate Card)

In June of this year, Dallas County Records, following the lead of the Texas Department of State
Health Services began no longer accepting the Mexican Consulate-issued identification card, known
as a matrcula consular, as an acceptable form of identification when requesting a birth certificate for
a U.S. born child. This change in policy regarding the acceptance of the matrcula consular as a form
of identification has resulted in questions regarding its impact on Dallas ISD.
Attached to this memo are documents that have been provided to campuses to help provide clarity in
areas were questions or concerns may exist. It is important to note two things:
1) Dallas ISD has not, and will not, prevent a student from enrolling nor withdraw a
student because they are unable to produce required documentation. While a birth
certificate is the preferred document for enrollment, the district also accepts a number of
alternate documents. Should a students parent or guardian be unable to provide any of the
accepted documents, the student will still not be prevented from enrolling nor will they be
2) Parents or guardians of a student are not, and will not be, prevented from visiting their
student at school as a result of being unable to provide identification that is compliant with the
Raptor background check system. However, according to policy, anyone who is unable to be
processed through the Raptor system must be accompanied by a district staff member while
they are on campus.
I have also attached a FAQ document regarding this situation that addresses some of the most
common questions regarding this situation.

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