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10 Global I.

T Trends
IT or Information Technology refers to anything and everything associated to networking,
hardware, software, computer based technology, and the internet (, 2015). The
development and enhancement of information technology has significantly improved our
lives (, 2015). It has made our lives better, easier and more productive.
Global trend is an overall development or modification in a situation, product, and media that
affects many countries on a global scale (Dictionary, 2015).
The 10 Global I.T Trends Ive selected in no particular order are:1- Computing Everywhere
The term "Computing everywhere" refers to services and functions that are accessible on all
devices and software platforms. The growth in mobile use over the past few years has led to a
substantial demand for products and services that are available on mobile devices (Android
Smartphones, Apple IPhones) and cloud platforms such as Google Drive, Dropbox and
SkyDrive (, 2015).
Computing services such as basic applications, cloud computing, software utilities and
multimedia functions are being used by everyone in the world. Capturing memories in
photographs and videos, writing and editing documents, streaming, listening to music,
networking and gaming can all be done on computer based devices such as smartphones,
desktop PCs, laptops, notebooks and gaming consoles. This follows trend in South Africa as
well, we use educational social network sites such as Edmodo to communicate with teachers
and other students. We use our smartphones for everything here in South Africa, social
networking, instant messaging, online shopping, storage of media and theres even an app
thats been developed to notify users of active Load Shedding in their areas.

(Ireri, 2015)
2- Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is basically the storage and retrieval of programmes and data over the
Internet as an alternative or substitute to storing this data and programs on your PCs hard
drive (PCMAG, 2015).
**video goes here**
Cloud computing is used by both the common people and businesses for various purposes.
Benefits for the common purpose that uses cloud computing would be that its cost efficient,
backup and recovery, easy access to information and quick deployment (Viswanathan, 2015).
Benefits to businesses that implement or use cloud computing services/systems would be
reduced costs on technology infrastructure, improved availability, reduced initial costs,
economies of scale and backup and recovery (, 2015).
The implementation of a cloud computing system significantly shifts the workload. Local
PCs no longer have to have numerous applications installed on them. Hardware and software
strains significantly decrease on the users part. The users computer will only have to run the
cloud computing systems software which is most often a Web Browser (Strickland, 2015).
The use of cloud computing is being used by millions globally every single day. In South
Africa we use these services in the forms of online storage services (Google Drive, Dropbox
and SkyDrive), and even music streaming services such as Deezer.

3- Telework/Virtual Offices

Due to the vast use of cloud computing capabilities and other technological developments
in workplace connectivity, many corporations worldwide are recognising the cost-saving
benefits of virtual office environments (, 2015). By phasing out of
traditional physical office-based business and corporation models toward remote network
arrangements, more and more businesses are taking advantage of this new technology to
reduce overhead and increase productivity (, 2015).
Telework/Virtual offices eliminate the need for face to face meetings. Virtual work
benefits the environment because less people will be traveling in cars, trains and buses,
which drops the amount of vehicle emissions and cuts fuel usage (Mayhew, 2015).

(Skype for Busines Team, 2015)

The use of virtual offices is being used widely across the world but not so much here in
South Africa. I think many South African businesses and corporations need to implement
virtual offices to reduce costs, vehicle emissions and increase productivity. I foresee a few
problems with implementing virtual offices in South Africa and the main problem would
be Loadshedding but many businesses already have UPSs and backup generators as

4- Smart Machines/Devices

We live in an age of smart machines and smart devices such as smart watches, TVs,
smartphones, vehicles, robots and even smart washing machines.
Machines have been used in industries to conduct various functions and tasks that are
dangerous for humans or repetitive in nature (Alfreds, 2015). With the addition of
technological capability has seen the improvement of machines that could conduct tasks or
function without any human involvement (Alfreds, 2015).
There are a few risks with smart devices and more so with smart wearable technology
(Alfreds, 2015). The risk of smart wearable technology leaking out sensitive and personal
data is that criminals can use against you is a worrying factor about smart devices (Alfreds,
Smart technology is rapidly growing and will continue to grow - particularly in households
and medical fields. According to results from industry tracker Juniper Research, revenue
from smart home technologies is set to exceed $71bn by 2018, a massive jump from the
$33bn in 2013 (Alfreds, 2015).
There are many smart machines being developed in South Africa, one of them being a fully
automated tractor which will be used for ploughing, disking, tilling, and harrowing.
5- Intelligent Enterprise
Software that learns and adapts is no longer a once of single project. It must be an allinclusive effort that pushes discovery and innovation throughout the organisation and
enterprise. Intelligent Enterprise is creating its machines smarter and embedding software
intelligence into every facet of its business and organisation to drive new levels of operational
productivity, development, and innovation (Accenture Technology Vision, 2015).
A current market example would be Shazam which is an application available free of charge
on IOS, Android and Windows Mobile phones. Shazam is used to identify titles, artists and
albums of songs by listening to the song itself (, 2015). Shazam can
determine hit songs approximately 33 days before they make the top of the Billboard Hot 100
(, 2015).
The power of software intelligence used carefully can give companies an edge in the market
and help them become more competitive in the market as well as boost productivity levels
(Accenture Technology Vision, 2015).

(Genpact, 2015)

6- Web-Scale I.T
Web-Scale I.T is all of the things happening at large cloud services firms such as Google,
Amazon, Netflix, and Facebook that allows them to attain high levels of service delivery as
compared to their enterprise competition (, 2015).
7- 3D Printing
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects
from a digital file (3D Printing, 2015).
3D Printing is big globally but isn't that big of a deal here in South Africa due to the high
costs involved. With the cheapest 3D printer being around R15 000 here in Durban, I don't
think it's going to be a craze as the people cannot afford it. The USA has a concept store a lot
like "Build a Bear" that uses 3D printing instead. The customer goes in the store and designs
his/her toy on the PC, pays for it and presses print and in just a few minutes your very own
design of toys will be created. Once again, i don't see this being big in South Africa due to it
being too expensive.
8- Risk Based Security and Self Protection

(, 2015)
Security will always be an issue and this means that there must always be security updates,
new security protocols, firewalls and passwords at bay (, 2015). According to
Gartner (2015), firewalls and other security measures are not enough; every application needs
to be self-protecting and self-aware at all times.

9- Microsoft Hololens (Holographic)

Holographic computing is amongst us, the Microsoft Hololens is the first transparent
holographic computer (Microsoft HoloLens, 2015). The Hololens will run on Windows 10
operating system and boast features such as high-definition holograms, voice command
features, gesture controls and environmental understanding (Microsoft HoloLens, 2015).

10- Software-Defined Applications and Infrastructure

Agile programming is a vital method of software development to allow organizations to
transport the flexibility necessary to make the digital business work efficiently and
productively (, 2015). Software-defined networking, data centres, storage and
security measures are growing (, 2015).

(Reymer, 2015)

3D Printing, (2015). What is 3D printing? How does 3D printing work?. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 12 Aug. 2015].
Accenture Technology Vision 2015 Digital Business Era: Stretch Your Boundaries.
(2015). 1st ed. [ebook] Accenture. Available at: [Accessed 12 Aug. 2015]., (2015). Intelligent Enterprise Software - Accenture Technology
Vision. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Aug. 2015].
Alfreds, D. (2015). Smart machines to increasingly take control of our lives. [online]
Fin24. Available at: [Accessed 12 Aug. 2015]., (2015). Web-Scale IT I know it when I see it Boundary.

[online] Available at:
[Accessed 12 Aug. 2015].
Dictionary, g. (2015). global trend Meaning in Cambridge Business English
Dictionary. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8
Aug. 2015]., (2015). Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for
2015. [online] Available at: [Accessed
12 Aug. 2015].
Genpact, (2015). The Intelligent Enterprise. [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Aug. 2015]., (2015). What is Computing Everywhere and Why Should Your
Company Care? - Gizmoxts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2015]., (2015). 5 Growing IT Industry Trends & Developments. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 12 Aug. 2015].
Ireri, P. (2015). Computing Everywhere & IoT: How will it transform the way we
conduct business & our lives?. [image] Available at:
Y0LWJhOGQtNGQ3ZS04ZTRiLWE0NjE0MTg1ZmI5ZQ.png [Accessed 11 Aug.
Mayhew, R. (2015). What Are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Virtual Offices and
Telecommuting?. [online] Small Business - Available at: [Accessed 12 Aug. 2015].
Microsoft HoloLens, (2015). Microsoft HoloLens. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2015].
PCMAG, (2015). What Is Cloud Computing?. [online] Available at:,2817,2372163,00.asp [Accessed 10 Aug. 2015].
Reymer, D. (2015). Software-Defined Applications and Infrastructure. [image]
Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2015].

Skype for Busines Team, (2015). Polycom CX5500 used in Lync Online Meeting..
[image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Aug. 2015].
Strickland, J. (2015). How Cloud Computing Works. [online] HowStuffWorks.
Available at: [Accessed 11 Aug. 2015]., (2015). IT (Information Technology) Definition. [online] Available
at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2015]., (2015). How technology has affected our everyday lives | New Technology
Review. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2015]., (2015). Risk-Based Security and Self-Protection. [image]
Available at: [Accessed 12
Aug. 2015]., (2015). 10 Benefits of Cloud Computing. [online] Available at: [Accessed
11 Aug. 2015].
Viswanathan, P. (2015). What You Should Know Before Moving to the Cloud.
[online] Tech. Available at: [Accessed 11 Aug. 2015].

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