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Operations Committee Minutes

We improve lives. In big ways through learning, healing and discovery.
In small, personal ways through human connection. But in all ways, we improve lives.

Purpose: Solving Operation Challenges in Real Time

Facilitator: Chris McStay & April Koehler


Date: April 15, 2015

Out Today:

Scribe: Alison Neet

Location: New ED Conference Room

Time: 10:30-12:00


Pulse Ox Guideline & Red Bin

Update: Julie Edgerton

Review Pulse Ox Guideline printed out for meeting

Review Red Bin Project PowerPoint print out

Make spelling corrections and review with Toxicology (Dr Monte or
Hoyte) to confirm the doses and times. Work with Robin/Brandi to
refine language before taking to committee
Decision is to keep red bins out of patient rooms. Jack Rupert will discuss
with materials to find out if bins can go to other location or be recycled

Performance Excellence in each Global Path to Success Measure will drive the Mission, Vision and Values of UCHealth.
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