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1. Whats your name?

2. Where are you from? / Where do you come from?

I come from

/ Im from

3. Whats your surname / family name?

4. Whats your first name?

5. Whats your address?

6. Where do you live?

7. Whats your (tele)phone number?

8. How old are you?

9. Where were you born?

10. Are you married?

/ I live in

/ Im.years old.

/ I was born in.

11. English-Speaking-Country
12. What do you do? / Whats your job?

13. Where did you go?

14. What did you do?

15. Where were you?


16. Have you got a car / job / house / etc.?

17. Have you got any children / friends / books / etc.?

18. Can you play tennis / golf / football / etc.?

19. Can you speak English / French / Japanese / etc.?

20. Could you speak English / French / Japanese / etc.?

when you were five / two / fifteen / etc. years old?

21. How do you do. Pleased to meet you.

22. How are you?

5 / 2 / 15 /

/ Fine, thanks. And you?

23. How can I help you? / May I help you?

24. Can I try it on?

26. How would you like to pay?



25. How much does it cost? / How much is it?

/ By credit / cash

27. Can I pay by credit card / check / debit card?

28. Have you got something bigger / smaller / lighter / etc.?

29. Whats that?

30. What time is it?

31. Can / May I open the window?

hot in here!

34. Whose is this / that?

35. What do you like?

to music.

33. Is this your / his / her / etc. book / ball / house / etc.?

/ Certainly. Its

32. Are there any apples / sandwiches / books / etc.?

/ I like playing tennis, reading and listening

36. What does he look like?

37. What would you like?

38. What is it like?

/ Hes tall and slim.

39. Whats the weather like?

/ Its raining at the moment.

40. Would you like some coffee / tea / food?

41. Would you like something to drink / eat?

42. What are you going to do tomorrow / this evening / next week / etc.?


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