Twitter: Word, Your Followers. Conversely, You Can Read The Tweets of The

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Twitter is growing at an impressive ______. Now, what does Twitter

look like? How does it work? And how do you get started with it? In
this film you'll learn everything you need to know to get started with
The word Twitter mean to _______chirp, hence the little bird that
you see in the logo. To (= in oder to =de) twitter is to send out short
messages, which are known as tweets. When you send such a
message, it can be read by everyone who follows you. __in other
word, your followers. Conversely, you can read the tweets of the
people you follow.
For example, with Twitter, you can send out short message of news
that are interesting for your circle of friends, or in a professional
context, for your colleague clients and other interested parties.
Thats why Twitter is called a social medium. You get to know what
the people in your network are busy with, and vice-versa
Twitter messages are text messages but they can also contain links
to webpages, photos or short films. Today, many news messages
appear first on Twitter before they are taken up by traditional ______.

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