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People Are People





English Language Arts

Mr. Pagnotta

09, 32 pupils, 75mins

Students will understand the denotation of various words that are often thought as interchangeable
such as sex and gender. They will understand a scope of varying life styles and experiences.

Teacher Guide

Student Guide


Addressing the facts, not the validity

or opinions on said facts. Educating
students about different lifestyles
that they may encounter in life.
Bringing attention to injustice and

Explores knowledge and problemsolving skills. While absorbing new

concepts involving marginalized
groups of people.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12.

C1. Discussions. C2. Watching

C3. Exit slip.


Post different words in different

sections of the room. Give students
slips of paper with definitions or
sayings related to one of the words
posted around the room and have
them find and sit under their word. (5
Call out different words and have the
students read out whats on their card.
After each word give a debriefing and
answer any questions. (25 minutes)
Have the students return to their seats
in pairs and have them fill in the
crossword puzzle, then review (10
Watch videos and discuss (20
Silent reading: Leelah Alcorns Suicide
letter. (5 minutes)
Exit slip: What information did you
learn today that you didnt know

Figure out where youre placed

based on your saying or definition
and join a group.
Participate in discussions, feel free to
ask questions.
Do the cross word puzzle in pairs.
Check over the answers and ask
questions if still unclear.
Watch videos and participate.
Read Leelahs Letter silently, answer
Exit Slip.

Teacher Guide

Student Guide

before in regards to gender? If you

already knew where did you learn?(5


Rearrange classroom for easy

movement. Just in case time (10
minutes). Book computer lab.

After activity place the desks back to

normal, pay attention, and
participate in classroom activities.

Materials: Vocabulary word pages, little sayings and definition slips, and Crossword: YouTube and
Projector. RMR: Rick's Rant - Teen Suicide, Watermelon, Russia Declares Discrimination Newest
Olympic Sport, Key & Peele - School Bully. Kat Blaque: LET THEM BE WHO THEY WANT TO BE, 10
minutes total. Student materials.

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