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(i) Two animals which have nineteen pairs of chromosomes.

(ii) The type of gene which in the presence of a contrasting allele is not expressed.
(iii) The branch of science dealing with heredity.
(iv) A hereditary disease in which blood does not clot.
(v) The unit of heredity.
(vi) The number of pairs of autosomes in human being.
(vii) The condition of both the alleles being identical.
(viii) The chemical substance constituting genes.
(ix) The sex chromosome of male.
(x) The allele which expresses itself on the other.
(xi) The genetic make up of an organism.
(xii) A cross between one pair of contrasting character.
(xiii) Two sex linked inherited diseases.
(i) Cat and sheep.
(ii) Recessive genes.
(iii) Genetics.
(iv) Haemophilia.
(v) Genes.
(vi) 22 pairs.
(vii) Homozygous.
(viii) DNA.
(ix) X and Y.
(x) Dominant.

(xi) Genotype.
(xii) Monohybrid cross.
(xiii) Haemophilia & Colour Blindness.

Question .2. State whether the following are true or false :

(i) The chemical present in gene is RNA.
(ii) Both the identical allele are called homozygous.
(iii) The genetic make up of an organism is called phenotype.
(iv) Two arms of a chromosome is called centromere.
(v) The plant used by Mendel was sweet pea.
(i) F
(ii) T
(iii) F
(iv) F
(v) F.

Question .3. Define by giving an example :

(i) Allele.
(ii) Phenotype.
(iii) Homozygous.
(iv) Heredity.

(v) Genetics
(vi) Trait.

Question .4. In a certain species of animals black fur (B) is dominant over brown fur (b). Predict a
genotype and phenotype of the offsprings when both parents are Bb or have heterozygous black

Question .5. Differentiate the following :

(i) Genotype and Phenotype.
(ii) Autosomes and Sex chromosomes.

Answer : Click Here

Question .6. Answer the following question :

(i) State Mendels law of dominance.
(ii) What is a dihybrid ratio ?
(iii) What are autosomes ?
(iv) What is gene ?
(v) What is genetic disease ? Name two genetic diseases.
(vi) What is DNA ?
(vii) Explain how the sex of a child depends upon its father.
(viii) Why did Mendel select garden pea for his experiments ?

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