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Note on Math 151 Exam 2

Coming Wed. March 25! Exam 2, to your Classroom NE- 60 or GMCS

301.Dont miss it!
Exam 2 covers Sections 7.4, 7.8, 8.1, 8.2, 3.8, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, and 9.5.
Nothing from Chapter 10.
Remark: Make sure you know the behavior of the basic functions such as
ln x , e kx , e kx ,

x # , x # ,

arctan(x) , arcsin(x ) , cos(x) , sin( x ) , tan(x), etc., as

well as the hyperbolic functions cosh(x ) , sinh( x ) . You should at the very
minimum know how to sketch these functions and reason out their behavior
for various values of x , including and . Of course, you should know
how to differentiate and integrate them.
Remark: There will be applied word problems on the exam. Study the
population growth and radioactive decay problems in Section 3.8 and also in
the lecture notes. If given an equation in the form y ky , or y ky , and
additional information such as in the word problems, you
should know how to find the growth or decay constant k , which will then be
needed to further proceed in the problem. Also study the Mixing Problems in
Sections 9.3 and 9.5 which involve setting up and solving differential
equations. You should be able to solve a variety of Separable
Differential equations (9.3) and a variety of Linear Differential equations (9.5)
similar to those
given in the homework assignments and in class.
Remark: If you know by heart or simple reasoning the general solutions of
the equations y kx , or y kx , (Of course they are exponentials from your
study of Calculus I.), then
you are welcome to use the solution without showing all the steps to get the
solution, such
as separating the variables and integrating, or finding an integrating factor
and integrating
a perfect derivative.
Of course, study all the homework assignments and class notes.
Things Definitely not on Exam 2: Orthogonal Trajectories in Section 9.3
(pgs 597, 598, and
Eliminate Hw #29), and Electrical Circuits in Section 9.5.

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