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During its execution, a transaction passes through several states, until it finally commits or
aborts. List all possible sequences of states through which a transaction may pass.
Explain why each state transition may occur.
Give an example where the read one, write all available approach leads to an erroneous
state. How can the above problem be overcome? Discuss.
What is a cascade less schedule? Why are cascades less of schedules desirable? Are there
any circumstances under which it would be desirable to allow noncascadeless schedule.
Explain with example.
How is atomicity maintained during concurrent transactions? How is locking
implemented? Explain the protocol that is used to maintain the concurrency problem.
What is locking? Explain the various locking techniques used to handle the concurrent
SQL transaction for simultaneous users. Give examples for each locking.
Explain the benefits of logical logging. Give examples of one situation where logical
logging is preferable to physical logging and one situation where physical logging is
preferable to logical logging.
How do the DBMS back out the changes made to database if a system failure occurs
during the middle of transaction.
Explain the 2-phase commit protocol of a distributed database. List out the behavior of the
protocol in the presence of different kinds of failures.
The types of failure that can occur in a distributed system include Computer failure(Site
failure), Disk failure, Communication failure.For each possible failure listed above,
explain how the Two Phase Commit Protocol(2PC) ensures transaction atomicity despite
the failure.
What are log sequence numbers (LSNs) in ARIES? How are they used? What information
do the Dirty Page Table and Transaction Table contain? Describe how fuzzy checkpointing
is used in ARIES.
Discuss in detail about concurrency control.
Explain various recovery technique during transaction in detail.
How concurrency is performed? Explain the protocol that is used to maintain the
concurrency concept?

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