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L: It was warm. Far too warm. It was probably just his bad mood, but it was warm.

He was standing on the edge of a river, and he knew good and well that there was no river of this
kind anywhere near home. So...what part of Midgard had he been plunked down in now? For a long
time, he just stared at the water, which was far more peaceful than his thoughts, before he turned
and looked around.
"This can't be right."
Of course not! But he hadn't screwed it all up that badly! Not enough to be thrown, yet again, into
this hellish and primitive oblivion! Had no one a sense of humor?!
He ran a hand through his shoulder-length black hair and sighed. Better to just get moving. Before
he flipped out and destroyed everything within the next ten miles just for fun. Just to ease his
It was warm. Muggy warm.
"This is not right!!!!" He yelled out the words, head thrown back, eyes scanning the skies. He
punctuated the statement with a cry. Finally, he began laughing. "I'll just think up another plan.
And another. Until YOU realise I'M the one who should take your place!!!"
Who was he shouting at?
Who cared?
His green eyes closed, and he began to walk.
F: "Who are you shouting at?" The voice seemed to come from all over and nowhere at the same
time; but in actuality it was only from a tall, slim figure standing down below him beneath the
bridge he was crossing, wading ankle deep along the shore of the small river, or large stream. Her
dress was hiked up around her knees and her delicately pretty face was tilted up towards him,
framed by flowing golden hair. Her eyes were pale blue and wide as they fixed upon the stranger.
But oddest of all were her pointed ears, only revealed when a light breeze blew the hair from over
L: For just a moment, he stood there blinking like a fool. Suddenly, he turned, peering over the
side of the bridge, and found her. Crouching on the edge of the bridge, he gave her a long look.
She was an utter opposite of him. Pale, golden, pretty, fresh, and so different from everything he'd
seen before. And with the breeze, he blinked at her ears. Elf. He knew that much easily.
"Maybe you." Lips curled in a grin, he tilted his head. "I don't suppose you'd consider telling me
where in the name of all the gods I've been set down this time. My fa--" He stopped himself. He's
not my father. Remember that. Your whole life has been a lie.
Let's try this again.
"Where am I?"
F: The woman looked up, her pale blue eyes blinking in the sunlight, as the odd dark man spoke to
her. He was tall and slim with long black hair and seemed very much like an elf, but his ears were
rounded like a human's. Guessing he had had a nasty bump on the head or something, she
decided to humour him. "You are in Middle Earth, my friend, and this is Lothlorien. I take it you're
not from around here?"
L: "Dear, if I were from around here, you would know my face all too well." He rolled the name
over in his head several times. Middle-earth... Sounded as if it was buried halfway inside a planet.
But he did like the sound of Lothlorien.
"And you, love, you're an Elf. Yes?" His dark brows rose, his look one of certainty. "Maybe you'll be
so kind as to tell me who you are, and who runs this place. I believe speaking with them would be
very helpful for my situation."
F: His words were strange to her, but she thought she understood what he wanted. Still ankle
deep in the river, she shielded her eyes from the sun and nodded. "Yes, I am an elf. My name is
Fanfanwen Sadron. Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel are the ones who 'run the place' as you put
it, but they are away on business. I live in the cottage just over the bridge you are now standing on
if you would care for a cup of tea or something."
L: She was a delectable little thing, wasn't she? Probably stronger than she knew or looked, and

yet he had a feeling there was something delicate and fragile about her. All the names she gave
him were strange, and she leaked the information that the rulers were away. "Is that so?" A smirk
crossed his lips and stayed. The dark head tipped. "Well...Fan, perhaps you should take me to
whoever is running things while they are gone. I am not one of your...people." His green eyes
scanned her form again. A lesser god would take advantage of her remote location, and her pretty
"You know", he said, standing, "I think I'll just go for a stroll. Hm? You can see I carry nothing
dangerous on me. I've no bags to be rifled through. So, I'll just let you get back to your day and
show myself in."
She was given the smallest nod as he turned and started over the bridge again.
F: With a frown, Fan gathered up her skirts and waded out of the river, bare feet landing in the
soft grass upon the bank. A hand snatched up the basket in which she dumped the tiny water
plants she had been picking, and Fan clambered up the incline towards the bridge and the tall
dark-haired stranger. "I gave you my name, sir, you could at least give me yours, elf or no. But you
do have the bearing of one of 'my' people," she called after him. "There /are/ guards you know.
Elven archers who can take the eye out of a spider at a hundred paces. They do not miss... and
they do not abide strangers in our lands."
L: He knew she was coming, heard every move she made, heard her feet on the bank. But he
didn't stop to turn until she warned of the archers. Only then did he pause, turn, and come to
stand right in front of her. His lips were curled in an odd and...unreadable smile as he bowed. "My
lady, I am Loki, and your archers are hardly a problem for me. However..." Slowly, he moved,
standing next to her, with his voice low. "If you're so concerned..." He snatched her arm and
hauled her against him. "You can just come with me."
As his shield.
F: She was far stronger than she looked as she jerked her arm away and put some distance
between them. "I beg your pardon! I said that to warn you, not to threaten you!" Astonishment
coloured her fair face as she stood her ground before him, basket at the ready as if to use it as a
L: "Oh-ho!" He had to chuckle, his brows flying high, as she pulled away. She was darling, really.
And her anger only served to make her more so. He crossed an arm over his chest, the elbow of
the other arm resting on it, fist under his chin in a thoughtful pose. After a moment, he pointed,
twirled that finger in a circle.
"You should do that again. That was cute."
He meant no compliment...and would not. Her beauty wasn't something he was about to speak of,
though, much to his dismay, he'd more than noticed it.
With slow steps, he advanced on her. "I think you missed my meaning. You see...Fan...when I said
you can come with me, I meant no invitation." His voice lowered, head tipped forward so that he
watched her through his lashes. "I was not giving you a choice."
F: As he advanced on her, she met his pace with barefoot steps backwards always keeping the
existence distance between them. "H.. how dare you speak to me in such a manner! Just who do
you think you are coming here and making such ... demands!" Her nostrils flared and blue eyes
narrowed as her anger got the better of her. Oh, how she wished she had her swords, Celairanor
and Angaisil - she would show him a thing or two!
L: "You are trying my patience, Fan." His voice hardened, his eyes flashing. "And that is NOT a
wise thing to do." Where did she think she was going to go? Any one of his abilities would mean
her end. For a moment, he actually savored the thought of all the tortures he could come up with
for her. The obvious was not one of them, though. He'd never seen a need for that, nor had he
ever seen a need for any other form of physical contact with a female.
"Would you like me to give you a head start? I will." she was given a wave of his hand. "Go ahead,
if you like. Run. Run, Fan, because I will follow. Run and tell them I'm coming. Tell them to find me,
to shoot me with their arrows. I welcome the challenge!"

F: But Fanfanwen just stood there, staring at him open-mouthed. "You... you are impossible!! I
care not for what you think, nor what you think you can do. I'm going home. You may follow if you
wish." She hiked up her skirts and turned to her right, heading for the cottage hidden amongst the
treetops. As she stomped, she mumbled about how she only tried to be kind and what thanks she
had gotten.
L: Oh, she had guts. And he hated that he had to admire it in her. He had to laugh. "Impossible...
Oh yes indeed." He'd take it as a compliment. He admired her even more when she offered for him
to follow her home. Imagine, he'd threatened her...and all her people...more than once, and she
was offering to have him home with her!
Again, she had guts.
Stunned, he just watched her for a few moments. He had nowhere to go, knew no one, and was
actually becoming hungry. He could easily stroll into their little civilization here and make himself
at home. By the time her lord and lady returned, he'd be sitting in their seats, quite comfortable
and unwilling to give it up without a fight.
He had time for that.
Silent, and hating that he was doing it, he began to follow her, keeping a good distance between
F: Fan hiked to the tree and started up the winding spiral wooden staircase around the trunk,
hidden from view until one got really close. Her tiny bare feet made soft little padding sounds on
the wood as the extremely light elf climbed up to the porch and thew open the unlocked door. As
she passed inside, her eyes immediately flashed towards the fireplace, where her twin swords
were kept on the wall above, well within reach should she need them. She continued through the
organic looking structure to the kitchen where she set the basket down on the table in the centre
and went to the sink to wash her hands. "I would say make yourself at home," she says without
looking, sensing that he has followed, "but I'm afraid you'd just take over."
L: In a tree...? She lived in a a tree? It seemed a little outlandish, a little odd, and
primitive in the extreme, until he got to the home itself. With the door open, he stepped inside,
just by the door, and looked about. It was actually homey. Pretty. Oh, Loki, don't use that term!
How human and weak. Like her, he found the swords quickly, but they instilled no threatened
feeling within him. He had no need to worry about his safety. The door was closed quietly behind
him, his footsteps soft as he allowed his green eyes to wander the whole of the room about him.
His arms crossed over his chest, chin lowered. But he wore a smile. "You're right." And then, he
turned quiet. "But this isn't home." Loathing the idea of showing any softness, he cleared his
throat. "This is temporary, this stop here. I'll just move on my way when I find I'm bored with your
tree-dwelling people."
F: Her keen elven senses tell her far more than his words ever could and she allows herself a
small, smug smile that he cannot see. With a soft chuckle she fills the kettle and puts it over the
fire. "Oh, not everyone lives in the trees. Only we here in Lorien. Elves are close to the earth and to
nature and respect all living things... except orcs, goblins and trolls of course." She dried her hands
on a towel hanging on a hook on the wall, then fussed about laying out the tea things, including a
tin of freshly baked biscuits. "Please, sit. For now, you are welcome to stay."
L: "And why is that? Why in the trees?" He took a step, looking about as if he was immensely
interested in her home. In all truth, he was, for curiosity's sake. Did she stash other weapons about
her home? Shouldn't she have kept something on her, for defense?
"I suppose you mean they're your enemies." He had to test the word 'orc' several times and found
it simple. It seemed laughable. Watching her, he stood back. So domestic. He could challenge her
about telling him what to do, but instead he did as she asked. His stomach was begin to threaten
making a speech.
"I promise I'll create no trouble in your home, Fan." But once he stepped out that door... And
besides, who could trust the words of a god who did nothing but lie and cause mischief?
F: "Because we like it in the trees. It makes us feel more one with the forest in which we live. And
plus long ago it was far safer. Most of these houses have been here for centuries. If they look like

they were grown rather than built, that's because most of them have been." She bustled about
filling the teapot, then set everything on the table whilst the tea steeped. Almost as if reading his
mind, or rather his stomach, she took out things for sandwiches and began filling a few with
cucumber salad. "We may seem a simple, peaceful tree-dwelling folk to you, but I assure you,
most of us have seen more wars and death and misery than anyone has a right to. I, myself have
fought as a warrior when Gondolin fell to Morgoth, and have been Captain of the Guards in Eryn
Lasgalen." She set the tray of finger sandwiches on the table and sat down, pouring each of them
tea in a dainty porcelain cup.
L: "So, all of the people of this forest live as you do, but elsewhere, it's different. Even for people
of the same race." Mental notes were filed away. she began preparing food, and just the smell
made his nose twitch. Every step of her preparations was eyeballed with great interest, his head
tilted as he peered at the cups.
How am I supposed to pick that up without breaking it?
Only his eyes rose. "You? You were a warrior?" Obviously he'd have no idea who she was talking
about, or the locations, but the vision of her as a fighter-No, that he could see.
F: "Exactly. We are elves, but there are different types of elves amongst us. I am Sindarin. We
mostly live in forests but some in cities as well and most of us are blonde, but not all. There are
the Noldor, who are like the elite of our people and most of them are dark haired and live in cities
but, as usual, not all. Then there are the Silvan elves who live in forests but on the ground. They
are slightly lower in status than the Sindarin and Noldor. There are other, more ancient branches,
but they are fewer and fewer as more sail to the undying lands, never to return to Middle Earth.
For, of course, we are immortal. We can be killed, but otherwise we live forever." She set the plate
of sandwiches down between them and placed a porcelain plate in front of them each. "Please,
help yourself. I'm sure you must be hungry." She put sugar in her tea and gave it a stir before
continuing. "Indeed I was. Those swords you spotted as you came in, they were made for me by
the expert elf smiths in Gondolin. They have helped me through many a battle in the early days."
She took a bite of her sandwich and smiled at him, pale blue eyes sparkling almost merrily.
L: Her explanation was dizzying. It was hard not to show it. But there was part of him what
actually liked the information and history she gave. "You are immortal like gods? You must stand
high in the favor of your creator." He mimicked her actions with the tea and food. What am I
doing? Why am I sitting here having tea with this girl as if I belong here, as if this happened every
day, when I should be finding out how I ended up here and how to get home?! This is absurd! And
yet, while he raged inside his own mind, he was sugaring his tea and chewing a bite from a
sandwich just as she did.
I have lost my mind.
"I can see it. I can believe that, Fan. You would fight me now, if you needed to." He took a second
bite and chewed. "You would lose, but you would fight."
F: She could sense that there was more to him than he let on, but she also knew he would reveal
himself in his own time. She silently munched her sandwich as she listened to him, blue eyes
always observing and studying, not missing much. "I would, and maybe I would lose, but you
would never forget me." She grinned and winked as she sipped her tea.
L: There was so much more, and in time, she'd likely see it all and back up in her fear, if not run
outright. He stayed quiet, eating, thinking. But he wasn't getting very far just yet. Something
about this place had his mind on shut-down.
That something was watching him with sparkling blue eyes, winking at him. His brows rose. "Oh?
You think so...?" And damn if he didn't smile. He bit, chewed, and spoke with a much lower voice.
"If you're alive when I leave this'll not forget me, either."
F: "Are you threatening me in my own home?" She asked, a single eyebrow raised. Then she gave
him the 'look', one that had made other men cringe in fear, not least of which Haldir, the
Marchwarden of Lorien with whom she had had a brief relationship. "And after all the kindness I've
shown you? I don't know where you come from, buddy, but they could do with a few manners."

L: He covered his mouth with the back of a hand as he laughed. Chewing had to be finished, and a
swallow made before he could answer her. "It is no threat, Fan. Only a promise." As for 'the look',
he returned it, brow raised, head dipped slightly. But one corner of his mouth turned up. "I agree,
manners are in order. However, I've never been very good at behaving myself. The concept is
utterly lost on me."
F: In spite of herself, Fan had to like his facetiousness. He was fun and refreshing in spite of being
just that little bit dangerous. It was a nice change from stuffy, over-serious elves. Instead of her
usual fury, she met his look with a crooked half-smile. "I've met a few like you... and it never bade
well! You had best behave around me or I'm the one who'll get the blame since I took you in. More
L: Her smile, the half smile, struck him somehow, and he had to return it, brightening his own
look. He swallowed again, leaned forward on the table, and held out his cup. He didn't set it town
and slide it carefully toward her. No, he held it out as one would with a glass to be filled with wine,
or something stronger.
"Oh, my dear, you've never met anyone like me. And yes, please. I would love more."
F: Taking his cue, she poured more tea into his cup, holding it steady with her other hand, forcing
her long, delicate fingers to come in contact with his. Totally nonplussed, she then let go and
poured more into her own cup before setting the teapot down. "No, I can't say that I have. But I'm
open-minded to most anything, even strangers who define the word."
L: The second he felt her fingers, he froze. Whatever her inner reaction, she kept on with her task.
Slowly, he set the cup down, having to think at least enough to remember to be very careful with
I don't think I can stay here!
Despite the tea he'd just asked for, he began easing up from his chair. "I should leave. Whatever
this place is, this was not my plan." As if he'd had one in the first place. "Thank you...for
everything, but I have to go. Takeover plans and all that."
As calmly as he could, he turned and started for the door.
F: Fan looked up mid-pour, completely baffled. Then she called after him. "What the... is the tea
that bad? I'm sorry if I said something I shouldn't have." Her brows knitted and she set the teapot
down, just staring at the chair where he had been sitting. Suddenly she rose, almost knocking the
chair over she moved so fast, her main concern being her swords. What if he had taken them to
further his plans to take over the world? She scoffed at that, but still. They were of high
sentimental value to her, having been made by a dear friend in old Gondolin, a city that fell to
Morgoth and was no more. "Wait! What do you mean takeover plans?"
L: He didn't need them. Honestly, he'd flashed only the briefest look at those swords--beautiful as
they were--and kept moving. His own power was more than enough to protect himself. And swords
would do nothing in his plans.
He was just pushing her door open again when he heard that last question. Pausing, he looked in
and lifted a shoulder. "Oh, see, it's the strangest thing, but...Asgard's throne should be
mine. And for some bizarre reason beyond my imaginings, Odin can't seem to give it to me. SO, I'll
be going back to take over everything, and the throne, too." A hand rose, finger pointed out to the
forest beyond. "After I get done with the takeover here."
He stepped out, then back in again. "Thank you again, for everything. And no, your tea was
wonderful. Your home was wonderful. You were wonderful. You're beautiful, really, and--"
I didn't want to say that.
He left the door open when he fled.
F: Fanfanwen stood there, her mouth opening and closing but no sound coming out. As he
disappears she rushes to the door to watch him leaving. "You're completely mad, you know?" She
shouts after him. With a sigh she watches then shrugs and closes the door quietly, before
returning to the kitchen to put the tea things away.

L: A week went by, and in a week's time, he managed to not only cause trouble, but end up in
trouble. Fan had been right to warn him about the archers who guarded Lothlorien. He'd been the
one wrong for not listening. After running into them no fewer than four times, and getting away
three of those times, he ended up with an arrow in his shoulder. His luck had ended. Odd thing that
he was, they debated what to do with him. In the absence of the Lord and Lady, and with no other
idea as to what to do with him, they escorted him here.
Fan's home.
Two guards stood just behind him, and one knocked on the door. But it wouldn't be a confused Loki
she'd see. It would be one dirty, mussed, and with his shoulder bound after only a cursory check
that he'd survive. The arrow had been removed and that was all. Over his other arm hung the
elaborate black and green coat he usually wore. His expression? Annoyed.
He'd been sure things would be just fine. No plan needed. Just toy with the guards for a while, then
head on in. Piece of cake.
F: The elleth's blue eyes were wide as she opened the door to this sight. "What in Eru's name...?"
She didn't finish her sentence as she scanned the 'prisoner' for information and exchanged words
with the guard captain. After promising to keep him there and looked after, they left Loki with Fan
and posted two guards at the base of her tree. If he wanted to escape, Loki would have to fly.
"Now, tell me what's been going on. You look a mess!" She exclaimed as she took him by the
uninjured arm and led him through the treehouse to a room he'd never been in before... the
L: All she got from him while the guards were there was a look that said 'I wasn't fast enough'. Oh
good! Post those guards. If flight was called for, it could be done. Well, usually. He'd not managed
it here. Once the guards left, and Fan was bringing him inside, he began. "They have no sense of
humor, you know. Not a one of them. That arrow went right through everything." The coat, his
tunic, the shirt under it, and right into the back of his right shoulder. For now, the injury was at
least deemed not fatal, and his shirt and tunic had been replaced. The coat hurt to wear, with its
heavy shoulders, so he'd carried it. He'd asked one of the guards, but he'd been ignored. The Elf
hadn't even looked at him!
"I don't know why they bothered you with this. They should have taken me straight to whoever is
running you have going on. No questions asked. Just right to the
Which was what he wanted.
Maybe next time.
F: "Because," she explained as she hauled him in and sat him down on a chair by the dressing
table. "As I told you, they're not here. As former Captain for King Thranduil, I am the next best
thing I suppose. No doubt you must have mentioned me to them at least which would be another
reason." The room was large with a large claw footed bathtub on a raised platform. It was really
quite elegant for a treehouse. She left him on the chair and went to run the water, then returned
to remove his clothes and check the wound. "Also, some elves have a fair amount of healing
ability. And I happen to be one of those."
L: "Gently! Gently." It was said more as sarcasm than for any pain she might cause. She caused
none as it was. "Isn't anyone running this place? Or do they just flitter off and hope for the best?"
He looked both puzzled and hopeful. "That's poor management skills, is what that is." The room
was beautiful. Was there no end to the surprises in this odd forest dwelling? "I might have said
your name..." He tried to remain vague on that one, instead hissing and growling over the pain in
his shoulder as both tunic and shirt needed to be removed. It left him in only his pants, boots, and
the bandage crudely wrapped about his shoulder. Blood stained it, had tried to seep through. All in
all, it wasn't a dangerous wound, but it was rather deep, and hurt more than he let on. After a
moment, he blinked, and cast wary green eyes toward the bath.
"You don't plan to strip me completely, do you?"
F: "Well, yes, unless you wish to bathe in your clothes. We need to get you clean so I can tend to

that wound. What happened? Why are you so filthy?" She spoke as she ever so carefully began to
remove the bloodied bandage, fingers light and gentle. Fan seemed unfazed by the prospect of a
nude stranger in her bath, for elves did not have the hangups most other races did when it came
to the beauty of the physical form. She gave the wound a cursory look, then moved to remove his
L: He slumped a little. Why the nerves about being naked in front of her? It wasn't as if he had
anything to be ashamed of. Teeth gritted against the soreness, he was quiet as the bandage was
removed, then grumbled. "I've been outside ever since I left. I don't have a place to live here, you
know. I'm not of your world." The last was said in an even lower tone. Nothing was said about the
lack of food and sleep. He needed into the hub of Lorien, and soon. Something told him to go there
in order to find a way back to Asgard...though in the end, it would probably prove wrong.
"I can do that, you know." He was making faces over his boots, and somehow not wanting her to
undress him. It wasn't nerves, either. It was that, this god, who was used to demanding service
from others, didn't want that of Fan.
Somehow, it just seemed wrong.
F: "Shhhh," she admonished him gently. "If you bend you could go dizzy and pass out or injure
yourself further. Now just let me take care of you. Trust me, I know what I'm doing." She pulled his
boots off then began to remove his trousers. "You will stay with me until you are healed," her
words were a statement, not a question and gave no room for debate.
L: "...I do trust you." He said this softly, as if just discovering the fact for himself. Her hands on his
pants made him blink. "You--" Sheeee was going to do it anyway, wasn't she? The leather material
was going to stay on his skinny behind-Standing, he looked down at her with a soft expression and quiet words.
"Fan...I cannot impose on you. I will be fine. But I cannot stay more than one night. get
back on my feet, so to speak."
Those eyes shifted away with the removal of the leathers. Whoever he may be, this was not a
common occurrence for him.
F: Fan sighed heavily. "Look, I know I'm a female, but I've spent countless battles helping the
wounded and dying because of my healing abilities. You name it, I've seen it and no doubt touched
it or even cut it off. Now please, let me tend to you and you won't even have a scar. Please?" Her
voice was soft and gentle, her clear blue eyes caring and pleading. "Off with everything and sit in
the tub. You'll feel so much better once you do. I've sprinkled medicinal herbs to help with the
L: His eyes snapped to hers, wide and staring. "That's not very reassuring!!" 'Cut it off' were not
three words a man wanted to hear when his pants were to be removed! Oh, he knew what she
meant, and he knew she was serious and that he could trust her completely, but he couldn't pass
up the chance.
Were it anyone else on...whatever world this was...he wouldn't have thought twice. In fact, injury
or no, he'd have undone his pants and dropped them in seconds, then stood there with his arms
out as though he were some kind of wonder.
He was!
But with Fan, it seemed rude, even in this situation.
Still, with her voice like that, he seemed to melt into pure good behavior, and did as she asked. His
clothing finally laid aside, he made the few steps to the bath. He was nothing but long lines, with
very little definition to his arms or legs. It was his brother who was the buff meathead. Loki was
the brains. Stepping in, he had to sigh as he lowered into the water.
"Alright, you were right."
F: "Feel better?" She smiled as she fetched a soft washcloth and began soaping it up. Fanfanwen
knelt by the tub and began to very gently clean his shoulder around the wound. "This might sting
a bit. This is special soap that will keep the bleeding from starting again and also cleanse all the
dirt from the wound. I'll be as careful as I can, but I must get it clean." Her voice was soft and
gentle, but expert as if she had done this sort of thing many times before. She had, in fact, as new
recruits and young elves both had to learn how to shoot and things often went wrong.

L: "Yes, yes..." He tried to sound grumbly, but a smile played at his lips. He wasn't going to give
her a hard time when she was taking care of him. Not her. And he wasn't going to tell her that he
was being like this only for her. None of it made sense, and in the absence of logic, it was better to
keep quiet.
Leaning back to relax and soak would have been wonderful, but with his shoulder that wasn't
possible. Nor was it when she started cleaning it. His lips pressed into a thin line, eyes closed.
"Yes! Much better... As better as can be!"
He'd behave, but that didn't mean he'd keep his mouth shut.
F: "You don't have to be brave for me. I know this hurts like crazy. Go ahead and scream if it
helps." She was teasing of course, but she knew what babies males could be, whatever the
species, except dwarves, perhaps. They truly were very tough and thick-skinned, literally. As she
cleaned the wound and then the rest of him, she noted just how thin he was. "You must be halfstarved. I will fix you a nice meal when we're done here. Is there anything you like in particular?"
She scrubbed his neck which was filthy, none too gently in order to get it good and clean.
L: Scream? The look he shot her told her he was appalled by the idea he'd want to scream. He did,
however, whimper a time or two. For the most part, he was silent during all of it.
As for being half starved, he paid no attention to the possible implication that he was too thin, but
focused rather on his empty stomach. "I'd give a lot for anything hot. I've not eaten real food since
I was here last." He was quiet again while she scrubbed, huddled like a skinny kid after a long
summer day in the dirt and grass. Too bad he hadn't had the fun to go with the dirt.
"C'mon, Fan...go ahead and be rough on me." He cast a look from under his lashes, fighting back a
laugh. Why? What else was expected from him?
F: "Rough? Don't tell me you're into that sort of thing?" She teased him, mainly to keep his spirits
up. Her keen elven senses could tell he was actually feeling rather miserable. Especially for
someone who seemed to like the more fun side of life. She scrubbed him as hard as she dared,
getting all the dirt off, then started dumping handfuls of water in his hair to wet it.
L: "Wouldn't you like to know?" He chuckled with his reply. The fact she played back with him won
her massive points. It was true he felt awful, tired, worn, in pain, so very hungry, but her presence
seemed to make it all better. He felt all this, but he didn't seem to mind it so much, nor was it felt
as keenly.
There was no logic to that!
Maybe that was what made him smile over it.
"Please promise not to scrub hard enough to take anything off." This said while his eyes closed to
avoid the water sluicing down from his hair.
F: "Only the dirt," the pretty little elf chuckled. "Tell me, is there any dirt left outside?" She poured
some flowery smelling concoction from a glass bottle into her hand and lathered it up. Then she
began to wash his jet black hair, the lavender scented white suds turning a dingy grey. "Even your
hair. I think I'll do it twice to make sure it's very clean. Be still!"
L: "I made sure I left behind enough for next week. But, you know, I'm just going to have to pass
up on the arrow to the shoulder. Can't have that much fun every week."
What was he smelling?
"Wait, Fan, don't--" Too late! He groaned. "I smell like a girl." Twice? She was going to wash it
twice? He'd have to go out and roll in a mud puddle like a dog in order to smell anything else. Well,
the next week outside in the rain, dirt, sleeping--the few hours he'd gotten--in the open, and toying
with the Lorien guards would all help erase that.
Grabbing for the side of the tub, he heaved a sigh. "Just, please don't make me bald, either."
Ready when you are, Fan!
F: "I'm just trying to make you clean! And don't worry about the scent. Most of it will rinse out. It's
medicinal too so stop complaining. You whine more than a two year old."
She rinsed his hair then repeated the process again. She was then going to hand him the cloth so

he could wash the rest of himself, but instead decided to have a little fun with him and attempt to
do it herself. Fan donned a determined and mischievous grin which he couldn't see and grabbed
one of his legs, starting to scrub it.
L: "Well, that's a comfort. And I do not. I've heard two-year-olds, and none of them was ever half
as entertaining as I can be. Nor half as attractive." If one could be with their ribs showing. It was
frightening how quickly weight could be lost, and how much could disappear in only a week's time.
"Now, I said--" Her hand grabbed his leg, and his eyes shot open. Soap! In his eyes! "Fan!! Ow..."
Scrubbing the back of a hand across his face, he attempted to fix the problem, but didn't quite
succeed. He did, however, get one eye open at her.
"In case you've missed it, I AM grown, you know!"
If she'd missed it before, which was impossible, she'd more than realise it now, since she was
getting grabby.
F: Fan grinned at the first bit about two year olds, knowing full well that elves can walk and talk
and even dance like an adult at the age of two, and yes, he did sound like one squealing. Holding
his leg out of the water slightly, she scrubbed it well as it was pretty dirty too. She then grabbed
the other, ignoring his protests, and washed it too, working her way up towards his groin area. It
was no big deal to her, though she had indeed noticed that he was 'grown' as he claimed, when
she undressed him. Her eyes darted to his face as she began washing there thoroughly too, trying
to suppress a giggle. "If you say so," she remarked to his comment about being grown.
L: Not everyone was lucky enough to develop like Elves. Loki would find a two-year-old doing all
that both interesting and disturbing. Could be worse, though. But from what he was seeing, he was
really no different from most of these people. Strong, tireless, quick, agile, daring... The only
difference was in the recklessness. Elves might be, but it seemed only if they were sure it would
pay off. Loki did whatever seemed creative.
She threw him off balance by grabbing his legs, pulling this one up, then the other. He tipped one
way, then the opposite, staring even while his eyes attempted to get used to the sting.
By the time she went elsewhere, he could only sit and stare at the far wall, his voice calm when he
eventually spoke. "Fan...I'd suggest you finish up there quickly, before things become a problem
between us."
F: "A problem, Loki?" she asked innocently, fully aware of what he meant. But she enjoyed teasing
him and continued washing with both hands and the cloth. Satisfied he was clean enough, she
moved her hands up his torso, frowning at just how boney and thin he was. Her hands moved
slowly across his chest and she smiled, looking into his eyes.
L: He narrowed his eyes at her. That innocent look, the smile... Oh, he knew better. "You do that
just a little too well to smile at me like that."
And you know full well that I didn't need half as much cleaning there as I did elsewhere.
The look stayed on his face, and his eyes stayed on hers. Was she playful or was she well versed?
Would she flip completely if he grabbed her face in both hands and kissed her like he'd pull her
into the tub with him?
He felt the tug of a smirk at the corner of his mouth, but stopped it before it would be evident.
He wouldn't do it.
F: She worked her way up to his face, then gently washed that, rinsing the soap from his hair and
his eyes carefully. "There. All clean now. I bet you've never been so clean before!" she smiled at
him, smoothing his hair down before standing to fetch a towel.
L: "You..." He closed his eyes so tight his nose wrinkled. "You know, Fan... I can't figure you out
just yet." She just didn't react to anything he said or did!
Maybe I should have kissed her.
Once he was able to open his eyes again, he blinked at her. "I beg your pardon. I'm usually very
well kept." He stood as he talked, and looked down at the water. Swallowing hard, he made a face.
"That all came off me?" His shoulders fell.
Wait til next time, Loki. It won't be any better...

F: She looked at the water too and made a face. "Yes, that's how filthy you were. But you're all
clean now. Here, dry yourself off carefully, don't move that shoulder too much. On second thought,
let me do it." Without even waiting for him, she took the towel and began drying him, being very
careful around his wound, which was already looking better now that it was clean. When she was
satisfied, she took another and wrapped it around his waist. "Now come over here and let me
dress that wound."
L: His hand went out for the towel, and he found himself standing there while she did the job
instead. Anything near the arrow wound hurt, but he said nothing about it. She was being very
gentle with him. He did make a mental note of how far that towel reached around him,
overlapping. That was unsettling. He'd been thin enough to begin with, but this last week had
taken a toll on his ribs and hips. Coming back to the chair, he sat down.
"How do you even look at me?" The dark head went forward, his voice low. "Fan, I won't stay but
one night. You know I'll create trouble, but I won't do it while staying in your home."
F: Fan took another towel and began to dry his hair as he sat. "You will stay at least until you are
healed. You think YOU can cause trouble? You'll know what trouble truly is if you don't listen to
me." A grin is on her face as she speaks, though, and she is gentle enough when she handles him.
In truth, she had no intention of letting him go without at least a week's worth of good hot meals
inside him. "What do you mean how could I look at you?" She tossed the towel aside and gently
combed through his hair with her slender fingers, almost lovingly. Her voice became more soft.
"You will remain here with me as long as you wish, or until you are well again to travel. You will
rest, and heal, and eat to your heart's content. I happen to be a rather good cook even if I say so
myself. What would you like for your first meal?"
L: He sighed heavily.
Fan, don't treat me like this. Don't be so good to me. I'll turn on you, wait and see. I not only don't
deserve it, but I'll end up hurting you. Just watch, that's why I have to leave.
"I look dead." Pale, his skin a stark contrast to his dark hair, his green eyes a little too big with the
shadows around them. And his ribs! How could a week do such damage? And how had he not
noticed it before? He tried to wrap his arms about himself, but only succeeded in pulling on his
injured shoulder, tearing a hiss from him.
Her fingers in his hair sent a shiver through him, whatever the pain in his shoulder. Combined with
that voice, that soft, sweet voice, he wanted to stay forever.
Midgardian food came to mind. Rich, heavy, it stayed with you. It would put weight on him easily.
He thought rather lovingly of a good, thick stew, with carrots so sweet he could cry. But his
stomach probably wouldn't handle it. Or would it? This was what he asked for, even describing
those carrots.
"I can help you make it...somehow. But I should, if you're caring for me. I cannot take advantage of
your kindness, Fan."
F: She smiled at the reaction she got from him when straightening out his hair, better than any
comb, but stopped when he hissed. She then turned and gathered her basket of healing supplies
and set to work dressing and treating his wound. "There's no such thing as taking advantage of my
kindness, Loki. I do it because that's who I am. And if you turn on me, then so be it. But somehow I
don't think you will. Not completely anyway. As for your looks, nothing my cooking won't fix." She
smiled and went through her pantry in her mind. "I think I can accommodate you on the stew. But
the carrots will have to be plucked from the garden. I think you can do that one-handed hmm?"
She finished tying off the bandage then couldn't resist grabbing a comb and running it through his
hair gently. Her fingers had removed all the worst tangles earlier and soon it was all shiny and dry.
L: "You've no idea, Fan. No idea." How could she know? How could she know the way he behaved,
the problem he was to everyone? He couldn't help it. That's who he was. As if molded by the
elements, he'd become the trickster, the troublemaker, and he'd reveled in it. He'd become the
one people feared, the one who caused trouble and laughed while doing so. And loved it, claiming
he had a right and reason.
But Fan... Fan was somehow important. Maybe it was some complex because she was the first

person he'd met in this bizarre and primitive--but oddly beautiful--world. Maybe he was simply
losing his mind.
Dinner, he could somehow already smell. Probably his empty stomach. At least he remained quiet
and still while she treated the arrow wound. He didn't mind it, the pain or the fact it was there. In
an odd way, he admired the Elves' aim, skill, and determination.
He blinked. She wanted him to go and pull carrots like a servant?! Did she forget who he-"Show me which they are, so I don't destroy your garden by accident, and I'll do all you like."
Oh Gods... He prayed no one would ever know how well she got him to behave.
F: Finished, she put the comb away, but couldn't resist a last run of her fingers through now soft,
shiny hair. "Mmmm you clean up pretty nicely. But don't worry about the carrots. I'll need potatoes
too, so I'll be right there beside you, digging up a few other veg as well. Depends on what you like
really. And fresh herbs.. a little parsley and sage perhaps? Some fresh peas with a touch of mint?"
She moved to her wardrobe and crouched down to fish something out of the bottom. "I'm sorry I
don't have anything perfectly your size but at least it's male clothing." She held out a pair of thin
breeches and a long tunic and belt, clearly too big but she had already resolved to fix that
problem. "They were Haldir's when we were together for a while. He must have left them behind,"
she answered before he could ask. I'll give your boots a quick clean and wash your clothes tonight
if that's all right."
L: "I do, don't I?" His head tilted, eyes closed as he smiled the smile of a man who knew his looks.
Or at least knew how to make it seem that way. Takeover was more important, but he did know
how to make his appearance more than noticeable.
"He left clothing here..." Taking the offered items, he lifted a brow. "Sounds serious." Without
ceremony, the towel was removed, the breeches slipped on. Haldir was clearly a man with a good
build. Everything was cinched tight with the belt, which was buckled, then wrapped around itself,
twice. He made a small sound of disapproval. He didn't really want to stay here with Fan because
he knew he wasn't finished with his games. He knew he'd try again. But one week in the open had
taken a toll on his body. Even if he stayed here a week, it wouldn't be enough to ensure he'd be
alright another week out there.
His shoulder burned, a clear sign he shouldn't consider chancing the guards again, but he knew he
would. He had to find a way back.
But going back...meant not seeing Fan's pretty face again. Oddly, that didn't sit well with him.
"Just tell me what to do, I can handle my clothing. I am too much trouble for you already."
F: "Oh, Loki," she smiled, reaching out to adjust his tunic, making sure it wasn't pressing too hard
against his shoulder. "You are no trouble at all. In fact, I rather enjoy having someone to take care
of and look after again. Not that Hadi ever let me do much." She sighed. "I kicked him out because
of his ridiculous ego... and the shampoo bills." She laughs as she pulls his hair from the collar and
hands him his slightly cleaner boots. In all honesty, she did enjoy having him around. He had a
sense of humour and a delightful sense of play about him that she found very refreshing and fun.
When he was around, she felt lighter somehow. Almost happy.
L: "I must not be trying hard enough..." No trouble? Something was wrong. Loki was always
trouble. But here, he wanted to help rather than be waited on. Oh, he could take advantage of
that, order her around, but he knew full well already she wouldn't listen. In a way, it made her
incredibly attractive. As if she needed any help there. Every time she came near him, he had to
hold still, sure he'd grab her and kiss her and end up kicked out.
Sitting to pull on his boots, he glanced up. "Do all the males here wear such long hair? They look
like women! Ah!!" His shoulder pulled, but before he'd allow her to to adjust things again, he
stood. "Thank you..." Reaching out, he mimicked her, toying with her hair as she'd done with his at
his collar. "I know I'm in very good hands."
It sounded like a simple compliment, but the wink he gave said he referred to just a little bit more.
F: A look of concern crossed Fan's face when he winced and her first thought was to go see to it,
but he was up, playing with her hair before she had a chance. She smiled sweetly, her blue eyes
twinkling. "Elves consider long hair a mark of high breeding and beauty. The longer an elf's hair is,
especially a male, the better they are. Or so the theories go. Except for your ears, you look much

like an elf. Yet, you are not a human either. Just what are you?"
L: "I still say they look like women, though...not so pretty as some." Her voice, her smile, her
eyes... Why couldn't he have met some other person, someone who would simply make sure he
was alive and then send him on his way? Someone who wouldn't look half as beautiful... Voice
lowered, he sighed, his fingers still in her hair. "I'm a Jotunn, a Frost Giant. However, the
explanation of everything is long and depressing." He took a breath and brushed his fingers
against her cheek. "No one needs to hear that." Forcing a smile, he nodded in the direction of the
door. "I believe we planned our own personal harvest...?"
F: Fan chuckled lightly, knowing he was right. It was sometimes difficult to tell what gender many
elves were until they opened their mouths and the males often spoke with deep, strong voices.
She was of a slightly smaller variety of elf and unmistakeably female. Elves in general were
androgynous in looks but definitely in no other way. Many thought they were pure and wholesome
and many were. Many chose one partner and stayed with them for life, bonding with them for all
eternity. But not all elves. There were some who never bonded, and some who liked to 'play the
field'. Elves were also thought to be so pure as to only have sex to reproduce, but this was another
fallacy. They liked it and they did it... a lot. They were just able to control when they choose to
have children so accidents are not possible and thus the population of elves is controlled. Fan was
one of those elves who had never bonded. Sure she had been with Haldir for a time, but nothing
had really come of the union and they parted ways. It was also true that for an elf, the act itself
meant marriage. But only if the pair bonded and only the really serious ones ever did that.
As his fingers brushed her cheek, Fan's eyes closed as she leaned into the touch, then opened
again to smile and nod. "Yes, though I would like to hear your story sometime. But for now we
should go to the garden and gather dinner." She smiled at him, then suddenly leaned in and kissed
his cheek, before heading towards the door.
L: "Maybe someday." He spoke softly, wanting to stand there for a lifetime, just touching her face.
Her skin was softer than anything he'd ever known. And he knew the memory of this moment was
going to stick with him.
Like Fan, Loki had never bonded with any way. He'd never had a real friend, never been
in love. A girl here or there might have gotten his attention, but only a select few had gone to his
bed. Very few. He'd simply paid more attention to his tricks and plots than to sex. But that didn't
mean he didn't like it, or that a woman's touch wasn't important.
No one *loved* Loki. Most just tolerated him, at best.
Fan headed for the door, and Loki stood in place for a moment, hand to his cheek. Suddenly, his
head snapped around to her.
"The guards..."
He'd not thought of the guards posted outside her home. The thought was a cruel reminder: He
was no guest here.
F: Fan froze in her tracks when he spoke. "Leave them to me. You are my guest now and I will not
have them cluttering up the place." True to her word she marched out onto the porch of her tall
treehouse and called down to the guards who were waiting at the base. She exchanged words with
them in Sindarin, they arguing but only briefly before they reluctantly left, shaking their heads and
muttering, heading back to their normal duties. Fan felt like she understood Loki, and if she didn't
she at least felt an affinity with him. He was fun, he was a challenge, and he was even cute if a bit
thin. In short, she liked him.
L: Coming to the door, he watched the exchange, green eyes wide as he tried to listen in. The
language was strange, but beautiful. Hearing it in her voice was candy for the ears, and it struck
him like her kiss to his cheek. Emerging from the house, he shook his head at her. "You have some
pull here, hm? They didn't put up much of a fight." After a moment, when he stood before her, he
began to smirk.
"That's no surprise. I can't imagine anyone putting up much fight against you."
Was she really trusting him out here? He could easily leave. His clothing was of no importance.
Yes, it is, fool. Go back and get it. Dirty, torn, or anything else, get it and leave! No one can stop
you even with guards here! Leave!

One look at Fan's pretty face, and he couldn't follow through. Not now. His voice was that of the
gallant courtier when he spoke.
"Show me to my duties, my lady."
F: Fan smiled at him and took his hand to lead him down to the garden which was some far way
beyond the back of the treehouse in a small clearing. Oh, Fan knew fully well what was going
through his head. He could very easily leave, just as mysteriously as he arrived, but she really
hoped he wouldn't. She hoped he'd stay a good long time, and preferably with her. But he was a
free person and if he wanted to go, she wouldn't try and stop him... much.
They arrived at the vegetable patch, everything neatly planted in small rectangles with narrow
paths between the different varieties. She led him to the back where there was a small shed for
tools and the carrot and potato patches. She had brought a basket to put them in and grabbed a
small trowel from the shed.
"If you would please, sir," she spoke in the same formal manner, grinning, "the carrots are your
L: There was something about the fact that she had been a fighter in the past and that she was so
caring and kind that really got to him. Two sides of a shiny coin. Shiny, perfect, beautiful...
Her treatment of him struck a chord, too. No one was ever like this with him. His mother had
been...but that was entirely different. Yet she was the only female to ever be kind to him. Until
now, when Fan showed him how sweet the interaction with a woman could be. And not even in an
intimate way. Just in general.
A chuckle pulled from him before he could think. Their play was so lighthearted, so bright, he
couldn't avoid the fun of it.
"It would be my pleasure." With a bow, and a smile he couldn't hide, he got down to work.
F: Fan enjoyed it, too. She knelt by the potato patch and began turning over the dirt and plucking
the tubers from the little piles and shaking them off. Then she placed them in the bottom of the
basket before repeating the process all over again. As she dug, she looked over at Loki and smiled.
"How are you doing? I'll let you decide when we have enough carrots, all right?" As she spoke, a
butterfly landed in her hair and just sat there, slowly airing out its wings. Then Fan moved her
head and he flew off again. "Oh look, a worm!" She held the fat little earthworm up to show him,
before setting it gently down on another safer patch of earth.
L: How did she do this? Was she really magic? That kind of magic...where nature responded to her
and people naturally loved her? He was digging alongside her with no complaint, when he would
have been raving at anyone else for considering asking him to do such work. He'd not thought
twice! For a moment, he paused, thinking it over.
What am I doing? This is not work for someone like me? I'm a GOD! I'm not meant to be doing
labor like this!
But one look at her and he was putty in her hands.
This cannot continue.
When she spoke, he looked up, and began to nod when the butterfly appeared. Watching the little
creature fly off, he concentrated, creating a forcefield around it, like a crystal ball, and drew it back
to his hand. It was offered to her so she could have a look. "He was in your hair for a moment."
Peering at the worm was a different story. He made a face. Go home. Just go home. Be safe, but do
it at home.
He tried not to look too hopeful when he glanced at her, to see her reaction to the butterfly. It was
a momentary gift, though. She need not worry, he would set the butterfly free.
F: But he needn't have worried. Fan was amazed and fascinated as she cupped her hands
together to accept the butterfly, happily waving his wings as if nothing had happened. Her blue
eyes were wide as teacups as she looked at Loki open-mouthed. "H...How did you do that? Who
are you?" She was clearly in awe. "Are you a wizard by chance? That's the sort of thing they can
do, but no, they are old men and you most definitely are not." She held the captured butterfly out
to him so he could release it.
L: Much as he tried not to, he felt like a boy searching for approval and praise. Her reaction was

adorable, with her eyes so wide. But he hadn't expected those questions.
"It is an ability I have. To create a field around something to either shut out or shut in." Reaching
out for the butterfly, his hand lingered, fingers against hers. "I am no wizard. Only Loki, son of
Laufey, who was king of the Frost Giants before he died. And now your ward." His eyes closed, and
the forcefield disappeared, allowing the butterfly its freedom. "It is not my only ability." If he were
to employ any of them, he could overthrow the leaders of this forest, he was sure. It was by choice
he'd not gone back to taunting the archers before making an entrance into the center of the city.
"I'm not of this world, Fan. You know it." He began placing the carrots he'd dug up into the basket,
keeping his eyes away from her face. "You know I am not meant to be here."
But if there was ever a reason to be interested in staying, he was avoiding looking at her.
F: Fan listened, trying to take everything in and understand. Of course she knew he wasn't from
her world. She know that right away. But that's what made him so appealing and fun; his
uniqueness. Nodding slowly, she knelt beside him gazing into his green eyes. "Is that what your
people are called then, frost giants? You don't look very giant to me. And you're certainly not cold."
A cloud then passed across her face and she looked sad. "I suppose that means you'll be leaving
once you're healed, to return to your own world?"
L: He turned his face from hers, staring straight ahead, voice a low growl. "My father was not
pleased with the son he'd been given. Odin told me I'd been hidden away, as Laufey was ashamed
of me for being so small. When Odin defeated Laufey, he took me as a...spoil of war. I was raised
by him, alongside his son, but was always the second best. Never good enough, no matter my
abilities. I have since shown him just how good I really am."
And yet, I'm still unworthy. I'll take the throne meant for me by force. It'll be MINE.
The fight went out of him with her question. "I do not belong here, Fan." The voice was now soft,
tentative and small. "You shouldn't get attached to me."
F: She listened to him, trying to read his body language, her elven senses attending sharply. When
he had finished speaking, Fan just looked at him, processing his words in her mind.
"Too late," she whispered, then spoke softly, simply, and matter-of-factly. "Then I will go with you
when you leave."
L: "You think so?!" He couldn't help but chuckle. Some part of him was now ready to try and push
her away. Make her hate him enough to change her mind about healing him. No, she'd make him
leave, and he'd go, filthy clothing and all, and risk everything to get into the center of Lorien to
learn what he needed to know.
The rest of him knew better. Let it go. Just take things a day at a time. A day at a time and avoid
telling her anything else. The less she knew, the better. His hand reached out to gently take hers.
"Why, Fan? Why give up your home for someone you don't know?"
F: She looked down at her hand in his then back up to his green eyes. "Why not? This? This isn't a
home. It's just the place where I live. A home has laughter and love and happiness. Your laughter is
the first that's been here for a very long time." She shook her head, blonde locks gently bouncing.
"I have nothing here but loneliness and isolation. And besides, I like you."
L: Home was only a word, an idea. It didn't exist anywhere. Laughter, love, happiness... He'd had
all that while growing up, to a degree. In the end, it equaled nothing because he'd been so
different, never more than something Odin had stolen as his right in being victorious.
How could someone like her be telling him things had been so quiet and so...alone...for her when
she was so filled with smiles and the light of those blue eyes? Asgard would be culture shock for
her. Buildings and vehicles she'd never seen before, ideas and powers she'd never seen before.
She'd instantly want to come back home again.
"This *is* a home. You have more than you realise here. And I like you, too, Fan, but-- Wait. How
do you mean that?"
F: Instead of answering, she blushed, gave him a sly, cheeky smile, then stood, snatched up the
basket and sauntered off back towards the house. Fan cast a casual glance over her shoulder to
see if he was following, then began lightly singing a cheerful tune.

L: Her response to the question said it all. She left him there, wide-eyed and completely stunned.
As she started back, he stayed where he was, staring, trying to process what he'd just learned.
He'd looked up just in time to see her look back over her shoulder.
Oh, that look!
She had a lovely voice, and it was this that finally got him moving. Part of him wanted to run after
her, scoop her up, and twirl her around. The rest wanted to run the other way. Why?
For her own good.
It wasn't until they were inside the house again that he took the basket from her, set it aside, and
grasped her upper arms. Without warning, he swooped in, his lips pressed to hers. The kiss was
not the kiss of someone well versed in romance and lovemaking, but rather the kiss of someone
who simply did what felt right.
And this seemed right.
F: Fan only expected him to follow her and probably bombard her with more questions, not... this.
But it wasn't totally unwelcome. Far from it in fact. Anyone else and she might have slapped him,
but she honestly felt an affinity for this strange, scrawny creature who had somehow came to her
out of nowhere. For her, especially in this moment, his origins nor his past had any meaning. All
she cared about was here and now and the person whose lips were now conjoined with hers. So
what if he was from another world and a misfit even there? He was fun, and bright, and exciting...
like a colourful children's toy that had accidentally fallen into her grey backyard and she didn't
want to give it back. In fact, she meant not to, now more than ever, for it seemed that he liked her
just as much.
Fan's eyes were wide, but her smile wider the kiss ended far too soon, her chest heaving as her
breath was literally taken away.
"Loki!" she breathed, blue eyes searching green, longing for more.
L: Were he the sort to blush, he would have. He hadn't planned the move, just did what came to
mind. And, yes, it seemed right. It would probably lead to trouble later on, when she saw just how
much of a problem he was, but for now, he was going to be glad he'd taken that one small
moment of joy for himself...for them both. It was needed, but he couldn't say why.
So I'll have something to remember of the one person who ever ended up liking me for myself. Or
at least what she knows of me.
With the second kiss, he lifted his hands to cup her jaw, so careful, so gentle. He'd gone outside
himself now, giving her something no one else had ever seen. Something even he hadn't seen
before. It made no sense!
It made no sense...and felt utterly wonderful.
F: Delighted at the second kiss, even more so than the first, Fan closed her eyes and relished this
one, her hands snaking around his painfully thin waist to rest in the small of his back, pressing him
close. She had wondered what it would be like to kiss him since the first cheeky grin. Now she
knew and she wanted more. It was difficult to explain for there was no real explanation for her
feelings... they just were. The tiniest of moans escaped from her as they enjoyed that second kiss,
Fan wanting even more but not daring to make the first move. She would never try and
undermine his sense of control, for she could sense that he needed it.
L: Oh, did she have to sound like that? So small, so sweet, so much closer to perfect than
anything he'd ever experienced in any sense?
Something like a growl was let loose in his throat, his lips working to part hers. He didn't ask, didn't
coax, but rather sought to *make* her do it, open to him and let him take over completely.
Like her, he could explain nothing. This was not his normal behavior. He shouldn't be falling for
her, but should be planning his next move, with the run of her home firmly in his hands, with her
seeing that he was put back on his feet after the damage done by her people. Yes...he'd be
blaming the Elves for his current state, overtired, hungry, too thin, worn, suspicious, edgy deep
down inside... And wounded. Oh, his own games were to blame, but it was all well worth it.
Instead, he was kissing her! And liking it too much to think about the plan that had been forming
in his head from the moment she'd insisted he stay.

F: It didn't take much coaxing to part her lips and let his tongue inside to wrestle with hers.
Another little mewl escaped as she relished this clumsy yet exquisite moment, almost a begging
whine for more and more. Her hands pulled his scrawny frame closer until they were pressed
together as tightly as possible. She felt she could lift him in her arms and carry him away, and she
could, but she didn't dare. She continued to let him call the shots and just enjoyed what she could.
L: This time, the growl wasn't frustration, it was need. It was such deep desire, something he
hadn't felt so keenly before. She pulled him closer and he clung to her, his hand deep in her hair to
grasp it. Firm as the hold was, he was careful, even while lost in the kiss, the feel of her warm
tongue against his. It was a feeling that raced down his spine like quicksilver. Abruptly, he pulled
away, his eyes heavy, his voice thick.
"Fan, you've no idea the dangerous waters you're diving into."
Because he wouldn't give a damn about his own physical condition. He'd find a way to satisfy the
need they both seemed to feel.
F: His every touch made her feel alive again. In fact, his very presence since that first moment
they met had given her a reason to stay here in Middle Earth, for before then, she had been
contemplating sailing for Valinor. But now, perhaps things might be different if he were to stay, or
she were to go with him back to his world. Either way life was exciting again and she didn't want to
let it go. Not this time.
She gasped for breath, an almost wicked smile on her beautiful face as he pulled away and spoke.
"Dangerous? No, Loki. Beautiful, exciting, adventurous, but never dangerous. But you must give
your shoulder time to heal."
L: "Mmm..." The sound came out as a contemplative thing, and his green eyes looked for the
nearest wall...and seconds later he was pushing her against it, lowering his head with his lips less
than an inch from hers. "Damn my shoulder."
That smile of hers...that was the look of a woman willing to test his own wickedness. A woman
after his own heart. He captured her mouth, sighing, his knee wedged between hers. One hand
went to the curve of her lower back, the fingers of the other drifting down her neck and
threatening to go further.
F: Breathless as she was pushed against the wall, Fan bemoaned the long brocade dress she was
wearing as his knee parted hers. The longing in her grew to an almost fevered pitch as her smile
almost begged him to continue. When his long fingers began to slip down her neck, she
intercepted them, taking his hand and removing it, only to place it directly upon her breast. Her
other hand at the same time grabbed a handful of Loki backside. "Indeed, damn your shoulder.
L: An almost startled chuckle was heard.
Indeed, Fan. Such a forward girl.
She wasn't the only one with a great dislike for her dress, though dresses could be removed. Just
like the over-large outfit she'd given him, with the twisted and tied belt. First, he had to deal with
feeling her hands on him. A feeling he wanted more of, and without the Elven clothing in the way.
Even more so when she took his hand and laid it to her breast. His grasp was firm, tightening ever
so slightly as his lips were lowered to her neck. He breathed her name there and gently sank his
teeth into her skin, just enough to make himself known.
Since her hand was back there, he pressed his hips into hers. Her name was whispered again, the
tender skin of her neck suckled on, tugged at with his mouth, and every bit of his want for her was
made clearly evident.
F: At this she gasped his name and slipped a hand beneath his long, dark locks, sliding it down the
long slender neck, unable to resist exploring it with her mouth, lips and tongue and teeth playing
over his skin. Slowly fingers carefully worked on the tunic, loosening it and slipping the too-large
garment off his shoulders, always mindful of his injury, even in this heightened state of arousal.
Gentle lips caressed his good shoulder as she peeled the tunic away. He was so thin it easily
slipped down to the floor, leaving the belt the next project for nimble fingers.

L: There was fire in his shoulder as the tunic came off. He didn't care. Let it flame and flare. It
hardly mattered. What mattered was the blond beauty in his grasp, the one who breathed his
name and made him feel as if there was nothing but perfection about him, as with her.
Oh yes, the tunic was easily gone, leaving him with the feel of her mouth on his skin.
All of it, Fan. Let everything be gone, so it's just us. Keep going. Just keep going...
He didn't even think of how thin he was. He was thinking about the sweet skin he was marking,
dragging his teeth so carefully over it, his tongue a warm comfort in the aftermath of those teeth.
Both hands went to her back, searching for the tie of her laces, pulling on it to loosen it.
"Fan, I want you." His voice was barely more than a whisper by her ear. "Can you feel it, love?
Can you feel me wanting you?"
The laces came loose, and he yanked to get her dress open enough to pull it from her shoulders
for a moment, hand delving within, back to the breast he'd cupped before.
"Soon, Fan. Ohhh...soon..."
F: As her hands worked the belt loose, she could feel his teeth and tongue all over her neck,
instinctively throwing her head back, eyes closed, giving him free reign over her delectable fair
skin. Next the trousers, but just then he whispered in her ear and she groaned with her own
longing, letting her hand slide downwards.
"Oh yes, Loki, I can feel it... so nice..." her hand brushed over the front of the trousers, indeed
feeling how much he wanted her. Almost feverishly the hand then began easing the trousers off,
letting them, too, drop to the floor. Then it was time to rid herself of the dress. He already had it
down off her shoulders, but with a few wriggles and shrugs, it was soon joining his clothing on the
floor. Finally free, she pressed her perfect elven form against his thin frame, which she thought
was still beautiful.
L: "AwGods..." Drawing back, he had to see her, had to see the perfection his hands felt. She was
a goddess! She was all but glowing under his gaze, and he could feel the heat of his desire. That
feeling was almost as good as her little hands on him, testing him. "There was never a soul as
beautiful as you." He could easily worship at her feet. The one who demanded all kneel before him
would kneel for her. Gladly. "Not here. Not like this." She deserved more than to be taken against
the wall, much as the vision in his head turned him on. No, he took hold of her wrist to lead her to
her bed. It was so very traditional, so classical, but at least this once, he wanted it this way with
F: Fan stood before him in all her glory, clothes and a little of her confidence stripped away. Elves
in general were proud of their perfect bodies and nudity did not phase them, unless it involved the
other races, which to them were far from their own perfection. But here, before Loki, for whom she
found she really cared, she felt slightly exposed and worried that maybe she wasn't good enough.
But when he took her by the wrist and pulled her towards her bedroom, she couldn't help but smile
a little... and blush a lot. "Loki, are you all right?" was all she could manage to say, her voice
breathless and low. What were they about to do? She was an elf! They didn't do such things
normally, but ... she wanted to, oh did she ever, more than anything she'd ever wanted in her life.
When they arrived, she wrested free and lit the little oil lamp so they could see as the sun had
already begun to set. Then she turned to him. "I don't disappoint you do I?" she asked nervously.
L: Loki knew, no matter how hard he tried, he'd never come close to the perfection she was. And
that was fine. Between the two of them, in the quiet that was meant only for them, he would
gladly say so. The Asgard he knew was a cultured society, despite their warring ways, and Loki
himself wasn't one to eye the body in any interest. Until now.
"No." He answered simply. No, he wasn't alright. He wanted her, and in a way that was becoming
painful. Not that he minded, for it was a pain he'd bear until the time came for them-- "Fan, tell
me if you don't want this. I would not make you do something you don't want." But he did want
her, and was awed by the glow of the lamp on her skin. Such fine skin, so perfect, so soft. He could
lay back and stroke her skin forever.
Again, his answer was a negative. "No, you could never disappoint me, or anyone. I've never seen
such beauty and grace."
He held his hand out to her. "Fan, come to me."

F: Fanfanwen stepped forward and took his hand, drawing nearer with the fluid grace of all elves.
Her eyes took in his form, but all she really saw was his cheeky grin, those green eyes and his fun,
spirited personality. It was him, inside, that attracted her and filled her with such longing, making
even his skinny body the most beautiful thing in creation to her.
"Oh, Loki, I would never do anything I didn't wish to, but this I want more than anything. I know it
has not been long since we met, but I am drawn to you... I am a moth drawn to a bright flame, and
should I burn my wings, I will still cling to you unto my very last breath." Her smile was soft and
sincere as she pulled close, hand in his, the other reaching to brush his cheek with the back of her
fingers, her touch as light as a butterfly's kiss.
L: For the first time in his life, Loki felt a worth he'd never found in himself before. All he'd ever
known was a need for approval, a need for the recognition of his mind and abilities. He'd never
been good enough. And yet, here was Fan, making him feel as if he'd always been good enough,
for anything. Mainly, for her.
His hold on her hand was light, his gaze heated. "I would not burn your wings, Fan. Never. Rather,
instead, I would make you fly..." The voice dropped to a whisper just before he claimed her lips
again. This, he would never tire of. This, he would never turn from.
He brought her to the bed, pulling her down with him.
"Fan, show me how bright your flame is. Burn me with it, and let me never forget." Pulling her in
close, he dove for another kiss.
F: Her lips readily accepted the kiss, her tongue immediately seeking its new home beside his.
Being light as an elf, she was not worried about crushing him, but rolled over anyway until they
were on equal grounds, facing each other on their sides. She wrapped one slim leg around his and
pulled him up against her where she could feel his need for her pressing into her thigh.
"But I am only an elf, Loki, you are the mysterious stranger, a veritable god before me! Am I
worthy enough to even go near your flame?"
L: She was a dream. She was so bright, so lovely. He wouldn't care what race she was, where she
was from, he wanted her...and wanted more than just the slim body pressed to his own. He could
feel the heat of her, worked his leg further between hers. His eyes closed a moment, his voice
almost strained.
"I am a god...but here I am only myself. And next to you, I would be an equal. I want you at my
side, not a step behind. Right now, I simply want you."
One hand boldly slipped between them, down cup at the heat between her legs, fingers stroking,
"So very warm. Fan, let me in. Let me love you..."
F: If only he would realise, she felt exactly the same about him. He was a gift from the Valar,
flashing into her life like lightning and striking deep into her heart. How she wanted him too, in
every way possible.
She let out a low moan as her leg moved upwards to give him more room, pushing her hips
against his hand beckoningly.
"Oh, Loki, don't you know I am yours, always have been yours... always will be yours? Love me,
Loki, as you've never loved before... and let me love you!"
L: Love. What a potent word. A word with all the power of the stars in it. There was something
about hearing it spoken in that voice of hers that made him believe it true, believe it possible.
Could I really love you already? Fan, do you truly love me?
He went no further in debating it. To do so would mean too much emotion to handle now. Now, he
needed full control, and he'd find it in her.
"Yesss... I'll make you move for me." Pushing her to her back, he came up over her, kissing her, his
teeth lightly catching her lower lip now and again. A trail was begun from her cheek and jaw all
down her neck to her collarbone. But only after a moment was spent licking the tip of his tongue
along the line of her ear. Those ears were divine.
His body slid down hers, mouth dragging kisses along her skin. A nipple was toyed with, tugged at
lightly with his lips, and then more deeply.

The hand returned to her core, and this time, his fingers stroked at her entrance, slipped past to
sink deep inside.
F: Move she did. Squirming and wriggling beneath his lips and hands, their electricity jolted her
every cell alive.
"Loki! My love!" She murmured again and again, hands grasping for him as he moved down her
body desperately wanting to keep as much contact with him as possible. She brought a leg up and
let her foot caress his leg, her breath growing shorter and faster with every passing moment.
As his fingers sought her core, she gasped, crying his name once more, and again calling him 'her
love'. And she meant it too, for love was not something an elf took lightly. Most elves joined with
one partner and were together for life, but this was not always the case. Some never met someone
and very very few would try a few times before finding the one they would bond with. As far as
Fan was concerned now, she had found hers. After over 6000 long years of trial and error, she felt
this was it. This is why she didn't hesitate to give herself to him. For as far as she was concerned,
she belonged with Loki.
L: He was merciless. In this, he would be, only to find any and every way to please her and send
her flying through the skies of ecstasy. It would be easy for him, once linked with her, easy for him
to get lost in the haze. But it needed to be more for her, and he wanted to find it. Her response
was electrifying, enough to quicken his breathing. He couldn't have imagined it, and found her
cries so sweet.
Even merciless, he was careful. The movement of his fingers inside her was tentative at first. It
was only a moment before he began a forward-and-back rhythm, mimicking what was to come.
Again, in no time, he added a twist of his wrist. Tentative was not his style.
"Love..." He whispered the word, tongue licked along the span of flesh between her breasts as he
went for the other nipple. He'd lavish the same attention there as with the first, his teeth grazing
the skin ever so lightly.
F: Fan wanted to please him too in every way she knew how, which, admittedly, wasn't all that
much. Hadi had been rather... well, boring. But how could she concentrate when this wonderful,
marvelous, magical being was working such wonders across her entire body seemingly at once?
The elleth tried hard to be still for him, but to no avail. Neither could she be quiet; it just wasn't her
style. Every touch of his lips, or lick of his tongue or even nip of his teeth provoked a different sort
of moan or even squeal from her lips. Sometimes it even tickled and she would laugh that
delightful little laugh she had, her perfect little nose scrunched up.
And when his fingers plunged deeper, the moans turned to groans as she arched her back,
pressing her completely hairless body up against him, begging to be his completely.
L: Poor Fan, to miss out on all the sweetness to be had. Poor Haldir if anything was ever
mentioned and Loki found it difficult to keep his mouth shut. He'd have no trouble gloating over
making Fan call out the way he did now. It was pure audio candy for him. Even her laugh was
enough to make him pause for a moment to smile to himself.
She was beautiful, she was amazing. The further he went, the more she seemed to completely
come undone. He wanted to take her all the way at least once before joining with her, but the want
was there just a little too much, whispering in his ear. Did she not realise just what she was doing
to him?
He didn't want her to lay still, didn't want her quiet. He wanted her utterly unhinged and wild for
him. And he'd make it happen. For a minute or more, he kept up the rhythm he'd begun with his
hand, slowly rising over her, positioned between her legs. When he pulled away, he was careful so
as not to startle or even hurt her. But he had to have this one swift second for himself...and licked
his fingers.
Soon. Not now, but soon.
"Fan...look at me. I want to see those pretty blue eyes."
F: Oh how she had missed such sweetness, such delight, though it had never been like this. Haldir
had had his moments, but this... Loki was nothing like the one-dimensional marchwarden. He was
simply like nothing or no one she had ever known. A little bit of naughty, a little bit of nice, a good

dash of exciting and a whole lot of cheeky. And he was all hers.
And oh the things he was doing to her! She couldn't have stayed still or silent even if she wanted
to. The combination of his tongue and his fingers very nearly had her at the top, but he stopped
just in time and she was able to focus once more. She longed to do such things to him, but knew
that, at least this time, he had to be the one in control.. the one calling all the shots. Power was
important to Loki, in everything he did. Even in the short time she'd known him, she knew this
about him. And that was fine with Fan. Power meant nothing to her. She only wished to make him
happy and bring him as much delight as he was bringing her. When he licked his fingers, she was a
little surprised, but then again not really and she gave a little laugh as she tried to catch her
Then she looked at him, smiling, granting his wish, her pale blue eyes lovingly fixed upon his
green. She would happily grant his wishes for the rest of her immortal life.
L: Yes, Haldir was definitely in for some quick verbal jabs if he said the wrong thing to Loki. He
wasn't the God of Mischief for nothing, and he'd gladly let his mouth get him into trouble in order
to see the proof that Haldir knew of his own shortcomings.
Or would he just sit back and smile smugly and let the guy wonder for himself? After all, it wouldn't
do to talk so about a lady.
The matter could be debated later. He was busy now. Busy seeking ecstasy for Fan. Power in this
was about pleasing her. She was probably the only person in any world he could relinquish power
to. But that was because she would never step on his toes, any more than he wanted to do to her.
His dark brows rose and fell, one finger in his mouth. She was so sweet. Later. Later he could have
that particular bit of fun. For now...
"Do not look away, love." The voice was low, honeyed, and matched the look in the green eyes
that locked on hers. Without breaking that gaze, he braced himself over her, guided himself with a
hand, and slowly, so very slowly, entered her. An inch at a time, he sank deeper and deeper, came
down to her to whisper, "Never before", and brush his lips over hers.
F: Fan wouldn't dream of looking away, wrenching herself from his beautiful face or mesmerising
eyes. Though she knew what was coming, nothing prepared her for the sheer ecstasy she felt as
he eased himself inside. With a loud gasp her fingers clung to his thin yet broad shoulders, nails
digging in farther the deeper he went. Her whole body responded in a way it never had before,
welcoming him with a shudder and jolt of electricity that made every nerve ending tingle.
Her eyelids dropped slightly as she moaned his name. "Loki.. oh Loki.. you.. you are everything to
me! Make me yours... completely and utterly yours!"
L: "You already are mine." The words were spoken with something of a smirk in them, but meant
with more feeling than he was really prepared for. Whispering her name, he trailed kisses along
her ear as he drew back...and thrust. From there, he couldn't seem to stop. But it was different
from anything he'd have imagined. He was lost in her, moving, fluid and with the singular purpose
of racing with her up the peak to flight.
His mouth was all over her neck, her ear, her shoulder. "Move with me, Fan."
Tell me all you feel. Let me hear it.
Whatever his physical condition, he'd forgotten everything but her. There was no thought for
location, situation, or station. It was all about the two of them and this moment.
F: Fan smiled into his eyes, wanting to see him as much as he wanted to see her, groaning and
purring as he lavished her with his attentions. But when he thrust... at first there was a sharp pain
for it had been so very long, but then, oh, to feel him so deep within her as if that was where he
belonged, him and no one else ever for no one else could ever be anything near as perfect as he..
the feeling was like nothing else she'd ever known. With a mingled cry and gasp, she threw her
head back and shouted his name, smiling, laughing, almost hysterical with the experience, Fan
was filled with such sheer joy that tears began to flow from the corners of her crystal blue eyes,
wetting the bedclothes beneath.
"Ahhhh Loki, my Loki!" she cried as she didn't need to be told, her body responding naturally by
meeting his movements, fingernails raking long tendrils down his back. Even so, she was still
careful of his shoulder, always thinking of him first. Always.

L: "AhyesFan..." His breathy sounds weren't near so vocal as hers, but he liked it that way,
reveling in her cries, each sigh and gasp. Combined with the feel of her, so warm and soft, all
around him, he was caught up in a vortex, lost within pleasure that had no equal. All this time,
they each seemed to have been searching the wrong worlds for their other half, only to find that
soul somewhere where worlds opened up and allowed one perfect moment.
The softest cry was torn from him with the feel of her nails. For that, he thrust harder. Just once. If
she wanted to play that game, he'd play, but she would have to endure what was dished out. His
eyes on hers, he held himself on his lower arms, his hands cupping her face when he saw the
tears. But he made no comforting sound, didn't hush her. He encouraged her. The pace picked up,
the power doubled, and he pushed his knees up under her to roll her hips higher.
F: Eyes fixed on his face, Fan smiled, squealing at the very hard thrust and laughing softly. She
trailed her nails down further, before grabbing hold of his firm buttocks, squeezing them and
pressing him to her, pushing him even deeper inside. The new angle as he shifted his knees
beneath her caused him to hit her sweet spot and she fairly screamed with delight, nails now
digging into his backside.
Everything he did she matched, and things that would have hurt a human were just that much
more pleasure to Fan. Elves may look delicate, but they are extremely hardy and resistant to
many things, as well as having a much higher tolerance for pain.
L: Her nails could be the death of him, and he would love it. He would see the end and plead for it.
Something of a smirk had appeared on his lips, until her nails forced him to close his eyes. "OhYes,
there she is!" He slammed home once, twice, three times, leaning toward his uninjured side.
"C'mon, Fan, show me what you've got." He wouldn't let her down, keeping her hips high, higher
still, one arm under her knee to hold her leg up.
He kissed along her jaw, groaned into her ear, licked right up to the tip of that ear, then bit lightly.
He was not light in his thrust, plunging deep and using all the power he dared. What began as
romantic turned to fire, a blaze of passion and need.
And something more, unexpected and strangely welcome.
F: Oh, how he knew just what to do and where! Fan screamed out with each thrust, nails digging
into his pale buttocks, urging him on. She knew it would not be long now as she felt her peak
building fast, her cries rising in pitch as it did. But when he licked her ear, she could hold on no
longer and when he bit the tip of her pointed elven ear, her high-pitched scream could probably be
heard all the way to Mordor as her climax hit her with wave after wave of incredible, intense
pleasure the like she had never known before.
L: She'd draw blood back there! Well, then he would simply have her treat these new wounds as
she had with his shoulder. Where would that lead? Probably back to this bed.
He gave everything. Tired, worn, hungry, and wounded...he gave everything. She deserved it, and
he wanted it. As her cries rose, he groaned over and over, his own sounds a bit louder. And there,
that bite, the resulting scream. His eyes closed and he got caught up in it. Flight achieved, letting
him feel the clasping of her inner walls, pushing him to even greater effort.
It was the shove he looked for, throwing him off the knife's edge and into orgasm. That opened up
his vocal cords. With his head thrown back, he gave himself up, called out with her.
F: Fan felt Loki inside her filling her with all of his love from every angle, in every possible way
she felt at one with him... he who, until a few days ago did not even exist in her world.. he, who
now was her world. If she thought she had loved him before now, then now she was certain.
Tears now streamed to the bedding below, but a smile and laughter were what accompanied
them.. tears of joy they were, never more to be tears of despair. Fanfanwen's hands released
their grip and slid up to hold his face as gently as if it were a bubble that would burst at a breath.
Her nails had not broken the skin, so no wounds would there be to attend, but there would be
marks... her marks upon his skin, claiming him as her own.
"Loki, ci velethron e-guil nin!" she muttered huskily against his thin, pouting lips, which in Sindarin
said 'Loki, you are the love of my life!'
L: It was a certainty they both felt, though Loki wasn't at all sure how it happened. It was simply

there! And it made this fiery rush to ecstasy the most beautiful thing he'd experienced in all his
He felt raw. Not only from the scores of her nails, but inside, where his heart beat out of control,
slow to come back to normal. Inside, where his mind was blank as white paper, yet full as a novel.
His head lowered, right into her hands, and there he met her gaze, swallowed hard as he fought
for breath, found more tracks from tears on her pretty face.
And there she spoke those sweet words against his mouth, and he had to sigh. "I don't know what
it means, but I love the sound of it." His words would have been better presented if his mind hadn't
been on the reboot. He pressed his lips to hers in a long kiss, simple and sweet, and then lowered
his head to her shoulder.
"You are vicious, my love. So beautifully vicious."
F: A chuckle accompanies her smile as she caresses his cheek whilst savouring his sweet kiss. As
he rests upon her shoulder, Fan strokes his hair and nuzzles against him contentedly, a warm
feeling of what can only be described as pure nirvana settling down upon them both.
"I said, you are the love of my life, Loki. Gi melin... I love you." Her blue eyes closed and she
sighed softly, before humming a soft, sweet tune, her heart so full.
L: Supporting himself with his good arm, he drifted fingertips over her skin, lay there listening to
her humming. Her words rattled around in his head, bouncing and keeping him from settling. 'I
love you'. Such profound words, and he knew, even after such a short time, Fan was not one to
throw those words lightly.
Well, what about me? Of course I feel that. It's absurd to think I wouldn't. It's absurd that it has
happened so quickly. One would think this interlude was only for fun. Love, as it were, doesn't
happen this quickly.
Yes, it does.
Because there they lay, still joined, still sweat-slick from their passion, and utterly at peace with
one another. Peace. Something that never happened for Loki. And yet, it had.
Lifting his head, he used his hand to turn her face to his. Those green eyes were soft, his
expression something completely new. The voice that spoke was a whisper, almost shy, in spite of
the words that had been said only moments ago.
"I love you, Fanfanwen."
The kiss that came after was drawn out, like a Midgardian Hollywood kiss.
F: Fan looked into those eyes to see a reflection of her own heart and smiled. The kiss
afterwards, melted her completely and time seemed to stand still. Was this what bonding with
another person felt like? Or was this something special for them, or even for his kind that he was
sharing with her? All she knew is that nothing in her life would ever matter more to her than the
being she now embraced, inside and out.
As that kiss drew to a close, she could still feel him within, and squeezed her muscles tight,
watching his face for a reaction. A gentle hand brushed the sweat from his brown as she smiled up
at him. "How do you feel, melamin?" her voice was soft and oh so sweet.
L: "Oh, why...?" He might not have been as sensitive as he'd been moments ago, but she got the
reaction she was looking for. He hadn't even truly pulled from the kiss when he felt her clamp
down on him, and it pulled a groan from him. A chuckle escaped as he lowered his head again.
"Fan... I was so good to you!" He mocked a whine, as if truly wounded right to his heart. His head
came back up, and he sighed with the touch of her hand.
"I'm fine. I'm more fine than I have been in a very, very long time." He still hadn't eaten, and now
he was utterly exhausted, but who cared? He dropped a kiss against the corner of her mouth. "And
there was this strange feeling, just a moment ago...sent a rush through me..." He met her gaze.
"So this is how it's going to be, huh, Fan?"
F: The fair elf smiled at him and nodded gently. "If you want it to be, yes." Rather than look sweaty
and ragged from their exertions, she seemed to positively glow. Her smile seemed brighter, her
face younger and sweeter. Being in love certainly seemed to agree with her; or like she had said
earlier, Loki just brought out the best in her.
She squeezed again, eyes narrow with a mixture of gentle mischief and adoration. "I'm glad you

weren't disappointed. But just wait until I get the chance to take over," she winked. "Now, you
should rest whilst I make you dinner. A vegetable stew wasn't it? With lots of carrots?"
L: "How do you do that?" How was it that she looked so good? Shouldn't she look rumpled and
overheated? He knew he did. But that was the look of a man who had just had the nicest tumble in
bed. If it was love that made her look that way, he would have to find the secret, because he
wanted to look like that, too.
"AwwwFanOhh..." Another groan was heard. She was too good at that. She was also small enough
that even now, when he was only barely alive there, he could feel her keenly. "OhNonononono..."
Shifting slightly, he regained his position, pressing his hips to hers. "You cannot do that and think a
man won't react, love. Because", he paused, drew back a little, and pressed home again, "...he
will." With his forehead against hers, he smiled. "I could never be disappointed in you, Fan. For
anything. I couldn't. So never think of it."
Was he going to let her up that easily?
F: "Do what?" she looked up at him questioningly. Of course her appearance was completely in his
eyes alone, as was his in hers. Fan didn't see a mussed up, tired and sore Loki, she saw him
glowing and smiling and beautiful beyond belief as well. It was a special type of spell that only love
could cast. Her cheeky smile appeared once more as she continued to squeeze him with her
muscles, her every nerve still alight from before.
As he shifted, she grinned and prepared herself, crying out once more as he thrust anew, her lips
hungrily answering his. But this time she wanted a little control. When he was sufficiently aroused
again, she rolled him over to his back, still inside her, so she was now on top. She leaned down
and kissed him deeply, her hips beginning to gyrate ever so slowly atop him. "My Loki, all mine,"
she whispered against his thin lips.
L: "PleaseAww..." She wouldn't get an answer to her question. What she got was Loki moaning yet
again, victim to her games. Not that he could complain. He would get her back. Or was this her
payback? He couldn't keep it straight. It didn't matter. What started as a game had turned into
something very serious, and it led to him finding himself on his back, looking up into her eyes.
The softest groan sounded in his throat within their kiss, his hands cupping her face. Her
movements were feeding the fire inside. "Yes." He whispered a reply, barely nodding. "Oh yes, and
you...are...mine." His head went back, his hands sliding down to settle on her hips and guide her to
a quicker rhythm.
F: Her smile was almost a triumphant one as she moved atop him faster, guided by his hands.
This time she would watch him, see his face as he succumbed to the pleasure she was giving him.
This beautiful creature below her that she wanted so much. Besides, in this position, when they
were done, at least she could get up and go put the dinner on!
She rode him a little faster, her round, firm breasts bouncing to the rhythm as she sat back, to go
deeper, hands upon his perfectly smooth chest. "All yours... Loki.. until the.. end of.. time!" Her
words soon merged into her cries as once more she neared that point of no return. This time,
though, she concentrated on watching him, to see him at that precise moment when he was
totally and completely hers. "Oh yes, let it go, my love, let it go for me!"
L: He hadn't really intended this. He'd meant to tease her, to remind her that she wasn't the only
one who could toy with someone as she did, tightening herself around him as she did. But he
wasn't going to tell anyone this! No, he was going to let Fan have her way and let them ride to
As she straightened, he moved with her, his hips rising to meet her downward movements.
Reaching up behind her, he drew his nails down her back, carefully, enough for a sting but no
more. Those nails were drawn around, over her ribs, until her could reach for her breasts, grasp
them in his hands, in a fierce hold. And she just had to give him that sweet command. It was going
to happen, she would get what she wanted.
He kept his eyes on hers, right up to the moment of flight. When it came, when he came, it was
searing, like the flashpoint of a fire. "Fan..." He tried to say more and couldn't. A whimper broke
loose, then a long groan, and then a cry. He clung to her, arms about her waist, then fell back as it

all drained him.

Utterly spent, he lay there, drifting on the edge of consciousness, knowing now what she felt the
first time. Without control, it was almost blinding. No wonder she had cried.
F: Fan groaned as his nails went down her back, a groan that dissolved into laughter then a shrill
Oooohhhh as she continued to move faster and faster. She watched his face intently, resisting the
urge to close her eyes and throw her head back with the sheer unbridled pleasure of it all when he
grasped her breasts. She held on as long as she could, the look on Loki's face and his cries the last
things she needed to join him once more in flight.
"Oh Eru! Loki, Oh! Yes! Yes!! My darling!" she cried over and over again as the waves ran through
her like jolts of lightning leaving her, this time, all flustered and spent. Fan collapsed on top of
him, still unable to resist gentle kisses to his neck even as she gasped for breath. "You... are the
most... amazing person... I have ever... known.. in my ... life!" she panted.
L: She was magick, just pure magick. She was so erotic, under the proper but lighthearted
surface. Loki would have to be happy that she was so close to climax when his end came, he'd had
no way to hold back, no strength. She ruled all this time, and by her command, he'd jumped into
the temporary void. Her cries were exquisite, his arms around her a few moments after her
collapse. He felt it all, her swift pace, her inner walls in the frenzy of her flight, the rush of heat
within. He was just wiped blank. Slowly, he lifted his arms, sighing with her kisses. She was
wrapped in his embrace.
"May I be that elsewhere, and not just here in bed." His hand went into her hair, tilting
her head back as he lifted his head to kiss her. This kiss was the lazy kind, sleepy, sweet, and not
too deep. Just the pressure to let each other know they were both there.
"And may I prove to live up to the glorious standard your presence has set. I will be worthy of every way."
F: "You have nothing to prove that you already haven't my love. Seriously. I loved you even before
you ever touched me, such is the strength of this bond we have." She delicately extricated herself
and collapsed onto her back beside him on the bed. "Whew! I don't know that I've ever been so
exhausted, even after battle!" she looked over at him and winked, smiling teasingly as she often
did. It was so nice to have someone with whom she could display her unique humour, which was
something neither common nor encouraged amongst her kind.
Fan reached for his hand as they lay there, letting the heat of her body cool down, bathing in the
afterglow as it were. "You are aware that according to elven custom, the thing we just did equates
to the act of marriage..." She knew he wasn't bound to such things as he was not an elf, but it
didn't hurt to tease.
L: He knew something had happened between them the day they met. Her hand touched his, just
that fleeting brush, and any other touch was forgotten. That one, that was the important one. It
said so much in the jolt he'd felt. But, in his immature way, he'd fled. And thought of her every day
he was gone, hiding out within the forest and areas close by. He'd wanted to come back to her,
partially because at least he knew her name, partially out of curiosity about this beautiful being.
"I have heard lovemaking referred to as combat before. However, at least in this battle, we have
both won." He grinned back at her, his chuckle almost not there it was so quiet.
There was a deep peace to be had in laying there with her fingers twined with his. It wasn't the
peace that came from the boneless state of the post-orgasm body and mind. It was something
deeper than that, something that had eluded him for too many years.
However, there was that statement Fan made, and his head snapped toward her, eyes huge. "You
know I would not be aware of that!" How would he be aware?! He suddenly couldn't focus, looking
upward again. Abruptly, he pulled his hand from hers, pushing himself almost a sitting position...
...And turned himself to his side, reaching out for her. Yes, with his injured arm, but that didn't
matter. She was pulled right back against him, his smiling lips pressing a kiss against her cheek.
"Then come and kiss me, wife."
Two could play this game, Fan.
F: Fan gave a soft shriek and giggle as he pulled her close, not putting up any resistance, even if

she could.
"Be careful what you say, my love, for if you claim it, it is so, even in jest... husband." Her voice
was soft and so sweet as she planted a brief kiss upon his lips. "Be careful of your shoulder. Now
seriously, you lie here and rest whilst I go make dinner, all right? We both need to eat."
She tried to pry herself from his grip, reluctant to do so but thinking about the night and how they
would sleep nestled up together for the first time and this caused her to smile and even purr
L: Her laughter... Oh, her laughter!
"Oh, is that so?" That one kiss... No, it should be more! But her words were enough to make him
blink. Just saying it could make it real? He opened his mouth to speak and she was telling him to
rest. "Damn my shoulder." He muttered the same words that had given this whole afternoon a
massive green light. Arms crossed over his chest, he sat back, letting her up from the bed.
He did, however, smirk over whatever that adorable little sound was she made. The vision in her
head, the thought, was apparently a good one. He went thoughtful.
"Fan... Let's not claim it." He waited for the look he was sure was coming. "Would it not be better
claimed before all those who should witness it?" In other words, she should have her day as all
girls wanted.
When alone, he sank down to the pillows, but any thought of the changes that had come to him
had to be put on hold. His eyes were too heavy to keep open. He heard one grumble from his
stomach, grumbled back, and turned on his side, back to the doorway.
He was out like a light within minutes.
F: "As you wish, my love. You are not bound by our customs anyway for you are not an elf. Now
rest. I'll just be in the kitchen." With that she pulled on her silken robe and left, dancing on
weightless feet all the way to the kitchen.
Once there she began by lighting the fire in the large fireplace. When that was going well, she put
a large pot of water on to boil. Into this she put some beef bones and roughly cut onions, celery,
salt and white pepper. Then she began to prepare the vegetables, washing them before peeling
and cutting. She had, of course, the potatoes and carrots they had harvested earlier, chopping
them into large chunks for the stew. When the water had boiled nearly away, she took that off the
fire and added chunks of beef, along with more onions and the vegetables. She topped the water
off and put it back on the fire to stew. Then she set about making a pie with peaches, plums and
apricots she had picked the day before. She opened the little stone oven door that was right above
the fire and set the pie inside. It would take some time but it would be delicious!
While she waited for the food to cook, she set the little kitchen table with a clean, white tablecloth,
and her best china for two, including her best bottle of wine, nicked from Thranduil's cellars before
she left. She had been saving this last bottle for a special occasion. What could be more special
than the day she had found her true love?
L: He dreamed.
Exhausted as he was, he'd fallen into deep sleep in no time. He dreamed of Asgard, of the brother
who would rib him for this sudden love, of the father who would wonder two things. Would Loki
learn anything from this experience, or would he only screw it up as he did everything else? Odin
warned Fan, "He will break your heart, my dear. He is too immature for love."
"You are simply angry because you sent me away to punish me, and instead gifted me with the
greatest discovery of my life! You are jealous, because I am no longer alone and you always will
"You will never fit in there, and her safety is compromised here. I will send her back, and teach you
"For what?! The one who never believed in me, who told me my birthright had been to die?!"
It resulted in the loss of Loki's temper, in Odin controlling his adopted son, and the destruction of
the veranda they stood on. And his beloved Fan saw it all, watched through huge blue eyes as
Loki revealed all of himself, the person under the surface of all he showed her. She saw it all and
was horrified.
Eyes wide, gasping, he shot up on the bed, staring and pale.
It was a dream. Only a dream. Born of his past and his fear that he'd never be accepted by
anyone, completely. Fan would. She would.

For a moment, he didn't remember his surroundings, and then actually got to his feet on the bed
and came down to the floor at the foot of it, taking the blanket with him. This was wrapped around
him when he appeared in the kitchen doorway.
F: Fan heard the shuffling in the hallway and half-turned her head to see him, just as she was
checking on the pie in the oven.
"Oh, sweetheart, there you are. Dinner is almost ready." Then she looked at him properly, was
about to say something about his clothes, then stopped. Noting the ashen look on his face she
dropped the towel she was using as an oven mitt onto the table and rushed over to embrace him.
"Darling, what's wrong? You're not ill are you?" Fan felt his forehead then gently pulled him over
to sit in a chair at the table. "Please tell me!"
L: She needed to leave that oven door open just a little while longer. But the incredible scent only
made him realise that his stomach was all but eating itself.
It's been a week, Loki. A week since any decent food, and that was only the tea you had here.
This is where part of his brain had gone as Fan came to him. "No..." He protested right until his
rear met with the seat of the chair. "Fan, I'm alright. It was only a dream. Please..." He should
have stayed in the bedroom, so she wouldn't see him until he had a handle on things. But, he'd
been unable to keep from seeking the only person who could offer him some comfort, and
Grasping for her hand, he was shaking his head. "Stop, it's alright. I swear. I'll tell you about it
another time." Green eyes met with blue. "It smells like heaven in here, love."
F: With a sigh, she pulled another chair beside him and sat down, knowing full well she would get
no more out of him for now. She smiled sweetly and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, the
other hand adjusting the blanket so he wouldn't be cold.
"I'm glad you like it. I hope it tastes all right too. It will be ready in just a minute." She studied him
as a finger twirled in his hair. "Are you sure you're all right? I think you need a drink." She stood
once more, heading to the chill box. "How about some apple juice?" Fan knew he had been
unraveled slightly by his dream and put on her cheeriest disposition to help him.
L: There was no more to say. She would tell him that it wouldn't happen, it was a matter of
nerves... She might be afraid he was regretting this bond between them, but...he wasn't. It was his
fear for the safety of it that caused the dream, in part. It was also the issues he'd long had with his
adoptive father. It would take too long to explain, and there were better things to speak of over a
dinner that smelled as good as this one.
Were anyone else to behave to him as she did, he would have been thoroughly annoyed. To be
touched so easily, the constant sunny smile, the voice that was always speaking up with positive
words and loving concern. He would have been suspicious. But with Fan, he was at ease, and
maybe it was because she was free of the taint of Asgard. Maybe it was just because she was all
he'd ever wanted and needed. Her touch, the toying of his hair, her closeness, all made him want
to turn his face into her neck and spill everything in his mind.
"I promise you, my love, I'm fine." when she mentioned a drink, he somehow expected a much
different suggestion, and he couldn't help the smile that appeared, the laugh under his voice.
"Alright. But maybe I should dress for dinner first?"
F: Fan couldn't help but laugh softly at this. "All right. Just throw the tunic on, that would be
enough surely? We need to get you some clothes that fit. I'll call on the tailor first thing tomorrow."
Keen elven senses told her that all was not all right, that he was haunted by dark things in his
past. But she also could tell that to pry would only anger him and that was the last thing she
wanted to do. When he was ready, he would tell her everything. She had confidence that he
would. But he had looked so frightened when stood in the doorway, like a small child out of bed
after a nightmare. She wanted so badly to hold him and kiss all his fears away, but she didn't. She
left him his dignity.. for now. That wasn't to say she wouldn't do so in future.
Rising, she fetched the apple juice from the chiller and poured them each a glass. "Dress, but drink
this first. I do have wine and ale, but it's not a wise thing on so empty a stomach... aye I could hear
it from over there!"

L: "Well, I could come to dinner as I am, but somehow, it would be inappropriate, whatever our
latest activities." And he was going to dress in all of it. He knew he'd never stop laughing if he
came pantsless to the table.
He also knew she was on to him. It wasn't a matter of concern, but rather knowing for certain
something had shaken him. The dream wouldn't have mattered had it not been for her appearance
in it. Prophetic dreams were not common for him, but this...this seemed important. If this dream
meant something, he would need to find out what, and astral projection was about the only way he
could attempt learning. If he could reach out across worlds.
That was the did he end up here?!
He rose from the chair, accepting the glass from her. And laughed. "I'm sure my stomach was
easily heard almost anywhere. It's been a week, Fan." He was quiet in his thanks, drank quickly,
and gathered his borrowed clothing. "Haldir needs to lose weight." The words were mumbled as he
came to kiss her lightly, then went off to dress.
F: Worried though she was, Fan couldn't help but laugh at this remark. "Yes, he does. I told him
that many times but of course he thought he was perfect." She shook her head at the memory and
knowing that everyone always referred to him to those who asked who he was as that 'fat elf'. He
wasn't fat really, but neither was he as slim as the others. "Muscle my arse!" Fan laughed to
herself as she went to take the pie from the oven to cool.
Then she checked the stew, giving it a stir, and a taste, adding a bit more salt and sprinkling some
fresh parsley and sage into it. Then, carefully, she lifted the great pot and set it on the trivet on
the table, knowing he would probably be starved. A week? She suddenly realised what he meant
by that remark and grew extremely concerned. Lastly, she brought out a loaf of fresh bread she
had made earlier that morning before they brought Loki to her and tore a few chunks from the
rounded loaf.
"What do you mean you haven't eaten in a week?" she greeted him as he returned.
L: Going in to dress, he cast an eye to the clothing left in the bathroom, and dropped the tunic and
breeches on the bed. He knelt to pick up his shirt, finger stuck through the hole in the shoulder
where the arrow had pierced. The edges were hard with dried blood. His tunic was no different. But
it was the great coat that made him growl. "Fool destroyed an entire set of clothes because of
what?" He left it all on the floor, not wanting to lay dirty clothes on Fan's bed.
Dressing quickly, he belted himself tight, mumbled another comment that amounted to something
about a 'fat ass'. He was just coming back to the kitchen when she questioned him...and he froze.
He had trouble concentrating, his eyes straying to the pot on the table. Ohhh... Fan, let it wait.
Casual as anything, he shrugged and took his former chair.
"I am no hunter, Fan. And here, I am homeless." Had she thought of him during the last week?
Had she just thought he'd disappeared again? Gone as strangely as he'd appeared? The guards
had kept him from getting too close to the homes, leaving him unable to steal anything.
He made no big deal of it, but only said, "I've not eaten real food since I was last here with you."
F: "Well, you do have a home now and you will never go hungry again. Not as long as I'm alive to
take care of you!" She grabbed up his bowl and filled it to the brim with the stew, making sure he
got plenty of meat as well as the sweet carrots, then set it back down before him, steaming hot.
Then she places some of the bread on the little plate beside him, before doing the same for
She had, in fact, thought of him often that week, wondering if maybe he found his way back to his
own world since she hadn't seen him again. She had no idea he was still there until the guards
brought him to her door. Oh what a sweet moment that was, she smiled as she pictured it in her
head. If only she had known how much she truly cared for him at the time. But she hadn't. It
wasn't until she bathed him and cared for him, then dug up vegetables with him that she realised
how truly wonderful a life with him could be. That was when she realised Loki was what she had
always wanted and needed.
"Eat as much as you like, there's plenty. But be sure and leave room for the pie."
L: "Without you, I would have nothing, you know."
He said this very quietly, in the voice of someone who hates to admit any weakness. And he didn't
mean it only about a roof and food. He meant it with everything. Without her, he would have no

friendship, no love, and no one to be at his side in any way at all. He would have no meaning. And
in this strange place, since it seemed obvious he'd be here a good long while, he needed
something to make him meaningful. She did that. Having her, he had something and someone to
fight for. And with.
As she had with him, he'd thought of her during that week, especially at night, when all was quiet
and the moon glowed. When he was beyond alone and had time to think too much. Her voice and
smile came to mind, her stubborn chin and her fearlessness. She'd not blinked twice at him when
he made threats, but had lifted that chin and dared him to repeat himself.
And he'd backed down! Not out of fear or uncertainty, but out of respect for her.
Despite his near-starving state, he ate with good manners. He ate quickly, but not at all as his
brother would have in the same situation. No, he ate like a man on a mission, but a well brought
up man. His only real loss of manners came with the--unrealised--stream of approving sounds he
made while cleaning out that bowl. Without a word, he calmly refilled the bowl and began again.
Room? He had room. Skinny as he was, he'd find room.
F: When he said that, Fan felt her heart melt. She watched as he ate, almost forgetting to eat her
own food, so glad to see that he could eat again. She was still upset that he'd gone so long
without. If only he had come back to her! She chuckled at the sounds he made, and watched
approvingly as he refilled his bowl.
"I take it you like it?" she smiled at him. Always smiling, for that's the effect he had upon her. "Are
the carrots as sweet as you had hoped?" She looked at him expectantly, hoping they were at least
close. She wanted so much to please him, to make him happier than he had ever known. This was
her life's purpose, she knew now, and nothing made her happier.
L: Thinking about his situation hadn't been an awful thing during that week. He'd not slept well,
hadn't eaten but the barest bits he could find outside, and he'd been on guard day and night...but
his mind had been on his plans. And that had kept him going. In a way, he'd had his greatest
stroke of luck in being slow enough to get hit with the arrow. Slow because he was tired and
wearing down from lack of food. But in the end of that, he'd come back to Fan. He would have to
eventually thank Haldir for having such good aim.
"Hm?" He looked up, mouth full, green eyes clearly stating he'd forgotten he had an audience. His
expression softened, he finished chewing, and said, "In all honesty, and not only because I'm
starving, this is the best meal I've ever eaten. Carrots and everything." When this bowl was
finished, he used what was left of his bread to wipe it out. It was almost perfectly clean when he
was done.
And yes, he eyeballed the pot again, but his stomach warned him to slow down. Being that he was
so thoroughly well behaved, he set his utensils down and sat back a little.
"I'm not going to need this belt within a week if I keep eating like this." Was he complaining. No,
and the smile that curved one corner of his mouth told that story.
"My love...thank you. I owe you quite deeply for everything you've done for me."
F: The sight of him eating so well made Fan happy. She finished her own bowl, doing likewise and
sopping up the last of the liquid with her bread. At his remark about the belt, she laughed.
"Well that's my plan! I'm sure we can think of some exercises you can do to keep from getting as
fat as Hadi." She rose and picked up the empty bowls, kissing him softly before putting them in the
sink. "But meleth, you don't owe me anything. It has all been my pleasure."
Then she grabbed the pie and carried it over to the table, setting it down between them. Moving to
the cupboard, she took down two small plates then returned to cut the pie.
"Big piece or small one?" she asked him, knife hovering over the delicious smelling pastry.
L: He had to laugh. He couldn't help it. "You would think, thin as I am, I could have outrun him and
his arrow, though I can't complain. It brought me back here." Or had he done it on purpose,
mentioning her name in order to see her again? After all, making Loki talk wasn't an easy thing to
do, but he'd been all too happy to supply her name when they were debating where to put him.
"No, you deserve to be paid back for your kindnesses. It's only right."
Now...the pie. It smelled as good as her kisses tasted. Because Loki was Loki, her question made
him give her a devious look.
"You tell me, love."

After a moment, he very politely said, "A big piece, please."

F: She gave him a grin almost as cheeky as his own. "You were going to get a big one anyway!"
her laughter was delightful as she sliced the pie into six huge pieces and dished one out to each of
I hope you like it. I put some plums in it to give it a little touch of tartness, just to make it
interesting and not too sweet." She winked at him before tasting her still warm pie.
L: The green eyes closed as he turned his head. He had to look away because of the thoughts
going through his head.
'You were going to get a big one anyway...'
Ohhh, Fan. My dearest love...if you only knew.
He was all innocence and good manners as she cut and dished. The smell... OhGods, it was lovely.
It was almost as exquisite as she was! The first bite, though, almost sent him over the edge. He
bit, paused, stared, and his shoulders slowly sagged. He'd never tasted anything so...luscious! Part
of him almost didn't want to chew, to have to wait through that for the next bite. The stomach that
had been a little unsure about having room for the pie suddenly decided it would have room if he
took the whole thing and hid in the closet with it.
He wanted to have a love affair with that pie.
"Can we...can we make a thousand more of these?"
Can I sleep on it? Can I live in it?
Needless to say, the pie was a smash success.
F: Fanfanwen watched Loki with held breath, hoping he would find it to his taste. At first, it
seemed as though he would spit it out, for he took a bite and froze, his shoulders sagging, but
then as he began to chew and praise her, she beamed and her cheeks glowed rosily.
"My darling, I will make one for you every day of your life if that would make you happy! I am so
pleased you like it!" She could hardly eat her own, so pleased she was that he approved. For Loki
was now entirely her world and she couldn't be happier about it.
L: "What were those exercises?"
Laughter colored his voice as he went into the next bite. Oh, Fan, how are you not married? She
was a dream, and not for her cooking. Well, that helped, certainly, but the heart and soul in this
lovely golden Elf was more than he'd seen anywhere. More than he ever expected to see. That
smile of hers made him want to drag her right back to bed, but only to be sweeter than before, to
hold onto the romance of the act.
His stomach threatened him for thinking of it.
"Will you tell me about this place? I know nothing, and it seems I'll be here for a while."
'A while' had a lot of possibilities.
F: A soft blush colours her cheeks at his question about exercises as she took another bite of her
pie and remained silent. She chewed and swallowed, then sipped her juice, before responding to
his next question.
"Here? Well you're in the city of Caras Galadhon, the chief city in the forest lands of Lothlorien,
often called the Heart of Elfdom. The river is called the Celebrant and it's the only place on earth
where the golden Mallorn tree grows. This, is a Mallorn tree," she gestures all around indicating the
tree in which they were now sitting. "In the autumn the leaves do not fall but turn gold. And in the
spring they fall to be replaced by yellow flowers, so all the city is golden. It is quite a sight to see.
It is said that the seeds were given to Gil-galad, the last great king of the elves. When they
wouldn't grow in his own lands, he gave them to the Lady Galadriel and she planted them here
where they grew. And so she settled here with Lord Celeborn and... here we are."
L: He couldn't help it. The description of the city, the location, and the title often all
conjured images of gold and glory.
And the perfect place to sit and rule all. If I must be here, then I should truly
here. I
will take this whole forest and begin with it. This Lord and Lady who leave their lands with no
authority while they do as they please will see a Jotunn in their place when they return. It'll be
easy. Their arrows are nothing in comparison to my abilities. And to top it all off, the best of it, I'll

have Fan as my queen. I'll-With no sign of his thoughts on his face, he listened, chewed, and made sure his eyes stayed on
her as she spoke.
He might love her, and oh, he did...but Loki was Loki. And Loki needed to have a place for himself,
one worthy of who he was.
"Lothlorien, as you call it, seems rather large. I kept well hidden most of the time, this last week. It
was quite the game of Hide and Seek."
F: "No doubt that's because most of the guards have gone with Lord Celeborn to battle an
insurgence of orcs on the northern boundaries near the Misty Mountains. Lady Galadriel was
summoned to the White Council in Rivendell by Lord Elrond. She bears the ring of power that
protects this land from evil. None may enter as long as she has the ring. If the one ring is ever
found, though, and destroyed, the power will fade from all rings of power and we will no longer be
Fan finished the last of her pie and licked the spoon, one side at a time, slowly and quite
sensually without even realising it.
L: She had no idea, but the details she gave him only solidified the idea in his mind. Lothlorien
and its center would be his by week's end. And when The Lady returned, he'd be taking that ring
from her. The One Ring got his attention. "Is someone seeking to destroy the One Ring, as you call
it? What is it, anyway? It makes no sense to destroy it if its power strengthens the protection you
have." Confusion was written on his face, his now empty plate sitting before him.
But, for one beautiful moment, his plans were shoved aside.
Fan and that spoon...
Everything tightened inside, and he shifted on his chair. He swore he could feel what she was
I'm losing my mind!
F: She blinked at him innocently enough as she set the now cleaned spoon down to answer his
questions. "Well, no one knows." She then told the history as if reciting the lore from memory. "The
Rings of Power were twenty magical rings forged in the Second Age, intended by Sauron to seduce
the rulers of Middle-earth to evil. Nineteen of these rings were made by the elven-smiths of
Eregion, led by Celebrimbor. These were grouped into three rings for the Elves, seven rings for the
Dwarves, and nine rings for men. One additional ring, the One Ring, was forged by Sauron himself
at Mount Doom. Sauron placed so much of his dark powers into the One Ring that he could not
exist without it. He was defeated once, when Isildur, son of the king, cut the finger with the ring
upon it from Sauron's hand. Sauron was gone and the ring went to him. Elrond wanted him to
destroy it, but men are weak and he didn't. Then Isildur was found dead and the ring was gone. It
has never surfaced again."
L: Even one of those rings would be more powerful than I could be alone. If I could get this
Galadriel, and take that ring, I might even open up a link between here and Asgard, and-But, Fan...!
To go back would mean losing her, and that was not acceptable.
Taking her wasn't possible, as she would be the one out of place in Asgard, and gods only knew
what Odin would do with her. Having anyone put their hands on her was not an option. He couldn't
bear the thought of her being treated as a hostage. She would not be treated as well as he was
right now. He'd been so very lucky to find her and avoid being at the mercy of some unknown in
this wild and strange world.
"The Elves made these rings? For the purpose of evil?" Dark head tilted, he gave her a direct look.
"Is there something I do not yet know about you or your people, Fan?"
F: Fan's pale blue eyes narrowed. She knew well what he was thinking, even in so short a time,
but then he wasn't that hard to figure out; especially when he had arrived going on about power
and taking over Lorien, and had very nearly gotten himself killed in so trying.
"Loki, that was a very long time ago, when the world was new, and things were still unsettled. It
was also a time when Melkor walked the earth and sought to turn all to his evil ways. The orcs I
spoke of? They were Avari elves who were captured then tortured, mutilated and force bred to

become manageable servants to the great Vala, Melkor, also known as Morgoth. Thank Iluvatar he
no longer haunts this world, but evil still abounds in his creations and minions and those who
followed him long ago."
L: His brows rose. "Are you suspecting something of me? Fan, I know nothing of your world, and I
can hardly learn unless I ask questions." Shaking his head, he lowered his eyes. "I didn't mean to
seem a problem. That was not my intention."
But inside, he was thinking. This Melkor, Morgoth, whatever... He'd created an army of sorts.
Imagine! If the world wouldn't turn, then he'd find ways of managing them all, with an army of
darkness that would enforce his ideas and rule over all. Melkor had the right idea!
It was something he wanted to read about, if he could get his hands on-"If my questions are too much, perhaps you've a book somewhere I could read. I'll be able to learn,
and won't be asking you so much."
Sitting back in the chair, he crossed his arms over his chest, as if wrapping himself in something
protective. "I do not know how I ended up here, nor can I find the answer easily, which leads me to
believe I will be here for a long time. I cannot live here and know nothing, love."
F: Fanfanwen sat back too, folding her arms across her chest, mimicking him as if preparing for a
battle of wills.
"You could live here for the rest of your life and never know the first thing about Melkor and his
efforts to fill the world with evil. Which all failed, I might add. He is now either dead completely or
imprisoned in the Void. No one knows for sure. There are books, sure, but can you read Tengwar?"
She smirked, thinking just how adorable he was when he tried to play all innocent. But of course
she wasn't fooled for a second.
L: Everything was fine right up until she asked if he could read Tengwar. Then he froze. A few
Midgardian curses came to mind, but he refrained from speaking them. The words would only
sound immature and harsh. He also had the idea she was telling him that, if Melkor couldn't
succeed, Loki sure as hell couldn't. And the two were on an equal level when it came to existence.
I cannot stay here and be nothing more than some servant, for they'll try to make one of me. I'm
not one of them, and so I'm less. This much I've seen. That Haldir had no problem turning up his
nose at me, even before Fan's name came out of my mouth.
Yet, would it be any different for Fan if he could take her back with him? Would Odin not want to
question her? And wouldn't she be seen as a problem because she was an Elf? The term itself was
not welcome in Asgard much less the real thing, even if she wasn't the expected variety.
We are doomed already.
His voice came out as a whisper when he spoke.
"What will they do with me, your leaders? When they come back, what will they do?"
F: Fan relaxed and leaned forward, placing a gentle hand upon his. "Nothing, Loki. They are good,
kind people who want nothing more than peace to reign in this world. Galadriel is the most
powerful elf in Middle Earth yet she uses those powers for good, as do all elves these days. As long
as you are with me and don't cause trouble, you may live here in peace as long as you wish." She
smiled at him sweetly, her fingers gently stroking his wrist.
L: "They had best find an occupation for me." His voice was still low, and still somewhat lost,
though her touch was a great comfort. "Trouble is what I do. Chaos is my profession. I'm an expert
of mischief, and thus am named as such. I cannot promise anything more than to behave within
these walls, and that I would never harm you."
He also found it hard to believe that two people who had never met him and knew nothing of him
would forgive his tricks more readily than his own father. A collar and chains was hard to forget.
And they would not do the same?
What would be worse? Chains, or being sent away from Fan?
He swallowed hard, unable to pull his eyes from hers.
Wherever I am, let me see those eyes for the rest of my days, and all will be well. I could care less
about anything else. But let me have her...
No doubt, on their return, Celeborn and Galadriel would want to see this oddity, and then he could
ask forgiveness.

With a lot of luck, he'd have it.

F: "We shall figure out something, meleth. Mischief and chaos? What sort of profession is that
really? Is there a school for that sort of thing?" Now, she knew perfectly well there was not, but she
enjoyed teasing him. Haldir had never 'gotten' her sense of humour or her constant harmless
teasing. It was just how she was. The more time she spent with Loki, the more she wondered what
had ever possessed her to be with Haldir, who was as far away from the mischief-maker as the
poles of the earth.
"I know," she said suddenly, patting his hand. "You can organise training for the guards. No doubt
you can come up with every trick possible to get past them. Well, then set up exercises to test
them. Only they won't be able to use real arrows. No more hurting my Loki!"
L: "Oh yes, and I came away the highest rated student they'd ever had." Oh, let her play, let her
tease. He'd play along. That's what he did. It was better than thinking of the ideas that now pingponged in his head, bouncing and gathering momentum, carrying him along with the tide. The
problem was that it would likely remain for a long while, especially if he didn't do anything with it.
She was patting his head, and he blinked out of his thoughts. The corner of his mouth turned
upward. "You're quite possessive for someone who only laid claim to this person I am a few hours
ago." His eye flashed in a wink. "It's a hell of a plan, Fan, especially the rule about the arrows."
His words were punctuated with a rub of his shoulder and a mock whimper.
F: "I don't care if you burn down the whole damn forest, Loki, they cannot hurt you or they'll have
me to answer to. Well, actually I do care, but they still can't hurt you." She winks and leans in to
kiss his cheek. "Of course I'm possessive. You're mine. You've given yourself to me and I've given
myself to you. Or had you forgotten? This Loki I see before me is my own creation and I will love it
until the end of time.
L: He hadn't expected to hear that! A chuckle was pulled from him, and he shook his head. "I've
no plans for that, love. You cannot seek leadership over something that doesn't exist." But he'd
said he would not cause trouble while in this house.
Ah, but outside...
Regardless of this thought, his eyes slowly closed as her lips brushed his cheek. How was it she'd
turned him into something so different from what he really was? How was it he was so...settled?
Picking up one of her hands, he kissed it, held it tight. "As I will love you. Until the end of time."
Sliding from the chair, he kept a hold on her hand, coming around the table to stand before her.
"We much find some activity to take up our time, or else I will help you clean up here and drag you
back to that bed."
Why? Because he could.
And to see her expression at the words.
F: Fan rose to her feet to, facing him with a sly smile on her lovely face. "Now just what makes
you think the cleaning cannot wait?" With a swift move, she pulled him into a soft kiss, then let go,
to turn and actually start the cleanup. There was plenty of stew left so she put it back over the fire
and added a little more water. It would be even better later when no doubt, Loki would want a
snack. She was determined to put a little meat on his bones or die trying. The pie she put into he
chill box where it would keep for a few days. Then she gathered the dishes and piled them in the
"There. That's enough for now. Now what were you saying, meleth?" Her grin was infectious.
L: Oh, that smile. That smile could fire a thousand dreams for him. And the words! He was
nodding in agreement with her. Yes, the cleaning can wait. His head was already full of ideas, all
the sweet things he'd do to her, and her kiss was so gentle. He knew this time would be slow and
deep, reaching for the soul of the act.
And then she began cleaning.
Wide-eyed and stunned, he could only watch. He was supposed to be helping, but she'd floored
him. Yes, he'd get into the food again later. That pie had his name on a couple of the slices, and it
called to him. Whispered to him.
His shoulders fell, brows raised, his look like that of a lost boy. And there she stood with that lovely

grin, that playful grin. After a moment, his head lowered. When he lifted his gaze again, it was
dark, devious, and unpredictable. Or was it?
"I was saying..." Without warning, he lifted her up, nearly over his shoulder, and headed for the
bedroom. There he let them both tumble to the bed, her smile now his. "How do you do it, Fan.
How? I am not like this for anyone else. This is not me or my nature..."
F: As he scooped her up, Fan let out a shrill squeal which then turned into delighted laughter.
"Loki!!" was all she could manage between the giggles and the laughs. As he tumbled with her
onto the bed, she moved so that he could have room, never taking her pale sapphire eyes off of
"Oh, so are you telling me this has all been an act?" she gave him an accusatory, yet knowing
smirk. "Or perhaps you've been acting all your life and this is the real you? This is your true nature.
You just needed someone to help you to unlock it... someone whom you could trust with your
fragile heart?" She placed a lithe hand upon his chest and leaned up to kiss him, softly, tenderly,
yet with so much love poured into it to be overwhelming. As far as Fan's love was concerned, it
was no act.
L: Her laughter was always the brightest sound. Every laugh he'd heard made him think of
summer and music. Strange.
'Oh, Loki...if only there was someone out there who loved you.'
The chains.
The prison cell.
And all because he wanted one thing. It wasn't the throne he'd sought so much. That was only a
symbol. Equality. He wanted to be an equal to his brother, and be seen as such before their father.
But Fan didn't see things that way. She saw Loki. That was it. There was no Thor to compare him
to, no brawn versus brains. Only Loki. And Fan had accepted what she saw.
Fragile heart. I suppose so. No one's ever cared about my heart before. No one's ever listened, or
asked, or anything.
His eyes closed with her kiss, and within it, tears fell. The wound was opened and his heart bled.
Breaking down, he pulled her in, buried his face in her shoulder.
Don't watch me cry, Fan. Don't...
He clung to her, near-silent sobs ripping through him. He wouldn't tell her everything, couldn't.
They had only a short time between them so far, but he wouldn't destroy her opinion of him by
telling her all he'd done. He cared too much about what she thought and felt. Cared too much.
Too much.
What was he going to do about it?
F: But an elf's love is made of sturdy stuff, especially Fan's. He could have told her anything and
still she would have forgiven him. They say love is blinde, but it isn't. Love sees all knows all and
yet still has the confidence that there is still good to be found. It was Fan's confidence in Loki that
gave her the strength to accept who he was no matter what. All she knew is who he was with her
and she loved him.
L: At some point in time, he would end up showing her all he was. At some point, she would see
the Loki everyone else saw. Not the one who casually spoke of takeover during tea. Not the one
who sat like a pouting child in the bath while being tended to. Not the one who made love with her
as if testing her sanity, then was sweet in the aftermath. She would see the Loki who had tricked,
lied, plotted, and murdered. The one who knew only his adopted mother had cared. The one who
deceived his brother in order to scheme his way to the throne, arranging his father's 'disposal'.
At the same time, Loki would see himself. As he did now. Laid bare, vulnerable, broken, lashing out
because of a wounded soul. It was a weakness, and the weakness was meant to be stamped out.
It took time to pull himself together, and when he did, he sniffled, cupped her face with his hands,
and kissed her lips tenderly.
"Thank you, love. Thank you...for you."
F: She held him tightly, just letting him cry, knowing it was good for cleansing the fea, or soul.
Fingers stroked his soft, black hair as she nuzzled into it, occasionally planting a kiss upon the top
of his head. "Let it out, melamin. Let it out," she whispered, holding him as if for dear life.

As he calmed down and looked into her face, she smiled and returned the soft kiss he gave her.
"You're welcome?" she laughed softly, brushing tears from the corners of his eyes. Then, almost as
if she had read his mind, she spoke softly. "You know, weeping is not a weakness. It is a strength
for it cleanses the spirit and helps to see things more clearly. You are strong, my Loki, never think
you aren't."
L: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." He came up apologising, wishing he could stay hidden for a good long
time yet, her comforting gestures meaning everything in every world to him. Through her soft
touches, the brushing of his tears, the way she spoke so gently, he just...looked at her. She was
everything now. Oh, he knew his ways wouldn't change too much. He'd not lose his touch, but she
was now the center of it all.
"I know you are right. I know." Strong? That part he sometimes wondered about. Emotionally
broken, mental unstable, out of control, far from trustworthy... He was hardly an ideal specimen of
any race.
"We've much to learn, Fan, about each other. I fear that, when you learn more, you will find you're
second-guessing yourself about loving me."
F: "Oh sweetheart, there is also a lot you have to learn about love, and me." This was, indeed,
true, for once she learned everything about his past and his behaviour, no doubt her view would
surprise him. She wouldn't push him away because he was 'broken' but pull him closer and wrap
herself around him for protection, giving him even more of her love to try to help him mend. She
was different from anyone he had ever known and would probably always surprise him.
"I will never regret loving you, for as long as I live. Even if this day were the only one we ever
shared, it would be the highlight of my life. I have never been so happy as I am with you, Loki. And
I hope you feel a little of it yourself."
L: "I feel it all as you do." The words were spoken passionately, with all the emotion he truly felt. "I
have never known what I feel now, what we have. I have never experienced love, and if this is to
be it for me, then I'm content. I could never ask for more than I've been given in you." His hand
cupped along her jaw, fingertips tangled in her hair. Leaning in, he spoke in a hush. "May all the
days we have be as perfect as this one has been."
The kiss was everything. It was slanted but sweet, demanding but giving. It was hopeful but
yielding, it was dreamlike but so earthy. He was hers, quietly, completely, gladly hers.
F: Fan's smile grew at Loki's words, her head tilting in heartbreak as he spoke of never having
known love before. She couldn't stand the thought of anyone going through their life without love,
but especially him. The kiss that he gave her though, proved to her that he did understand and
there was no mistaking his feelings for he were genuine. She knew he had done things in the past
and would probably do more in future... he had hinted at them enough. But she knew she would
never abandon him, never let him go. He needed her, and she needed him. They needed each
As the kiss ended, her eyes remained closed for a moment longer before she opened her pale blue
eyes and smiled. "Gi melin, Loki melamin. Come, let us to bed." She took his hands and stood,
pulling him to his feet.
L: He indeed had never been in love before, had never even had a true interest in one particular
female in all his years. As for love in general, she'd eventually learn the story of his 'family' and
the reasons for his behavior.
Yes, it was true he would cause trouble in the future, that he was turn peace to chaos, but what
hold would she have on him to stop him? Would she prove stronger than he, and be the one who
could make him behave? It was shame waiting to happen, and yet he seemed powerless to stop it
from coming.
"Turn down your rumpled bed, brush out your pretty hair, and", he pulled her close, voice low.
"Undress." She was kissed again. "Let me hold you tonight, Fan meleth."
F: "As you wish, my lord!" She grinned and bowed, then danced on ahead of him to do just that...
straighten out the bed (which was a mess!) and turn it down, then brush her teeth and undress.
She was sitting at the dressing table in only a loose robe, a comb running through her soft golden

hair which had more of a curl to it than most elves, when he came in. She watched him in the
mirror with that smile that seemed to be a permanent fixture upon her lovely fair face.
"Tell me what you're thinking, Loki, darling. I'm curious to know."
L: He couldn't help the smile that appeared with her impish behavior, and he had to be overjoyed
that she was so, for her lightheartedness would be his saving grace, he was sure. It would be what
made him decent, what made him whole. For a few minutes, he stood there, staring into nothing,
considering where he was, and where he was supposed to be. But he couldn't answer it.
Supposedly, he was meant to be in Asgard. But here he was. In his heart, he felt he was meant to
be here, and had only been in Asgard by some twist of fate.
He found her combing her hair, which shone bright. Like pure gold. She was so different from him,
so light and shining compared to his darkness. Her skin was rosy where his was pale. Her hair gold
to his night black. Even her eyes, those crystaline eyes compared to his emerald green.
Coming to stand behind her, he leaned in, hands on her shoulders, his cheeks against hers for a
moment. His eyes met hers in the mirror.
"I'm thinking... About where I am. Where I should be. What if I have it backwards. Thinking I'm
meant to be in Asgard but only here by some odd happening...when I was always meant to be
here, but was in Asgard by that same twist. Maybe, instead of trying to get home...I have come
F: Fan watched him in the mirror, a hand lifted lovingly to his cheek as she smiled at his
reflection. "Perhaps you have. You did say you were adopted, didn't you? Who knows where you
truly came from. You are certainly beautiful enough to be an elf, except for not having pointy ears
and having a little hair, erm, in places." She smiled and blushed ever so slightly. "Maybe, you're
one of our Ainur, and your meanie so-called father stole you?" The elleth then turned to face him,
her hand moving to beneath his chin.
"I don't care where you come from. you are here with me and I'm never going to let you go. This is
where you belong now, whether it was meant to be or not. I love you Loki, more than you'll ever
L: He wished so much that her words were truth. He was Jotunn born, Asgard raised...but in truth,
he was neither. Here, he was just as out of place as anywhere else. But here, he could possibly
make a life, and with someone he adored.
She might have blushed, but he only offered a wry look, one brow slightly raised. "Maybe..." Oh,
what would she do when he began causing problems? What would she do when others looked at
her sideways because of the trouble she'd brought to them by letting him stay? Maybe she would
accept him and love him come what may, but not everyone would.
Well, to hell with them.
"I love you, and because of you, I have a home, a true one. Somewhere I know is meant for me.
And someone meant for I am meant for you." His lips met with hers in a tender kiss, and
then he drew away to begin shedding the too-big outfit he'd rigged himself into.
F: Fan smiled at him as he spoke, her heart swelling even more with love for him, as if that were
even possible. Her eyes closed as he kissed her, giving a soft little purr of delight at this. "We are
definitely meant to be together, Loki, melamin. I have absolutely no doubt about that," she said as
she watched him undress. True, she had no idea just how much trouble he could cause, or had
caused in the past. But, as she watched him reveal his scrawny, bruised and wounded pale body,
all she wanted to do was curl up around him and protect him, and hold him forever. Fan knew he
was for her. She knew he was her One.
With her usual elven grace, Fan set the comb down in its place and rose, walking over to him in a
few short strides to help him with his clothes. She moved his hands away and slowly began
undoing and removing his oversized clothes, kissing and caressing his flesh where it was gradually
being exposed.
L: He already felt it, the regret he'd be flooded with when the time came he was pulled down from
some plot. When he had to face Fan, with her look of disappointment and concern. But he
seemed helpless to the urge to create havoc. Before long, Lorien would be turned sideways and
upside-down with his doings. And where else would he go?

Where else was there to go? How big was this world of hers?
The tunic stays were undone, exposing more of his chest than they should, but when he went for
the belt, Fan was there, and he let his hands drop.
I am nothing to speak of, Fan. Right now, I am nothing to look at, nothing to call beautiful. I'm not
the gold you are. Give me just a little time, and I will show you what I can be, what I can do. I'll
feed the fire I've seen in you, and I'll let you see all the fire in myself. Just give me time, my love.
As before, he undressed her, too, untying the robe, slipping his hands over her skin. But he made
no move to begin anything. He just wanted to touch her, to be reminded she was real.
That someone seemed to love Loki, despite all that had been said to him in the past.
F: And love him she did. Even in so short a time, Fanfanwen knew that if it came to it, she would
give her life for him, and it had nothing to do with him being a god or anything else. He was her
One, her paramour, her reason to be. Slowly she continued to undress him, pausing to let him
undress her, though all she wore was her robe and a little slip of a nightgown. Fan didn't do this
to start anything either, seeming to be on the same page as Loki. All she wanted was to touch him
and feel his warm flesh against her own. All she wanted was to give him the love she knew he so
desperately craved and needed, and that she needed to give.
L: Love might heal the faults in him, over time. But it would take a long time for healing like this.
Her robe and nightgown were not left on the floor, but rather laid across the foot of the bed. He
could be civilized. His own clothing was left up to her, he cared not either way. She was slowly
pulled in, his arms about her, his lips finding hers for a long, sweet kiss.
"To bed, love. To bed with me, and stay close to me tonight."
F: His discarded clothing found its way across a chair in the corner, as she responded to his pull,
gliding easily into his arms and against his lips.
"I will stay close to you for life, my darling Loki," she purred as she kissed his cheek, then his chin
then his other cheek and finally his lips, before drifting towards the bed with him still wrapped
about her. With a giggle she spun him around and gently pried his arms from around her and
pushed him down onto the bed. Then she blew out the candle and slid in beside him, pulling up
the covers and snuggling up to her beloved god.
L: She was so wonderfully gentle with him, so sweet and kind. How did she see him as deserving
any of this?
I am! I deserve it as much as anyone else!
No, you don't, Loki.
"I-- Fan...!" Turned, his arms pulled free from her, he found himself toppled onto the bed,
laughing. "Fan, love..." But then she was sliding in beside him, and he was huddled up with her.
"Good night, my love." He whispered the words and settled in. And allowed himself only a couple
of hours before rousing. He had to be quiet, incredibly so. Slipping from the bed, he paused to look
down at Fan. So beautiful...
In the dark, he dressed quickly, belting himself in tight, carrying his boots to the door, along with a
cloak he assumed was hers. This he threw about his shoulders and clasped shut. The boots weren't
put on until he was outside. Shutting the door made it all too real, what he was doing. Pulling on
the boots, he was still quiet in making his way from the treehouse. It wasn't until he reached the
ground that he began running, staying out of sight as much as he could. If some sound was made,
he cast an illusion, some small animal to blame for the noise. Heading inward, in the direction he
remembered as heading for the main hub of the 'city', he crept, ghostlike...until one of the guards
found him. The moment he was whirled around by a hand on his shoulder, his own came up, and
the poor Elf went blank-eyed.
"You'll take me to the palace of your leaders now, no questions asked, nothing said to anyone. Take
me directly. When we arrive, I will give you further instruction, and you are to take none from any
but me."
By some magical piece of luck, they weren't stopped at all until reaching the great tree halls of
Celeborn and Galadriel.
Loki could only smirk behind the back of the poor soul who mindlessly led him there.
F: It must have been the change in air pressure when the door opened and closed, but Fan awoke

with a start, looking around disoriented, everything seeming fine at first. Then she realised, Loki.
Where was he. She called out first of all. No answer. Then she rose and slipped into her silken robe
and padded through the treehouse on tiny bare feet, light as air. No sign of him anywhere. She
then returned to the bedroom where she noticed that his boots and clothes were gone from where
she had left them.
With a huge sigh, she dressed, knowing full well there was only one place he would have gone.
She debated on going back to bed and leaving him to his fate, probably to be brought in to deal
with him in the morning. But no, she needed to try and find him before he caused too much
trouble; trouble she wouldn't be able to help him out of. Quickly she dressed in breeches and tunic,
having to find another cloak to wear for it seemed he'd taken her good one. Then, with a sigh, she
slipped out her own door, headed in silence for the treetop palace of Lothlorien.
L: So close. It's right there, Loki. Reach out and take it. And once it's in your grasp, you'll rule all
here, and contend for greater control. Fan will be your queen, and-He paused, almost faltered in everything. Fan. He feared her certainty about him would fade once
she saw all this, everything that was coming. How could she believe in someone like him? How?!
It'll be easier to believe when she sees I've not been lying, when she sees I have become so
powerful. It will happen, and she will be a queen.
Climbing to the top behind the Elf, he silently marveled over the beauty of this place. It was truly
incredible to see, a mastery of crafting, of magic. All would envy him, envy him his home, his
people, the golden beauty at his side. ALL would envy him...
Standing on the steps of the audience chamber, he looked around, and began a low laugh. But
inside, he trembled. It was too easy.
Far too easy.
F: Indeed. Fan had run as fast as she could to try and head him off. Panting slightly, she now
stood behind him as he looked around the palace. Indeed she was disappointed, but she tried not
to let it show. Her back hadn't even been turned a moment before he was off to cause trouble.
With a deep sigh, she stood and watched him, arms folded across her chest, wondering how long it
would take him to even notice her there. Biting her lip, she tried to maintain her composure. He
had tried to warn her, so now she had to find a way to live with his mischievous and destructive
L: She was quick.
He should have known better, and he did, deep down, but he simply wouldn't give up. It was how
the game was played. He created some trouble out of his need for power, which was truly a need
for inner strength and belief, and then someone had to pull him from the wreckage and kick him
into shape again. It happened over and over, and where Odin had grown weary of playing along,
Thor had picked up. Now Fan.
Would she regret it?
Probably. Didn't they all?
"On." He urged the Elf to lead him deeper into the chambers, but as he reached the top of the low
set of steps, he felt something. Some presence. Something that made his neck prickle and his
spine tingle. Turning on his heel, he came face to face with her, and froze.
F: She just stood there, arms folded, a million thoughts going through her mind, but her voice
silent. But there was no need for words; her eyes said it all. Disappointment, wonder, and
expectation, all mixed up with confusion and, yes, still her love for Loki, were clearly evident in
those clear, pale blue sapphires of hers. And she waited. Waited to see what he would do, whether
he would turn back and continue to do what he was doing, or come back home with her.
L: He stared at her, unable to decide what to do. He knew full well she expected him to give in
now and come back with his tail between his legs. He'd be expected to come home with his head
down, his hands all but tied, and his will stomped yet again. Not by her, but by fate. She only
wanted him to behave, for his safety, he knew that. He knew-- But didn't she understand?! Living
in shadow all one's life was enough to drive a person to madness, and it surely had done just that.
Loki was madness embodied, he was sure of that.
With the Elf waiting patiently, he came down the stairs to her, stood before her, his look and voice

equally soft. "Fan, I'm sorry..." Abruptly, he grasped for her wrist, firmly but gently, and pulled her
along with him back up the stairs, waving the guard onward.
"At least they would forgive you."
F: "Would they though?" she said softly into the silent palace as he dragged her up the stairs.
"Would they not accuse me of helping you, for that's all I have done. They would punish me far
worse than they would you, but if you must do this then so be it." She put up no struggle as she
sighed and physically deflated in his grasp. It wasn't disappointment so much as resignation that
he couldn't even wait until morning. He had to go and ruin their perfect day together, probably the
only one they would ever have. This thought itself was enough to bring tears to her usually strong
L: "Would they though?" He turned her words on her, then pulled her in close. "Do they know so
little of you, Captain?" Whatever her position here, he remembered her former place, and looked
into her eyes. "Do they not know you better than that? And what difference does it make, when
they will return to find--" He cut off, seeing the tears in her eyes. Don't cry because of me. There
are no tears for Loki!
His hand rose, knuckles brushed over her cheek. "I'm sorry, love. You're right." One corner of his
mouth turned up and then fell again. "I love you." He released her, gave a nod, and took off. A few
steps ahead, he looked over his shoulder, but kept going. By tomorrow, things would either be
golden, or he would have failed and she would be free of any implication. It would simply be that
Fanfanwen had been kindhearted and taken advantage of by the stranger. That was all. He'd
done it all on his own, with her as another victim.
Inside, though...he felt the exact same way she did.
F: Fan stood there and watched him leave, her eyes staring, unblinking. When she finally did
blink, the surface tension on her tears broke and they cascaded down like drops of blood from a
tiny wound. Was this all just a game to him? She hadn't thought so earlier, but now she wasn't so
sure. She had given him her help, her trust, her home, even her heart. And he couldn't even sleep
one night before trying to destroy her world. She looked down at the golden floor of the palace and
felt... nothing. Oh yes, Galadriel would see right through anything she tried to say in his or her own
defense. She wasn't the most powerful elf in Arda for nothing.
Numb inside, Fan thought of using the magic mirror in the gardens below to see what Loki was up
to. But that wouldn't really help him if he got into trouble. With a deep sigh, she took a step
forward, then steadily climbed the same steps he had taken and followed. As she had promised,
for better or worse, he was hers. She would not abandon him now.
L: She deserves better.
Shut up, I know that!
You'll break her heart.
The words from his dream caught him like a fist closed around his heart. They backed him against
a wall and made him gasp. No...
You're doing it now. One day, and you're doing it.
Stop! This will benefit her, too!
Do you think she cares to be a queen? She only wants you to love her.
Everything in the room he stood in went flying. Toppled, broken, overturned, and shattered. He
hadn't moved, hadn't touched a thing. The same energy that caused the damage enveloped him,
dying away to reveal a more elaborate version of the clothing he'd appeared in, complete with
cape, horned helmet of gold, and a scepter that gleamed. Made of gold, it had a curved blade at
the top, and housed an energy field that shone of blue. Striding forward, he searched out the
guard that blindly led him on, unknowing Fan was now following. His ultimate decision had been
to leave her out of this, but somehow, his hand would be forced.
Whatever the end of this was, he would protect her. From everyone, including those who believed
they would still have leadership over this forest on their return. Their forgiveness wasn't needed.
Fan's was.
F: The beautiful golden elf, as Loki had called her, entered the antichamber to Celeborn's private

study just as everything fell to the ground broken or at the very least, out of place. She was just in
time to see Loki emerge from the maelstrom in his finery, looking suddenly very alien.
She took a step back, frightened. "L.. Loki?" Her pale sapphire eyes were large with fear and
sadness, trails of tears still staining her pale cheeks as she'd not bothered to wipe them off. As she
struggled to find her voice and understand all this, all she could manage was a simple, "Why?"
L: The sound of her voice made him halt and turn. As before, he stared. No... Why did you come
here? Why did you follow?
"I left you out of this." He spoke softly. "Fan, you're not to be here." There was another voice in
him that was so giddy with his near-success, just waiting for the moment when it would all come to
pass and he'd be running everything. First Lothlorien, and then this place or that, and finally all of
this world. That voice took hold.
"Why? Because I can! Because I have some right to hold the power I was born to have. Because
I'm tired of being less. Fan..." It was only then that he realised she'd stepped back. "Fan, you're
in no danger, love." The helmet was removed, set aside, but the scepter he kept firmly in hand as
he came forward to stop several feet in front of her and lower to one knee.
"I swear I would never hurt you. Please believe me."
F: "But, Loki, this is my world. My home. It's all I have and here you are, only just arrived.. I've
given you everything that I am. Will you destroy that too?" Her voice was small and sounded very
distant. "Could you not have at least waited until we had more time together? One day. That's all
we've had and here you are." She shook her head and turned. Hanging her head, she walked
slowly back down the steps, her heart breaking.
L: "And I am only the outsider. Is that it? I seek to destroy nothing. I seek only to OWN it." He
called after her, his voice rising as he got to his feet. "I'll own it, Fan! Own it and make you a
queen! I will show you all I am!"
He could have stopped her. He could have placed a forcefield around her, as he'd done with the
butterfly. But he let her go. He wouldn't imprison her, not when he knew the feeling. He just
couldn't do it to her. She was the only one he'd never be able to do that to. He let her go, and
turned, grabbing up the helmet, which he placed back on his head, and looked to the guard, who
was promptly released from his hypnotic haze. Blinking, the poor thing gaped at the figure striding
toward him.
"Go! Run and tell them I am taking full control. Run and tell them all that Loki is coming!" Head
back, he called out. "I am the future! I am the glorious future of this realm!" Continuing on, he
lowered that voice to a whisper. "And all this world."
F: She stopped and turned, looking at him through those eyes of hers. So beautiful and warm and
yet so cold when they wanted.
"No one owns anything in this world. One rules by deeds, not by war. Galadriel herself founded this
wood and everything in it. It is as much a part of her as her own soul. To even try to take it from
her would be like... like... ripping my heart from my chest. Do not meddle in things you don't
understand, Loki. You cannot own this place. Nor do I wish to be queen of anything but your heart."
She took a deep breath and looked at him, square in the eyes. "So did you only mean to own my
heart too, because it is your right?"
L: "Oh, my love..." He turned on her, his voice almost cajoling, but his look hard. "I beg to differ. A
show of MIGHT will make this place mine, *whatever is said*!" Coming toward her, he held the
scepter out, the same way one would point a finger. "You think I do not understand? You THINK...I
do not understand. Anything can be owned, and" He met that direct gaze.
"Did it *feel* that way to you?! When I cried..." His voice softened a little, then further. "When I
cried to you, and you held me. Oh, you do own my heart. You are queen there as surely as you
stand before me now." He kept his emerald gaze steady. "I cannot own your heart, Fan. I've no
right. But you have mine, and it was my right to give it. And so I have." There were footsteps
behind him, running. The darkened green eyes hardened. "You have held me up!" Turning, he
found three guards coming at he recognised. A weak blast of energy blew two off their
feet, one against the wall where he fell unconscious. The last stared him down, and Loki chuckled
at him.

"Do you plan to put another arrow in me, Haldir?" The scepter's blue glow brightened. "Well, come
on then."
F: Fan looked into those beautiful green eyes, the eyes that captured her heart and stole her very
soul. She was about to answer when the guards came. She stood, paralysed as he turned and
blasted away two of her own people. As Haldir came up, she leapt between them, staring at both
of them in turn in disbelief.
"Loki! Haldir! Enough! Haldir, he just came to admire the building... " she fibbed. Then she turned
to Loki. "Please, come back with me before it's too late. If you gave me your heart then I want to
take it back home to be with me. I gave you mine too, would you throw it away so lightly?"
L: Where Haldir lowered his bow halfway when Fan got between them, Loki kept his scepter
trained on the Marchwarden. He aimed past his love, his free arm held out.
"Have you lost your taste for my blood? I can give you so many reasons to want it again." It was as
far as he'd go in baiting Haldir over Fan. Even in this state of mind, he'd not speak of his private
moments with her. Fan was given a much softer look. "I will hold your heart as a treasure for the
rest of my days, love. It means more to me than my life. But I did not acquire the name 'god of
mischief' for nothing." With his arm out, he stepped closer, intending to pull her in against him, to
hold her...
...And found an arrow through his hand.
With a cry, he dropped the scepter and fell to his knees. As his eyes rose to Fan, there were tears
in them. Tears of pain, but not for his hand...for her and the tender but strong heart of hers he
knew he was crushing...even without intention.
F: The look she turned and gave Haldir would have crushed the very Argonath of Gondor had they
been near. Fan dropped to her own knees, putting herself between him and any more arrows from
the marchwarden.
"Let me see that," she reached for his hand to look at the wound, the arrow still through it, trying
to see through her tears which were falling freely now. "I'll have to remove the arrow, but you
know you'll be put in prison for this. Haldir!" she called back sharply, "Bring me some clean
bandages and hot water, now!" Used to her orders on medical matters, the Marchwarden grabbed
another guard as they approached, and sent him after the things she needed. Fan waited for the
bandages and water before removing the arrow. She snapped the back off, much to Haldir's
chagrin, then pulled it through the rest of the way. Then she quickly wet a portion of cloth and
used it to try and staunch the bleeding. "Oh Loki. Will I be doing this sort of thing the rest of my
life?" She looked into his eyes, pale blue sapphires swimming in seas of tears.
L: It had either been the hand or the throat, and this was not yet a situation for that. No one had
died, no one would. But the look!
Loki hissed a sound of pain as she took his hand. "No..." I was so close! You would not be in tears
now were it not for this fool! In a fit of rage, he whipped off the helmet and pitched it at Haldir,
who sidestepped it. It would likely be kept and shown to the Lord and Lady when they returned.
The scepter faded from view, like a ghost going into hiding.
He let out a soft cry as the arrow snapped, one that lingered as it was pulled through his hand.
"No. No, Fan, no." Was he answering her question? His good hand went out to her, grasping for
the fabric that covered her upper arm.
It wasn't supposed to end this way!
"No... Let me come home." He whispered the words, suddenly terrified. Visions of chains, collars,
and a lonely cell flooded his mind. But he'd done it to himself.
"Fan, please... Ow."
F: She tended to his wounded hand, stopping the bleeding then cleaning it before wrapping it
tightly with more clean cloth.
"Hadi," she turned to address the fuming Marchwarden, who was now flanked by yet more of his
guards. "Let me take him home. Please? He only caused a little damage and I'll pay for it, never
fear that. Please? I promise he won't do it again." Her eyes gave him a soulful, pleading look of

L: She was so gentle, yet the entire process of binding his wounded hand was agony. Gritting his
teeth was the only way he could keep from crying out.
Haldir sighed and shook his head. "I cannot, Fanfanwen. He infiltrated the palace. He destroyed
property, he injured guards. He was...he was determined to take control of all Lothlorien for
himself, at any price. No one is safe." His voice lowered. "Even you."
"No!" Pushing to his feet, Loki shook his head wildly. "No, Fan is in no danger at all. I would never
harm her."
"It does not matter. I have no choice. If I do not do this, I will lose my own place here. And I will not
lose it for some stranger who caused trouble beyond imagining. I am only glad Lord Celeborn and
Lady Galadriel are not here. I shudder to think of what would have happened then."
At a signal, the guards surrounded Loki, binding his wrists. He leaned forward as they pulled him
back. "Fan?! Fan! I'm sorry."
F: "Haldir.. Hadi, please! I will keep him in my home, tie him up even if it will help but please, do
not do this to him, I beg of you!" She tried to get to Loki, but two guards held her reluctantly back.
"Careful of his hand at least!" she admonished the guards. "Then I will go with him. If you lock him
up, you must lock me up too. I... I helped him. I told him where to go and that our leaders were not
L: "Fanfanwen, anyone would know you did not help him in this. The tears give it all away."
Though it was a bit strange, seeing as her name was the one Loki had given when they looked for
a place to keep him. Even so, she was known well enough for the whole of Lorien to see she was
not to blame.
"Fan, no! Stop." Why did his attack of conscience have to come now? Could it not have appeared
an hour ago?
"Take him away. And escort Fan home. Gently." After a moment, he tacked on, "And mind his
Loki was whirled about, looking over his shoulder to her. "Fan! Fan... Please, I'm sorry!" He
pulled at the hold on him, succeeding only in pulling at his injured shoulder. Both sides were on
fire, for one reason or another, his stomach turning.
As the two were led off, Haldir had the sorry job of watching...and then sending word off to his Lord
and Lady about the trouble. Loki had now become trouble enough to need some kind of
punishment, and the Marchwarden needed to know what to do. Whatever was done, he knew Fan
was not part of it.
But she'd be effected just like everyone else.
F: But Fan refused to leave. She broke away from her escort and fell to her knees at Haldir's feet,
begging for Loki. "Please, Hadi, please don't send me away. I must stay with him or it will destroy
him. What harm can it do, please? At least let me see him, make sure he's all right. He is wounded,
in his shoulder and his hand. Surely he cannot cause any more trouble?"
Her tears were streaming down her beautiful face as she pleaded for mercy. She didn't even think
twice about how this made her look. All she cared about was Loki's welfare.
L: "Fan, stop." Haldir dragged her to her feet. "I will try and arrange for you to see him, but I can
promise nothing. It will not be up to me." Trying to brush at her tears, he sighed. "He is not worth
this, Fanfanwen. You will see a bad end if you remain with him." He said it not to be cruel, but out
of concern. "Give me time. He will go nowhere for now. He will remain locked up until Lord
Celeborn and Lady Galadrien decide what to do about him. I tell you, go home. He is safe."
Loki was indeed safe. No one would go anywhere from the little cell he was placed in. He couldn't
even lay down properly. Sitting up, he leaned against his good shoulder, holding his stinging hand,
and cried himself into a fitful sleep, where Odin chided him for doing exactly as had been
F: How could she go home and act like nothing had happened? How could she go back to her
empty treehouse, knowing the love of her life was locked away, bleeding and in pain, scared and
alone in a strange land? She couldn't. Instead of going back to her home as Haldir had told her to
do, Fanfanwen sat outside the entrance to the prison, waiting until she should be granted

permission to see him, even if she had to wait until Galadriel and Celeborn returned. Even if it took
all her life, she would not leave him. She hoped somehow he knew this.
L: "You broke her heart!"
"I did not set out to!"
"Could you not understand your actions would effect her? Why can you never learn, Loki? Always
pushing the limits for everyone."
"You've no faith in me, as ever! No faith that I could make myself better in the future. No, it is only
that Loki cannot learn and will destroy everything... You will never see her."
"You are wrong there, too."
He woke with a cry, gasping. In jolting himself awake, he slammed his hand against the wall, which
only served to strengthen the cry. The bleeding began again, seeping through the bandage. It
wasn't until his hand dripped with it that someone decided it was time to redress the wound. Left
alone, he stared at the wall, mind elsewhere. He was no longer in that cell.
He walked the astral plane, where he reached out for Fan. If she slept he'd find her.
Fan... Fan, are you there?
F: Fan was outside the prison ward, huddled into a pile by the door. She had waited the whole
night and had eventually fallen asleep. She had said she would not leave him, and she had kept
her word as best she could. How could she go home as if nothing had happened when her whole
world, her whole future was locked away?
As she slept fitfully outside the locked door, she could hear him in her mind. 'Loki?' she called out.
'Loki, where are you?'
L: A fog covered everything. But through it, he heard her call to him, moving towards it. He called
again, and again. And then found her. Like standing right in front of her in the waking realm.
Fan, I tried to tell you. I dreamed about it, where Odin told me I would break your heart.
Reaching out he touched her cheek. A ghostly touch, as he was nothing more than a greenish
That was the dream I had, Fan. That is what brought me to seek your comforting presence. And I
know I have done as predicted. Fan, watch yourself now. I fear for you. I am so afraid they will
take you from this world, and we'll be parted forever.
He pulled her in close.
I meant what I said, Fan. Forever. I have proven the truth of my words, that I am chaos
embodied. But I will prove I love you, as well. I will prove to you I am honest there. I will never lie
about my love for you.
The kiss was not enough. He wanted more, wanted it to be real. But it was all they had.
I'm sorry, Fan, my love. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Sorry for it all. They will come to judge me, and I
do not know what they'll do. But you must be strong. Go home! Go home, because this may be a
long wait.
I love you, Fan....
F: She barely could get a word in, even in this dream state, he seemed so... rattled. Her arms went
around the greenish spectre as he pulled her close, a single kiss then more apologies and
explanations. Finally she was able to speak.
'I will not leave you, Loki. I meant what I said too. You have my heart and I have yours and I will
never, ever forsake you. I love you, Loki. Forever.'
Outside her mind in the real world, with only fog for a blanket, Fan whimpered and stirred then
"Loki..." she whispered, her breath visible on the pre-dawn air. She stood and renewed her
pounding on the prison section's door. "Please, let me see him!" she screamed.
L: Fan...
Her words were a comfort, but her disappearance unnerved him, even though he knew the
reasoning for it. She'd woken up. It pulled him back into himself, and he, too, woke. He sat staring
into nothing for several long minutes, knowing he heard...something.

Outside, the door suddenly opened, and Fan was hauled inward. A hand covered her mouth. "You
will make it very hard for me to help you if you will draw attention to all I do. Now be quiet."
He released her, his look gentle in the dim light. "I am risking much for you in doing this. But..." He
sighed and moved away. "Come with me. You must be quick, and you must be quiet. He is over
F: "Thank you, Haldir. I shall never forget this kindness." She moved quickly, seeking out Loki's cell
and entering without hesitation. "Loki?" she paused in the doorway to let her eyes adjust to the
dim room, before almost throwing herself upon him. "Darling, darling, are you all right? Have they
taken care of you? Your hand...!" She spots the bandage, fresh blood still seeping through. Then
she began to weep, burying her head to his chest.
L: "Fan?" She could have flattened him with the way she threw herself in... Maybe not, but he
could play on it anyway. She was a vision right from a dream! "I--" He didn't get a sound more out
before she was crying. Sighing, he gathered her in.
The Marchwarden watched this much, then turned to keep watch elsewhere and leave them alone.
"Shh... Fan, love. Do not cry for me, I'm unharmed. I know what I did, and I was wrong." He gently
combed his fingers through her gold hair, holding her tightly. "I am so sorry." After all he'd already
told her, he didn't know what else to say. Leaning back, he tipped her face up to him, thumbs
brushing at her tears. He ignored his hand, which didn't seem to matter at all with her there. The
only attention it got was that he kept it away from her, with the fresh bleeding.
F: "My darling," she whispered, not trusting her voice. "We will find a way out of this, I promise.
But I need to know you won't do it again. Please? We could make this a proper home, together, if
you could just accept that you won't be its ruler. It needs no ruler, but wise counselors, which is
what Galadriel and all the other rulers are. Well, except Thranduil, but he's not far off. Elves are a
different sort of person. We may seem gentle, peaceful people, but we have waged such wars
against evil as you have never seen. Please, for our sake, let go of these notions. Once you do you
will be amazed how free you feel!"
L: How can I be less than I am? How can I be content with a life stripped of the right that was
given to me when I took my first breath? can I be content if a life with that right means a
life without her? Oh, Fan, how you've come to mean so much to me in such a short time...
He would promise her anything if it would keep them together. "Alright. Alright, Fan. It's done. It's
over. I will pay for this much, and then..." But would he have the chance of a 'normal' life with her?
What would they do with him? There was much he could do to ensure they couldn't rain
punishment for the night's events, but what would become of Fan in the process?
I'm trapped here. I do not know this place. I do not know the people or anything of the history and
culture. I know nothing. I am trapped, and why? Because even Thor could no longer bear the sight
of me? Was that it?
Fan, help me!
His thoughts took him in circles, and all he could do was cling to her, his hand bleeding, his mind a
riot, his heart sinking fast.
Haldir stepped back into view. "Fanfanwen, you must go home now. I am sorry, I cannot give you
more time." The look Loki got wasn't quite cold, but rather dispassionate, completely void of
Whatever feeling Haldir had about the situation was purely for Fan, and he made sure Loki knew
F: "No, Haldir," she shook her head without looking back at him, sitting up and wiping her eyes.
She took Loki's hand and tried to rebind it and stop the bleeding. "I was here and as much a part of
this as he was. I belong here as much as he, if not more. Will you shoot me, too? For what? For
refusing to leave prison? That is lame, Haldir, even for you."
She did her best to regain her composure, her words were barbed and voice filled with venom. He
hurt her Loki! Past or no, regardless that Loki was in the wrong... he was hurt, and Haldir had done
it. She could never forgive him for that.

L: For a moment, Loki sat there, letting Fan say what she needed to, but the further she went,
the more he was sure it would end badly. "Fan--"
At the same time, Haldir sighed, an irritated sound, his voice low. "I told you I would give you what
I could. I dare not risk more. Be angry all you want, Fanfanwen, but you know I am only doing my
Loki was the one trying to catch hold of her hands, and when he did, he grasped her wrists,
regardless of his injured palm. "Fan, stop. He is right. Look at me." His deep green eyes met the
crystal blues he adored. "You do not belong here. Haldir knows it as much as I. Go home." Pulling
her forward again, he pressed his lips to hers in a long and desperate kiss. Tears stung his eyes,
but those she wouldn't see. Drawing back, he raised his eyes to the Marchwarden.
"Take her home. Please."
Haldir reached for Fan....
F: Fan knew she was outnumbered and stood up, letting Haldir take her arm. "Fine. I will go, but I
will not go home." She looked from one to the other, lingering on Loki before giving Haldir the full
force of her determination. "I will remain here and await Galadriel's return so that I may speak to
her first. Or Celeborn, should he return first. Either way, I will have my say."
L: It took everything in him to keep that stony look on his face, to hide the crack in his
determination so she'd not see his weakness. Nothing was said when she insisted she would stay,
and when Haldir led her off, all Loki could do was whisper, "I love you."
Away from the cell, Haldir turned Fan to face him. "If you insist on this madness, I will find you a
bed here, but *not in the prison*. I would have us all turned out if I did that." His voice turned to a
hiss. "I think you are mad. For him?! All this for him? Who is he, Fanfanwen? Who, and what?" The
Marchwarden's voice and look softened. "I think you will see a bad end to this, and I dislike the
thought. Let him pay for what he's attempted, but you should not be involved."
F: "Haldir, thank you for what you've done, but this is my life and I will love whom I choose. He is a
stranger from another world, dumped here supposedly as a punishment. But he found me and fell
in love with me. And I love him." Her voice dropped low. "I could have loved you once, but you
pushed me away.. yes, you," she said before he could interrupt. "You did not want me, so don't
begrudge me happiness with him. If I can persuade Celeborn to let him go under my care, I
promise he won't do anything like that again. And I will pay for any damage, including to your
men." She sighed heavily and closed her eyes. "Please, Hadi, for me? Help me with this? I'll take
him away somewhere where he'll be no trouble if you do..."
L: Haldir tilted his head, a brow rising at her words. "He was under your care already, and look
where we all are! You chose to be soft and get into bed with him." He had to force his voice down
again. "Things did not work between us, I agree. But I still think you mad to take up with him. He
will kill us all." Shaking his head, he held up a hand. "I will help you no more than I have. I said I
would find you a bed, but the rest is up to the Lord and Lady. I will not intervene for some
strangeling who was dumped on us. Let them decide what will be done with him. I doubt they will
ask much of you, but him..." He could only shake his head.
It should have been easy. It should have been so easy! I should be standing out there, looking over
MY domain! Instead, I sit here, bleeding, alone, and in the dark again! I'll choke him the first
chance I have. I'll hold him down and watch the life ebb from his watery blue eyes. That he was
once with her. HE! With Fan! As if he could ever have been good enough. He presumed much to
think he had a right to be with her. And to have his hands on her...
Loki felt sick at the idea. Sick and enraged. But there was nothing he could do. He could do
nothing but huddle into the corner and let loose the tears he'd hidden from Fan...and wait for his
time to come.
F: Outside, Fan was trying hard to keep her head about her when her heart was in turmoil.
"Haldir, I do not wish for a bed. But I will wait right here until either Galadriel or Celeborn return.
Then I shall speak to them. How could I have known he would sneak off when I was asleep? I'll tie
him up at night if I must, but he has promised me that it won't happen again. He was not familiar
with our ways and thought us weak, but you and your guards have shown that to not be the case. I

doubt he will be any more trouble, even if we have to move away." She sighed and rubbed her
face with her hands. There was no denying she was tired, both from lack of sleep and mental and
emotional strain. But she could not sleep now, not whilst her Loki was still locked away.
L: "He spent a week trying to get past us, treating it as a game..." She wasn't the only trying to
keep her head. But Haldir knew her limits were being pushed tonight. "You need a bed. Look at
you. You're ready to pass out." The part of him that disliked Loki and felt nothing but distrust for
him was deepening into hate. Fan was talking of moving away! She would never have suggested
such a thing without this...oddity that was sitting in a cell down the hall now.
"Come here..." Taking her hand, he urged her toward the holding block. The beds in there were
larger than the actual cells. "You need to rest, so if you're going to be stubborn, then sleep here.
Just this once. I will say I want to question you later, if I must. But you cannot keep going, and I
cannot give more." The door was unlocked, the offer made. "Please, Fan. He is safe, he will not be
harmed or mistreated. You must rest."
F: She looked at the bed then at Haldir then finally burst into tears, the stress and strain too much
to deal with any longer. It was, of course, only a momentary lapse, for Fan was a very strong
person, but even she grew weary now and then. She let herself be guided by Haldir to the bed
where she sat down and buriedher face in her hands, sobbing.
"He didn't do that much damage, Haldir. Please, help him. Help me. If only you hadn't sent for the
Lord and Lady, we might have dealt with this ourselves and I wouldn't have to leave... " She knew
that had upset him and hoped it would help to persuade him to help a little more. He was the
Marchwarden. He should have dealt with this on his own but he was always second guessing his
own judgment. That was his one big flaw.
L: Coming to sit beside her, Haldir put an arm around her. "I had no choice, Fan." His voice was
soft, gentle. "He made his intent clear, and made it obvious that anyone to stand in his way would
come to harm." There, she said it again, and this time, Haldir pulled her in tight.
"You are not leaving." The words were all but growled. "You have no reason to leave Lothlorien. But
HE should. He's dangerous, Fan. Sweet Elbereth, you are lucky he did not kill you in your sleep!"
The problem was that Haldir couldn't deal with this on his own. Had it been a simple break-in, he
might have. But this was an infiltration of the palace, and by someone clearly bent on causing
destruction and death. Someone wanting Lorien for himself. That was the big problem. It was
obvious Loki had some inner struggle to deal with, but it would have to be done behind the cell
bars now. The only thing left to deal with was Fan, and she didn't deserve all this. She was a good
soul, one Haldir regretted losing. For a quick moment, he debated the idea of having a second
chance if Loki was gone. A moment...and then he shoved it aside as foolish.
Fan would never take him back, with or without Loki.
"I can do no more than I have, Fan. No more. We must wait for their return, and let them decide
what his fate will be.
F: It took her some minutes to pull herself together enough to be able to speak. She wiped her
nose on her sleeve as she fought back more tears.
"Haldir, you don't understand. If he had truly wanted to kill people, he would have killed your men.
He would have killed you." This thought sent a chill through the elleth's body and she leaned into
Haldir's embrace for comfort. Then she looked into his eyes, the conviction in her own quite clear.
"Loki would never harm me. If you truly knew what love was, you would have seen it in his eyes by
now. In my own as well."
That was Haldir's problem though. He could be fond, he could make love, but he could never
actually feel it. Maybe some day he would, but for now he was clueless. She sniffed and let out a
long, low sigh.
"I suppose all I can do is wait. At least here I am close, and neither you or your guards can take
him away without me knowing."
L: "Perhaps he held back because you were there." Haldir sighed. She was going to defend Loki no
matter what. He could have killed half of Lothlorien and she would find a way to defend him and
justify it.
"You're right. I do not know love. But I do not know Loki, either. I would not know what to look for in

his eyes." Nor do I want to see it. Why can you not be content with someone of our own kind, who
would not cause this trouble?
"No one will take him anywhere. I think he will be staying here quite some time. Now try to rest,
Fan. You are both safe." That said, he got up to leave, closing the door as he went.
"She will defend you to the last."
Loki turned, looking over his shoulder at the voice behind him. Haldir. The J unn kept his voice low.
"She should not."
"I agree. Would you have killed if she was not there to witness it?"
"You have made my job easier." That said, he turned to walk away, then turned back. "All this, I
could handle, because it is my job to defend this realm. But the fact you got into her bed and used
"I did not use her. I am in love with her."
"Somehow, I do not believe you. But it won't matter. The Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel will deal
with you."
F: So much for standing guard and making sure nothing happened. Fan must have fallen asleep
as soon as Haldir left, for she never even saw him coming out not long after. She was still sitting
up, her back to the wall, neck at an odd angle, when noises in the forecourt awakened her.
Through her exhausted haze she could just make out voices... those of Haldir, his second in
command, and it sounded like Lord Celeborn. She knew she had to go and speak to them, but she
also knew she must look a mess.
Fan smoothed out her hair with her fingers and rose, shaking as many wrinkles from her dress as
possible, and made her way out to the forecourt. There she found not only Lord Celeborn, but Lady
Galadriel as well.
"My lord, my lady, please, hear me out..." she began but was stopped by Haldir who took her by
the arm almost roughly to silence her.
L: "He destroyed your private chamber with only a thought. Literally, a thought. He threw aside
the guards in the same way. No one was killed, but--"
Haldir had already told the story of Loki's appearance, his trickery with the guards of Lorien during
the last week, and his first capture. He'd told them that the strangeling had been left in
Fanfanwen's care, only to return and hypnotize one of the guards to let him in. All the details had
been given up to this point, and then Fan got in the middle of it.
Grabbing for her arm, he pulled her behind him. "My lord, my lady...he used her, made her believe
in him, and went behind her back. She was trying to do something decent for someone, she had
no idea he was like this. We know Fan's record of conduct. She is no criminal, nor would she aid
one. This Loki has her believing he loves her."
And then he spoke the words he needed, to cement the details into further crime.
"He is dangerous. He told me that, had Fan not been there to witness it, he would have killed my
men and others to gain his control over your realm."
F: Fanfanwen couldn't take any more of this and jerked her arm away from Haldir and moved out
of his reach to Galadriel's side.
"My Lady, my Lord, Haldir is insane with jealousy because I love Loki, and Loki loves me. See for
yourself, it's real, it's not a trick or hypnosis or anything. Yes, all right, he caused some damage
but he did not kill anyone. His claims," she pointed at Haldir as she spoke, "that he would have
killed are his say so only. The only true harm was a few things were broken, which I will pay for,
and two of his guards were knocked unconscious. Whilst poor Loki, a stranger in our land
unknowing of our ways, was wounded twice by Haldir's arrows. I beg of you, punish him by all
means, but take all of this into consideration and know that it was my fault too for not keeping a
better eye on him."
The Lord and Lady of Lothlorien stood listening then remained silent as they considered. "Is this
true, Haldir? Are you jealous?" Galadriel asked, able to tell whenever someone was lying with ease.
L: "I am NOT insane with jealousy." His face darkened with anger. "I will not deny I dislike Fan's

attention to this...person. But it is for THIS very reason that I dislike it. He is causing trouble and
taking her along. We all know her reputation to be a good one, in every way. He would turn her
into someone not worthy of our trust.
"Loki was wounded because I did my duty. He was watched, and when he was deemed a problem, I
shot at him. Did he tell you how many arrows we had to collect because of missing him? It took me
two days to get that shoulder shot. And as for his hand, it ended the events in the palace. I saw to
the safety of my people."
The Marchwarden looked Fan square in the eye. "When I spoke with Loki after you were finally
settled, I asked him if he would have killed were you not there, and he gave a positive answer. By
his own words, he's condemned himself, not mine."
While it was true he'd not completely answered the question in a fully honest way, he'd answered
it in the best way he knew how. Yes, there was jealousy, but not to the degree Fan was claiming.
But in the end, Loki had sealed his own fate with his words.
Loki, who sat in the cell, alone, and knew nothing of the inquiry going on at that moment.
F: Galadriel sighed, Celeborn shook his head. "You did well, Haldir, thank you. You may return to
your duties." Galadriel just looked at him. She knew he was lying about being jealous; maybe not
insanely jealous but he was enough that he would give anything to see the back of this stranger
who had captured Fan's heart like he had never done.
"He never would! He just told you that, if he did indeed say that, to wind you up! He knows we
used to be together and it's his nature to tease!" Fan's voice had a little less conviction, but she
was still adamant.
"Silence!" Celeborn said firmly. "Haldir, go. Fan, go home. We will meet this person and decide
what to do in the morning."
"I will consult the mirror," Galadriel said quietly. "Fanfanwen, come with me."
L: "You think I lie?!" Haldir bit out his words to Fan, but was silenced and forced to bow his head,
turn on his heel to go back to his work. It was only when he was out of hearing of Fan and both
his rulers that he began a long string of angry Elvish. Loki was hiding a great deal with Fan, and
Haldir was now very curious to find out what it was.
Loki was left to wait. He would be stuck waiting another night for word of his fate, if that would
come soon at all. He couldn't even shut down his mind enough to reach out for Fan. It was
"Have you done it before?"
He blinked, his green eyes rising to find Haldir glaring at him.
"Done what?"
Slowly, he stood, ever so slightly taller than the Marchwarden. Coming to stand directly before
him, Loki reached out and grabbed hold of his collar. "Are you afraid I have? Afraid I'm a greater
danger than you realised? Afraid YOU may need that helmet of mine to save your empty skull?" His
narrow lips twisted into a sneer. "Or are you afraid I am not, that I am far less a danger than you
want to believe?" Pulling Haldir flat against the bars, Loki chuckled.
"I think we both know the answer, Haldir. I am every bit the nightmare you claim I am...and more.
Now...go dream about it."
Flung back, Haldir stumbled, righted himself, and began straightening his tunic.
"I hope they send you into the depths of Moria."
F: As this was going on, Galadriel led Fan to her private gardens
"You know of my mirror of truth, do you not, Fanfanwen?" The smaller elleth nodded. "Then you
know that it shows the truth and shadows of things that have not yet come to pass. Shall we see
what would happen should we allow your new friend to remain in our midst?"
With a hard swallow, Fan nodded silently and stepped up to stand before the marble plinth upon
which stood what looked like a shallow birdbath. She watched as Galadriel lifted a large pitcher of
elven design and filled it with water from the nearby fountain. Then slowly, carefully, she poured
the water into the basin. As the water stilled, the surface smoothed out like a mirror.
"Come, tell me what you see."
Fan took a deep breath as she forced herself to look with trepidation into the mirrored surface of

the basin.
As she watched, the water seemed to swirl and fade, giving way to images instead of the marble
bottom. She watched as Lorien slowly burned, a caped and helmeted Loki emerging from the
flames, untouched and unvanquished. She saw dead and dying elves, her kin, everywhere, the
stranger stepping callously over their remains.
"Enough!" she moved back, unable to watch any more. "This is only what might happen if he were
to stay here unchecked. Ask it, now, what it would be like were he be allowed to remain here with
Galadriel sighed and poured a little more water into the basin. Fan stepped up once more, this
time determined that the fate shown would be different. She knew it would be. It had to be.
L: What would have happened had Loki seen all this? Would he had denied the possibility? Or
would he have owned up to it? The one situation was that even he had no idea how far things
could go. Would he kill for a realm like Lorien? Did he have the potential to put his violence to the
good of the forest and its people?
Imagine, a defender of Lorien, sword in hand, his rage used to protect Fan, the Lord and
Lady, and all their people, fighting alongside Haldir...instead of against him.
Was such a thing possible?
"All but that last."
Laying on his back, boots propped up on the bars, he muttered his words. Looking into the
darkness of the ceiling above him, he wished he could see what his fate would be, but instead
could only make out the visions of his lovemaking with Fan. The sound of her cries, the feel of her
hands, the way she'd teased and tested him, the second round that was every bit as wild as the
first. Most of all, he saw the way she'd been so gentle with him, sweet and loving in the aftermath.
She cares. She truly cares.
And he had stupidly thrown away the chance to have complete happiness with her.
He would never forgive himself.
F: "Now you look, so you cannot accuse me of stating falsehoods. Watch and see what happens. If
he is still as bad, I will let you pass whatever judgment you see fit and fight you no more. But if
being with me is a good influence, you must let him have one chance, just one, to try and make a
life here. Please, Lady Galadriel. He has nowhere else to go!"
Galadriel frowned at this, but she knew the mirror could be trusted. She peered into the mirror and
watched, her beautiful, stoic face completely expressionless. Several times, Fan was tempted to
look into the mirror and see if she could catch a glimpse of life in the future with Loki. She was
convinced things would at the very least, be better than what had been shown to her.
Time seemed to almost stand still, or at least crawl by, as Galadriel stared at the mirror, her face
unchanged so it was hard to tell what she was seeing, or if the vision had even started or ended.
Finally she stepped away and set the pitcher down in its place. Fan stood silently, awaiting the
Lady's verdict.
L: The inch of time made him edgy, made him restless. There was no sleeping, no relaxing. He
stared into the darkness, got up to huddle into the corner, sitting in utter shadow. As if he wasn't
even there. He stared into nothingness.
I was so close. As ever, just not good enough. Not enough. I could give everything I have and
never be good enough. I would never accomplish that which is my RIGHT. I deserve it! I may have
no chance for Asgard, but here! Here, I could do something. I could BE something. Not just Odin's
ward, the worthless little Junn who was a disgrace to his biological father just by breathing! I
could be something strong, something endless and worth kneeling to. No Midgard, no New York
with its mix of people so weak and separate from one another. Here, they're as one. They are all
the same, no matter how different. And they could be MINE. MINE, like Fan.
A queen. A beauty no one would forget. Every woman alive would want to be her, be exactly like
her. She's perfect! She is all I could want in life, the perfect woman to be at my side, dressed in
gold and glowing like an idol. Fan.
My sweet, mouthy, fearless Fan.
Launching himself from his seat on the floor, he rushed the bars. "Let me out! You've no right to
cage a god! You've no right to hold me back! Are you listening?! Who do you think you are?! I AM

LOKI OF ASGARD! I am a god, and I am NOT subject to you! YOU should be subject to me. ME!"
When no one appeared, he turned and raged, wordless. In the center of the space, he growled,
hands clenched into fists as a wave of energy rocked the cell and the hall it stood in. Near the
holding cells, Haldir blinked, jolted and unstable on his feet.
Loki slid to his knees, his voice quiet again.
"Just tell her I love her."
He huddled into a ball on the floor, his sobs muffled by the green cape he pulled up to cover his
F: The great lady, the tallest woman ever of the elves at six foot four, let out a long, low sigh.
"While things are indeed not as bad as you saw, I am still not entirely sure that allowing him to
stay here is wise. However, I have had an idea, that, if he is agreeable to it, might solve everyone's
problem. Though I doubt my Marchwarden will be very happy about it."
Fan wasn't exactly sure if this was good or bad, but there was no mention of punishment or
sending away so it had to be good. Especially if Haldir would not be pleased.
"Come, Fanfanwen, let us go and seek the others and consult with Lord Celeborn." Galadriel led
the way back inside, up into the biggest Mallorn tree on Middle Earth.
L: Loki lay huddled on the floor for a long time. Time escaped him, and he lay there curled up on
himself, cape pulled over him as a shield from all eyes. He had no idea if anyone ever came by the
cell he occupied.
For a time, he drifted on the edge of sleep, so emotionally worn, so desperate for peace that he
couldn't hold on any longer. But on waking, he'd realise where he was and fight for the in-between
again. It was safe there, and there, he had Fan.
Gradually, he began to truly fall into sleep. His dreams were dark, dangerous, and frightening, but
he needed the rest, what could be gotten.
He could see Thor, curious and questioning...and Odin, reaching, grasping, and threatening...
F: As this was going on, Celeborn wanted to speak to the prisoner. He had surveyed the damage
and found that it wasn't that bad, only superficial. If the stranger was out to destroy the world, he
had made a poor start. Haldir led him to the cell.
"Leave us," he said, strongly, noting the expression on the marchwarden's face as he gazed upon
the pile in the centre of the cell. "Stranger," Celeborn called out, still standing outside the bars, "I
wish to speak with you, wake up."
L: A start was only a start...and everyone started somewhere. The problem was in not being able
to fine-point the details. The problem was in the very guard that led Celeborn to Loki's cell. Haldir
was catching most of the blame in Loki's mind, but that was more jealousy than anything else. In
the end, it wouldn't matter. Loki could easily accomplish what he wanted whatever the
Marchwarden did. Haldir could disappear and it wouldn't matter.
Eventually, he would.
A voice called, and it pulled Loki from his dreams. Staring up at Odin, he watched as the AllFather's voice changed into one he'd never heard before, demanding he wake up.
Oh yes, wake up to the reality of my failure. You knew I'd fail, didn't you, 'Father'? You never saw
me as anything but-Slowly, he lifted his head, flinging the cape aside and looking over his shoulder. An unknown Elf
stood there, regal and blond. Rising as if from within the floor, from nothing, Loki got to his feet,
raised his chin.
"So, you want to speak with me... The god. The wonder. The one you should kneel to. You want to
speak with me." His narrow lips curled as he bowed.
"Then, by all means..."
F: The tall blonde ellon was not impressed. "A god you say? We have no need for foreign gods
here.. um, what is your name, by the way?" His voice is deep yet soft, measured and calm. He
speaks as if he were a statue come to life with all the grace and dignity embodied by the elven
L: "I care not about the need, I am here. I did not ask for this any more than you did." He all but

snarled the words, then quieted. With a hard swallow, he bowed again, this time with meaning and
"I am Loki, of Asgard." Raising his green eyes, he dared a question before the proceedings began.
"Is Fan alright? You've not punished her for anything, have you?"
F: "Lady Fanfanwen is perfectly well and innocent in all of this. Why would we punish someone
for protecting the person they love? We are not monsters," he reassured Loki as best he could.
"Now, Lord Loki, how did you get to our world, and more importantly, why did you come?"
L: That was something. Fan was safe, and she'd not been accused with him. "Her love of me may
be her downfall...which I do not wish." The words were so softly spoken, not meant for anyone.
But, he stood face to face with the ruler of this realm, and now was accountable for himself. The
bravado was leaving him quickly.
"I don't know." He spoke quietly still, shaking his head, disheveled hair hanging about his
shoulders. He kept his gaze on the cool one that surveyed him. "It was like slamming into water. I
know my father did this, that my brother was involved. They foisted me off on you." His voice rose
a little with his explanation. "They have had enough of me, and so dumped me off in some random
world to be rid of me. And I do not know how to get back."
F: Celeborn's face was unreadable. "I see. Why would they want to 'dump you off' exactly? And
why did you come here to my home last night? What was your intention?" He studied Loki with his
sharp grey eyes, so calming and yet, otherworldly. "I apologise for all the questions, but if you are
to remain here then I must know what your intentions are towards my people and my land."
L: The voice that answered was low, the upper lip curled. "Because they will not give me what is
rightfully mine. That throne was meant to be mine! But no matter how much Odin may claim to
love me and know my worth, he's done nothing but push me aside. And here I am...dropped into
some world I cannot even imagine, unknown and lost, and I will have something to call my own..."
In the light of that calm gaze, Loki quieted. "My intention was to lay claim to your realm for myself.
I would have done it, if not for that damn guard of yours." His hand curled into a fist, burning with
lingering pain. "I would have done it." His own look was direct, steely. "I've nothing here of my
own. No home, no land, nothing. I've nothing to claim for myself. Save one thing."
And I do not deserve her.
F: "Fanfanwen." He said simply, completing Loki's thought for him. "She certainly seems to be
your best advocate here. Haldir says you tricked her, manipulated her into believing that you are..
interested in her. Is this true?" His voice is still low and calming, almost matter-of-fact.
L: "Haldir... Jealous and wishing he could be rid of me, to get to her. Fan will not be his even
standing on my grave. DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!" He called toward the front, where Haldir should have
He pulled his gaze back to Celeborn. "So, I tricked her, is that it? Of all the lies I've told, the tricks
I've played, the dark things I've done... No..." He whispered, shaking his head. His eyes closed,
head lowered. "No, I did not trick her. I love her. The feeling I have when I think of her, when I see
her smile, is the most real feeling I've ever known." Emerald eyes rose through black lashes. "I
love her, and whatever you do with me, I will not give her up. Not for anyone or anything. Not even
for your sainted Haldir." He called out again. "I WILL TEAR YOU APART FOR HER! SHE'LL NEVER BE
For a long minute, he stood there, chest heaving, face pale. When he spoke, his voice was low,
almost distant. "What WILL you do with me?"
F: Celeborn stood and listened to this little monologue of madness, his face calm and
expressionless; a statue of serenity in Loki's maddening world. He was concerned for the
stranger's state of mind, and not a little for Fan's safety, but he knew he was hearing the truth.
When Loki had done, he fixed him sternly with his eyes of sombre grey.
"That will depend upon what my wife has seen in her mirror, Mr. Loki. No doubt you will at the very
least be required to pay for the damage you have caused, but beyond that.. I could not say." He
finally moved, turning slightly as he heard footfalls approaching, far before mortals could ever hear

them. "Ah, here they come now."

L: Celeborn's calm was maddening in itself. The serene look and stance, the quiet and even tone
when he all rubbed Loki the wrong way. Some kind of feeling, some passion in the words,
would have gotten through to him, appeased his need for some combat. He needed an outlet for
his pent up anger.
He turned from the Elf, pacing as he could in the tiny space. Head lowered, he was thoughtful, and
didn't care that the bearer of his fate was coming. This was too much, and they sought to keep
him from Fan. Chewing on a nail, he glared at the floor.
And then turned and rushed the bars. "I'll not be kept in here like this! I'll not let some...ELF decide
my fate. My fate is my own! D'YOU HEAR ME?! I will decide what happens for me...and I will do so
with Fan involved! She's mine! MINE!!" Gulping air, he raged, glaring at Celeborn. "I am not
subject to your decisions, whatever the situation. I am a GOD! You should be on your KNEES before
It was a last hope for some kind of control before sentence was laid on him, but if Celeborn looked
hard enough, he'd see the tears trying to form in the emerald green eyes.
F: But little rattled the great elven lord. He merely looked at the raging Loki and spoke. "Very well
then, if you are a god, then come, join me here outside your cage." There was just the tiniest
glimmer of smugness lacing the wisdom of Celeborn's words.
L: Those were the wrong words to say. With a wordless cry of rage, Loki thrust an arm through the
bars, hand reaching.
"YOU DARE! YOU DARE!! I--" A thought crossed his mind, and he stepped back. "You wish for me to
join you? I will, then." A green-gold light enveloped Loki, so bright he was unable to be seen. When
the light subsided, a snake lay on the floor, coiled on itself, watching Celeborn warily. With an easy
move, it shifted forward and slid through the opening between the bars, quicker than it might have
looked. Shining black, it wore a pattern of green and gold, the gold not simply a color, but metallic
as if truly metal itself. Hissing, it slid toward Celeborn's feet, as if to strike.
F: Celeborn merely took a step backwards. "All right, I believe you are at least a skin changer. But
unless you wish Fanfanwen to see you in this form, you had best change back. Trust me, once she
sees this, she will never see you the same way again."
He turned as his wife and Fan approached the cell, the guard opening the door for them.
L: The snake hissed again, the eyes glittering dangerously. But Celeborn was in no real danger.
Loki at least knew well enough that a show of violence now would lead to losing Fan, and so he
did no more than heed the words of advice he was given. In swift time, he was himself again,
though he certainly did not return to the cell.
"You would see to that, would you not?" He muttered the words low, his voice dark. If they hadn't
tried to change Fan's mind about him yet, he was sure it would eventually come.
Hands behind his back, he stood silent, waiting.
F: Celeborn shook his head, as he smiled at his wife in greeting. "Loki, you have much to learn of
Elves, and Fan would take no word from me to do so."
Galadriel returned her husband's smile, as Fan ran up to Loki, surprised to see him out of his cell.
"Are you all right, Loki?" She clung to him tightly, as if he might disappear from her very grasp.
She was confident he would not be sent away at least, but still afraid of the punishment they
would dish out.
L: While he didn't really believe Celeborn, he at least noted that no one was shoving him behind
bars again. When Fan appeared, he was more than grateful for it. She came to him and he clung
just as tightly as she did. One arm kept her close, and while he pressed his cheek to her hair, the
other hand was lost amid the gold tresses.
"Shhh, I'm alright, love. It's alright." His voice was quiet, barely a whisper, and only for her. But
after a moment of this peace, he lifted his eyes to the two Elven rulers, and his voice was very
"What will you do with me?"

He was not letting go of Fan, nor would he leave her, if his grip on her said anything. Let them try
to separate them. They would regret it.
F: Celeborn looked to Lady Galadriel and they exchanged a soft nod. No doubt they had been
communicating within their minds, for elves possess this ability to 'mind-speak' with each other
when in close proximity. This time, it was the Lady who spoke.
"Fanfanwen, Loki, we have thought long and hard about this situation. We are not blind. We can
clearly see how you two care for each other. This is no trick, no manipulation as Haldir would have
it. It is real and true, probably the first true thing in your life, am I right, Loki?" she looked to him
for confirmation.
L: He badly wished the two would leave, and let him be with Fan alone, wished they were back in
her home, in her bed, curled up alone in the peace of the night.
What have I done? I'll never get that back...
But when Galadriel spoke, he realised she understood Haldir had lied. There had been no
manipulation, no trick, no magick. Loki had won Fan's heart fair, and outright. He'd been blessed
with her love, giving his own completely.
But to see she knew more than that, that she could see he'd been cheated his whole life, Loki
almost sank to his knees. Someone understood. Oh, he knew Fan did, but she had some
background to go on. As far as he knew, Galadriel knew nothing of his life up until now.
"Yes." He spoke with more strength than he felt, refusing to let his real feelings show.
He had no idea it was all written in his eyes.
F: But he needn't have tried to hide anything, for Galadriel, one of the most powerful elves to ever
live, could see all. She smiled sweetly, knowing full well what he had been through, if not the
"There is no denying that you did come here to try to find a kingdom to rule. But we don't rule
here. We are merely guardians of this land, and its welfare are of the utmost importance. Therefore
you must be punished in some fashion, but do not worry. To separate you and Fanfanwen would
be to destroy you both and that would be unacceptable. So, this is what I suggest. First, yes, you
need to repair or replace those things you destroyed. That is a given."
Here she paused and glanced at her husband, who nodded solemnly, the slightest hint of a smile
tugging at the corners of his wisened eyes.
"Then, you should give some service to this community. Put your energies and obvious powers to
use for good, not destruction. As peaceful as it seems here, for we are protected by the powers of
Nenya and myself, our borders and beyond are still threatened by our enemies. You can direct
your energies towards them and help us, thus helping yourself. What do you think, Mr. Loki? Would
this be acceptable penance for you? You will remain here under our protection and live with
Fanfanwen if she is agreeable. What say you?"
L: The prince must become nothing more than anyone else. No longer of royal birth and blood, but
rather ordinary, and equal to all others.
The biggest thing he focused on was that he and Fan would not be separated, and this made him
draw her in tighter. But his expression was hopeful, with no need to become defiant. Making
amends for the destroyed items was nothing to him. What mattered was Fan.
"My powers can be whatever I want them to be." He spoke quietly, wanting more than anything to
hide, to not have to open himself up this way to someone he didn't know. "It is the rage I cannot
seem to manage. A thousand years of being the second, being less, being lied to... I cannot write
that out of my life. A father who was ashamed of me, another who lied and always forced me back,
a brother who gladly walked on while I was shadowed... How do I pretend I don't feel anything?"
He took a deep breath, chin raised. "I will help you. I've no idea why I am here, no idea what they
planned for me...but if I am to make a life here now, let it be in this place, as one of you, and with
Fan. THAT is my one condition." Looking down, he tilted her chin up.
"Will you have me, love? If I can find some way to redirect the power in me and do the right
thing...will you let me stay?"
F: Fan looked up into his eyes, her own brimming with threatening tears. "Well, gee, let me think

about that..." She smiles and kisses him tenderly. "I told you, it is 'our' home and 'our' life now,
some day officially. I hope."
Galadriel and Celeborn exchange a soft smile as they look on. "Then it is settled. You will remain
with Fanfanwen in her home, and report for training with the guards in two days," Galadriel said
softly. "When training is complete, you will join our guards and help with the problems at our
borders. Mr. Loki, there is much evil brewing in our world and it will take everything in our power..
all our energies combined to combat it. If we do not defeat this menace, who has threatened us
before, our entire civilisation could be lost.. and that includes this life you wish with Fanfanwen."
L: Those were the words he needed, both from Fan and from Galadriel.
From Fan, it was her look of pure love, the soft kiss she gave him right there before both her
rulers. Our rulers, he thought. They may not choose to use the term, but it was there...and Loki
was now to be part of this civilsation. 'Our home', 'our life'... No more Asgard, no more Thor being
the golden one, no more Odin to tell him he was just shy of being good enough. No more anything
but this...a life to be had with this incredible beauty he'd somehow stumbled upon and won the
heart of.
From Galadriel, it was the news of a threat, some outside threat, that might endanger this life with
Fan. The idea of Fan being in danger at all was a shock he didn't want to deal with. That threat
would never have a chance to get close, if he had anything to say about it.
Loki lifted his chin, his look determined, a gave a short nod. "In two days..." His green eyes
traveled from Galadriel to Celeborn. "My abilities are now yours, my efforts now to protect
May I become all Odin said I could never be...
F: "Now, we know this won't be easy for you, but we wanted you to have at least this one chance,
not only for your sake, but for Fanfanwen's," Celeborn said quietly. "But I must warn you as well, it
will be a steep climb and a slippery one, and you will only have the one chance."
"Yes, Loki," Fan looked directly into Loki's eyes. "So please don't mess this up. We have a chance
at a real life together... a home, a job and even a family some day if you wish. I will help you all I
can but ultimately it's up to you. I know you can do it, if you really want it badly enough."
L: Only one chance.
And you will expect me to screw it up somewhere. Not that it mattered. That was always expected
of him. And nothing would be said.
It's all on me. Look at her, the look in her eyes. This is all on me. No one else. Even if something
happens that results in some infraction by me that was not intended, I will take the fall.
Still, he said nothing, only nodded.
All this because I needed something of my own. I remember Thor pleading with me to come home,
and I almost reminded him I didn't have a home. A place of my own. And here it is...with a great
love attached to it. I must do this, whatever I feel, whatever rage will eat at me forever, I must do
"This chance is not for me. It is solely for Fan. I am content with that. But your men must be
warned...I have powers they've not seen before. And powers they may not trust. Well, they must
trust me. I am equal to a hundred of them. Choose well where you would place me, where you
need the added strength. I am not one for simple bows and arrows, so do not expect I will use
The eyes traveled between the two again, the corner of his mouth curling upward. "Since we have
that settled, if it's all the same to you...I'd like to go be alone with Fan now."
F: "This chance is for you both. Normally we would be much harsher upon such a blatant attempt
upon our home," Galadriel glared a him subtly. "I have seen some of what you have been through
and I know it will be hard. But I also know you deserve it and you have the strength and willpower
to do it, if you can only control your anger." Of course they were prepared to overlook small
transgressions as he learned to control his urges, but she wasn't about to tell him that. "So, yes,
you may go... AFTER you clean up the mess you made in our reception room."
L: It was unnerving to think Galadriel had seen his past. He met her gaze, his own both stunned
and hard.

You do not know me. You know nothing of me save what has happened here. Do not play on my
heart and think I will bow down and become submissive. I never have been, nor will I be.
Stepping away from Fan, he made a salute, hand placed horizontal over his heart, head bowed.
"Then let me see to the damage as best I can until all can be made right. Then I will go home with
Fan, and prepare for the start of my new duties."
F: Then the beautiful and ethereal Galadriel smiled. "We sincerely wish you all the happiness you
both deserve."
"And should you wish to marry, we would be honoured if you allowed us to be your witnesses."
Celeborn bowed, then, offering his wife his hand, led her from the cells, Loki now a free man.
L: "Marry?"
There was no disgust in his voice, nothing to give the impression he was against the idea. He was
Who would consider an Elf of incomparable beauty--in every way--marrying a deformed J unn?
Someone as flawless as Fan...married to someone so broken and ruined, destroyed and Loki?
It was something that occupied his mind all through the cleanup efforts, which was better than
thinking about what he'd done, or about what was to come. It rolled around inside his mind right
until he was once again home with Fan, sitting in a chair, looking down at the sad state of the
wrapping on his hand.
"Fan... Will you come here, love?"
F: After a moment, Fan came over and knelt in front of his chair, reaching for his bandaged hand.
"Now I can see to that properly," she said, starting to unwrap the wound. She had brought soap
and water, an herbal mixture in a small jar, and fresh bandages. "Yes, meleth, did you want to
speak to me about something?" She looked up at him from her knees, willingly, even lovingly
before him, pale blue eyes clear and innocent.
L: "Fan, wait..." Gently, he extracted his hand from her grasp, cupping her face to kiss her
soundly. His mouth slanted over hers, demanding...but short-lived. For a reason.
"I am so sorry." He spoke in a whisper, his forehead pressed to hers. He drew back only a little,
fingertip to her lips. "No chastising. Just hear me out." Cupping her face again, he looked into
those gorgeous eyes. "I was wrong. I should have stayed with you, should never have left your
side. I cannot bring myself to apologise to anyone else, but I will to you."
She was kissed again, his voice the softest sigh.
"We will go on from here. You and I. And I will never leave you like that again. I love you. I love
F: Fan left the bandaging things in the floor and climbed onto Loki's lap. "Oh my sweet darling, I
love you too. No more apologising. Let us put the whole thing behind us and look only towards the
future. So much is possible, it's mind boggling. You just have to keep a level head, and be happy
with what you have. I will be right here with you the entire way, and help you whenever I can.
We're a team now, all right? Fan and Loki forever!" She leaned in and tenderly kissed his lips, all
the while anxious to see to his hand lest it should fester.
L: Damn his hand.
"Forever." He whispered against her lips before deepening the kiss, slanting it. Part of him would
always carry this feeling of guilt because of this very situation, but also for more. In time... And
maybe she would forgive him all that, too. For now, he forgot about his hand and leaned back into
the chair, pulling her with him, biting down softly on her lower lip.
F: She answered his kiss, losing herself in the moment, but always her mind as a healer pulled her
back. "Please, let me see to that hand, then I am all yours to do with as you please!" She smiled,
knowing he'd find such an offer hard to resist.
L: "Nooo..." His protest was spoken softly, his face the pouting cringe of a man who didn't want to
give in. But, there was that offer of being his to do with as he pleased, and that was so hard to turn

"Alright. You win, love. But, oh...the things I'll do..." She was given one more kiss before he
relinquished his hold to let her do what she needed.
F: "Good boy, now, give me your hand." She took his hand and carefully unwrapped it. Then she
cleaned it gently, before adding some of the herbal mixture. Then she closed her eyes, held his
hand between hers and muttered a sort of litany in Quenya. When she was done, she re-wrapped
it and hopped off his lap to put the things away.
L: He hissed a breath as she cleaned the wound, but was largely quiet during the process. While
she rewrapped his hand, he smiled lightly. "I promise this is the last wound I will bring to you for a
long time."
Unless your ex gets weird with me.
"Leave everything where it is." Rising, he pulled her to her feet, her back to his chest. Arms around
her, he whispered in her ear. "Remember your promise. I can do as I please." His lips brushed her
ear. "And I will. I will make you so glad you gave me that freedom."
F: Fan closed her eyes, her smile sweet as she tilted her head and leaned back into him. "I
remember my promise. And I meant it. And I will mean it every day for the rest of our lives. I am
yours, Loki, always and forever yours."
L: One hand slid down the front of her, over her breast to pause there and cup it warmly, then
further down to cup between her legs through her dress. The other hand went upward, keeping her
head tilted back, her neck exposed. His voice revealed the hint of a smile.
"Oh, yes...mine, and you will want me forever. Want until you ache and cannot abide waiting
another moment. But I'll make you wait, let it build until you plead with me." The tip of his tongue
touched her ear, was slowly drawn upward along the edge. "I could keep you wanting day and
night, always ready to give over should I ask, no matter when."
F: A soft moan escaped Fan's lips at this, growing in pitch and volume at her ear. "Remember, my
love," she purred in response, "I can always do the same to you. Always teasing and barely
approaching that which you crave most but never quite giving it to you... Two can play that game
should you wish."
L: "Oh, you think, do you? I would like to see you try." The smile of his voice grew at that, his
breath warm. "Try, while my hands roam your perfect form, finding every sweet point to tease and
torture. While my mouth skims your silken skin, tongue laving over your breasts and neck. While
every inch of me is only within reach, but never allowed into your hands...or within your walls. Will
you try?" The hand between her legs pressed in a little more, fingers curled along the material of
the gown, the cleft felt within.
"Oh, no, Fan. I will rule you. I will push you to the edge and pull you back again. I will be the one
watching you come undone."
F: "Or.. I can just pull away and make you work for that for which you long so much.." She grinned
and pulled out of his grasp, breath short and heart pounding. "Now, catch me if you can!" With a
giggle she took off, always keeping just out of his reach.
L: The words might have been a hint, but he was still stunned when she did exactly as she said.
"Fan...!" His coat was left over the chair as he started determinedly after her. "What will you do
when I catch you? And I will..." He reached for her time and again, just missing her. "It will be your
turn for punishment when I catch you." He reached out yet again.
F: She giggled and dodged him all around the treehouse, which he soon found out was quite vast
and must be one of the largest ones in the city. But eventually she slowed just enough to let him
catch her, out of breath and unableto keep from laughing.
"Oh dearest Loki, please do be gentle with me!" she finally managed to giggle.
L: The size of the house gave them ample play space, places for Fan to escape his grasp. But in

the end, he finally had her in his hold again, laughing right along with her.
"Gentle...?" He gasped a breath or two. "Who said anything about gentle?" Leaning in, he bite
down on her neck lightly, kissing the same spot as he pulled away. His lips were brushed over her
chest, pausing with her labored breathing. "Shall I lay you down and begin slowly?" Pulling her up
hard against him, he smirked. "Or should I take advantage of your breathlessness and have you
against the wall?"
Leaning in, he murmured against her lips. "Laugh for me again, love."
F: Even without his instruction, she would have laughed, the light sound like crystals dancing in a
spring breeze. "I shall leave that up to you, my darling!" she breathed between giggles and soft,
fevered kisses placed wherever her lips could reach. "I just meant, I may be immortal, but I'm not
L: "Nooo..." The voice came out soft, whispery. "No, you I would never break, in any way. I want
you safe for me, and I want you untamed. You're mine, and I will see not only to your beautiful
downfall, I will see you rise again as well." The softest sigh broke loose, his head moved until he
could capture her lips again, his own slanted over them. It was no simple kiss, but open, wanting.
And while he claimed her mouth, his hand began the fight with the laces of her clothing, pulling
until they loosened.
"I want to watch you undress. Unwrap the gift you are, and let me bask in your glory."
F: Again she pulled away as if to take flight once more. Instead she stopped just out of reach and
slowly, teasingly, began to loosen her clothing, first by kicking off her shoes, one by one. As she
undressed, her eyes never left his; her enigmatic smile never left her fair face.
"And will you do the same for me, my love? Can I not bask in your glory as well?" she asked as she
slid her dress from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.
L: How are you mine? How did I find you? Crossing time and space to end up here...with you?
What did I do to be given such a blessing?
His arm went out, as though he would stop her, but he froze when she turned and her hands went
for her dress. "Yesss..." As the fabric came loose, was dropped, he watched, his eyes glued to her,
and he swallowed hard.
"Don't move." The command might have sounded somewhat harsh, but the expression said
everything. He undid his belt, dropped it, pulled the tunic off and the shirt under it over his head.
He dropped to a knee, undoing the fastenings of his boots. These were left aside as he came
toward her.
Yes. Loki, god of mischief and creator of chaos, was crawling to Fan.
His hand reached up, fingers splayed, and ran a hand down her thigh. "Love..." Again, he reached
up, fingers drifting over the cleft between those slim legs.
"I want you." The words were offered in a rasping voice, low and almost shaky. "I would drink of
you like a man dying. Give me that, and you may do as you please."
F: You know I am yours, Loki my love, always. She leaned with her back against the wall, letting
soft murmurs escape her slightly parted lips as his hand explored her body. Her tongue emerged
slowly to moisten those lips, as her short, rapid breathing dried them out quickly. Oh, Loki, gasping
his name, her hand reached down to touch his cheek, sliding back to entangle in his hair.
L: He was toying with her, both with his words and his fingers. With finger and thumb, he parted
her, gazed up into her face with longing. Fan... The sounds she made were so sweet, so perfect,
and scent of her was enough that he sorely wished he'd undressed completely before starting this.
He was already in pain! But he wasn't the focus, and his voice dripped when her hand went into
his hair, a low moan that growled in his throat. Lead me on, Fan. Show me where you want my
F: His touch was like electricity upon her skin. His fingers were cool against her hot flesh and her
knees went weak as he spoke. Without even her mind having a say, her hands automatically
guided his head towards her most private treasure, her heart racing faster within her heaving
breast. Her lips parted once more as she needed more oxygen, her anticipatory breaths fast and

heavy as she watched him kneeling before her.

L: He let her guide him, looked up to her face the whole time, gaze flickering to his destination
only briefly before rising again. Only long enough for him to know his tongue would find the mark.
And it did. Oh, it did. She tasted of dark musk and sweetness, warmth and erotic promise. His
hands slid up her thighs to part the delicate folds and give him better access, his tongue drawn all
along the heated cleft, circling the little pearl nestled at the top. The motion was repeated again
and again, his deep green eyes fixed on her face.
F: Fan's legs turned to water and it was all she could do to remain standing, one hand still
entangled in his black hair, the other splayed against the wall behind her, clutching at it for
support as if she were some exotic tree frog clinging to a window. The moans that escaped her lips
were almost like singing the way they changed in pitch and volume and the only lyrics were his
name. "Loki... OHHHH LOKI!" She bit her lip and gasped for air in between moans, her head back
against the wall, back arched and eyes closed in ecstasy. Needless to say, she'd never felt
anything like this before and it was driving her to madness!
L: He loved the instant tremble, the sound of her voice as it changed, rose with her desire. The
passion scent of her was almost more than he could handle, enough to make him wish to stand
and have her right there at the wall. Maybe in time... But whatever his own desires, he'd have her
shaking, dripping, calling out to him before he'd give in and allow himself the pleasure of being
hilt-deep inside her.
The sound of her cries eradicated the pain of his shoulder, his hand, and the confining discomfort
of those black pants. It all could wait until later. Now, he was lost in her, the taste of her, so rich on
his tongue, the tongue that toyed with her silky skin, the already slick folds, the gem that was so
difficult to stay with because of her wetness.
But he would do it, nuzzled into her, mouth ever so lightly closed around that pleasure point. He
would stay on target, and watch her scream to the skies. Watch her lose her mind. Watch her
come apart at the he could put her back together.
F: Her body felt on fire... and frozen at the same time. Never had anything felt so wonderful in all
her days. Yes, she had been with others and done similar things, particularly in her youth, so long
ago she had well forgotten, but never like this. It was all she could to do to remain upright as every
ounce of her felt like melting, and oozing down the wall into a puddle on the floor.
Her peak was not long in coming either, though she fought to keep it back, to prolong this ecstasy
wee bit longer."Loki! Oh my Loki!" she moaned, tugging on his raven hair, as suddenly she all but
screamed as wave after wave hit her turning her legs to jelly and sending the rest of her body into
violent spasms. As these subsided, she could stand no longer and began to slide, oblivious, down
the wall like raindrop on the window.
L: All she had to do was trust in him and she would be just fine. She would likely liquify from the
waist down, but he would take care of her. And he would applaud her efforts in controlling herself,
though he rather liked that loss of control. Liked being the reason for it. He'd see it happen over
and over if he had his way.
It was so difficult not to smirk, not to pause to whisper "Yesss..." as he did in his head. To do so
would have meant halting her pleasure just when it was truly beginning, and he would never
disappoint her like that. It was difficult not to just lose himself in the feel of her fingers pulling at
his hair. He moaned as she called out, sighed as he felt the pulse of her muscles, tasted the rush
of her on his tongue.
THAT was why he loved this particular activity.
She slid, and he carefully eased her down against him, down into his arms. He was still licking his
lips when he cradled her to his chest, cheek against her hair.
"Come back to me, love. You cannot fly forever and leave me behind..."
F: For a few moments, Fanfanwen couldn't even see! As her breath and vision returned, she
smiled at Loki, feeling completely satisfactorily exhausted.
"By Eru, Loki, that was..." she gasped, unable to even complete her sentence. She grabbed him by
his upper arms and pulled him into a deep, lingering kiss. "Perhaps I should return the favour in

kind?" she purred against his skin, now understanding completely.

L: That was another reason he loved this. That look. She was lost and found, and all in his arms.
He'd given her that boneless feeling, and that was so satisfying for him.
"Mm!" He let himself melt into that kiss, couldn't help but smile against her lips. Those green eyes
opened, and the dark brows rose and fell. "Do you want to taste me, my love?" He kissed her a
second time, groaning. "Tell me what you want of me. I am yours now. And I need." Drawing her
hand to the front of his pants, he sighed her name. "Come and use me, Fan. Show me your
F: With an adoring smile, Fan kissed him again, letting him guide her hand to where she could
feel him clearly awaiting his turn. "My goodness, Loki, is that a scepter in your pocket or are you
just happy to see me?" she teased.
Then she shifted, turning him around and pushing him until he sat against the wall, then climbing
over him, straddling his lap. With hands upon his chest, she smiled - always the smile - and kissed
him again, tongues swirling and wrestling for dominance. Hands slowly peeled away his clothing,
for it was so unfair that he was dressed and she was not. As she worked her way down, her lips
followed suit, slowly teasing as they roamed across and down his chest, his middle, his bellybutton
to that beautiful trail of fine hairs that led down to paradise.
As she reached his trousers, she unfastened them and, moving her whole body, slid them down to
his feet. Quickly she yanked off his boots and tossed them aside, before tugging the tight leather
britches off the rest of the way and tossing them with the boots. Then slowly, she began by kissing
his toes, then worked her way up, glancing up at him and smiling enticingly. Slowly slowly, inch by
inch she worked her way up along his legs that seemed to go on forever, to his knees, then his
thighs, parting them slightly and kissing her way up the insides.
L: His return chuckle was dark, almost as seductive as that smile of hers. He gave her full reign,
letting her put him where she wanted him. "Oh." His hands settled on her hips when she got into
his lap, his grip firm as they battled within the kiss. Oh, her kisses, he could live off them forever.
Warm, soft, sweet, smooth, and so demanding. He liked that. Loved it.
"AwFan..." It was difficult to stay still, to keep his hands from working to hasten the project she
began. Only to get to her. That was his objective. He knew what was coming and still looked to
that link. His toes curled within his boots, the trail of kisses all down his upper body sending
shivers through him that brought goosebumps to his skin.
Something of a smile hinted on his lips when she removed his pants. It was just about the way she
worked, a woman on a mission. "You're adorable, you know." The words came out softly, with less
of the seductive tone, and more of his true feeling in them. Oh, yes, she was adorable, but she was
also creative. Her lips touched a toe and he jerked slightly. A smile had appeared. He hadn't
expected that, and adored her creativity.
Teach me, love, to be like you. To do the things you do. Love has never been like this for me
But she began her travels again, and he was sighing. The higher up she went along his legs, the
more the anticipation began to eat at him. He was already painfully hard, fairly dripping from
arousal, and she was inching closer, closer, but never quite close enough. Watching her wasn't
helping, but she was just so damned beautiful, so dreamlike in her movements.
I am yours, Fan. You own me, and I pray I live the rest of my life this way.
F: Fan looked up at him and flashed him the sweetest smile. Oh, she knew he was well and truly
ready, aching in fact, but she wasn't. Letting him stew just a teeny bit longer, she turned her head
to the side and let her hair fall over his stomach, sweeping it across and down, then around his
groin in long, slow circles.
L: Loki was all about instant gratification. 'I want it all, and I want it NOW'. Rarely did he sit back to
wait with patience for the result of something that would bring him some form of pleasure. Even
now, he could see how Fan took her time with something he rushed into.
It wasn't his fault she was so beautiful he couldn't wait to get his mouth on her.
And the hair... Oh Gods, her hair was a tease! At first, he only sighed, but when she moved lower,
teasing literally every inch of him with her hair, he couldn't keep still. With a sound of desire, he

rolled his hips, and everything inside went tight, clenching. He could hear his heart hammering in
his ears, the blood pounding away in his veins. Felt the single drop that began to slide down one
side of his shaft.
The nails of one hand were drawn across the floor as his fingers began to claw, slowly drawing into
a fist.
F: Having kept her promise to cover the front of his body with her golden tresses, she then finally
turned her attention to where he wanted it. Her hair still hiding her face from Loki's view, hands
resting upon his thighs, Fan suddenly leaned in and unexpectedly caught the drop on her tongue,
then let it slowly trail up the side of his hard shaft, to linger at the tip, following the line of moisture
to its source. She swirled it agonisingly slowly around the head before turning her own to move her
hair out of the way so that he could watch what she was doing. Slender fingers wrapped firmly
around the base, giving it a little squeeze, as she eyed him almost wickedly and swirled her tongue
again, this time trailing just below the rim. Then she lifted her head a little and licked her lips to
moisten them, smiling at Loki, signifying she was just getting started.
L: One day, he was going to have to pay her back for that lovely trick. Some day. He'd never
complain, though. She was an enchantress, and she probably had no idea she was this good. She
certainly had no idea just how adorable she was, or how sensual.
His breath was drawn in a sharp hiss at the feel of her tongue. Everything inside seized up, coiling
tight, his hand now a near-trembling fist on the floor. Her slow pace forced him to let out that
breath in a long, low moan, a wordless testimony that she definitely had done something very
right. He was just reaching out to move her hair when she did it herself, and offered him one of the
sexiest sights he'd ever seen.
The addition of her hand made his hips rise and fall, that squeeze pulling another small sound from
him. Oh, and the look in her eyes! The color of his own eyes darkened as he watched that tongue
of hers in its erotic slow dance. He knew what was coming, watched her ready herself, and wished
he could prepare just as easily. Even so, he whispered to her.
"Do it, love."
Her smile sweet and sensual, she moistened her lips thoroughly before leaning down to brush
them teasingly across the tip, eliciting another small droplet which she quickly licked up. Then,
slowly and steadily, eyes upon Loki's face, Fan sank her luscious lips around the head, slowly,
gradually taking him into her mouth a little at a time. Her hand squeezed gently as she pulled
back up a little before sinking her mouth down once more, even deeper this time, all the while
listening, watching, feeling his reactions which gave her impetus to continue. After all this was for
her pleasure as well as his, and hers was knowing she was driving him mad. Honestly, she had no
idea what she was doing, she just used her imagination to think what would drive her wild if she
were a male. And this was the result.
OhGods, that tongue! He had to use everything within himself to hold still, to just watch. He
wanted to meet those beautiful blue eyes, but somehow, he couldn't look away from her mouth.
She had an amazing imagination, which apparently had a brilliant male side to it.
Her slow pace WAS driving him to madness. If she was looking for a reaction, she got it. Her mouth
began its gradual drop over him, and his head went back, cracking against the wall. He let out a
small breath of pain, stars behind his eyes, but it was shoved aside. When his eyes opened again,
he could only stare, watching her with his jaw dropped and a desperate look. One hand was
reached out, his fingers tangled in her hair.
"AwFan...Fan, don't stop. Keep going..."
Fan couldn't help but stop, concerned, when he banged his head, but then giggled as she saw
him watching her and continued on. This time she did something for herself, removing her lips
from around his swollen shaft, to concentrate on the head for a few moments more. How she loved
the smooth, soft skin and the sweet, salty taste of the little drops of promise that emerged as she
watched. Slowly she lavished her tongue around the tip, then once more around the rim, before
sinking her lips once more around it, but only the head, sucking gently with closed eyes, as if the
enjoyed this above all. Then she moaned, adding the vibration to the mix.

After a few moments of indulgence, she then sank her mouth down upon him all the way, taking
him deep within her throat at least once before beginning the final assault, moving her head in a
faster rhythm, moaning for effect, her other hand slipping beneath the pouch holding his family
jewels and fondling it gently.
She didn't stop! Ohhh, no, she kept right on going. And with every movement of her mouth on
him, she took a little of his sanity away. She was winding him up so tight, part of him actually
feared the end of this. He kept his fingers in her hair, if only for the hold it afforded him, and he
needed it. Her attention to the head of his hardened length was sending serious shivers through
him, pulling moans from his throat here and there, his heart hammering and lungs unable to open
fully. He was fighting for air, felt dizzy and lost, couldn't keep his eyes off her for more than a
second now and then, when they closed from yet another jolt of feeling.
Her moans drew replies from him, but it was the plunge to take all of him, every inch, that left him
sobbing, so close... She picked up her pace, and Loki groaned her name, sliding from his sitting
position just enough to tighten his grasp in her hair.
Abruptly, it all crashed in on him. He felt the final rush, that building that warned of the beautiful
end only seconds away, took a breath, and called out as he came. His hips rolled upward as he all
but curled in on himself, slamming a fist against the floor. Once again he saw stars, but this time
from pleasure, not pain.
Fan felt Loki's shaft swell slightly and knew his climax was close. She readied herself as she felt
his jewels constrict in her other hand. Then he came unglued, writhing beneath her and filling her
throat with his hot, salty-sweet juices. Happily she gave a small squeal as she swallowed every bit,
then pulled back a little to make sure she got every last bit. Then, gently, she removed her lips,
letting her tongue dig for the last drop from the tip, before kissing her way back up to his lips
smiling as ever.
Gods, she was eager! He might have a comment about it when his brain returned, but for now, he
was gone. He simply wasn't on the planet anymore. Whatever she might say, she knew what she
was doing. She was just too good at this to be going on beginner's luck.
By the time he began to drift back, she was sending shocks through him with that tongue of hers
just one last time, leaving him sucking in a breath, his voice weak in his protest. His green eyes
opened in a dazed expression as she came back up to him, his hand cupping the back of her neck
as he met her lips for a long, deep kiss.
Let her smile. She'd left him powerless, had controlled him utterly...and he loved it.
"Bad girl", he whispered, gently biting down on her lower lip. And yes, that was compliment!
"Ohhh did you not like it then?" she feigned pouting, knowing full well the effect she had had upon
him. She kissed him again, feeling all warm and fuzzy and content. She buried her nose into his
chest, drinking in his scent, making her all dizzy with sheer delight. There was nothing else she
had ever encountered in her long life to even come close to this feeling she had with him. Loki was
her drug and she never wanted to give it up.
He wanted so much to offer some sarcastic reply, but couldn't. He just couldn't. He had that
boneless, drained, I-don't-exist-right-now feeling that always came with amazing sex. But he had
never felt it quite like this. The only other time that came close was their first time together. The
rush it had been... Well, just like this.
He dropped a kiss to the top of her hair, inhaling just as she did. Like her, he was lost in the effect
of his own personal drug, and wasn't ready to end his binge for the night.
"I love you." The words were whispered by her ear. "Come to bed with me for a while. I've no wish
to be away from you yet." He wanted to hold her, drink in the still and calm of their own space,
and let the time drift.

Mmm hmm, she sighed happily, in that same kind of emotional haze that he was. That sounds
perfect. I never want to be away from you, Loki. I love you so very much. Feeling slightly
triumphant at sufficiently blowing his mind, Fan struggled to move, but finally managed to gain
her feet, holding her hands out to help Loki to his.
Unless you wish for me to carry you, she giggled, eyes half shut as if drunk. But then she was
drunk; drunk on love for her Asgardian god.
There was no silencing the chuckle that escaped as she fought to stand. "A bit weak-kneed yet,
love?" His laughter grew with her giggling. "I should pull you back down here and begin all over
again." Taking one of her hands, he used his other to push himself up to stand, his own legs still
"Do you want to?" There was more laughter. This was worlds apart from anything he'd ever
experienced. Unsteady, he pulled her in, his free hand in her hair, brushing her cheek as it went.
His voice grew soft.
"To bed, my love. I want to lay beside you and stroke you. Just...gaze at you. C'mon...come with
me." He left everything where it had fallen, her clothing, his, the supplies to treat his wounds.
Everything. He simply walked toward the bedroom with her hand in his, blissfully happy and
wanting to stay in this little bubble they had around them.
Fan followed him gladly, like a little rag doll in the hand of a child. When they got there, she let go
of his hand and moved ahead, turning down the covers of the large, four poster bed of elaborately
carved wood that matched everything else in the elven city.
Come, my love, let us just relax and bask in the miracle of our love, she grinned knowing she
sounded corny, but still serious about it too, for that's what it was, a miracle. She lied down and
beckoned him, ready with the covers to tuck him into her arms.
"I love to watch you this way. Domestic. It" His eyes never left her form while she
saw to the bed, and his expression was one of intense interest. His obsession with her was clearly
written on his face.
Every movement she made was graceful, like living art. He could watch her forever. No. No, he
needed to BE with her, touch her and know she was right there with him.
When he came to the bed, he didn't sit and slide closer to her, he climbed, one knee on the bed
first. There he paused, his lips a smirk. This miracle would last forever. While he was supposed to
be punished, he was instead gifted. The joke was on all of Asgard.
Laying beside her, he gently took the covers from her hand, but he did not pull up. Instead, he
brushed his fingers along her cheek, caressing along her fine jawline. "You are so exquisitely
made." There was awe in his voice, and love. That hand drifted down her neck, always slow,
always light. I've yet to touch every inch of you, and I intend to."
Fanfanwen watched him as well, with much the same thoughts. She traced every line of his face
with her pale blue eyes, loving every contour, every shape, every single hair on his head. The
sounds he made, his spoken words, even his very breath sent chills throughout her body like the
finest music of the elves.
She purred in response to his touches, goosebumps involuntary indications that her body loved
them as much as her soul did. Hmmm but only if I can do the same for you, my sweet love. I
cannot keep from touching you for long for I feel as if I would die if I did!
"Oh no, you'll not die. And your turn to reach out will come soon enough. Let me have this." The
voice came out soft, like his touch. His hand flattened over her collar bones, moving slow in its

path toward her breasts. Fingertips drifted down the center, between them, then reached to cup
one. It was more of a brushing than anything, a skimming of his fingers over the lower curve, the
pads of his fingers drawn over the nipple. He traced around it, thoughtful. "I've not paid you proper
attention here. I should make up for that lack." The green eyes rose to her face even as he lowered
his head to make good on his words, mouth open to let his tongue flick over the nipple of the other
Watch me, Fan.
He laved his tongue over her nipple time and again, eventually, slowly, closing his mouth around it
to tug lightly.
Fan giggled softly, mingled with heavy breaths at his touch, so sensual and gentle, like she were
the butterfly he had captured in his hands. She felt herself melt into a puddle as his fingers played
across her pale, porcelain skin. And when his tongue bathed her nipple goosebumps attested to
her enjoyment, as did the moan that issued from deep within her throat. Over and over again the
elf felt that giddy little flutter deep in the pit of her stomach, the one she felt whenever she felt
Loki's hands upon her, or his eyes, or even thought about him. He caused her to react and feel in
parts of herself she never even knew existed. As he played with her breasts, her hand wandered
into his hair, entangling in the raven locks.
Precise and oh so careful, he took hold of her nipple with his teeth. He did not bite down, but
rather simply held it, the tip of his tongue brushed across her flesh. Head drawn back, he tugged.
Gently, lightly. Then let go, came back, and used only his lips again. In due time, he lavished all
the same attention to the other, watching her, moaning with the feel of her fingers in his hair, and
all the while coming to life again. There was no holding back his own reaction to the perfection of
her form.
From there, his hand skimmed over the flat plain of her stomach, fingers splayed, then down to the
hollow between her hipbones. There his hand stayed for a moment.
"Maybe I should just...stop here. No further." He inched down a little, fingers drawn together just a
little, then further as his hand lowered. "Surely you were not thinking about my hands" That hand slipped between her legs, cupping her with his palm, drawing back so a
single fingertip slid right up the cleft between.
"No... No, you would not think such things."
He turned green eyes up to her blue ones as he pulled his hand away completely.
Fan watched him as best she could, when she wasn't moaning and throwing her head back, or
closing her eyes and biting her lip. She loved every single touch he made on her body,
withstanding all his teasing, nipping, tugging and withdrawal because she knew in the end he
would not be able to resist her and would once again bring them both to glory. Besides, she
enjoyed it all for speed and rushing into anything wasn't her style. Elves liked to take their time
about things and make them last as long as possible.
So when he moved his hand away from her nether regions, her pale blue eyes met his green ones
with a soft, infuriatingly calm smirk.
Fan knew him well already. If there was one weakness Loki had, it was her, and all the beauty she
was. This show of patience was all for her. All for the pleasure he'd give her, and the pleasure he'd
have in the glorious process.
"Mmm...she does have naughty thoughts about me." His own lips curved upward, voice a whisper.
"Good, because I think of you, as well. Every moment possible, I can feel you. I hear you." His eyes
closed in a look of ecstasy. And all the while, his fingers played lightly over that sensitive skin. So
soft, so smooth. Working his way just inside the folds, he sought the pearl hidden away there,

rubbed at it. "This little button so sweet." He was slow in his touch, drawing his finger
down toward the slick inner folds of her entrance. "But here...there's more."
One finger was eased inside, into the wet heat of her, his eyes on her face.
She watched him, her baby blues never leaving his face. Her breath and heart rate sped up as he
explored her body slowly. I thought we were going to snuggle? she said softly, her voice low and
breathy, full of her desire for him and only him. Yes she knew him well; knew everything about this
god of mischief. And the only thing there was to know was that he was totally unpredictable.
A shudder ran through her as he touched that pearl, a gasp escaping unbidden from her lips as her
eyes finally closed. Fingers gripped the bedclothes at either side as her legs parted just a little,
allowing him easier access should he so choose. Her lips ached once more for his, just as her body
ached once more to feel his within it. They were one in heart and mind and soul and she lived for
the moments that it included their bodies as well.
He knew he was addicted to her. He couldn't get enough of her. He could hear the words of her
heart anywhere, any time. But this was something special. True, he was a very sexual thing, but
Fan made him long for that because it was her hands he felt, her cries he heard. No one else's.
"Hm?" For a second, he appeared unsure of what she meant, and then slowly pulled his hand back,
withdrawing that one finger from her. This, he put into his mouth to lick clean. "OhGods, the taste
of you... Alright." Casual as if he'd only just joined her in the bed, he lay beside her. "C'mon, then,
love." I'll give you all the cuddling you want. And then even more because I want it.
Yes, he was going to begin winding her up and leave her like that.
Of course she longed for him too, to feel him inside her making her whole. For he did, make her
whole, that is. Everything that he was, completed everything that she had felt missing before. Loki
was the rest of Fan. But she also knew him well, even in so short a time as they had been
With a deep yawn and stretch, she turned onto her side, back to him and closed her eyes. Oh
well, you can snuggle from there. I'm going to sleep. She struggled to keep a straight face.
His brow rose, eyes to one side to look at her.
She filled all the gaps in him, making him all he could have been...or he would be eventually. But
now it was truly possible because of her. Whatever he'd thought to search for in his life, he'd been
wrong. He should have been searching for her.
Two could indeed play that game.
Reaching out, he wrapped an arm around her. "Good idea, love. I'm worn out after..." He proceeded
to wrap himself around her, mold himself to her, his chest against her back, his breath on her
"Mmm... Goodnight." Like her, he yawned, huddled in a little more, and spoke in a sleepy voice. If
she wanted to sleep...he'd sleep.
And hope she couldn't feel or sense the smile he wore.
Oh, she knew full well he was grinning inanely behind her, but she didn't mind. She was patient.
And though her body ached for him, this cuddling would do just nicely, though she wished she was
holding him instead. She felt safer holding him, knowing he was protected from harm. She cared
nothing for her own security, but to keep him secure and safe from harm.. and here with her. There
was no telling how she would react were he to suddenly be gone. No doubt she would fade, fade
into nothingness and die with no immortal life, no rebirth in Valinor. Elves could die of a broken
heart, wasting away to nothing, their fa dissolved into oblivion to dwell in the Void. With these
thoughts, her smile faded and she huddled back into him, pulling his arms around her as tightly as
they would go.

He ached for her just the same, and wasn't half as patient, but having her close, so very close, was
enough to make him feel secure. He had her in his arms, and he knew she was real.
He had the same fears she did, and swore he'd do anything to fight his way back to her. But deep
down, he knew despair would take him, just as it had begun to set in while he sat in that cell. It
would be his inner war, to be strong enough to fight it and then fight his way to her side again.
He would never willingly leave her.
She huddled closer, and he held her just as tightly as he dared, turning his face in against her
shoulder. Suddenly, sex didn't seem to matter anymore. He just wanted her there.
"I love you, Fan. I love you and will until the stars go out."
Fan turned over and buried her face in his neck, gold hair mixing with black upon the pillow, arms
drawing him in, legs entwining like tree roots setting a foundation, never to let go.
I love you too, Loki. All of creation could dissolve around us and still our love would be here. I
never dreamed I'd feel this way about anyone, but I do. And it's all about you. You are my world
and yes, Loki, you are the king of my world. I know it's not the world you wanted to be king of, but
you rule it utterly and forever. She pulled back to look into his eyes, fingers threading through his
long raven hair, and smiled. Why in Eru's name have I been so blessed?
When she turned, he gladly brought her back to him, tangled with her, one arm around her to bury
his hand in her hair, the other hand against her back, keeping her close. He nuzzled her hair,
listening, thinking all she did. His lips pressed to her forehead when she drew back.
"Oh, Fan..." His voice was quiet, as if to keep their conversation from outside ears. "It is a world I
could have never dreamed of, a world I am happy to have discovered. I want to revel in it forever.
Be my queen, and rule my world in return. I offer it gladly."
He met her gaze, brought his hand up to cup her jaw, thumb brushing her cheek. "I am the one
blessed. I do not deserve you, yet here you are with me."
Oh my dearest, darling Loki, her words were low and quiet as were his. The only world I wish to
be queen of is the one with a population of two you and me. That I would gladly rule as long as
you were by my side. She leaned in and kissed the tip of his nose, one of her favourite things.
We are both blessed, melamin, to have found each other at long last. Did you ever in your life
think you'd be lying here with a naked elleth, just cuddling and whispering niceties to each other?
she smiled sweetly.
"Our world. Our own kingdom inside this house." He smiled. He shook his head slowly. "Do not fear.
I'll be at your side. King and queen of our tiny realm. No servants, no courtiers, just us."
There was a long sigh, and he looked almost distressed for a moment. It was only a memory...
"I had to come a long way to find you, sweetheart. I'll never give you up." His smile returned, his
voice that quiet, secretive tone again. "No. I never thought to do this. It is something I want to do
with you every day. At some time, I want us to be here like this, just to talk."
His hand slid down to her waist, and there he pulled her as close as possible, his forehead against
Her smile was sweet as she nodded slightly, her forehead now pressed to his. And we tell each
other everything, no matter how trivial so that we never fight. Right? No secrets, no lies. No halftruths, no omissions. Just open communication and lots and lots of love. Her hand found its way
into his hair once more, stroking gently and wondering at its softness, her legs winding around his

as if they had a mind of their own.

No omissions, no half-truths...
This was where he had his trouble. Half-truths were a constant for him, omissions part of the
mischief he'd created for years. But looking into those eyes he adored so, seeing her smile that
always drew him to her, he had to nod in agreement. To do anything else would mean losing her.
He knew it. She would stand for nothing less.
" may change your mind. You know nothing of the sins I've committed. Whatever you
know now, know that it is your interpretation of who I am. What you saw in the palace was
Will you still accept me? How can you love someone who has done all I have? Can you really see
some good in a liar, a murderer? Can you see it?
His fingers closed into a loose fist in her hair, simply holding that handful of golden tresses. It was
almost as if he would try and hold her close if she tried to move away.
Elegant fingers traced the contours of his smooth face, lovingly brushing against his soft skin, her
pale sapphires following along. My darling Loki, as far as I am concerned, your life, our life
together, starts here. Everything in the past is gone and the slate is wiped clean. It is what you do
from here on out that will be the measure of you and your promises. I will not let the past colour
our future. Do you understand me? You have a second chance to live your life here, with me; to
make of yourself everything they always said you'd never be. Are you up for that challenge? Will
you let me be here by your side and help you keep your promises?
Her eyes searched his as her fingers flattened and her hand pressed tenderly against his cheek.
"You will need to know." The words came out in a whisper that was hollow, despite her
reassurances. "Even as I fear telling you, I fear what will happen if I don't. We will move forward
from here, but you will never understand all you see and hear from me if you do not know
His hand slid up her back to hold her warmly. "I will meet the challenge, Fan. I will meet it and
defeat it. With you beside me, there is nothing I cannot face, or do."
Without dislodging her hand, he moved his head only enough to bring his mouth to hers in the
softest kiss. "Thank you, my love, for your faith in me."
She closed her eyes and answered the soft kiss with one of her own. Then she opened them once
more, a single droplet trailing from a corner. Just..Loki, never betray my faith. What is past is past,
whether I know what you have done or not, I am forgiving you your past actions. The future is
yours now, to make of it what you will. Please, please, do not disappoint me. I cannot promise to
forgive again.
She was given one more kiss, this one a tender pressing of his lips to that falling tear.
"I will not betray you, in any way. I'd sooner give my life than make you distrust me." His look was
grave, a sign of his seriousness. "This future is for *us*, not me. I would have it no other way. I
refuse any future where I don't have you. I will not betray you."
Fan smiled at this and held him close. Then we should have nothing to worry about, nothing to
fear. We shall move on into our future together and see what joys can be found. Right? She pulled
him close and kissed him deeply, letting her hands wander down his back, tracing every contour of
his thin frame. I love you, Loki, she muttered against his lips, then grinned as her fingers
playfully pinched his behind.

"No matter what happens, it is you and I. There will never be a soul anywhere that can tear us
apart." As she held him, so he held her, a small startled sound let loose when she pinched him.
"Naughty girl, how I love you." Rolling her to her back, he smirked down at her. "How I love you."
Leaning in, his lips against hers, he whispered. "Kiss me. It's all I ask."
With the sweetest, most loving smile possible, she kisses him, softly, tenderly, pouring all her love
into that single gesture, as her hands slipped beneath his hair and held his head carefully. I love
you too, Loki. My beautiful, sweet, Loki. If everyone could see you as I see you, they would all love
you dearly. But I don't want to share you with anyone so I'm glad they can't. She kissed him
again, even softer than before.
Sweet... Were anyone else to say it, he'd laugh and prove them so very wrong. Fan, however,
made him feel as he hadn't in so many years, made him feel something new, too. No one had ever
been a lover to him and called him that. Only his mother had, when he was small, when he'd been
innocent and believed Asgard the best of everything, and that whole world to be the greatest in
the galaxy. Now, he knew better. And here he lived in happiness. Here, in his arms, he had all he
needed. She kissed him with sweet lips and a soft touch. She kissed him in a way he never knew
was possible. So soft as to almost not be there...and yet be the deepest touch he could know.
"You will never share me, nor will I share you. I need no other love, no other attention. I need
nothing save this, what we have." He trailed kisses over her cheek to her jaw and neck, sighing
into the silky skin, nuzzling there.
"I need nothing more. I know it now. Just you, you and this little world of ours."
Nothing more ever? She sighed contentedly, fingers playing in his hair. She leans her head to the
side to give him room to do as he wished with her neck. Not even little miniature Lokis running
All he asked for was the feel of her arms around him, her fingers in his hair. He was making no
move to initiate anything now. "So soon and you ask?" His voice was soft, the kind of vague tone
lovers used in the quiet of their personal space. "Yes... If you would have a child with me, I would
be happy. I think I would like to see you grow with our I could feel him, or her, kick and
move. How beautiful you would be." His fingers drifted down her neck, as if for the first time, his
eyes only barely open.
Her smile was soft and dreamlike, fingers still mingled with his raven locks, the other arm holding
him close. Goosebumps erupted slowly across her alabaster skin as his fingers trailed along her
I think I would like that too, some day. It's something I never thought would be for me. I thought
I'd always be alone and never even have the chance. Can you blame me for thinking of it now?
Especially when I know they would be the most wonderful, intelligent and beautiful children
imaginable because of who their father would be?
"They will be loving, caring, mouthy, and brave, like their mother. They'll be beautiful like you..."
He raised his head, brushing her hair back from her ear. His fingertip trailed along the edge of it.
"Will they have these? Your ears, which I love..." The lightest kiss was placed just in front of that
ear before he laid his head down again.
"I never thought to have it. I never looked for love, never needed it. So I thought. But that is what
I've lacked for so long." His voice lowered, barely there.
"And now I have it. Out of nowhere. And I am complete."
They say it always comes when one least expects it. And boy did it ever. She leaned over and
lightly placed a soft kiss upon his forehead. Then gazed at him through one eye. Mouthy? Fan
laughed gently and turned onto her side so that she faced him. They probably would have my

ears. I wonder if they would have your nose for I love that best of all your beautiful features. I
suppose we shall just have to see. Oh, and being half elf, they would be immortal like me.
She reached out her hand and let her fingertips trace the line of his body, from the top of his head
down as far as she could reach without moving, which was about to his hip. Then she let her hand
glide gently about his waist to pull herself closer.
Together we are one. It is just how I always dreamed it would be.
"Mouthy, yes." He chuckled with her. Easing to his side, he gazed back. "Little ones, with my nose
and your ears. Shall they be dark, or golden like you?" He wouldn't care. They would be a part of
her, and that would be enough. And immortal?
A part of me will live forever, passed on for generations to come. My name and blood will race
through Lorien in a never ending line that Thor could never match. He'll not live long enough.
The touch of her hand along his body pulled him from the darker shadow of his mind, the place
where his old self hid, watching, waiting.
His hand smoothed over her shoulder, hand flat at her back to hold her close. "May it be that I can
always keep that living dream alive for you. It will be my first mission for all of my days."
As long as you are here by my side, I will have nothing to worry about, she sighed happily and
leaned against his chest, closing her eyes and holding him close. There are no words adequate
enough to describe what I am feeling right now, besides, euphoria and I love you. I have never
looked forward to anything so much before, as I look forward to our life together a long, and
happy life with much joy and laughter and love.
"I'll always be here with you, love." He gathered her in, arms protectively about her. "Things will be
different for us both. No more being alone. No more darkness."
Wrapped in her arms and the world they created with their words, with the love they built bit by
bit, he eased toward a sleep he'd not had in too long. Not in the cell while awaiting his fate, not in
the cell Odin kept him in, not anywhere.
This is where it all was leading me. My life will never be the same. Nor will hers.
"Fan..." He whispered on the edge of some other world. "I love you."
She smiled as she felt him begin to give in to sleep, pulling up the covers over them both. Her own
body relaxing, hearts synchronising in rhythm, she closed her eyes and let out a long, low breath.
I love you too, sweet Loki, she muttered, moving her head to kiss his chest. This is where sleep
caught her and tucked them both in together for the night.
It was more Loki's learning of the elvish ways of fighting. Hand-to-hand combat, stealth, and the
beginnings of swordsmanship. Some of it he already knew, as it was rather general, some was
new. It was a bit annoying, having those eyes on him all the time, but he couldn't avoid it. A
promise had been made. Like it or not, he would have to deal with the stares and distrust. Over
the days that went well, he began winning over a few of the elves. His attitude was not always the
best, but he performed as well as anyone else.
The only real issue was with Haldir. The two still had their differences, and it was likely to continue.
To a degree, Loki could understand, but it had his own side of the story. The Marchwarden could
hardly complain when Loki showed up as promised, dressed in modified elven clothing, a glove on
his injured hand. The explanation had been quick, the rules laid out, and the first lesson began.
He came home with his helmet that day.
Haldir did not ask what had happened to the scepter.

Two weeks in, there was a warning of a raiding party on the edge of the forest. Quick orders were
given and everyone available made ready. In two groups, they made their way to the forest edge.
The plan was to flank the raiders and attack. The move worked, but it took Loki off guard. He'd
never seen anything like them. They were shorter than the elves, some dark skinned, others with
an almost bluish cast. They were hideous to see, and ruthless in battle. Sword in hand, he went
rushing in like the others, cutting down anything he could. His own battle skills were worthy of the
fight, and the lighter sword was easier to work with. Something bumped him from behind, and
whirling around, he was ready to strike...and found Haldir had backed into him. Now they faced
each other.
Loki raised his sword.
Haldir took a defensive stance.
At the last moment, Loki reached out to shove him sideways, cutting down the orc that had been
behind him.
Haldir stared as Loki moved on. It took little time to win the skirmish. The elves came away with
two injuries, one bad enough to need the healers. None had been lost.
Dispersed, the trainees walked back home, leaving Loki to head for the great tree house. Weary,
dirty, his clothing torn in a couple of spots, and spattered with orc blood, he trudged the last
lengths toward the tree.
Fan had been in the kitchen preparing something for their dinner when Loki returned. Seeing the
state of him, FanFanwen immediately dropped everything to tend to his wounds and make sure
he was all right.
What happened? she asked worriedly as she examined him for deep rounds and cleaned him up.
I see you've encountered orcs. What did you think? she said, noticing the black blood all over
him as well as the foul smell.
It would be a hard man who wouldn't like being seen to as he was. Fan was good to him, better
than he deserved. Sitting down, he sighed, shaking his head.
"I am fine, love." Her words made him grimace. "They are horrifying creatures. Disgusting in every
way. They fight dirty, with no scruples at all. It was a pleasure cutting them down." He said nothing
of saving Haldir. Groaning, he touched her arm to reassure her. "I've no worrisome injuries. I did
not let them get close enough." There was pride in that voice, and in the green eyes just before
they closed. "I must bathe. How can you stand to be near me, love?"
Fanfanwen laughed softly. Oh Loki, darling! How can I bear not to be near you? I wouldn't care if
you were covered in poo. She finished checking and cleaning his wounds, just to make sure they
didn't go septic, then kissed his cheek. Shall I draw you a bath? Would you... care if I joined you?
She gave him a wink as she put away the bandages and salve, her clear blue eyes gazing upon
him lovingly.
He couldn't help the laughter that escaped. "Fan, were that the case, I would bathe elsewhere
before coming to you." His eyes closed with her kiss, and though he wanted to pull her close for
just one more, a proper one, he kept his hands away. He would not touch her while still so dirty.
"That sounds--" He stopped fully as her last question, that wink. One brow rose, his mouth a smirk.
"Oh, indeed, I think I would would have this bath no other way. Tell me, will you be so matter-offact as you were that first time?" It was his turn to look cheeky.
Oh no, she said matter-of-factly, I'll be far more forward and possibly even possessive, the
elleth grinned, sapphire eyes sparkling merrily. Oh, how she loved this banter; how she loved him
coming home to her, even all covered in muck. How she loved his smile, and his voice, his
cheekiness and even his teasing. Most of all she just loved Loki. Every single thing about him filled
her with longing and joy, especially at knowing he was all hers and would be for all time. But
something was missing: that permanence, the declaration before society that their lives were
joined and would be for all eternity. She knew in their minds and practice, they were married. But
she longed for everyone else to know it too. She knew it was silly, but there it was.
Shaking it out of her head, Fan smiled. I'll go run the bath. You take those filthy clothes off and

put them in the barrel in the back. I'll burn them later. That's the only way you get the smell of orc
blood out of your clothes.
"I love when you are possessive, love." His eyes narrowed, the corner of his mouth turned up a
little more, his desire written clear as day on his face. There was no way to not want her. Every
moment of the day, he wanted to be near her, wanted her hands on him to remind him she was
there, wanted to hear her voice. He needed the security she offered, the trust she gave, the faith
she had in him. She built him up to try and be all he was meant to be. She kept faith when he had
moments of rage, his mind pulled to his past. She kept faith, knowing he could get past it and
move on, and because of her, he did. Fan was his salvation, his solace, his world.
He knew well by now that elven custom said they were married. Having shared a bed, it was done.
But Fan had not had her day of glory, and so something was missing. But what he didn't know
was how things were done. He knew he'd have no one to go to but Celeborn and Galadriel for
explanation. He wanted it done right.
While Fan ran the bath, he stepped out onto the terrace to strip down. He'd not do it inside with
the filth on his clothing. His boots were set aside to be cleaned later. Naked, he took the pile of
garments to the back, dumping them.
I will ask for an audience tomorrow.
He stepped back inside to join Fan.
There you are, she smiled as she turned to watch him enter the warm and steamy bathroom. It
was lined in marble with a large carved marble tub set into a slightly raised platform in the floor.
She sat on the side in nothing but a silken robe, a hand in the water to test the temperature.
Come and get in, it should be just right by now. She stood up and held her hand out to Loki to
help him into the tub. Her elven senses picked up his quiet thoughtfulness. Is there something
troubling you, melamin? She slipped her robe off and sank into the tub beside him.
"And look at the sight you are." His smile was bright as he caught sight of her seated there by the
tub. "You are so sexy." He offered up his compliment and a look of want as he took her hand and
slid into the water. A soft groan left him. This was much needed.
But so was she. The vision of her dropping that robe and stepping into the water was like seeing a
nymph come right out of myth. He was envied, he knew it. Envied for having her love. But he
rather liked things that way. She was his, forever. This beauty, with her golden hair and golden
heart. She was his, and nothing would separate them.
Reaching out, he shifted her against him, her back to his chest, his arms around her. He rested his
chin lightly on her shoulder, his cheek against hers. "Nothing troubles me. I am only happy my
skills are enough that I came home to you. Battles happen, but I have never had someone to worry
about before."
I'm glad you came home too. You know I will fear for your safety every moment you are not here
with me, Fan sighed, leaning back against him, cheek pressed lovingly to his. She felt so at
home in his arms, like this was the only place she ever truly belonged. She felt like she had finally
found where she belonged.
As a god, the orcs must seem small prey to you. I would imagine your skills are as magnificent as
you are, my love. She closed her eyes and settled against him, letting the warmth of his arms and
the water literally wash over her as her hands rested beneath the water on his thighs, rubbing
along them gently, noting how skinny yet muscular they were.
Holding her, the feel of her against him, was so natural, so right, he wondered that he'd ever been
without her. While he'd covered up his thoughts, he was honest in the words he spoke. He didn't
want to even imagine the possibility of not coming back home one day. The vision of Fan falling
apart was something he wanted to hide from.
He turned his face enough to kiss her cheek. "I've as much to lose as they, love. I simply must be
luckier than the one I fight." Under the water, he reached out to catch one of her hands, his over it,
fingers laced together. The fingers of his other hand wandered over her belly, trailing light as the
ripples of the water over her skin.
"I told you before, love, I will always come back to you."

Fan placed her other hand over his on her belly, lacing those fingers too. Oh, Loki, I will always
be here for you to come back to. And should we have to fight together, we shall be side by side
and always be there for the other. She sighed, her mind racing to the far future as most female
minds do. And should we have children and anything happen to us, Lady Galadriel will see to
them, or your own family can take them in. But of course, that will hopefully never be necessary.
She hugged herself with his arms, hands still entwined and just was. This was FanFanwen's idea
of heaven. Not palaces or wealth or anything else, just peaceful times safe and warm enveloped in
Loki's love and arms. This was all she ever needed or wished for.
Never let me be in battle with her.
Despite her training, her ability, and her history, he just couldn't seem to stomach the idea of
seeing her in the middle of a dirty, bloody battle. He could well imagine her pretty face hardened
into the look of a warrior, but hoped never to see it firsthand. Just as he hoped she would never
need to watch him. Whether he wielded his powers or a sword, he'd rather she not witness it.
Just as he'd refused to kill in front of her when he broke into the palace.
What a fool...
His lips traced a path down her neck to her shoulder, his breath warm. "No, love." Sighing, he
brought his cheek back to hers. "If we have children, I would have them remain here, with your
people. I wouldn't want them in Asgard, under the shadow of my name."
But of course, they would never leave those children behind. At least, she wouldn't. But that was
satisfying enough, at least in that respect. He didn't want to leave her at all, though he had no
control over it. That wasn't worth thought right now. Now, he wanted to think about the luscious
beauty in his arms, the one with the heart as amazing as her smile. He wanted to think about the
future with her, a future that would begin with the answers he sought from their Lord and Lady.
She knew he would say that, but she just wanted to hear it for herself. After what she'd heard of
how they raised Loki, how they stole him and used him for their own ends, she would be damned if
her children ended up with the same treatment. But as she had told him before, they did take him
in themselves, but still. She had but to look at how messed up Loki was to know it was not a
healthy environment for a child.
Fan turned her head and pressed her lips to his cheek, inhaling at the same time to drink in his
scent, before ending the kiss and rubbing her cheek lovingly against his. Shall we actually bathe,
my love, before the water turns cold? I may not feel it so much but I know you need your warmth.
Thor was no cruel person, but Loki would take any child he and Fan had to the ends of the
universe before letting him have them. Asgard was poison for a child not born of the place. Loki
knew that all too well. Thor might be decent to a child of Loki's, but then again, maybe not. Better
to never take the chance. For all he knew, they would never even know Loki had found love and
created a family.
So much the better.
"Warmth?" He chuckled softly in her ear, his voice a warm lilting in itself. He freed his hand from
hers to trail his fingertips down her neck, over her breast, down to her belly again. Leaning to the
side a little, he was better able to turn his head and look at her, grin on his lips. "Shall I show you
how well I can handle cold?"
Are you finally going to show me your true self, your Jotunn self? she turned her head to look at
him hopefully. I just thought you preferred the warmth, meleth. Her hands rubbed along his
thighs as she turned completely around and watched him expectantly.
"I do...especially with you." Oh, that look she wore! His insecurity was trying to win him over, but
he didn't want to let her down. "How can I not appease your curiosity, love? But, you may want to
get out, for I am not sure just how much cold you can stand."
This was actually more frightening than facing down the orcs, but the look on her face said he
needed to just do it and be done with the whole thing. He reconsidered his idea. "Drain the tub. It

is safer. We can refill fresh when we're through here."

Fan sighed inwardly and put on a smile. The cold honestly does not bother me, but if you had
rather not do it, Loki, I understand. I would have thought, though, that you would welcome
someone loving you as you truly are? Accepting you in any form you take... preferring the truth to
lies? If it bothers you that much, your true form, then forget about it and I will speak of it no
"Is it so important to you?" He knew that false smile, shifted away from her to climb from the tub.
Dripping water, he gave her a look. "Is it really so important to see what I was born to be? No, you
would speak of it again. Again and again until I give in." Yes, he was angry, and yes, he showed it,
but in truth, he needed the push.
Turning away from her, he let his head fall forward as he reluctantly let down the wall, the outer
shell that covered who and what he was. The pale skin of his back began to turn to a strange
faded blue, covered with a pattern of lines. Every inch of him turned this color, to his toes and
fingertips, while his hair remained midnight black.
Any water left on his body crystalized into ice, evident in the light as he turned to face her. But
when his head rose, there was the shock.
His eyes, whites and all, were blood red.
Coming to her, he leaned in to meet her gaze. "Is this what you wanted to see? What you wish to
wake up to every morning? Would you see this face staring down at you while locked in passion?!"
As he changed, FanFanwen watched, rising slowly from the tub to approach him, dripping onto
the floor. She looked into those red eyes and brought a hand up to touch his cheek. It was cold, icy
cold, but not too cold for her. Her thumb traced along one of the markings and she smiled.
Yes, because it is still you and beautiful in its own right. Loki, I love this even more because it is
you, who you are, pure and unadulterated. I love you no matter what shape you take. She then
leaned in and pressed her warm lips to his cold ones, her whole warm body against his.
He should have known.
If Fan would accept the madness in him, she would accept this. But he still couldn't quite accept it
himself. He'd grown up believing himself Asgardian, only to find out the hard way that it wasn't so.
He could remember the look of his hand at that first icy touch, when his real self began to show.
Odin's hard revelation of the rest of the story had sealed it: Loki would live as he always had, and
show this form as little as possible.
Now, as Fan touched him, he felt he could crack, like thin ice when trod on. Though, in this he
would only shatter from his own tension. She was so warm, so very warm, and her look so soft he
wanted to cry, knowing he couldn't.
Her kiss was sweet, the press of her body too inviting for him to deny, and his arms went around
her, turning the droplets of water on her to ice drops, making her glitter like a living diamond in his
That tickles, she laughed softly as she held him close. He was indeed cold, very cold, but this
was his true self, who he was born to be and she thought him amazingly beautiful. You are a work
of art, my darling. I love you. She leaned in to press her lips to his cold blue ones. For a fleeting
moment, visions flashed through her mind, sensations of kissing lips cold from death, of fire and
ice and the smells of battle and then it was all gone. Fan held him close, shuddering softly
causing several of the frozen water droplets to fall tinkling to the stone floor.
He couldn't imagine making love to her this way. Such warmth combined with the deathly cold of a
Jtunn was wrong. Calmed, but trembling, he returned her kiss. Until he felt her shudder.
The wall went up. Blue became pale ivory again, the patterns gone. When his eyes opened again,
they were clear, glittering with emerald green.
"I love you, Fan. You have seen now, and we can move forward from it."
He pulled her in tighter, pressing his lips against her hair. "Come, love. Let's finish what we

She frowned, for it was not a shudder from the cold but from the vision that had flashed when their
lips first met.
But Loki, did you not feel free? Free to be yourself and not have to put this wall up around
yourself, this facade? She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt like crying, like it was all her
fault he couldn't be himself. She loved him like that, but now that he had shown her she knew he
never would again and it made her sad. She felt as if she had killed a part of him and thus a part of
Whatever the cause, her reaction brought out his defenses, however innocent. It really wasn't her
fault. It was a knee-jerk reaction, the need to protect himself after a thousand years of hurt and
"No." He shook his head, his voice low. "No, I did not feel free. How would I be free like that? To
look to everyone like such a demon, to feel like death walking when you touch me... No, I could
never be free like that, which is why I did not want you to see at all. This is who I am. This is what
you agreed to."
He tried to soften the blow of his harsh words by brushing her cheek with his knuckles, but all the
same pulled away to wrap himself in a towel and leave the room.
Tears came unbidden to her eyes as she watched him go. She shuddered again feeling more cold
with his absence than she did with his Jotunn form. She decided to give him time to himself so
turned and ran some more hot water into the tub and stepped back in. They hadn't even bathed
yet, she thought, brushing the tears from her eyes. Slowly she began to wash, her mind spinning,
her heart aching to take all of Loki's pain away from him. How could someone cause so much pain
to another?
He despised walking away from her like that. He knew he'd hurt her, and that stabbed his heart
like arrows could not. But had he stayed, he would have argued with her further and made the
matter worse, unto a point where it might never be laid to rest.
Since he was still far from clean, he went outside. Out on the terrace, he watched the sun for a few
minutes as it sank before sinking to a place on the floor, back against the wall. There, he sat, tears
sliding down his face. Would he always be the broken one, the one unable to be patched and fixed
and made new again? Would it always be impossible for him to have a decent relationship with
anyone because of the lies others had been built on? Even though Fan would never be like those
who had hurt him, he still withheld some part of himself...and he knew it was dangerous. Knew it
could lead to a breaking of his promises.
Alone, he broke down, sobbing. He'd not wanted to show her what he really was. THIS was who he
was, not that creature of the wilds. He was not the son of Laufey. He was not the son of Odin. He
was no one's child.
I will not fail Fan or Lorien. I WILL NOT.
Laying down on his side, he buried his face in his arm and did his best to cleanse himself of all his
darkness...for her sake.
Fanfanwen finished quickly and wrapped herself in her favourite fluffy pink robe then went to find
him. She brought a washcloth with her and a large towel. She found him out on the terrace, the
last rays of the sun just sinking between the golden leaves of the Mallorn trees. Without a word,
she knelt beside him and began to gently wash the grime from his hands. Her hair hung wet, dark
gold in the twilight as she lovingly and carefully cleaned her beloved Loki. She couldn't wash away
all his pain and sorrow, but at least she could do this small thing. She couldn't pretend to
understand what all he was going through, but at least she could stop adding to it. She resolved to
never speak of his true form again no matter how much she accepted him in any way.. except
maybe as a horse.
She leaned down to him and brushed the hair from his face, placing a soft kiss upon his cheek. I
love you, Loki, she whispered tearfully. Nothing and I mean nothing, will ever change that.
He wanted to be the one to rise and kiss her, to show her he could bounce back from anything. He
wanted to prove to her that everything was fine, never better, and there was nothing to worry

But he couldn't do it.
He knew she'd accept him. He knew her love would not waver. But he'd not realised just how
difficult it would be for himself. It wasn't seeing what he was, it was seeing what he wasn't. And
right now, what he wasn't, was strong. She was, but he wasn't.
She'd probably never understand that she'd not added to anything. Only brought it to the surface.
And now, he could see that was very much needed. He would need to break this wound open
completely, let the hurt and darkness drain, and then stitch it back up to keep it from happening
again. And he knew she'd help him. He knew she'd always be there.
He didn't move yet, didn't sit up just yet. Rather, he looked up at her, just watching, letting her do
as she pleased with him. Of all the people in the universe, he could trust her completely.
"I love you, Fan", he whispered. "And I will never stop loving you." The tears continued, and he
swallowed heavily. "Thank you..."
Shhhh, she tried to soothe him as she gently kissed away his tears. You know I would do
anything for you. There is no need for any thanks. This was all my fault for being so selfish. But
never again, Loki. I will never make you do that again if you do not wish it. Though, I did think you
were pretty sexy like that. But I think that about you anyway. She took the towel and dried him
then covered him up with it, unsure if he was cold or could catch something or not. It suddenly
dawned on her that she knew very little about him, but would trust him with her life.
Then she scooped him up in her arms and just held him, her cheek pressed to his, their tears
mingling upon their skin. I love you so much, Loki. So very much, she whispered.
'Oh, Loki... If only there was someone out there who loved you.'
Those words would haunt him forever, but the lovely part of it was that he'd beaten them. He had
love! Had someone! Someone he knew would always be there. Odin had been wrong to speak
such words.
" were not selfish. You are never selfish. I made a promise, and so I kept it. You did
nothing wrong." A watery chuckle left him at her compliment. But it brought out determination in
him, and he turned that look up to her as she held him and he clung to her in return.
"I will be that any time you ask. But I will not live that way permanently. I cannot." Gulping, he
dissolved into tears once more, needing the cleansing they were.
"I love you. Fan, oh, I love you..."
As he spoke, Fan shook her head. No, I will not ask it of you again for I never wish to see you like
this. But should you choose to appear that way I will welcome it and embrace you as I did tonight.
It does not repulse me but make me love you all the more. She held him close and rocked him
gently in her arms, letting him cry and release all the pent-up emotions from who knows how long
Just let it out, Loki, darling, she whispered as she brushed the hair from his face. I love you so
much. I will always be here for you, no matter what. I promise.
He took the hand that held those fingers to his lips, kissing them, holding it warmly. "Fan... I have
done so much wrong, and here you are, alive and warm, real and beautiful, and you love me when
I do not deserve such care." Shifting, he pulled himself to his knees, facing her. "I will try and
become something better than what I have been all this time. But I do it for only one reason.
Whatever promises I have made, I do this only for you." His voice lowered, as did his eyes. "You
mean more to me than anyone ever has."
I love you without condition, without regard to your past but to what you can do with your... our
future. You are my life, Loki. Without you I have nothing... I am nothing. Her eyes locked with his,
her head slightly tilted as she lifted her other hand to his cheek, then leaned in to kiss him softly,
tenderly with all the love she held for him.
He pressed into the kiss, savoring the softness of it, the meaning behind it. And he returned every
ounce of her love, wholeheartedly and happily. But then he drew back, cupping her face. "No. You

are not nothing, ever. There was so much to you before I was here, and there will be whatever
happens with us."
Because I know I'll die before you...
Sighing, he looked himself over. "I still need to bathe. I want to be close to you, but not grimy like
this." A hand was held out. "Come inside with me?"
She nodded softly as she took his proffered hand and stood, pulling him to his feet. Before she let
him move, however, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply, uncaring in the
least about how grimy he still was. Of course, my love, she said breathlessly when the kiss had
ended. But only if you will let me wash you. Tear trails still stained her pale cheeks as they
smiled gently at him. From that day forward, Fan would worry about him, not always openly, but
always deep down in her very depths, she would be concerned about his mental state and do
anything she could to help him. There was no way she would ever let him out of her life. Not now.
Not ever.
It was supposed to be the other way around, with him pulling her up. But when did they ever do
anything expected and ordinary? Rising, he found himself kissed, a deep kiss he needed so badly.
He'd attempted to protest just before her lips met with his, not wanting her to dirty herself or the
robe she wore...but it was too late. Still, he held his arms and hands away from her to try and keep
some of the dirt off her.
And oh...OH, that kiss!
Chuckling, he leaned in to press his lips lightly against her cheek, where her tears had fallen. He
did the same with the other, drawing back to grin at her. "As you did that day they brought me
back to you? I am probably as filthy as I was then, at least it feels that way because of that
disgusting orc blood. Oh, they are vile." His dark head tilted. "Alright, love. I do not wish to be
away from you anyway, even only rooms apart."
Fan smiled, remembering that day well. She had surprised even herself how unlike her it was to
have given him that bath as she had. Normally she would just cleanse the area of the wound, or at
best, let the person bathe themselves. But there had just been something blocking that usual
sense of propriety, drawing her to the strange patient. It was as if they had always known each
other, such was the level of comfort she had felt around him even then.
It would be my pleasure, meleth. Do you wish me to be as... thorough? she grinned around her
words, hands still upon him not wanting to let go just yet, if ever.
What had possessed him to allow her to baby him so much that day? Was it the wound, his
hunger, loneliness? Well, that last was true at least. And she had eased that instantly. If only he'd
not ruined it with his stupid ambitions. Now, all he wanted was to regain some sanity and spend
his life with Fan. That was all!
Her grin turned his to something wickedly playful. "I remember how you were. You toyed with me
even then." The voice lowered. "You know I wanted you. It took such control not to let it show. And
then..." He began to whisper. "You said you liked me, and..." Stopping himself he looked into her
"Come and help me recreate some of that day. You were so insistent, I was holding on for dear
Did I do such a thing? Really? she feigned innocence, then her features softened. I suppose I
knew even then that I loved you, even if it was not evident even to me. How could I not? I mean,
how romantic is it that a fellow would go and get himself shot just so he could be bathed and
fondled by a beautiful girl? she snickered as she led him inside to the bathroom and began
running the water. She was trying to keep things light, remind him of what they shared and had to
look forward to.
"You know you did, Fan." Playful laughter shadowed his words. He dared not sit down or even lean
against anything. "Yes, that was exactly what I did. I wondered what would be the perfect,
romantic way to come back to you, and realised nothing could show my feelings more than an
arrow wound and the need of a bath. Mmm..." There was a pause as he thought. "Actually, I was
afraid. The guards didn't bother me at all, but standing on your doorstep, I feared what you would

think of me. I just...didn't know where else to go."

She knelt down beside the tub and tested the water before turning it off and holding out a hand to
help him in. Well, you came to the right place. You came home. Her voice was soft and smiling as
her eyes followed him, the fondness shining clearly. This is where you belong, Loki. Here, with me.
Where you are loved. She thought back to those days, when he was wandering in the forest.
Many times she knew he had been just outside, watching the house, no doubt watching her
through the windows. But it had to be his own decision to come back. She could have no influence.
Ironic, then, that it was Haldir's decision to send him to her after shooting him. It hadn't been
Loki's decision after all.
It might have been Haldir who waved a hand at the idea of sending Loki back to this treehouse,
but it had been someone else who had started it all. Not only the one who sent him to Arda in the
first place, but Odin...
'Oh, Loki... If only there was someone out there who loved you.'
But there was!
You arrogant fool. You thought to break me, and you did at the time. But look. Look at the love I
have found. The one that was only waiting for me to discover it!
Sinking back into the water, he tilted his head at her. Yes, he'd watched her house as much as he
dared. But once the guards were on his tail, he avoided her, thinking to keep her disassociated
from him.
And then her name slipped when they held him down after the arrow found its mark in his
Now he looked into her pretty face and wondered at his attempts to ruin everything here. His
struggle against the change forced on him. He'd have broken her heart completely after she'd
given him so much that day, including herself. That would have been the real crime, not his
attempts on Lorien.
"Home." He repeated the word, sighing. "Where I love you, where I am all I wished to be for so
long. And...I will not leave you, ever. For any reason. No matter where my feet tread, this will be
my destination. Here. Home. To you and the love that makes me live."
Fan smiled sweetly at his words, stroking his hair with one hand, the other bringing up cupped
handfuls of water to wet his skin in preparation for giving him a good scrubbing. This will always
be your home, my love. Right here. She pointed to her chest, her bathrobe slightly open giving
him a decent view, where her heart lay. Still smiling, she leaned in and kissed his shoulder, as it
was the only thing she could easily reach. Then she poured water over it, before taking up the
soap and washcloth to start scrubbing the orc blood from his sweet, pale skin.
He could care less about everything on any world if he could just have her touch. The comfort of
her hand in his hair, the gentle curve of her lips. She brought him to smile in the most genuine
way, brought words from his lips that he would have laughed at from anyone else in earlier times.
As before, he sat with his knees pulled up, still thin but not scarily so as he'd been a few weeks
ago. If anyone could build him back to even his scrawny form of his arrival, Fan could. She would
see him healthy again, and he was there, save his hand and the healing wound there. And even
that was fading rapidly with her good care.
Somewhere along the way, he mused softly. "A thousand years of pain, anger, rage, and even
fear...and I never knew it was leading me here. To the place I would find my peace." The voice
darkened. "But there is no peace here, not for the world around us. Almost every voice I've heard
speaks of sensing something dark coming." His green eyes moved to her, voice gentle.
"You feel it, too. I know that. It is an ability I wish I had, since there are so many I no longer have
while here."
Fan started out gently, scrubbing the grime from his deathly pale skin. Yes, I feel it, and maybe
because I am an elf, maybe we all do because we are part of this world from the very beginning.
Whatever it is, I also feel that it will all be over soon and that peace will finally reign upon the
earth. Then we can settle down and perhaps even think about having a family. She scrubbed his
face before moving down to his neck and shoulders.

"You think it will not last long. I think it will be hell."

His words were spoken low. He could not foresee the future, could not feel the tremble in the earth
that said evil was coming. He could not sense the charge in the air, could not listen as closely as
the elves to hear the animals murmur amongst themselves. He could only watch, and wait.
He went silent while she worked, sitting in his thoughts, certain the dark days ahead would be
more of a nightmare than anything he'd ever known.
He was also certain he'd likely not see the end of it all to have that family with Fan. He wouldn't
tell her. He wouldn't bring her down like that. Let her have her elvish hope, and may it see them
Oh I know it will be horrible and many many people of all races will die before it is over. But in the
lifetime of an elf and of the world itself, it will not last long. If that halfling truly has the one ring, if
he can get to Mordor safely, and throw it into Mt. Doom, then all will be worth it. So let us do what
we can to help him along. And one thing we can do, is remain silent about having the ring and
what his mission is. The fewer people that know, the fewer people can stop him. The main
enemies right now will be the Ringwraiths, the nine former kings of men who became the servants
of Sauron when he gave them the nine rings of power. She continued with her narrative as she
scrubbed, knowing Loki was only half listening at best. And the Roac, the ravens who are also
Sauron's servants and keep him informed. Now Aragorn tells us that Gandalf said Saruman is on
the side of evil. We are down to only one wizard still remaining to do his duty. You know they were
all sent to earth to deal with Sauron specifically... all five wizards. She cleaned his ears before
moving down along his body, scrubbing quite hard where needed, though still trying to remain
gentle, especially when she reached below the water where she repeated what she had done that
first bath.
At the start, he'd questioned her about the Ring with the thought of its power and grasping it for
himself. Now he thought as she did, that the Ring needed to be destroyed.
This is not me.
Oh, no, Loki. This is the you that was never allowed to be because of the lies and manipulation.
You are free here.
Sitting in a bath and wondering if Sauron will be defeated and the free people of this world saved.
What am I doing?!
Being yourself. For her. And what would you not do for her?
Nothing. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her.
He came out of deep thought just as she began down his back. By the time she got below the
water, he was closing his eyes. "You know I will pull you back in here, Fan." Leaning back gave her
even more room, gave her a better chance to be as thorough as before. And gave him a better
chance to really consider his words.
Fan had no idea of what Loki was thinking, her own mind full of thoughts of the first time she had
done this. She knew he wanted her to repeat the experience, but she was determined to improve
upon it.
I know, my dear, but may I remove my clothes first so they do not get ruined? she grinned,
putting both hands down in the water and gently washing his legs, working her way up to his
thighs, then inner thighs slowly.
You are very quiet, my love, what are you thinking about? Not more world domination I hope. I
would think you've learned your lesson by now.
A soft chuckle left him.
"I care not how you do things, but I will have you eventually." The corner of his mouth curved, his
green eyes brighter than they'd been all day. His chin lifted as his head went back. Her hands, in
any way, were magickal. Sighing, he shook his head. "I don't entirely know. No, it is nothing to do
with my past mistakes and delusions. It is something closer to home. To me. About myself. Who I
am, and all I thought I knew of myself. And here I find I'm nothing of that anymore. You have made
me new."
Lifting his hand dripping from the water, he ever so lightly cupped her jaw and tilted his head to
press his lips to hers.

Fan leaned further over the edge of the tub and hungrily responded to his kiss. Her hands worked
their way inwards beneath the soapy, opaque water until one was cradling his family jewels, the
other gently washing with the cloth. Before long the cloth was let go and just her fingers were
wrapped around him, sliding slowly up and down, grinning into the kiss as she felt him harden
within her hand.
Why meleth, you seem to have something long and very hard in the bathtub with you, shall I
investigate further? she teased, muttering against the kiss.
His voice was a soft groan within the kiss, deepening when he felt her hands find him and take
hold. His hips rolled upward, there was no way he could stop that. His mouth slanted further
against hers, the kiss becoming more and more hungry as she let her fingers glide over him, every
inch aching.
He managed a half smile against her lips. "I think you should get in here and find out what it is.
And quickly. It's becoming painful."
But for a moment, he grasped her hand in his, guiding it with a tighter grip and a slightly faster
pace. Then he freed her, shifting enough to straighten and cup her face for one more passionate
Sapphire blue eyes fixed to his emerald ones, Fan let him go completely and stood, loosening the
ties and slipping her dress off her shoulders, to let it fall to the floor. Then she stepped carefully
into the tub and straddled him, lowering herself down slowly, the first contact made was their lips.
She would let him guide her the rest of the way, depending on what he desired.
His eyes went dark with passion and need as her dress fell away. "Oh, meleth... So beautiful..." His
hands rose, held just away from her skin as she descended. Oh, but not nearly enough. His mouth
slanted under hers, his tongue brushing her lip, his hands took hold of her hips to bring her down
further, one pulling away to grasp his length and guide it. They might play at any other time, but
this time he just wanted her. Wanted her close, as close as anyone could be. Wanted to be part of
He brought her down, entering slowly but easily. Moaning into the kiss, he drew back just enough
to whisper, "Ride me, Fan. Slowly."
Merely at the look in Loki's eyes, the sound of his voice and his moans in her ears readied her to
slide down effortlessly over his aching need. This time, she, too, felt the need only to hold him
inside her, to be as close as she could possibly be to the love of her immortal life. Slowly she sank
down, carefully rising and falling until he was completely inside as far as he could possibly go. Soft
moans slipped from her throat as their lips remained locked until he whispered which provoked yet
another deep moan.
Slowly she rose, pulling almost all the way off before sinking down once more, careful and slow so
as not to hurt him nor to make too much of a splash in the hot bath water. Her hands pressed
against his chest, giving her support for her slow and steady movements.
There was something incredibly sensual about the wave of the water around them when she
moved. Hot as the water was, she was hotter still, and softer than anything on any world. His voice
was a low groan with her first rise and fall, turned to near-silent whispers of her name and
breathless sounds of need. He had to fight to keep his own movement to a minimum, or else cause
too much splash in the water.
Slowly, his hands moved up her legs, over her thighs, her hips, up her waist and ribs. They paused
at her breasts, cupped gently around them, thumbs drawn over her nipples. Then they traveled on
until he was cupping her face again leaning up to close the gap between them and kiss her, long
and lingering...
Fan moved slowly, not just up and down but swirling her hips feeling him everywhere inside that
was possible. Soft whimper-like gasps escaped her parted lips as her hands could feel the
movement of his chest muscled beneath them as he caressed his way up her lithe body. The
brushing of his thumbs across her nipples elicited a soft brief giggly shudder before she leaned
forward to meet his lips, connecting with him completely once more.

Coupling the kiss with her movements made him moan against her mouth, tongue seeking hers
boldly. One hand cupped the back of her neck, the other lowered into the water again as he leaned
on that arm to rise further until he was halfway to a sitting position.
Slow, he lifted his hips to meet hers, unable to keep still anymore. Carefully... The flow of the water
around them was almost dangerous. He only barely remembered, too focused on her mouth and
the warm taste of her tongue.
Shifting with him, Fan kept the pace slow and rhythmic which meant they could manage the
waves of water a little better. It washed against the sides of the large, carved round bath, but
never over spilled. It forced them to remain slow and let the amazing sensations last as long as
possible. Now sitting up more in his lap, she could slide her hands up his shoulders to his neck and
eventually lace her fingers through his hair. Teeth grabbed his bottom lip gently and tugged before
her tongue found its way to his once more.
Slow and sweet was not usually Loki's style, but with Fan, he could always get lost in the feeling
of it, the way it let him feel her surrounding him, stroking over every inch of him. It let him stay
with her for so very long, forgetting the world around them, forgetting everything in the universe
except the two of them twined together.
The hand at her neck was moved to her lower back, stroking her skin, finding a place to settle.
While his tongue tangled with hers, he moaned at the feel of her fingers in his hair.
A moment like this could last for eternity and still not be long enough...
All of this physical love was so new to Fan in spite of her age; such was the nature of elves to only
couple with their chosen One. Loki was Fan's One. She knew little of what to do or how to do it,
but just let her instincts take over, knowing the basic principles, and improvising. Thus she began
to undulate at the waist as she rose and fell, her hands slipping from his long, wet hair down his
back until they reached the bottom of the tub where they pulled the plug, letting some of the
water out. There was enough let out that they could move a little faster or harder, but still be
enveloped in the warmth. She then replaced the plug and slipped her hands beneath his bottom,
pulling him yet deeper into her with a series of louder moans.
Fan knew what she was doing, she just didn't realise it. The proof was in all her moves, the
sounds she made, her natural following of everything he did. They were...made for each other. She
was where he'd belonged all his life, and had never known it. Now that he was here, he wouldn't
ever leave, in any way.
"OhGodsFan!" His hand slid from its place at her back on down to cup her rear and offer even
more force for depth. If she was going to do something like that, he would do it right back...and the
effect was incredible.
She smiled, gratified, at his moaning her name, giving off a few of her own as he offered her even
more depth, in combination with the faster movement, was beginning to bring her nearer to the
edge. Oh, my dear Loki! You feel so amazing. I could do this forever! she murmured, her
movements picking up a little more speed.
One of the many things he loved about making love with her was that she never shied from
voicing her pleasure. Her cries, moans, and sighs always trickled down his spine to explode all
through him and heighten everything he felt.
Green eyes on her face, watching her as his jaw tightened with the increasing speed and power of
their movements, he all but chuckled. "We will, love. Forever." A long low groan left him. "Don't
stop, Fan. Don't, and I won't."
Oh yes, she was definitely not shy about making noise. She loved when Loki did the same. They
were perfectly suited for each other. No, my love, my Loki, I will never stop. As if to punctuate
her words, Fan moved a little faster, letting her hands move back up from beneath him, trailing
wet hands up to hold his face as she kissed him deeply, her moans now loud in his mouth. Ohhh
Loki! So near... so near! she all but whimpered completely ignoring the splashing water and fairly
bouncing in his lap.

So much for a long, drawn out session. This time. There would always be other times. Sometimes,
even he was amazed that anything was accomplished for all the time they spent like this.
A breathless growl broke from him as she picked up her pace again and he fought to keep with her,
holding on, lifting his hips to meet her every downward move. The water was forgotten, even with
the wild sound of it all around them. All he knew was her, all he felt was her. Fan was his whole
His lungs screamed with her kiss, pleading for the air they couldn't get anyway, but desperate to
keep that kiss going when he was having to pull away to allow another groan, this one breathy and
"C'mon, love", he urged her, waiting for her drop so he could fly with her. "C'mon..."
With the kiss now broken, she sat up and took his hands in hers, lacing their fingers together,
using them to push as she moved, getting ever closer to her peak. Each gentle bounce brought a
moan, the pitch and volume increasing each time until her head was thrown back as she cried out
Loki's name, her whole body shuddering as the climax hit her. All the joy and love and warmth of
her life washed over her as she floated on high, then came down to kiss Loki deeply, not wanting
to be apart from him in any way for any length of time.
He clung to her hands, supporting her when she needed it, his eyes hungrily watching her as she
closed in on flight. Her cries rang in his ears, powerful in pulling him ever closer to his own end.
The vision she was in her orgasm, the feel of her body's frenzy all around him, the heated rush he
felt inside her, all pushed him over the edge to drop and fly along with her. The same shudder
rocked him, everything pulsing and throbbing inside her, draining him within.
He met her kiss with abandon, gently pulling his hands free to wrap his arms around her. Groaning
her name, he slid back down into himself, the skies left behind for now. All that was left was
learning to breathe again, and clinging to her, the water around them slowly settling.
Warm wetness surrounded Fan both inside and out as she settled back down upon her precious
Loki, after joining him in his release with yet another of her own. Heartbeats returned to normal as
did their breath as the two of them melted into one. With a toe she ran a bit more of the warming
water into the tub, afraid to even look to see how much spilled out of the tub with their passion.
Then she relaxed, her nearly weightless form resting upon him, warm, soft lips brushing against his
neck with soft, sweet kisses.
I love you so much, Loki. I can't even think of words that come close to how I feel, she smiled
against his smooth skin, still in that haze of euphoria that always comes after such throes of
Her second release pulled the softest cry from him, sensitive as he was now. But it was in pulling
her in against him that he truly reveled. Leaning back to have her lay there on him. She weighed
nearly nothing, but she was so very THERE. All warm and soft against him where he could hold
her, stroke her skin, and toy with her hair.
He smiled as she did, his voice low when he answered. "Then you know the depth of my love for
you. It is without description." His fingers skimmed along her arm. "As is your beauty."
Yes... He needed to get to Galadriel and find his answers. No more waiting, no more not knowing.
He knew what he wanted, and he knew what Fan deserved. He would learn what he needed to
And marry her properly.
After awhile, Fan sat up, pulling him with her and washed his hair. Then they reluctantly got out
and drained the tub, then wrapped each other in soft fluffy towels. Then Fan dragged Loki into
the bedroom and sat him down, taking up her comb and, sitting behind him, began to tackle his
wet hair. She was as careful as she could be, loving how it shimmered in a rainbow of blue to black
in the lantern and firelight. The sun had gone down by now and Fan's stomach was beginning to
Are you hungry yet, meleth? she asked, unable to resist kissing his ear. What do you think you
would like?

He could have easily fallen asleep there with her, surrounded by the warm water, surrounded by
her, everything else forgotten. But eventually, they had to give in and leave the bath. These
moments with her, quiet, alone, away from the world, were the ones he cherished most. When his
mind would wonder at the person he was becoming. Part of him still rebelled, and probably always
would, but in truth, Fan was a balm to the soul that had been so abused for so long. She was
making things right by teaching him a new life with as much meaning as the one he'd believed
himself destined for.
He sat quiet while she combed his hair, something he shamelessly loved. It was soothing, calming.
He'd already decided he would let his hair grow as the elves wore theirs. Maybe it was just that he
liked having Fan's fingers in it.
"I'm famished, but let's make it simple. I would prefer to spend the time talking with you than
seeing you doing even more than you have today." His eyes closed with her kiss, a smile on his
lips. "Have we any of that bird left that I brought home yesterday?"
She nodded. I was going to use it in a casserole, but I think there's enough for a couple of
sandwiches. I'll have to bake some more bread tomorrow though. So domestic. So normal and
peaceful. Like regular people, just discussing daily life. She nuzzled the back of his hair, drinking in
his scent and judging how dry it was, then she had to comb over the spot again for she had
mussed it up.
I love combing your hair, Loki. She loved saying his name too, and did every chance she got. It
was as if she didn't believe he was really there and really hers, so saying his name made him
seem more real.
Then she wrinkled her nose, thinking. Talk to me? Is there something on your mind, meleth?
Peaceful. And to think he'd seen minor battle earlier that day. Nothing new in the life of an
His eyes remained closed, his breath drawn slowly, reveling in her actions just as she reveled in his
presence. It was no different from the nights when he huddled up with her and buried his face in
her hair, like a child with a favourite blanket.
Turning, he looked up at her, his look one of confusion. "No, love. I only meant that I would rather
we spend our time together instead of you having to work in the kitchen, even if I can help."
I understand now, melamin. I would too actually. Shall I make us some sandwiches then? She
kissed the tip of his nose sweetly and gave him a smile. I'd much rather spend time with you than
in the kitchen. I could just sit and snuggle with you by the fire forever. I love you. She pressed her
lips to his, one hand cupping his cheek gently.
"I think you've a good idea. Shall we do both? I'll build up the fire." Oh, why was she so good to
him? He didn't deserve this! But...he was selfish enough he'd take it and run with it. He would
never give her up. Though he wouldn't say it out loud, knowing no one would believe him, if
offered the greatest throne in the universe, in exchange for Fan, he would walk away from the
offer. Fan was greater in his heart than anything. Anything.
Without breaking the kiss, he turned and rose to his feet, his hands gentle on her arms. Breaking it
was slowly done. "I love you...and one of these winter nights, I will pull you back down there again
and make love to you before that fire." He kissed the corner of her mouth. "I'll...dress for dinner."
Edging away, he moved toward the dresser, casually dropping the towel along the way. Pausing,
he looked over his shoulder, then went about his business as if nothing at all were amiss.
Faen watched him rise, smiling as she ran her comb through her own hair then put it away.
Promises promises! she chuckled watching as he dropped his towel. She laughed then rose,
grabbing it up and twirling it until it was wound around itself, then flicked one end out and just
caught him on his backside. Dress for dinner indeed, cheeky bugger! She turned to go and get
dressed herself, just putting on a comfortable nightdress and warm dressing gown.
He jerked and turned, a stunned look on his face as a smile began. "Fan!" A hand went to the
spot where the towel hit. "So mean..." But by now he was laughing.
He dressed in a simple pair of trousers with a drawstring, and a shirt in a pale green-grey. He left

his feet bare, padding to the doorway of the kitchen.

"Shall I help you with anything. love?"
Fan looked over her shoulder at him, so handsome in anything he wore. A sweet smile greeted
him as she thought for a moment. You could have a look in the pantry to see if there is anything
you'd like with your sandwich, and perhaps think about what you'd like to drink. She watched him
move across the kitchen floor, mesmerised by his grace, before returning her attention to the
sandwich ingredients laid out before her on the counter.
Tell me, meleth, is there anything that you don't like or can't eat? I'm just curious.
Loki had learned a lot in his years, on how to present himself. He knew that every situation called
for a look, a certain appearance. And he knew how to feed that, right down to his movements and
even his expressions. But here, he was only himself, comfortable for the first time in too many
years. He was genuine and relaxed. There was no show to put on here.
He was just turning his attention to the pantry when she asked her question. Now she had his
attention, and he came up behind her, arms around her. "No... I've no problem with anything,
whether by allergy, illness, or liking. However..." He moved her hair aside, face nuzzled into her
neck. "I like you best, love." He pressed a light kiss to her cheek and whispered, "I will always
come home to you. I swear it."
The words needed to be said. He felt it. Somewhere inside, he felt the need. But once said, he
would not dwell on it.
Fan stopped when he wrapped his arms around her and leaned back into him, a soft smile on her
lips. Loki, melamin, and if you do not, I will come and look for you. She put the knife down and
turned within his arms, and nuzzled her nose against his. I like you best too. Sweetheart, where
did that come from all of a sudden? she asked curiously. She desperately wanted to know what he
truly felt and thought and how his mind worked. She always feared she was too simple to read, too
simple, period, for someone as complicated as Loki. He was special and deserved a special mate.
Fan didn't think she was anywhere near special enough for such a marvelous creature.
"I had the opportunity to say such, and so I did." He smiled down into her blue eyes. She
perfect. How could he ever truly be worthy of her? With all he'd done wrong, all the betrayal and
death, how could she love him? He just wasn't good enough. Fan was something so very special,
and Loki just didn't think he was enough. Though...he would never complain of having her. If she
chose him, then so be it. He was selfish, and more than enough to keep her for himself.
"I want to live like this forever, Faen, love. You and me, with the peace of this home. I have longed
for the security I have here. But I could live anywhere as long as I have you at my side."
Head bent, he pressed his lips to hers. Whispering, he opened his eyes to her pretty face. "I just
needed to tell you."
I understand, meleth, she smiled, her eyes searching his. I want everything you want. Just you
and me and whatever Eru decides to bless us with. But just give me you and I will be forever
contented and blissfully happy. She kissed his chin, then his nose, then his lips. Now let us fill our
stomachs so that we may have the energy to adore one another a little bit more. She laughed
softly and kissed him once more, before turning back to the counter to finish their sandwiches,
careful to stay in his arms the whole time. I love you, you know. Whatever happens, that will
never ever change. I just had to say it.
There was no way to not smile at her words, and the smile he wore was one no one in Asgard
would have ever seen. Soft, glowing, it was a look of utter love. "You have me forever." She would
never need to worry, he would always be hers.
His eyes closed with her kisses, his lips pressing to hers when she got there. He could live off her
kisses. However, for the moment, they would need more. For a moment, he held her when she
turned, and blinked at her words. "Nor will I stop loving you."
Was there something coming? Was there some event on the horizon they were yet unaware of that
would test them and their love?
Breathing in the scent of her hair, Loki shuddered.
Fan felt the shudder and turned, setting the sandwiches on their plates down on the table. Loki?

Are you all right? She looked at him worriedly as she set about laying things out they could eat
with their sandwiches; pickles, fruit, fresh veg and cheese. She then poured some juice into both
their glasses and placed some cutlery on the table.
Come and eat, meleth. You can tell me what's been happening in your patrols, besides killing
nasty old orcs. She offered him a smile to set his mind at ease, pale blue eyes sparkling in the
lantern light.
He got lost in thought, stepping back to let her finish what he should have been helping with. The
scent of the food called to his stomach, but for a few moments, he was caught in the memory of
the earlier skirmish. It hadn't been the only event of the day, though the second had seemed
negligible to him. Fan's call made him blink, forcing a smile as he joined her at the table.
"I will clean up, as I neglected my task here." Taking a swallow from his cup, he looked over the
edge at her. "Just before I parted from the rest, I overheard news brought to Haldir." His glass was
set down, a bite taken from the corner of his sandwich. He chewed, looking down, then swallowed
and raised his eyes through dark lashes. "There were strangers by the Nimrodel. I suppose they
were under watch for a while, and crossed as we came back from the fight. I did not stay to hear it
all, but Haldir followed Rumil with haste. I'm guessing they will have intercepted them by now."
This caught Fan's attention and she paused, the sandwich halfway to her mouth. Strangers? By
the river? Did they say anything about them when they told Haldir? Her blue eyes were alight
with curiosity, wondering if the time was finally upon them. Could this be the ringbearer and his
party that she had heard tell of through the whispers of her people?
"Only that they looked to have traveled far, for they were filthy. And one appeared Elven. The rest I
do not know. I came home to you instead."
Loki knew of the whispers, knew of the talk that the Company was coming this way. But it didn't
cross his mind to believe they would come to Lorien. They would move beyond, down the Anduin
toward Mordor. But, what if? He thought about that while he chewed through two more rather large
bites. His appetite was beginning to get to him.
Watching him, Fan noticed how hungry he seemed to be, whilst she was only nibbling on her own
meal. Would you like another sandwich, meleth? You seem so very hungry tonight. I remember
when I used to lead my patrols. I would come home starving too. She smiled at him nodding. I
would be willing to bet that is the Fellowship. Was there no mention of a wizard? It's definitely
them if there was.
Shaking his head, he met her gaze. "I cannot overdo." Instead, he picked from the extras, cutting
off a piece of cheese, biting into a pear. He chewed, shaking his head. "I heard nothing of a wizard,
but I did not stay to hear it all. I know not."
He tipped his dark head. "What would it mean, for them to come here. Would that not create
danger for us?"
Fan smiled softly and placed a hand upon his. No, meleth, not for us directly. It will only mean
that the end is finally nearing. If the rumours are true and the halfling does carry the One Ring, he
will be heading to Mordor and if he succeeds in throwing the ring into Mount Doom, then our land
will be well and truly rid of Sauron's evil and peace will reign. Then all our dreams will come true.
Her smile was infectious, even down to the sparkle in her eyes. That will only be part of it though.
Galadriel has foreseen much fighting and death, however, for we must battle all of his other forces
on many fronts. It will not be our battle alone either, but all the free peoples of Middle Earth shall
have to unite to fight our common foe. With luck we can keep Sauron distracted enough to allow
the halfling to sneak in undetected and complete his task. Then and only then shall we have true
and lasting peace.
"Let us hope it happens. We can handle battle, especially if it will bring about our freedom." One
dark brow rose, as if the idea of battle would be welcome. It might prove enjoyable enough. He
grinned as he bit into the remainder of the pear, eyes then lowering as he chewed thoughtfully.
Danger would come, then, no matter what they all hoped for. Battle would mean every able body.
And that meant Fan, too. Not without him!

A knock came to the door as darkness truly set in and Loki was just finishing the last of the pear.
Curious green eyes looked to Fan, then the door and back again. Rising, he took the fruit with him
as he answered to find one of Haldir's closest there. The news was interesting and chilling. The
strangers had been found and gathered, now in the trees with Haldir. Several were being recalled
to help.
Loki turned to give Fan a strange look.
Fan frowned, wondering what they could want with Loki. Surely there was nothing to fight at the
moment. She rose and joined him at the door, giving the messenger a stern look.
What news have you?
The strangers, they are the ring-bearer and his fellowship. But... he paused and lowered his
head. While passing through the Mines of Moria, Mithrandir fell into darkness.
The beautiful elleth lowered her head too. Then we must mourn him. Loki, we should go and join
the others. You will see how we elves mourn the fallen.
She nodded toward the guard to run along and they would follow shortly, then slipped her arm
about Loki's waist. Before he could ask, she explained, Mithrandir is our elven name for Gandalf.
Their curiosity had been confirmed.
"Gandalf the Wizard? That you told me of?" What could kill a wizard? The darkness was coming.
The orcs were nothing. The fight that would come with this war would be beyond all he'd seen in
his life, if they called him out to battle, and they likely would. He and Fan both.
That thought chilled him.
His arm slipped about Fan's shoulders. "We'll dress and join them. You should be there."
She shuddered. The messenger spoke of falling into darkness in the mines of Moria. That can
mean only one thing, that he lost a fight with the Balrog that has haunted that place since Melkor
created them.
Her head lay upon his shoulder as he slipped his arm about her.
Nodding, she looked up at him. We both should, Loki. We both should be there. Always together,
remember? Always!
The Balrog.
Loki remembered one of Fan's books and the picture drawn into it of the massive creature.
Durin's Bane, this one would be. Knowing of Gandalf's power, this was more than just an
unfortunate loss for those who knew the Wizard. This was a loss to all Middle-earth and the hope of
defeating the darkness of Mordor. The fight would be that much harder. For just a minute, he held
Fan close, nodding slowly.
"Always together."
Once they'd dressed, Fan led Loki into the centre of the city where the others were gathered
amongst the treetops near the central palace tree. The air was, by now, filled with the haunting
voices of the elves singing a lament for Gandalf. It was beautiful but at the same time sad and
almost frightening, if only for the portent of things to come. Her keen eyes scanned the nearby
trees that she knew were used for visitors and she spotted a very familiar face.
Legolas! Mellon nin! she called out softly, not wanting to disturb the song. He looked up from
where he was standing, listening with a Ranger and a dwarf. Swiftly, Faen led Loki over to them.
Legolas, am I glad to see you! she hugged him tightly, having known him and worked with him
closely as his father, Thranduil's, Captain of the Guards.
The sound heard in the centre of the the city was indeed haunting. It was a sound Loki would not
soon forget.
If we fall in battle, will this be the sound heard throughout Caras Galadhon?
He kept a firm hold on Fan's hand, looking about. Such beautiful voices, all raised to the Valar in
their mourning. For a moment, he wished he could sing as they did, to be that much closer to
Fan, but the thought was shoved aside as she pulled him along toward one of the newcomers. He
knew the name, to some small degree. The Elf was far too handsome, though. His hands slipped

behind his back as Fan made her greeting.

Legolas hugged Fan warmly in return. "Fanfaenwen. It is good to see you after so long. Though..."
He drew back to look at her. "I regret that I must greet you in such sadness. We should not have
been in Moria." His blue eyes slipped to the stranger beside her.
Loki lowered his head in respect of Legolas' status. "I am Loki, of Asgard, and now of Lorien."
"What are you?"
His green-eyed gaze met that of Legolas as he made some small motion with his head. "Jtunn,
Asgardian, conjurer, prince...king..." He paused. "I am nothing more than a guard under the
command of Haldir. And I regret the loss your Company has suffered."
"We will all suffer for the loss of Gandalf." The Elf's voice was quiet. He shifted his eyes to Fan
again. "Where we go from here, I know not. The path to Mordor was not clear. We followed Gandalf.
He told Aragorn to lead us, but he is uncertain, too."
My dear Legolas, you already know what to do. Seek council with Galadriel. Then continue on
towards the south and Mordor. Gandalf may be gone, but his wisdom and guidance are still with
you. You and your friends will know what to do when the time comes, she said softly. She was so
much older than the ellon and had once thought she would be his stepmother, but it was not to be.
Now she was with Loki and she told him as much, grasping Loki's hand tightly and kissing it.
Loki is my One, mellon nin. He fell from the skies one day, a gift from Eru I am sure of it! But
come, introduce us to your friends, she eyed the others, a tall, dark rough looking man, and
another fair haired bearded man, as well as the red-haired dwarf and several halflings.
Legolas' face softened under Fan's words. Relaxed at her reassurance, he gave her the ghost of a
smile. "We will not fail." He remembered well his father's interest in this beauty and could see why
very easily. She could have become a stepmother to him, but things were not meant to be. Now,
she stood beside this raven-haired strangeling, claiming him to be her One. His blue eyes skipped
over Loki's appearance again. Tall, slim, pale, he matched Elves in looks, but deviated with that
hair. It was too dark. His eyes were too dark green. And there was something about him.
Something almost dark. Something he felt he needed to watch, as if Loki was plotting right there in
front of him.
Loki knew Legolas was assessing him, knew he was not reassured of Fan's happiness by looking
at him. Well, that was too bad. The Elf prince would have to deal with it on his own. Loki's attention
was for Fan. The corner of his mouth turned up at her words, and he leaned over to press a kiss
against her hair. He didn't let go of her hand coming to stand before the rest of the Fellowship.
They looked tired, uncertain, and sorrowful. The lighter of the two men, Boromir, seemed
distracted by something more than just Gandalf's death. The darker, Aragorn, was more stoic. He
was gracious in his greeting to Fan, even to Loki himself. The Dwarf, called Gimli, was quiet, a
fierce little fellow Loki admired.
Upon meeting the tired Halflings, Loki found himself impressed that one of these tiny people was
now Middle-earth's great hope. It was Frodo, dark-haired and silent. Loki lowered to a knee before
him. "You have my great admiration for your courage, Master Baggins. When your cause calls to
the rest of us, we will be there. I will be there."
Frodo stared back at this unknown human. Who was he? Beloved of the beautiful Elf beside him?
Claimed a guard of Lorien? But he was so out of place! "Th-thank you." He watched the eyes
lower...and come to rest on the Ring.
Without thinking, he let his hand rise toward the Ring. "This? This is all?" But before Frodo could
stop him, his hand closed over it...and a riot of light, sound, and pain went all through him.
While Frodo struggled, the hands of his friends grasping for him, Loki fell back with a wide-eyed
gasp. Trembling, he shook his head. It was evil even he wouldn't toy with!
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have...."
Fan caught Loki as he fell back, worried, holding onto him tightly. Loki! Are you all right? What
happened? What possessed you to do such a thing! she fired questions at him even as she
grasped at him, making sure he was all right. She cast another glance towards Frodo, her pale blue
eyes apologising as well as making sure he, too was unharmed.

What was it you saw, Loki. It could perhaps help them?

Frodo fell backwards, landing against the other halflings, one hand wrapped around the wring
protectively, his own breath fast and shallow. He nodded at Loki to accept his apology, his large,
blue eyes darting to Boromir who stood nearby, watching closely.
Fan could sense the power of the ring and the evil it still served as well, but she did not feel its
pull. Her heart was too pure and too devoted to Loki for it to have much effect upon her. A light
breeze rifled her golden blonde hair as she waited for Loki to catch his breath and give them an
"I don't know!" He spoke in a wild hush, his voice full of the fear he felt. "Such an insignificant
looking thing... I just... I wasn't thinking!" His eyes rose to her as he rapidly shook his head and
grasped her arm. "There was darkness, and red light. A great eye, watching...and a voice, so
cold... It asked what I am. It saw me! Oh, Fan, it's searching!"
He looked to Frodo, still shaking. Oh, the shame he felt in his error, but how could he know? All
he'd known was that something made him reach out, and something made him regret doing so. It
also deepened the feeling he had inside of some disaster coming.
Aragorn exchanged a look with Legolas. What, indeed, was Loki, that the Ring would call to him so
sharply that he would dare to reach for it while so surrounded by witnesses? He was obviously
shaken by it, but something lingered that had the Ranger and the Elf wondering if Loki was to be
There was obviously something about this strangeling that had Mordor's attention...and that could
mean danger for everyone around him.
But Fan was having none of it. Oh Loki, darling. That eye is looking for the ring and the halfling.
If Sauron, or what's left of him comes into possession of that ring, he will be back in full force. He
must not get it at whatever cost, right, Frodo, dear? she said gently to the halfling, even whilst
holding on protectively to Loki. She had a feeling something so full of evil and hate would seek out
and find the god of lies and mischief. She knew Loki wasn't evil, but neither could he help his not
exactly saintly nature.
Come, meleth, let me take you home. Now that you know the evil against which we will be
fighting, you can see the urgency of the tasks we must perform. Aragorn, Merry, Pippin, Legolas
mellon nin, surely we will meet again upon the battlefield and celebrate when this is all over? She
said her goodbyes and went to take Loki back to their home.
While Fan looked to Frodo, Loki stared at her, his look incredulous. Why was she denying what he
said?! She may not have seen, but he KNEW what he saw, KNEW what he heard. That voice would
never be forgotten.
On his feet, he felt he had some hold on himself again, but there would always be that strange
feeling creeping along his skin, the feeling of being watched. Whatever it was he did, he knew he'd
feel it. It would never go away. Nor would he forget the expression in the eyes of both Aragorn and
Legolas. They didn't trust him. Gimli seemed to did Sam. Maybe Frodo's cousins would
follow his lead, but Sam wouldn't, it seemed. Loki decided the Halflings were interesting and brave
little people. Boromir only looked at him, face unreadable.
He made his own goodbyes, but when they turned to leave, he flashed one more look at Frodo,
and suddenly turned back, rushing toward the Hobbit. Aragorn and Legolas both blocked him. With
one hand, Loki swept them aside with a wave of energy. With the other, he created a force field
around Frodo and himself, blocking out the others. Dropping to his knees, he looked into the face
of the stunned Hobbit.
"I will fight for you, Frodo Baggins!"
Despite himself, despite the calls of his friends outside, Frodo nodded. "I know. He knows of you
Loki nodded. "I am afraid. I do not want her to know."
"She will know, will be alright." Frodo didn't know what to say any more than Loki did, but
he felt the Jtunn's need to speak in his fear. "I am afraid, too, Loki of Lorien." His arms went out
and around the strangeling, who slowly hugged him back. "Be brave, Loki."
Drawing back, he smiled into the wide blue eyes.
"I will be as brave as you."
Rising, Loki turned away from Frodo and toward Fan. The force field dropped and he stared at

Legolas and Aragorn, Gimli now between them. For a long minute, they all glared at him, and then
Loki dipped his head in respect, and came forward. Stunned, they separated and let him rejoin
Fan, where he held out his hand to her.
"Take me home, love."
She nodded and took his hand, unsure of what to make of all that, but she had seen and felt
everything and trusted Loki implicitly. After only a few steps, she suddenly stopped and turned.
You may doubt Loki, but I do not. Neither does Frodo, her eyes met his knowingly. He will give
his life as readily as any of us for this cause, and he has far more to lose than you will ever know.
She turned back, clutching Loki's arm tightly and led him back to their tree house.
Once inside, she remained quiet, her thoughts churning around in her mind.
So it has begin at last. We must prepare ourselves for war. War from which we may never return.
They could doubt all they wanted, but even Samwise would admit the look Loki gave Fan for her
words was a genuine look of love. She turned to defend him and he could only stare at her
beautiful face with soft emerald eyes.
My Fan. The good that I will fight for. Oh, there is more, but SHE is what I must defend. I would
give my life for her safety...and yet I know she would not continue without me.
He walked in silence with her back to their home, standing in the shadows to watch her. Dear,
fearless Fan. Ready to battle now that the time had come. She wouldn't back down, and so
neither would Loki.
But he must be wary. Sauron now watched him.
Coming to Fan, he silently pulled her in against him, holding her tightly.
"If we are to fall, we will do so together. If my blood goes into the earth, then let me at least hold
you." He shook his head. "But I do not plan to die. We will come home, and we will fulfill our plans
for the future."
Neither do I, Loki, she said quietly as he held her close. I plan on returning here and having a
million babies, all with black hair and green eyes and that wickedly beautiful smile that always
makes me think they're up to something. She turned her head and looked back towards the
centre of the city, the lament was still going, but much softer now, a few voices having dropped
Something also tells me that the Grey Wizard does not so easily fall. I doubt we've heard the last
from him, for he is Istari and I doubt he can be destroyed, only changed. She smiled up at Loki.
That is why I do not mourn yet. Shall we go to bed, meleth?
He couldn't help it. He started to laugh at Faen's description of her plans. "Oh, and not a one with
blond hair and blue eyes and a heart so big it makes you wonder how one body can contain it all?"
His voice dropped low. "A little girl, just like you. Beautiful, intelligent, and always loving, always
one step ahead of everyone, and always steadfast. That would make me happy." He allowed a long
sigh. "I will be happy to just be with you. In the end, you are all I need to be happy, truly happy."
Following her gaze, he tilted his head. So, she believed Gandalf would make another appearance.
Such hope... That would see them through. If there was hope.
How easy it was to think this way! Rather than wondering where he could get into the trouble and
create even more, he was thinking of his place in the effort to stop it from growing. How easy...
And how satisfying. He had a place, a definite place. Finally.
"Then do not mourn. Hold to your hope, my love. It will serve you well, I think." He met her smile
and nodded. "To bed. To dream of victory...and our love."
And try to forget the shadow that hung over him.
I will win this. You cannot defeat me. All these years, I have not been beaten, not completely. I
always get back up on my feet. And you will fall.
You. Will. Fall.
Faen dragged Loki into the house and back to bed. As she swiftly undressed and readied herself for
sleep, her mind, too, wandered to the task they had ahead of them. We will not be alone in this,
Loki, she called out as she sat before her dressing table mirror brushing out her long luxurious
golden hair, all wavy in the spots where the braids had been. You saw how the Fellowship was
comprised: Men, Elves, Dwarves and Hobbits. All the free folk of Middle Earth for this is a fight that

affects us all. This time it is not only elves or even the alliance of men and elves. This time it is
everyone. The very future of the world stands upon the balance. And yes, I have hope. Hope and
faith that this time we can triumph and defeat our enemy for once and for all.
She set the comb down carefully and turned to where Loki stood undressing. And you will play an
important part in this, I can feel it, melamin. She stood and slowly glided to where he was, taking
both his hands in hers. I know what you saw, for I could all but see it too. And yes, he does have
his eye upon you now. But perhaps this is why you were sent to us? To distract the enemy long
enough for the halfling to complete his task? Her tone had been serious until now when she
grinned and even chuckled slightly. And your reward is a lifetime with me! I'm not sure if that's a
reward or a punishment! She kissed his cheek and plopped onto the bed, doing even that
gracefully. Come, Loki. I need you.
Listening, he slowly began to undress, staring into nothing more than he did anything else.
Watching her, he wanted to plunge his hands into her hair and forget everything they'd learned
today. He wanted to forget the Fellowship, Gandalf, Sauron, and the Ring. He wanted to forget
even dear Frodo. He only wanted to curl up in bed with Fan and pretend the rest of the universe
didn't exist. Nothing did except the two of them.
He'd only just pulled his tunic over his head and folded it in half, laid across the foot of the bed,
when she turned. With his hands in hers, her safe and loving hands, he had to fight down the
trembling at her words. If he was the distraction, what would happen to him? What would he do to
keep Sauron busy so Frodo could complete his mission? What could Loki do? He couldn't imagine,
and didn't want to. But he ended up smiling at her. "It is a reward, my love. This I already know."
His boots were toed off, left to sit on the floor where they fell, as he placed a knee on the bed to
lean down over her. "I need you, Fan. Always." His kiss was gentle, loving, but filled with that
Don't ever give up on me, Fan. Don't, because I will never fail you.
The love and admiration in her clear blue eyes was unmissable, as she reached up to slip her hand
beneath his ebony hair as it hung down around their faces. I love you so... then come and show
me how much you need me. Tonight, we shall celebrate our love for each other, forget the world
outside just for one night.
She pulled him down gently to her lips and kissed him gently, then harder like there was no
tomorrow. She knew the war would not start in earnest until the fellowship at least reached
Gondor, but right now she needed her Loki. Right now and always.
Tonight would be the reminder of all they would fight for. What he wanted to protect. What he
wanted to hold to forever. It would be their bonding, all over again, a reaffirmation of all they had,
all they loved, and all they would build from in the future.
He melted with her kiss, then flared into light as it deepened and grew with its power. He brought
his weight down against her, nudging her legs apart to settle between. Close, so close and always
Oh, Fan... I love you.
He nipped at her lower lip, brushed his tongue against it, then plunged on within to find her tongue
and play, dance, and tangle. He braced himself on one arm, the other hand against her cheek,
fingers partially tangled in her hair. That golden hair. He could almost see it flying while she
battled, swords swinging, her face a mask of determination. Yes...and her eyes aglow with victory.
Tonight would be his victory.
It would be Fan's too as she breathed him in, drew in his tongue and enfolded his heart with her
own. That night was all they had hoped it would be, a marriage of hearts and minds as well as
bodies, vowing themselves to each other without words, without ceremony, but powerful
nonetheless. Both of them, Jotunn and elf, rose together and reached the heights together before
plummeting into the arms of sleep, always together, never apart. When energies had renewed
they did it all over again, rising and falling, soaring and plunging until night turned to day and all
their energies were well and truly spent.
Enfolded in each other's arms, Fanfaenwen and Loki slept as one until such time as they
resurfaced into daylight.

When morning came, Loki found himself awake before Fan. Slow and careful, he pulled from her
hold and slipped from the bed. He dressed in near silence, the shirt and trousers black, his tunic
pale green. His fingers combed the tangles from his dark hair. His belt cinched tight (not as tight
as before, as he was regaining weight, just as Fan wanted), he sat to lace and fasten the bracers
about his forearms, pull on the fingerless glove he wore over his left hand as it finished its healing.
Lastly, he pulled on his black boots.
He would not sit idly by and wait for the Enemy to find him, nor would he grow stagnant in his
training. More than once during his dressing, he'd looked at Fan. For her, he had to remain alive,
for the future they wanted. For everything he'd been told he could never have.
Well, old man, here she is. My future. The one you said didn't exist. The one you said I could never
make happen. Here she is. And you put me right where I could find her. Will that burn you, to know
you started this wheel that rolls my life forward? That you gave it to me when you sought to
punish me? Here she is, and she is MINE.
Before he had a chance to slip away, Fan stirred. Nnnnnmmmm who were you talking to? she
mumbled, eyes still closed, one foot in sleep and the other just dipping into wakefulness. Once
sleep had taken her, the golden-haired elf had been surrounded by dreams of many things, most
of them involving Loki. In one they had been talking with Legolas, explaining how happy they were
and to make sure Thranduil, his father, knew about it. In another, they were confronted with an
army of orcs, the like of which they had never truly seen before. Together, she and Loki had
destroyed them all. Then, she had seen Loki speaking to someone, an old man with one eye
covered by a patch. His father perhaps? The eye patch proved they could be injured, and this
began to worry her.
Opening one blue eye, she smiled, seeing her beloved sitting upon the edge of the bed just out of
her reach.
He moved to reach for her hand, resting on his hip and an elbow, toying with her fingers. She
looked so beautiful, all sleepy and soft. He wished he could just stay in bed with her, hold her and
whisper as they had during the night. But now he knew that the orcs he'd helped fight off would
not be the last they'd see. And the groups may become larger.
"Do I think so loudly that you are listening in, love?" He smiled at her, running his finger over her
palm, tracing the lines there in her delicate skin. "Shall I serve you this morning, my lady?" The
grin turned playful.
"Come and spar with me today, Fan. Come and let's sharpen our skill side by side."
Fan shifted in the bed until her head rested against his supporting arm, giggling softly as his
finger was tickling her palm. I can't explain it, I just thought I heard you speaking to someone...
an old man with a golden patch over one eye. I'm sure you described your father to me once and I
just dreamed it. She yawned widely and blinked her eyes open a little wider.
Serve me? You never have to serve me, melamin. And as for sparring later, I think that's an
excellent idea. Then maybe you will see how well I can fight and not worry quite so much? Her
nose buried in his hair as it hung down to the bed, drinking in its soft scent. The elleth loved when
she could fill every sense with Loki.
He went cold when she described Odin. She could not have heard him, surely! Loki swallowed
"You must have dreamed quite vividly, love. Here I was thinking of being your maid this morning.
Of brushing your hair and helping you dress...though I loathe the thought of covering all that
beauty." His fingers gently curled hers so he could trace the shape of her nails. "Yes...come and
show me what you can do, and I will know you will be safe when this war begins for us. We will
fight side by side. Always together, you said. We'll have each other's backs, and know we'll come
home safely."
shifting, pulling himself over her, he leaned down to kiss her mouth, though upside-down. His kiss
was warm, though his tongue brushed her upper lip. "Come, meleth, at least let me watch you
ready yourself for the day."
Here she is...and she is MINE.

I could have sworn I heard it. Perhaps you sent it to my mind somehow? We elves can mind-speak
you know. She watched as he traced her nails and kissed his cheek. You may do what you like
with me, my love. You know I am putty in your hands. And you may choose my clothes as well.
She reached up and stroked his hair with her long, slender fingers, watching as ebony silk flowed
between her pale digits.
When he kissed her she giggled at how it was upside down. Even so, she couldn't get enough, and
thus was reluctant to rise when he urged her to. Must we? To be honest, lying here with you
sounds far more appealing. But we can do that after... and have another bath, she winked.
He made no move to urge her from the bed again, but grinned at her wink. The memory of their
lovemaking in the bath was quite colorful, and so fresh in his mind. It was easy to close his eyes
and relive it, to hear her moans and watch her as she neared flight.
But here and now, he reveled in the sweetness they shared. The peace and quiet, the everyday. He
liked it, lived for it. He never would have thought to enjoy such a simple life, but as long as Fan
was near, he was content. It made no sense! Especially now, when danger was coming.
His fingertips drifted over her cheek and his expression turned confused. "Mind-speak? Telepathy?
You can do that?"
Now he was worried. She didn't need to have heard his angry words to his 'father'. It was
something he didn't want her worrying over.
"Perhaps I did, but I did not intend it, love."
Fan looked up at him from her place on the bed below him, still upside down, smiling. She never
opened her mouth but spoke to him nevertheless, directly into Loki's mind. ~Oh yes, we can all do
it. We cannot read minds, but we can send and receive messages from other elves and those who
know how to do it, such as wizards.. and, I suppose, you.~
She hadn't known that the Asgardian could mind-speak too, but this knowledge delighted her and
made her feel he was more like an elf than she had first thought. It made him more a part of the
community and her own people. Her smile grew as her hand reached up to play in his hair.
Accidents happen, meleth, she said aloud once more. But I do not mind if our minds touch like
this. In fact, I rather like it.
~How strange... It is an ability my mother taught me. Are you born with it?~
He actually liked that she could speak with him so secretly. However, he would have to learn to be
far more guarded with the things he said in his head. He would have to remember to put a wall up
when he raged against Odin's stubbornness, when he gloated over the life he now had when this
new world was meant to be a punishment.
Turning to his back, he lay opposite her, head turned so he could face her and toy with her hair in
"I like it, too. It may well prove convenient at some point." His fingers brushed her cheek, his eyes
darkening. ~Perhaps when I wish to keep you burning for me, while surrounded by others.~ The
voice turned to a whisper. ~I'll tell you every little thing I'll do to you, how I'll do it, and the things I
want you to do.~ Then his expression went flat.
~Unless you'd rather we just use it in battle.~
Fan squeezed her eyes shut and struggled not to giggle as he spoke into her mind.
~Yes, we are born with it. It is a gift from Eru to the elves so that no other may hear our
thoughts.~ Then she turned onto her stomach and leaned up to kiss Loki deeply.
~And so that we may speak even as we kiss. No, it is useful in battle, but far more interesting and
fun to use as you say. And who's to say I won't fill your head with similar thoughts, especially when
trying to look all official before Haldir?~
With that she lost her battle and began to giggle with the mental image, breaking the kiss and
actually laughing, her pale azure eyes sparkling brightly as she gazed into Loki's deep green ones.
How I love you! she said aloud. ~Cheeky monkey!~
~Indeed, a gift divine.~
Eyes closed, Loki delved her kiss, moaning ever so softly. He ignored the words for a moment, just
reveling...and then Fan began giggling and he had to stare at her. Doing his best to look angry...if
it weren't for the twitch at the corner of his mouth.

~Cheeky, hm? I have no problem asking Haldir to kindly hold his thoughts so I can come and
ravish my lady love. Oh yes, I can be cheeky. 'Excuse me a moment, Haldir. Fan keeps murmuring
in my head about all the things she wants to do with me in bed. I think I'll have to handle this
before we get to whatever you were talking about.'~
He grinned at her, his eyes full of the mischief he was known for.
"I love you back, so much."
She couldn't help but laugh. This kind of mischief Fan did not mind. In fact she loved it; it was one
of the many reasons she loved Loki so much. He was fun and exciting and there was never a dull
moment with him around. Even just something simple as a meal could be fun with Loki. He was
everything she could ever ask for and would never give him up. Not for all the wealth in the world.
The mental image of him saying such a thing to Haldir made her laugh so hard she started to
cough. Oh goodness, I can just see his face! He'd go apoplectic! I may just do that one day so you
can tell me all about it!
"OhGods, don't choke!" He was laughing with her, almost as hard, then had to stop to worry about
her. "Is it that funny? I should do it anyway, whether it's true or not. See what he does." It really
was an interesting visual, and one he wasn't likely to forget any time soon.
Haldir was in trouble.
Brushing the backs of his fingers against her cheek, he smiled again. "So...what do you *really*
want to do today, love? I know we must take this all seriously, and we will, but...I must follow your
lead. War is war anywhere. But you know these people, these ways, and these lands." His voice
lowered, tinged with the slightest coloring of self-consciousness. "If I am to live here, I find it better
to conform to your ways. I...I love you, and so I will adopt this life, respect it, and do my best to live
it honestly. In all ways."
Which means I know we are seen as married, and-He froze. Galadriel! He needed to see her!
"Fan, love, I must see Haldir. Before we do anything, I must see him. He spoke to me of acquiring
a better weapon for me...and now that we have this happening, I must see him about it." Leaning
in to kiss her, he looked into her eyes. "I'll be back shortly."
He gave her no time to question him. He was gone too quickly.
Fan's eyes narrowed at his swift and abrupt exit. She knew that line about a better weapon was
total bollocks; he was the god of lies after all, but she could sense it was not something
mischievous and so let it go. Let him have his little secrets, she smiled to herself. I must trust him
even when I don't.
Whilst he was gone, Fan busied herself about the house, tidying up and staring into the pantry to
figure out what would be best for dinner. Then, when Loki still wasn't back, she took down her
swords and cleaned and oiled them so that they would be nice and sharp for when they should be
needed. I should practice, really, she thought, so took them down to ground level outside the
house and began to limber up. It had been a long time since she had done this and needed to get
used to the weight of them in her hands.
Of course she would see through it, and Loki knew that. But it was enough to get him away with
some story that would give him time. He was not headed for Haldir but for the great tree of
Galadriel and Celeborn.
He could have asked anyone about what the traditions were for betrothal and marriage, but being
that he was an off-worlder, and that he was under oath to Galadriel, he felt it right to ask her. It
seemed to be fitting, and it actually meant something very important to him. It was only right to
conform to the Elvish ways. He was to live as one of them here, and so he would respect Fan's
people and their way of life. He did it out of his great love for her. He wanted it that way.
While Fan was making herself busy at home, Loki was climbing, and pleading for an audience
with the Lady. It was so important and he would take no more of her time than necessary. More
than once the guards exchanged glances, and finally, one turned to go and find out if Loki could
indeed be seen.
The guard returned some minutes later and looked almost disappointed when he told Loki that the
Lady would indeed see him. With a scowl and a small elven oath muttered beneath his breath, he

led Loki to the Lady's chambers where she was tending a window box of flowers that adorned one
of the many windows in her bright room.
Loki, how nice to see you. I understand you wanted to see me urgently? What do you require?
her voice was low and measured as she turned to him slowly, putting down the watering can upon
a nearby table.
Still no trust, especially here.
Loki made no comment, but followed the guard after a silent and almost awkward wait. If Loki was
given to awkwardness. One does not simply be awkward when one is the god of mischief and lies.
Within Galadriel's chambers, he made a bow to her, quiet and suddenly...nervous. "My Lady, it is
ever a pleasure to be in your presence." Pretty words, but true ones. Like everyone else, Loki held
Galadriel in high respect, now that he'd changed his ways. There seemed a universal love for her
within Middle-earth. The people's love was not displaced.
"I regret disturbing you with no notice, but I have questions I must ask, and I...would trust them to
you before anyone else." He took a breath. "I realise that, by old custom, my relationship with
Fanfanwen would be seen as a marriage. However...Fan has not had her day in the sun. I would
marry her properly, but I do not know the customs for betrothal and marriage. I want to ask her to
formally marry me...but how? I want to do it right. Will... Will you tell me what I must do?"
The Lady Galadriel smiled sweetly, her blue-grey eyes narrowing with the grin. Ah, elven marriage
rites, she nodded. Please, come and sit with me and I shall tell you, Loki of Lorien and Asgard.
She motioned towards a small settee near the fireplace and sat down upon one end.
I take it Fanfaenwen does not know you are here? Well, I suppose asking a woman to marry you is
the same wherever you are. An exchange of silver rings is traditional with elves. Then at the end of
one year's time, they exchange the silver rings for gold ones, still retaining their silver and
treasuring them always. Though I suppose since you are not elven you may use any ring you wish,
at least for the betrothal rings.
Following, Loki took the seat opposite Galadriel, and listened with full attention, noting the details.
He also noted that his title was spoken with Lorien before Asgard, and he found a certain pride in
that. From here on, he would speak it the same way.
"Is there a ceremony to be followed with the betrothal? Regardless of my own race, I would do this
in Elvish style. I am proud to be here, amongst your people, to live as one of you. Could I change
myself and BE an Elf, I would most gladly. So, this I will do as the customs dictate. Silver rings, and
gold, given as is proper, and with all the celebration Fan can have."
The great Lady nodded. Yes, there is a handfasting ceremony with blessings to Eru and pledges to
each other. Traditionally there are gifts for the mothers of a gem and other things, but since
neither of you has parents in this world, that can be dispensed with. Afterwards, if you wish, you
may celebrate with a feast, with music and dancing and singing and much merriment. But the only
things required are the ring exchange and the vows before Eru. Is there anything else, Loki? she
smiled still as sweetly.
"My Lady, as much as we need any happiness possible now", Loki shook his head, "I would ask
only to be promised to Fan before this war. That she and I may go to fight and know we will have
our day to come home to." His head lowered, eyes lifted through dark lashes. "When the darkness
is gone, then Fan and I can be bound formally, forever. The people can celebrate when we no
longer need to fear."
His voice dropped to a shaky whisper. "I should not have touched it. He sees me now, and he
wonders what I am." Head bowed further, he spoke low. "I will not forget my promises to you and
to Fan...but there will be trouble with this war. I can feel it like I feel his gaze. Please, do not warn
Fan. I don't want the knowledge distracting her.
Galadriel frowned deeply. He? You mean Sauron? You... touched the ring? That was a very
dangerous thing to do, Loki. Take care that you do not bring misery down upon us all. She nodded
slowly. I shall not speak of this to Fanfaenwen, though she will likely figure it out for herself. She is
very bright and intuitive as are most of her kind. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly,
rising and beginning to pace. Is there anything else you need, Loki of Lorien and Asgard? I have

much to think about.

Loki's face fell. Galadriel's expression and words troubled him. Anyone but her, to wear that face.
He suddenly felt he had no right to be here, looking for answers and hope for his dream.
"I didn't know... It was just..." Slowly he rose, eyes lowered. "No, my Lady. I'll not trouble you
further. My deepest thanks...and sincerest apologies." The last was whispered, his bow made, and
he fled her chamber. He fled, searching for some small, dark corner to hide in. That frown, those
words would haunt him. Hiding in shadow in some little alcove, Loki broke down. There was trouble
coming and, as usual, he'd only made it worse.
Now you see, old man! You see I am not changed! The same disastrous Loki I ever was. Are you
pleased? Does it please you to see me thus?!?!
For a while, he sat, hoping the tears would stop and the evidence of them fade as much as
possible before he returned to Fan. But he knew the traces were still there when home was in
But before he could reach home, a figure ran out of the twilight shadows and threw itself around
him. It was Fan.
Oh, Loki! You're safe! Lady Galadriel came to me to say she was worried she might have upset
you, so we've been looking everywhere for you. Oh, melamin, what happened to you? Her pale
blue eyes seemed to glow in the ethereal glow of that time between Tilion and Arien when neither
dominated the sky. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close, but she could tell he'd
been crying.
Please, my love, tell me what has upset you so? Whatever it was, the Lady is sorry.
No! No... No, it can't get worse than this! Stop! Oh, Lady, if you can hear was not you!!
Loki's arms slid around Fan. "No, love. Lady Galadriel was most helpful to me, gracious and loving
as ever. And it did me good, to know she seems to trust me, after all I've done. Perhaps I am
making some steps forward in repaying my debt to Lorien."
He was rambling...but the truth was that HE let the Lady's reaction upset him. It was only hurtful
because he made it so. And now, standing with Fan, he opened his mouth to more lies.
"It was not the Lady. It was my fault. I gave him the ability to see me. I stupidly touched the Ring,
and now he watches. I saw it again. I saw the Eye, I saw flames and darkness and heard his voice. I
had to hide. I had to find someplace where I couldn't be seen."
Though...Sauron would see what he wanted no matter what. But the idea of hiding was all Loki
looked for...even in this untruth.
"I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to worry everyone, and certainly didn't mean to upset Lady
Galadriel. I'll apologise as soon as I can."
Oh, Loki, shhhh. No there's no need. She was just worried about you, so was I. Do you know why
we are worried about you, meleth? Because we care about you. We love you. I love you most of all.
This is your home, and your people now. You are one of us and we care about you as if you were
family. Well to me you /are/ family, for you are my husband in all but name. Yes, that's how I see us
and always shall. I love you so much. She sighed and held him tightly, her head resting against
his chest. Now come home, sweetheart. Let Sauron come. We will defeat him, we just have to not
let him know how.
Oh, That choice of words! Oh, Fan!
The idea that someone was worried about him, that more than one cared enough to worry...meant
a lot. In all his years, Loki had found only his mother would worry about him. Odin and Thor
showed the proper expressions and used all the right phrases...but they never cared like she did.
And now...Fan. Not only Fan, his beautiful, beloved Fan, but the whole of Lorien. Or so he
Loki would never give in, never give up. This war could come to his door and he would meet it,
Fan beside him. They would bring Sauron's forces down. They would bring down Sauron himself.
Loki just had to keep the halfling's face out of his mind, for fear Sauron would discover the
He would think of battle, the enemy dead, coming home victorious.

He held her just as tightly, stroking her hair. "You are my wife, melamin. You are mine, and I'll
never let you go." The low voice softened. "As long as you never let me go."
Don't worry, Loki, love, I never will. She held him tightly then gently steered him towards the
spiral staircase that led up to their tree home. After securing him into a chair by the fire, Faen
stood by him, running a slender hand through his hair. Are you hungry, meleth? What would you
like for dinner? Just relax and I will take care of everything. She leaned down and kissed his cheek
softly then left for the kitchen to bring him a cup of tea. Once out of sight, she closed her eyes and
offered up a small prayer to Eru Iluvatar for bringing Loki home to her safely... this time.
He disliked this feeling, letting Fan baby him so. Somewhere inside, he needed it. But the rest of
him felt as though he was was failing, too weak to deal with all this. But that was Odin talking. One
way or another, it would all work itself into place, and Loki would play his part as he should. At
Fan's side.
"I've little appetite, love. But you must eat. Please." Left to himself, he stared into the flames,
seeing the fire he lied about earlier. The eye stared back.
~I see you...~
Not here, you don't. You see nothing. You will always see nothing. Soon you will BE nothing.
Though his heart hammered in his chest, he stared with a dead calm, hiding his terror from Fan.
Nothing. There was nothing there. It was only a fire. The fire where he spent hours of quiet peace
with Fan. The fire he wanted to make love to her before. That was all.
"Fan? Have we the makings of a salad? I've a strong taste for cucumber."
Everything was as it should be.
Cucumber, meleth? Faen called back from the doorway to the kitchen. She saw Loki sitting
before the fire in the darkness. I do wish you would share your troubles with me, Loki. We are in
this together, remember? She stood silhouetted in the doorway, her head tilted slightly with
concern as her hands idly wiped a tomato with a cloth. When he didn't answer she turned slowly
and returned to the kitchen to prepare a nice salad, with lots of sliced cucumber.
It took longer to end the shaking than he wanted. He sat, gripping the chair, staring into the
fire...which was only a fire...until he gradually eased and calmed.
Fan's words came back to him.
'You are my husband in all but name...'
How long will this last? And why all this dark feeling? Is it only to keep us weak with fear and
dread? Or is it to test us? We WILL rise, and we will fight. The victory will be ours. And then...then
I'll marry Fan properly.
Slowly, he rose from the chair, and quietly walked to their bedroom. In a dresser drawer, hidden in
the back behind rolled stockings, folded shirts, and coiled belts, was a small pouch. It was this he
sought, and this he emptied into his hand.
"Fan..." Voice quiet, he came to stand behind her, arms around her as he'd done so many times.
"I love you. I am sorry for all the worry I've caused you. I have never meant it." He pressed his
cheek against her hair, speaking softly. "I do, though, mean all my love for you. Every touch, every
look... I never imagined a love like this could be mine. And then...I found you." His voice lowered. "I
am afraid Fan. This war terrifies me. We've a future to live out. And I am anxious to get to it."
One arm kept her close while the other hand rose slightly to open, and revealed two silver band
rings with artful engraving of twining leaves. One was plain, the other with tiny white gemstones
at intervals all around it.
"Will you marry me, Fan? Marry me as we should be?"
Fan smiled when Loki came in and wrapped his arms around her. She loved when he did this and
in this instance, she was really happy about it for it meant he wasn't in the sitting room moping
and staring into the fire any longer. Her nimble fingers were tearing up lettuce into a bowl in the
sink when he began to speak. She started to say he didn't have to apologise, that she understood
completely when he continued.
As Loki got to the end of his little speech, Fan's hands had already stopped working, drying

themselves on the apron she wore over her dress. When he revealed the rings in his hand, she
brought hers up, cupped beneath Loki's long slender hands, as if they, themselves were as
precious as the silver rings they held. A tiny gasp escaped parted lips as she beheld them in the
palm of his hand.
The beautiful golden elleth turned in his arms to face him, a mask of amazement and shock and
sheer love and joy on her angelic face.
L.. Loki! Do you really mean it? Married? she whispered, looking into his deep green eyes.
Fanfaenwen smiled.
Her expression was something he would remember forever. Her wide eyes, her bright cheeks, her
smile, all of it would stay with him forever. His own smile appeared as she took his hands, and he
had to utter the softest laugh at her reply.
"Yes, of course, I mean it! AwFan..." He breathed her name, his look softening. "You mean
everything to me, and I never want to be without you."
The hand holding the rings closed as he pulled her in tight. "I want you to have that day, where
you're the princess and everyone wishes they could be you. I want to see you dressed like an
angel, like a queen. I want to dance with you, and when I pull you close, just like this, say for
certain and proper, 'This is my wife'. Please..."
His voice dropped to a whisper. "Marry me."
Oh, Loki, you know there is only one possible answer I could give... it would be an honour and a
privilege to call myself your wife and a delight to have you for a husband. There is no one else
alive anywhere who could fill that role. Yes, Loki, of course I will marry you a thousand times over if
need be! Tears of joy formed in her sapphire eyes as she pulled him into the gentlest of loving
kisses. I love you, Loki, she whispered against his lips, for now and for all time.
Nothing could have made his heart soar like this. Nothing. Even with the life they had, the
relationship that just worked no matter what, and the fact he knew he had her heart, he'd been
nervous about asking this. This would make it all proper and 'real', though it already was.
As they kissed, Loki lifted Fan, turning them in a circle, his lips a smile. Setting her down again,
he drew back from the kiss, his own green eyes tear-filled like hers.
"And I love you even longer than that."
As he spoke, he gently pushed the gemstone-adorned ring onto her right index finger, lacing his
fingers with hers.
"For all time..."
Fan's smile was as sweet as it was unending, as she brought his hand up to her lips to kiss it.
Then with her other hand, she took the other ring from his hand and manoeuvred it onto his right
index finger, same as hers. There. 'I am yours and you are mine our hearts are mingled for all
time'. Then the elf from Middle Earth kissed the God of Mischief and Lies from Asgard with
everything she had, pouring all the love she held into that single kiss.
They were an odd pairing, this beautiful Elf and the God of Tricks, sometimes labelled the God of
Evil. Here, he would never seek to be that. Here, he would seek only to live a life with Fan such as
they had never even dreamed. All of that went into the returning of her kiss, a meeting of emotion
that matched and sang to the skies. Was it not music that created this world? Should not music
celebrate all that is good, all the happiness of the lives of these people? He drew back to let her
breathe, then dove in again, sighing at the sweetness of her.
~We fight. Then we marry, love. The very stars could be ours.~
Fan pressed her forehead to Loki's, blue eyes fixed on green, as she smiled. I had rather marry
then fight, for we know not when the battle shall be, but I suppose it matters not, for should you
fall, then I shall fall with you. Quickly, before he could protest, she placed her fingers against his
lips to silence him. That is the way of it, Loki. My heart is bound with yours now and forever and
life without you would be no life at all. So, just make certain you do not fall, she then smiled and
kissed him once more, deeply and longingly.

The next few days were spent in preparation to march. Haldir gave the news of the plan, and saw
to it everyone began to ready themselves.
Loki's armour was slightly different from that of the others. New, fresh, it gleamed, having not yet
seen battle. But he would be presented as one of Lorien, no different from the rest of the Elves
who would fight to bring down the armies of Isengard and Mordor.
Rather than carry a bow, Loki would fight with his sword...and the sceptre. With a little blessing
from the Valar, he would help bring down as many Uruks as possible.
But he didn't like standing before Fan in this finery. His own green and black was more familiar, fit
better, and felt right. This was foreign, though gladly accepted. And a look in the mirror proved he
could pass as an Elf, if no one looked at his ears.
It wasn't much consolation.
Fan could tell he wasn't happy in his new armour and came up behind him as he looked at himself
in the mirror. Loki, darling, you do not have to wear it if you do not wish to. Just... when we get
closer to Mordor, I would prefer you had it on otherwise Sauron would be able to single you out
amongst the crowd and Eru knows what he would do to you. But as far as I am concerned, you
look equally beautiful in either. With a soft smile she kissed his ear and left him to decide as she
finished up her own packing. The march would begin at dawn the next morning for it was a very
long way to go on foot. But they were lucky. Lorien was the closest elven settlement to Gondor,
and then Mordor. They would pass through Rohan first, to make sure King Theoden did not need
any assistance.
"I will wear it."
The words were low, but gentle. "I will wear it because I know it will ease some of your fears. And
mine as well." He spent another minute or two before the mirror, thinking of Asgard, thinking of
the failure he'd been seen to be, and how he was so much more here. He had a place, though
much lower than he deserved, and a love he had never dreamed of. Now, he would see more of
this world he now lived in, despite the fact he was marching to war. War he didn't fear. Sauron he
With his armour at the ready for morning, he finished his own packing and took Fan to bed. He
made love to her slowly, gently, and insisted on falling asleep as tangled and close as they could
be. Morning was going to change their lives completely.
Morning came with a loud knock upon the door of their treehouse, Haldir, no doubt, rousing
everyone to ready for the beginning of the march to Mordor where the final battle was likely to be.
Faen groaned and stirred, only entangling herself in Loki's limbs and hair more.
We have to get up meleth nin. Loki? she opened one blue eye and grinned, they were both quite
mussed up but Loki was as beautiful as ever. She managed to untangle her right hand from his
hair and brushed his face clear of the long, ebony strands. Hey, beautiful, wakey wakey!
A low groan of protest came from Loki's throat as he tried to huddle down and pull her in. But her
voice reached him and, like her, he opened one eye, the green blurred with sleep. Why did
morning come so quickly? Oh, but Faen was a lovely sight to wake up to.
"Let us be up, then." Carefully, he untangled a hand from her hair and sat up, leaning over to kiss
her cheek gently. "Morning, my love."
Today would change everything, and with some dark feeling in his gut, Loki went about readying
himself to leave. It seemed like slow motion, but even as the Lorien force made to leave, he
couldn't seem to shake the feeling. Would nothing take away the feeling that Sauron saw his every
Faen had already set everything out and it didn't take long to prepare. Armour carefully stowed
away on a horse, changes of clothes and provisions for a few days, she even packed away his
Asgardian armour, just in case. It didn't take up much room anyway. They would walk the first few
days in their usual travelling clothes. Not much trouble was anticipated within their own lands. It
was once they reached the edges of the forest that they would start wearing more protective
clothing, or when the scouts sent on ahead on horseback returned with word of the enemy. The
days were long and tiring, but elves make light work of such journeys, entertaining themselves of

an evening with stories and songs about the campfire. Once out in the open on the fields towards
Gondor, they would have to keep quiet for orcs travel at night, and the new ones they'd heard of,
the Uruk-hai, could even travel in daylight. All this was very worrying for Haldir, who was leading
this batch of mainly archers, towards Rohan where Elrond had foreseen the enemy would strike
Even seeing those twin swords readied for travel, Loki hated the idea of Faen fighting this war.
He'd have felt so much better with the knowledge she was safe in their home inside the safe
borders of Lorien. Her safety was a distraction for him, though not her fault. He knew she'd seen
battle before he was even born, but it still didn't sink in. He likely wouldn't be able to grasp it until
he saw her fight.
Loki shook his head. "I dislike the feeling I have about Rohan. Something very wrong is coming." Of
course, even he could blow that off and believe it was just the ever-growing darkness...and
Sauron's influence in his mind's eye. Perhaps victory would be had, perhaps not. But something
else was in the cards.
~I see you...~
You see NOTHING.
~You are nothing. I will destroy you.~
You may try, but you will not succeed.
Holding his head, he turned to finish what little was left to be done before departure.
Fanfaenwen stood before Loki, everything ready and loaded, her forest coloured travelling clothes
breeches, shirt, leather cuirass and vambraces and sturdy boots an ancient elven sword made
in Gondolin in each hand. With expert skill she twirled them with a blur until they landed in their
scabbards, crossed upon her back. She also held a bow and quiver of arrows as well.
Are we ready? Haldir and the rest will be waiting for us. She smiled, the twinkle still in her pale
blue eyes, though her beautiful golden hair was braided up and out of her eyes in typical elven
fashion. Nothing she wore or carried aside from her engagement ring, was not useful nor
necessary, though all was highly decorated. Elves were deadly, but with style.
Her skill with the swords was beyond impressive, and would always be well beyond his own...which
he admired. He tilted his head, watching her, the corner of his mouth turning up.
"I would not like to meet the business end of one of those, in your hands. Though", he came to
take her hands. "Though, to see your beautiful face just before passing would be a most perfect
death." She was given a soft kiss before he moved back. "I am ready when you are."
Like her, he was dressed for travel, in shades of black, charcoal, and dark green. His hair was
braided back, like hers, having grown much since his arrival. His only dislike was that he needed it
out of his face, and yet to pull it back exposed his ears.
He wished so to be an Elf like Faen.
But he would be what he'd been made, and make the best of it.
In little time, they joined the rest marching for Rohan. Departure time had come.
Now, marching through the forest in formation was not the most practical of things. For now, until
they actually grew closer to Rohan, they would remain in smaller groups, travelling single file
along the ancient, hidden paths through the realm. Haldir led the first group, Fanfaenwen actually
led the second, Loki right behind her in the line they formed along the path. Little trouble was
anticipated this far into Lorien, though they should exit the woods by the early afternoon if they
were lucky. Once on open ground, they could run, as elves were light on their feet and nearly
tireless. They would run until night fell then stop for a meal and what little rest they needed.
Will you be all right with this, Loki? All this running and little sleep? Tell me if we need to adjust
our speed, or anything else, for you are as important, or moreso, than any one of us.
Loki secretly did not look forward to all that running. But he'd be damned back into Odin's cell

before he'd admit it might be a problem for him. No, he'd be just fine, and said as much.
"I may be no Elf, but I'll keep up with you. I would not be treated differently." To be different meant
sideways looks and a lack of trust. As it was, he was still trying to win over some Elves. He couldn't
blame them, though. He'd made one huge mistake that fateful night. And again in reaching for the
Ring. Now, who knew what Sauron could know by invading his mind?!
I am a liability.
Were it not for his connection to Faen, he might well wish for his death in battle.
On their first night's rest, at the edge of Lorien's borders, they all gathered wood and set up watch
posts. Everyone had a job to do and they did it without order or question. A fire was lit, scouts
posted, food made and bedrolls laid out. The elves slept in rotation for they did not require much
sleep. Faen would take the middle of three watch shifts.
Loki, I would like you to join the scouting party tomorrow, she said over a bowl of soup made
with water from a nearby stream. It will mean going ahead with the others on horseback and
reporting back what you find at the end of the day. She didn't like the idea of being away from
him, but she knew the running would tire him out far faster than it would the elves. She needed
him sharp and alert, besides, he had other powers that would benefit them.
Like everyone else, Loki saw to his tasks with no question. It was a matter of making a decent,
safe camp. He'd also been called to the first watch shift. He refused to allow himself to be any
different from the Elves, knowing full well any weakness shown would be exploited by anyone. One
wrong move and he could become that liability for them. One they didn't need.
Nodding, he swallowed a mouthful and looked over at her. "Very well, love. So I shall." He was
content to sit in silence for a minute or two, eating with her.
"I see what you are doing."
The words came with the slightest grin.
Faen gave a soft chuckle. What am I doing then? Merely giving you an assignment for which I
think you are well suited, nothing more. She sipped her water as her pale blue eyes watched her
fiance. But it was more than that. She wanted him at the top of his game once they reached their
destination, so assigning him a post on horseback was good for them all. This was the argument
she would use should he press the issue. In truth, she knew he wasn't an elf and not used to the
gruelling pace they kept. She would rather have him far away from all danger, but knew that was
not possible.

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