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Request from EDCRC to create
pulse-ox monitoring guideline

D2B Audit tool finalized

Reviewed UCH policies related to


Added team meeting

topic info for ED staff for
changing ED D2B Time
Tracker sheet

September 2014
October 2014

Presented October's
outier cases for D2B
committee meeting using
D2B Audit tool

November 2014

December 2014

Began draft of guideline

January 2015

February 2015

March 2015

April 2015

May 2015
June 2015

July 2015

Door to Balloon (D2B)

Audit Tool and D2B Time
Tracker ED sheet
Started first draft of D2B
Audit tool per committee
request for tool

Several emails and drafts
to revise D2B Audit tool

Began Editing ED D2B

Time Tracker sheet
Final update for ED D2B
Time Tracker sheet

Reviewed guidline draft with ED

Clinical Nurse Specialist
Presented Guideline to ED Case
Review Committee
Reviewed guideline with ED
Toxicologist per committee
Guidline sent to ED Case Review
Committee Chair and approved


Meeting with
Lauren Axelrod,
RN to revise
process of hand-
off from ED to
Cath Lab

Added team meeting

topic to remind ED staff of
cath lab hand-off process
Participated in all
day RPM for


Made revisions to guideline

Presented guideline to UCH
Nursing Guidelines

Made revisions as requested and
submitted final draft of guideline
to UCH Nursing Guidelines

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