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Summer Youth Projects 2015

Final Report for Finding



Hi my name is Catherine Zheng and my project is

called Finding Treasures. Finding Treasures is a
scavenger hunt and it was held at Charles
Dickens and Selkirk for the Out of School Care
program from Cedar Cottage. And for my 2
events to be successful I had 2 volunteers that
helped me and their names are Ariel and Winnie.

Project Description

Allow the kids to find objects on their own
Learn how to cooperate with their partners
Not getting mad and jealous about others

Icebreaker (we sat/stood in a circle and said
our names and something we like and I
repeated their names to test my memory)
I explained the rules
The event started and my volunteers and I
also joined teams to help and motivate
Finally I gave prizes to everyone that

Both events were a success but the
second one at Selkirk was better than the
one at Dickens because I knew what my
mistakes were and what I needed to fix


Question 1
Were the activities performed as planned?
Even though both events were delayed by a few
minutes, all the activities were performed as
planned and it ended just on time too.

Question 2
Did the project reach its intended target
Yes, the project reached its intended
target population. For the event I was
expecting at least 6 people and in both of
the events there was more than 6.

Question 3
How satisfied were the participants with
their involvement?
Some participants were really satisfied with
their involvement and some were not.


Question 1
Did the participants experience any changes in
their skills, knowledge or behaviors?
During the event some kids changed their
behaviors and skill completely different from
when I met them. At first they were all silly and
playful but during the event I noticed that they
were more serious and hardworking.

Question 2
Did the project meet the objectives that led
to your creation of the project?
Yes, the project meet the objectives that led
to your creation of the project.

Lesson Learned

Question 1
What skills/knowledge did I learn in the process and the
I learnt how to get the kids to listen to me
how to communicate better with kids
I learnt how to plan an event

Question 2
What lessons did I learn about working with
an organization like CCNH?
I learnt how too
Communicate with leaders in other
Update my event with the person in
charge of this program

Question 3
What did I learn about CCNH as an
I learnt that they have many programs and
funds for the community.

Project Evaluation
In my opinion I think that my first project was a 7/10
because many things werent clear like no taking the
sticky notes, no taking others objects and the kids were
confused about what they were looking for.
For my second project I think that it was a 9/10 because
many problems that happened in the first one didnt
happen but some objects were missing though and that
was the only problem.

When I was in charge of the event at Dickens I
give myself a 3/5 because I didnt really take
charge of the kids because I didnt know what to
do and how to deal with them but after watching
James, one of the leaders at Dickens telling
them what to do I had an idea of how I should be
taking charge of the one at Selkirk. So for the
event I would give myself a 5/5.

Future Role at CCNH

My future role at CCNH is to volunteer for
programs to show other youths how they can
make a difference by helping the community
and getting along with other people.

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