Team Procedures 2015

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Team Classroom Procedures


Entering the Classroom

Do not enter the classroom unless the teacher is present in the room; until that
time you need to be lined up on the opposite wall. Once inside, have a seat in
your assigned seat and get to work quietly.
2. Beginning the class period/block
There will be a warm-up every day on the Promethean board or front bulletin
boards. Warm-ups will be review of all different concepts, some old and
some new.
Within the class period/block it is your responsibility to fill out your agenda
book with the daily objective, assignment, and homework.
3. Dealing with tardies
You are expected to be in the proper class line-up against the wall prior to the start
of class. If you are not in line when the teacher welcomes the class in, you will be
marked tardy. A minor referral will be written for each tardy, and a major referral
will be written on the fourth tardy regardless of the teacher.
4. Returning from absences
It is your responsibility to get any missed work when absent. You will need to
check the agenda board or team/teacher website for the assignment and get with
a peer to get the warm-up, any missed notes, and any other missed information. If
you know you are going to be absent it is recommended you get your work ahead
of time.
5. Absent/Late/Redo (Assessment Corrections) work
You may pick up any tag at the start or end of class. You may not turn in your work
until the end of the class, during lunch, or after school. Tags much be stapled to
the top left of the assignment and completely filled out. Any assignment missing a
tag or an incomplete tag will remain ungraded.
6. Pencil sharpening
You may sharpen your pencil before class, but remember you must be in your seat
when class begins. Part of coming to class prepared means having your pencil
sharpened and ready to go (one benefit to mechanical pencils).
7. Collecting homework
Homework will be collected differently in each of your core classes, but it is always
expected to be completed 100% and to the best of your ability.
8. Restroom/drink breaks
You have plenty of time during passing to use the restroom and get a drink. You
may only use the restroom or get a drink of water during independent work and
only if its an emergency with a pass. Students will be required to sign-out and
sign-in anytime they leave the classroom. You may not use a pass the first fifteen
minutes or the last fifteen minutes of class. Passes may be denied per teachers
9. What to do when work is finished
If you finish an assignment early, check over your work and make sure it is correct.
If you have finished everything, you may silently read.
10. Dismissal from class
The teacher dismisses you from class, not the clock. At the end of the school day,
the last class of the day is responsible for stacking the chairs, straightening up the
desks, and picking up the floor.
11. No name papers

Assignments that are turned in without a name will be placed in a no name

tray/bin/folder depending on class. Upon claiming the assignments it will be
recorded as late.
12. Cheating/Plagiarism
Our team has a zero tolerance for cheating on assignments or assessments.
If you are caught cheating on an assignment, both students (the one copying
as well as the one who is allowing the copying to be done) will receive a zero
for that assignment.
During an assessment if you are asked to move seats because we suspect
you are cheating, 10% will be taken off your overall assessment grade. If we
confirm that you are cheating, you will receive an automatic zero on the
assessment, your parent/guardian will be notified, and you will receive a
major referral.
If you are using an outside source (book, website, etc.) you must properly
paraphrase or quote and cite your source.
13. Prepared for class
It is your responsibility to be prepared for each class every day. Below you will find
additional materials that will also be needed in each class.
Comp Book
2 pocket

3 - 100 page
comp books
2 pocket

1 - 100
Comp Book
2 pocket
4 Function

Comp Book
2 pocket
Pencils (lots
Colored pen
(not black or

All Core
Large binder
Loose leaf paper
3- Ring Pencil Pouch
Pencils/pens (black or
Colored pencils
Glue Sticks
2 Expo Markers

Recommended materials: USB drive and hand held pencil sharpener.

We would appreciate donations of extra glue sticks, hand sanitizer or sanitizing
wipes, and tissue to your advisory class.
14. Technology violations
The school policy states that cell phones/Ipods/mp3 players etc. should be turned
off and/or left in your locker. If this policy is violated without explicit teacher
permission, or if an electronic item becomes a distraction, it will be collected. On
the first offense, you may get it back at the end of the school day from the
teacher, and a minor referral will be written. On the second offense, it will be
taken to the office, your parent/guardian must come down to the school and pick it
up, and a minor referral will be written.
15. Gum
Gum is allowed in most classes as long as you are being responsible with it. If at
any time you are showing you cannot be responsible, we have to right to ask you
spit it out.
16. Assessment/Test Retakes
Students will be allowed to retake any assessment for a higher grade if they have
earned a 75% or lower. In order to retake an assessment, students must have

completed all work assigned during that unit and complete test corrections.
Students must schedule a time to re-take the assessment within two weeks or prior
to the next assessment date.

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