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Strategic Communications Plan 2013

Kristin Jensen, Alex Baldwin, Mia Gabriel, Stephanie Graff, Whitney Troxel, Casey

Table of Contents
Background.................................................................................. 4
Social Media Industry................................................................................................. 4
Market Share and Economic Environment..................................................................9
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis.....................................9
Strengths................................................................................................................ 9
Weaknesses............................................................................................................ 9
Opportunities........................................................................................................ 10
Threats................................................................................................................. 10

Situation Analysis.......................................................................11
Core Problem.............................................................................. 12
Goals and Objectives...................................................................13
Goal.......................................................................................................................... 13
Objectives................................................................................................................. 13

Key Publics & Messages..............................................................14

College Students (18-24 years of age).....................................................................14
Psychographics/demographics Utah specific......................................................14
Self-interests......................................................................................................... 14
Current Relationship with Klickn...........................................................................14
Influencers............................................................................................................ 14
Primary Message: Public: 18-24 year old college students...................................15
Secondary Messages:........................................................................................... 15
Women younger than 40 in Utah.............................................................................. 15
Psychographics/demographics............................................................................. 15
Self-interests......................................................................................................... 16
Current Relationship with Klickn...........................................................................16
Influencers............................................................................................................ 16
Primary Message:................................................................................................. 16
Secondary Messages:........................................................................................... 16
Primary Message:................................................................................................. 16
Secondary Messages:........................................................................................... 16

Strategies and Tactics.................................................................18

Strategy One............................................................................................................ 18
Tactics................................................................................................................... 18
Strategy Two............................................................................................................. 18
Tactics................................................................................................................... 18
Strategy Three.......................................................................................................... 18
Tactics................................................................................................................... 18
Strategy Four............................................................................................................ 19
Tactics................................................................................................................... 19

Budget....................................................................................... 21

Communication Confirmation Table..............................................22

18-24 year old college students............................................................................... 22
Utah married women under 40................................................................................. 23

Evaluation Criteria and Tools.......................................................24


1............................................................................................................... 24
2............................................................................................................... 24
3............................................................................................................... 24
4............................................................................................................... 24


Social Media Industry

The social media industry is continuing to grow and is becoming increasingly
popular. Social Media Today is an independent, online community for
professionals in PR, marketing, advertising, or any other discipline where a
thorough understanding of social media is mission-critical.
Social media now accounts for 18% of time spent online. Since 2006, the
amount of time that the average person spent on social-networking sites has
more than doubled, from 2.7 hours to 6.9 hours per month. Fifty-two percent
of people with a Facebook profile visit the site every day.
The site is filled with stories about how influential social media is in
marketing. This growing market is good for Klickn as it shows how popular
social media is; however, it also shows how overcrowded social media is
becoming and how easily Klickn could get lost in the masses of social media

Social Networking Industry at a Glance Source: IBISWorld

Currently, the social media market is very competitive. According to various
reports, the United States has about 17 major social media sites. The entire
industry revenue, including all social media sites (excluding dating and
gaming sites) is around $5 billion. Facebook owns 60.7% of that market, and
LinkedIn owns 13.5% (IBISWorld). The other 25.8% (or $1.26 billion) is split
between the other 3,355 businesses in the industry. There is money to be
made in the industry, but statistically the chances of major success are low,
as the main players (Facebook, LinkedIn) almost hold a monopoly on the
social networking industry.
Another way to look at market share is by traffic. The table below shows the
number of visits and the share of visits to each site:

Among these ten sites, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn have gained
their share in the market during the last couple months. The common
characteristic of these four sites is the ability users have to share
experiences or moments with other people. People use these sites because
of their need to connect with their community or other group. The following
chart visually shows the data of traffic share for these sites.

Another site that has gained popularity recently is StumbleUpon. Compared

with StumbleUpon, Klickn has several similarities. The ability to share and
view things based on personal interests is the latest trend in the social media
industry. The notable characteristic of this market is uniqueness. Most of the
users have incredibly short attention spans. In order to succeed in this
business, a social media site must provide users simple, problem-solving
functions. (9 Crucial UI Features of Social Media and Networking Sites, Matt
Klickn is a social media site that allows for users to meet new friends that
share their interests. Because of this, businesses that get involved with the
site have the opportunity to appeal to large groups of people in their target
markets at one time. On this site, users can choose what they like from a list
of Klicks that include movies, sports, fashion, travel, beauty, music,

outdoor, etc. When users choose their favorite categories, they are then
linked with people, events and deals.
The unique advantage of this site is that users can be aware of upcoming
deals and nearby events that are offered by the businesses that match their
Klicks. They can also be connected automatically to new people who have
similar interests and have a chance to meet them at events listed on the
site. There will also be a mobile app.
Looking at other social media startups can help Klickn avoid the pitfall of
insufficient testing. Kalood, a social media startup that won BYUs Business
Plan Competition, combines the interests of its users with deals from
businesses in a Pinterest-like format.
On September 25, Kalood paired with Redbox to offer free movie codes.
Users had to sign up for Kalood to get six Redbox codes for a free rental. The
site experienced heavy traffic, an influx of Facebook users, and promptly
shut down. Here are some user reactions:

The reaction from Kalood was not the best, simply choosing to post the codes
on Facebook to give everyone access:

Needless to say, this left them with a very marginal increase in subscribers.
There were 20,000 of these offers claimed on the Kalood site, but their
Facebook Likes are only 5,700. Many users were confused, and ended up
leaving the site.

The sites Alexa rating is over 121,000 in the US, meaning it is less visited
than 121,000 other sites in the US. Even in its native Utah, the sites rating is
over 7,100. There are many other social media sites which have experienced
crashes as they were beginning to gain popularity, and the effect has been
devastating for each of them. It is extremely important to avoid site crashes
and major bugs in the first year after launch.
Another case study of a recently-launched social networking site is At The
Pool. This site, like Klickn, attempts to encourage social interaction between

its users. They also, like our team, have come to the conclusion that a
campus-by-campus rollout is the most efficient and cost-effective way to gain
media attention and grow a user base. However, as our team and manager
Scott experimented with At The Pool we discovered that users have to jump
through tedious and complicated hoops to sign up for an account, causing
users to lose interest before they even have an account.

Market Share and Economic Environment states that while there are rays of hope, there are also
dark clouds when it comes to the economic climate. June sales of cars
manufactured in North America were up 31% over the previous year, and the
same market is up 24% so far for the first 6 months of 2012 compared to
2011. It also states that house sales are also improving. However, it claims
that the rest of the economy is still struggling. So while the economy is
improving, it still has a long way to go. However, this can greatly benefit
Klickn. Since it is a social media site that offers deals, people are more likely
to join in order to spend their money wisely.
Klickn projects 50,000 users involved with the site within the first six months
after its release and plans to grow its business partners in that time as well.
The main competitors for Klickn are Groupon, Skweez, Kalood, and, but new competitors appear every month.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis

Unique, combination of social media and daily deals.
o Facebook and Groupon had a baby
Competent/capable leadership with proper experience and education
Clean, creative siteuser friendly
At this point, seems easy to understand, how to use
Have funding to roll out the project/site
Good investors
Founder knows the Utah Area and how to interact with people in the
Founders have a plan and a vision. Know where they want to go with

Solid business plan to monetize

Dont know enough about how it works
Have to wait until beta test to figure out the rest
Current testing process could prove insufficient
Lack of privacy due to geo-location functions
Possible solutions:
o Checkin (Like foursquare)
o Getting permission
o Time-limited location sharing
Provide something with a twist to has the potential to take off
Provides convenience for people. Combines two things in one (interests
and events/deals).
Has the potential to make money directly through business
Merge deal with Facebook for events (both sites have this capability)
Social media aspect enable businesses to reach a specific market and
broaden their customer base
Use established social media sites to connect with potential users
Social media market is supersaturated
Potential crisis: stalking, etc.
People not seeing enough businesses to want to get involved
Need to make it worth it for both businesses and people
The economy could hurt Klickn as companies may not have the
finances to pay to be involved in a social media site
Deal fatigue--customers are growing wary of daily deal sites
May cost too much for businesses - entry cost may be too high for
widespread adoption
Many businesses are wary of deal sites because they end up losing
Backlash from parents among student aged users


Situation Analysis
Social media has had a large impact on society, and it is odd to recognize
there are not any social websites that cater to needs of actually being social.
Klickn, by contrast, connects people with similar interests and provides a
listing of events and deals that are relevant to those interests. Klickn has the
potential to provide a unique, relevant product to its target demographic.
The site has potential to grow a large user base of individuals and
businesses. There may be a niche for a site that connects users to local deals
and groups based on their interests, and this is a niche that Klickn seeks to
Because the social media industry is saturated, Klickn will face challenges
such as social media fatigue, competition with other deal sites (such as
Groupon, Amazon Local, Facebook Offers, etc.) and gaining momentum in
growing its user base. Klickn will need to stand out among other sites and
clearly show the benefits of using its product.


Core Problem
Klickn needs to differentiate itself from other social media sites and show the
unique benefits and opportunities of joining so that individuals and
businesses will become active users and Klickn will to capture the attention
of their target audiences.


Goals and Objectives

Grow a substantial, active user base of Klickn users by the end of the year,
establishing a pattern of exponential or viral growth that is cost-effective
and flexible enough to roll out as slowly or as quickly as Klickn desires.


Have 50% of new users list an event within six months of creating their
Have 80% of new users attend an event within six months of creating
their profile
Obtain at least 60% of new users through referral
Obtain at least 3,000 new users from 1large universities where Klickn is
introduced, (1,000 at mid-sized universities and 500 at small
universities) within on year of introduction.

1 Large universities, as defined by the College Board have 15,000 students

or more. (Mid-size = 5,000 15,000; small = 5,000 or fewer)

Key Publics & Messages

College Students (18-24 years of age)
Psychographics/demographics Utah specific
College participation rates in Utah vary widely by race and ethnic group, with
Asians at the top and American Indians and Hispanics at the bottom. Utah
women, especially those who are native born, attend college at rates that
exceed the national average, but complete degrees at rates that are slightly
below those of their national counterparts. Utahs rates of educational
attainment exceed those of the nation, but vary widely by sex, racial and
ethnic group: non-citizen immigrants tend to have very low educational
attainment. Males tend to be more concentrated at the lowest (less than high
school completion) and highest (college graduate or more) levels of
attainment while females are more concentrated in the middle (high school
or more). (
Approximately 90 percent of college students ages 18 to 24 are LDS, with the
highest population at BYU, with 98.5 percent of the students LDS. There is
also a much higher percentage of students aged 18 to 24 that are married
compared to their counterparts nationally. ( These
statistics show that this population is much more concerned with family and
religion than their national counterparts, and that males especially receive
more education than their peers nationally. Also, because an unusually high
percentage of Utah citizens aged 18 to 24 are married and have their own
families in addition to being full-time students, they will likely be very
concerned with saving money.
Not spending money (cheap or free entertainment)
Having an active, fulfilling social life
Finding a good job/career after graduation
Getting accepted to graduate school
Current Relationship with Klickn
Students response to similar social media and daily deal sites, such as
Facebook, Hitlist and Groupon, shows that they are likely to react positively


to the organization as long as Klickn can differentiate itself from the other
sites currently available.
Other students
Ecclesiastical leaders
Ward members
Significant others
Student body leaders

Primary Message: Public: 18-24 year old college students

Klickn notifies you of deals and events in your area that are pertinent to your
interests and helps you meet new people who share your passions.
Secondary Messages:

Whether its an underground concert or a poetry night, Klickn can help

you make new friends and new memories.
The best part of a social media site should be the social part.
Whether youre posting an event or looking for local secrets to attend,
Klickn to a social life worth posting.
Klickn is where your interests and your social media come together.
Klickn is the best site for posting events, finding friends with similar
interests and learning about your local social scene.

Women younger than 40 in Utah

There are 1.9 million women in the state of Utah according to the most
recent census.

According to the 2010 US Census, there are about 464,000 women in Utah
between the ages of 18 and 39.The majority of women have graduated from
high school and have at least some college education. More than half of
women in Utah are married, and about have children in the household.
More than half of women are employed, either part-time or full-time.
Caucasians are the ethnic majority.
About 62% of the Utah population are LDS. The LDS Church places great
importance on family. The Church encourages mothers to stay at home with
their children. Women who choose to be stay-at-home moms often have
limited social interactions with other women. Women tend to socialize with
other women in their ward, but dont have many other opportunities to meet
new people.
Building family relationships
Providing for the family
Entertainment on a budget
Current Relationship with Klickn
Their children, their husbands, other family members, ward members,
ecclesiastical leaders, other women
Primary Message:
Klickn can help you to organize your life by finding, creating and sharing your
familys events and activities.
Secondary Messages:

You can find safe, family-oriented events in your area to take your
family to. These events are customized to the specific interests of you
and your family.
You can find deals on Klickn for places that you and your family already
You can create events and activities on Klickn to share with whoever
you like.

Primary Message:


For those times that you just need to take a break from everyday life, Klickn
helps you find activities suited to your interests and new friends to share
these experiences with.
Secondary Messages:

Klickn suggests activities and events that are specifically suited to your
interests. Whether it is a new yoga class or a book group, we can help
you find events for you in your area.
You can meet up with people with similar interests that you meet at
these events on Klickn--you can experience a new activity/event with
new people without having to do the work.
Life is busy. Your you time shouldnt take time to plan. Let Klickn do
the work for you so that you can relax.


Strategies and Tactics

Strategy One
To motivate college students to create a Klickn account through Klickn
Klickn Ambassador program (ad, welcome letter, calendar, etc.)
Press Release
Klick-off Event
End of Campaign event

Strategy Two
To motivate new users to host and attend events on Klickn through event
Referral incentive (drawing for gift cards)
Event hosting/attending incentives (drawing for gift cards)
Merit badge program points and badges earned for
hosting/attending events

Strategy Three
To motivate women under 40 to create a Klickn account through local event

Local event sponsorship program

Local event pitch letter

Strategy Four
To teach potential users why Klickn is worthwhile through multimedia
Information animation video using the Klickn branding and stick
figure mascot


April 2013
Beta testing in progress
Animated video in production
Contact local organizations to post events on Klickn
o Examples
Library special events
Museum events
May 2013
Beta testing in progress
Incentives lined up for launch
Animated video in post production
Follow up with local organizations
June 2013
Beta testing finalized
Incentives finalized
Animated video finalized
Local event postings finalized
1 week before launch
Press release sent out to media
Pitch release to media
July 2013
Launch site
Incentives posted
Local events posted
Post student ambassador positions
August 2013
Deliver incentives
Notify users incentives will be disappear after first 6 months
Select student ambassadors
Deliver Klickn Kit to ambassadors
6 months after launch


Discontinue incentives
Introduce Klickn badges

Communication Confirmation Table
Key Public
18-24 year

Saving money,
finding a good
job/career after
graduation, getting
accepted to
graduate school



So much of
social media
isn't actually
social. Get off
the computer
and Klickn to
life worth

Family: parents,
siblings, spouses
and children.
leaders, ward

Have 50% of new

users list an event
within six months of
creating a profile.
Have 80% of new
users attend an event
within six months of
creating a profile.
Obtain at least 60%
of new users
(acquired in 2013)
through referral.
Obtain at least 3,000
new users at all large
universities* where
Klickn is introduced,
(1,000 at mid-sized
universities and 500
at small universities)
within one year of



To motivate
college stud
to create a K
account thro

To motivate
college stud
to post an ev
on Klickn
through eve

To motivate
college stud
to attend an
through Kli
through cam

Key Public
under 40




Family; saving
money; providing
for family,
meals, etc.;
meeting new

Klickn can help

you to organize
your life by
finding, creating
and sharing your
familys events
and activities.

Their children,
their husbands,
other family
members, ward
leaders, other

For those times

that you just
need to take a
break from
everyday life,
Klickn helps
you find
activities suited
to your interests
and new friends
to share these

Have 50% of
new users list an
event within six
months of
creating a profile.

To motivate
married wom
under 40 to
create a Klic
account thro

Have 80% of
new users attend
an event within
To motivate
six months of
married wom
creating a profile. under 40 to
an event to
Obtain at least
Klickn throu
60% of new
event incent
users (acquired
in 2013) through To motivate
married wom
under 40 to
attend an ev
on Klickn
through a
sponsored e

Evaluation Criteria and Tools

Objective 1
Criteria: Fifty percent of new users listed an event within six months of creating a profile.
Tools: Benchmark survey when they sign in at the three month mark and again at the six month
mark. Track web analytics at both the halfway point and the six month mark.

Objective 2
Criteria: Eighty percent of new users attended an event within six months of creating a profile.



Tools: Benchmark survey when they log in at the three month mark and again at the six month
mark. Track web analytics at both the halfway point and six month point.

Objective 3
Criteria: At least 60 percent of new users were through referral.
Tools: When an account is created, ask if they were referred to Klickn. Track analytics to check
what the percentage is at the three month, six month, nine month and year mark.

Objective 4
Criteria: At least 3,000 new users joined at all large universities* where Klickn is introduced,
(1,000 at mid-sized universities and 500 at small universities) within one year of introduction.
Tools: When account is created, ask if they are affiliated with a university or college/introduced
to Klickn through their school. Track analytics at three months, six months, nine months and year


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