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‘Sample KSA Responses - Page f of 3 Sample KSA Responses Gov@) central Peer March 44,2008 TWO QUICK KSA EXAMPLES Knowledge of hea seences.— Wien Calege pirsiong my Sechears Dagies n ‘ed Heat tok couees ngs spectc ‘Sremple wien show you have montage ‘tanatomy are pyiogy). Atte same ‘ino, gained aaabena rowledpe of eal in psiton at. ob was ‘esponeble fr Gv spec exarls. esorming hese asigrmets gave mo an ‘pportinty fo ginkrwtodge of i coma ramps of rauiege' you ged. Idea haber you have any spor ks, L ‘cewed any aad or what You Sd your pb, erhave comple any taring at you KSA Examples | ‘can alte det to he KSA, Skil in collecting, analyzing, and summarizing data using computer software. lay cunt poston, have ‘sed te otowng solar packapee [lt examples]. Using Rese sotare pacaapes Ihave been abe o compa ‘stoners auch as ge examples that show wha you competed. whet you dy and what he outcome wat Completed hese assignments for ees who requested] and performed thom as pat oa poet on fat part ‘ta larger prove. Tho tal fesu of the Seton | performed nuded [pve examples nd supped ers in he work ‘norment by [ave reasana inate whether you have ary special hil, recsved ty awa fr wht you i your, orhave compiled any vaning Wat yo ean raat Srety tthe KSA. HYPOTHETICAL KSAs WITH RESPONSES AND ANALYSIS HYPOTHETICAL KSA #1 SECRETARY, 65-5 KSA Tie: Ability to wite nontechnical correspondence. ‘Smale Responsas SA Response ype kts evr day. Sometimes have to type thom fom a eat athe manager ge me. ao use frm etre ‘othe marager tts meihat he warts mao we we memos raquestng suppe Svs ompioyees Of ainng asses. Ihave been a secretary in my un for years and avays fish my work qu ana erect KSA Response 82: |am tne scot in my unit. hancl the wing of responses or most noes caespesene recived inthe tet an for a arent raters wun he unt. respond usieg various orm iter tat we have, Sometimes ‘ave fo dea a ator fore start to ish depending on what he auy fe sbout Fr exam, an employee may need & ‘Satoment ogarang love blanca, which woudres a might have owe a memo the warehotee ropa ‘nup://govcentral si14no1s Sample KSA Responses - Page 2 0f3 ‘up shortages When the manage rts memos he wil giv them to mein dea fom and wil owt hemo ‘eure proper rarer and fo pattem ote ight oma Winch response is beter? “Th ter ofthe feet reponse seems to be contig ping wth wing, is tui the thd sentence that wo get one ope ivomaton raring «wing ecbly Ans ten, hela sentence wre gues ue soma new ‘Stomation (how ong e wer hat been a ascelaty and how wel ewe doe th wor of he poss ha as ‘oting to do wih tha KSA as defn forthe jo. Remember hatte SMfElrometon pane ate your responses ae ‘Poyroat tha Creating Pan. Iwhat you have writen snot reevarta the KSA, Ra nore foe Creating Paneth and you wl nat eco any creat fo ‘Te second response gives mor evant and vei iforaton. The witer has provided spec ifomaton rested {oie KSA and has given exarpis fo show he kn of wing tha! s beng done. Ths resporaehas vente ‘Shiopromoton pane! enough mmaton 9 propery erate wars experience, HYPOTHETICAL KSA 42 Management Analyt, 65-12 KSA Tie: Abily to communicate in weting Sample Responses KSA Response ‘One of the most important ings doin my postions prepare reports and stuses of he various components in ou ‘igentzaion They aways have o be wlten na cea an conse manner and atenswove vary compan au Ik ‘iganizational ructre, war method and procedure, manpowe'uilaton, dlogaboe of auherty ard ator Iseue. usualy neve ou togear all of iter miommaton and rom eenensouoes usualy havo work ‘on very shot ime tres to roduc a Yealy eded uy repo Baow are some exarpee ote mata Nave wie, ‘Stafiog RepestnWortlons Reports in parca | am inolvedin the WMSIFTE weehy repo is cde component in Fiscal Coto and sto DTE PLUS studs, These sues are done onan "os needed Bass ant ‘wove many operational and tec esue. They ony aa Yequred whan management see ed fo them and “peafcay requests an ana. We setup aoa and rovew te targeted work. hese rors equ ltt dla {Gathering acy. Orcs epart These also rte alot of data analyse rom tha HAL farts Sse ent othe Seecors Sta Advior SA Response #2 | wt tetra and acinisatve memes and study reports, which erty actual and potenti problem areasin inerelted wrk process, the undying source of pertng aicates, ends, ica management Scsompshimrte meresony shuatone on arese of mosanc, These popsre always include recommendations {erimprovemertin the sued areas, Example of teks of sides or rports| produce ar a flows | wit memos. ica represent the Repos Ofice (RO) posion on proposes procadies or work processes. This Int evaluating he clot of lteatve actons on ta ork pocesces undo considers ad how bet 0 Ue ‘manpower an esouress and he Geiicaton of aber atmatves warty ofcosieraon. Tie most aways Invoves the consodatzn ef trmation and comments ram mati components noone mem represen Ne Regine! tice pstonn agen ence an exarple of a pe of reassess tf cre ‘ha deuig af he now nara shor oviel atom user's common, 9 Somme rovewed tne release o evoke ‘portant work procases were nclued ard lo sen poxsdly more econ deen akemstves.n moe caaee! ‘ofaoldaod ne commas athe conmitee and frmusted the fal fen conrment moma "have boon ivcve npc repos on national TSincibaten wekoade snc 1978, These reports were Intps/gaveental monster camVbeneftsaricles!7416.sample-kse-responses?print=true ari4nons ‘Sample KSA Responses - Page 3 of 3 ‘esearched and witen bya team of arly. The inal product was usualy consoled fom other area reports and consolidated report seued fo fhe Secreta also wrote potion papers detsing he Regional Ofce poston on senses, wedded pccasing.o work ‘poasurement issu An example a us ype of prod a momo prepared fr Cantal Ofice uly 869 san te RO’ poston on he asus of productvay measurement nthe Sud wats, This mero presets bu ews one Secrtar/s Prosututy Anas Project and poiieg ou what wae conederad fae nthe bais sumptions then liste te mao ectioms wn areas, cn shold be adsrestedn reo provde vad prductty masses ot satons Tre RO's cancers and ides conceming he elements nesses oar acoeptate roduchy, measure were prose In adton, | have ato completed 8 semester hors of wing courses in cologe | am presen the corresponding Secretary a TH Sige Nato! Soro. Wich response isbetier? ‘The wir ofthe fal response has “poremec sore of he language rom the dts deacived in the vacancy announcement in rir tol the SEprometon panel what hehe doos neo Unfortunate fis eas ot ve the panel anymore specie nfomaton abut hisher experience tan they wou pet Yeading We anneuncorir ‘The examples verby te wer sound Ihe they coud Uo elvan othe KSA ut ba wer does ht prove ry ‘pect mfematon oxi Now ese ace ese to fhe KSA, The aor alo uses alt of acorns, These. ir cote a Sieprometon pana and shou at be seed wihowt explanation Fal te wer dows tel vs “nat shor spcificrle en any ef these activites, hat she mearng "lam invoWed in" what the ‘wit’ role when he says setup tear"). “Th second response ges more relevant ane spec infamaton. The wets gave genera iodo statement, hich acs at abacgfound ote exanpes ha flow. Tho fst and lst examples are very speci and ie enough {nlomaton so the SMEpromaton panel wil understand what te wer does and how vate fo be cedena lan ‘Th second example ft essonse ats short of the cher wo example. The wrt usee some jegon ¢TSeuaaon \werkoes which maj man ie or ratng tothe StEjpometon panes aea not cer what he witers “Svohement was ne actly deacbed ne second exampe (what te maering ot have been swoNed Darl repars™-shald he SiEprometon pans assume ta ths means ivevoment aos wir est ofan ‘rambo: Rogar of is proton, the second esponee i the Bota to two responses In each of he nypovetia responses you have jst reas, he second rosponse although the Bt of the wo, not ‘he best responce pesse, Wah pracsce you Soul wean even eter KSA respons Want to beef up your KSA or Resume? Earn your degree, hntp:/govcentral.nonstercom/benefitsarticles/7416-sample-ksa-responses?print=trie 14/2015

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