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Classroom Differentiation Using Technology

Karen Aldworth
University of New England

Classroom Differentiation Using Technology


How fun was this week? No need to require a minimum time limit on the websites.
Although both the kuglin and the kathyschrock websites had great features, I found easier for me to navigate, plus it had more links that were of interest to
me. Her support tab brought up Kathys guide to everything, a beautiful one stop shop. I am
especially interested in using my iPad in the classroom and the information on the Kathy schrock
site was easier for me to understand. The problem is that I became so involved with all the links
and clicking, I had difficulty getting back to where I started. I happened upon two wonderful
tools that I put into use this week. The first was Remind 101. I initially enlisted the help of one
student to make sure it worked. Voila! The next day, students were given the choice of text or
email notifications. The first day, part of my class was at the clinical site, so when everyone was
there I was asked why didnt I get the class message over and over. Once everyone was signed
on Remind 101 peace reigned supreme. It was fun to hear the feedback after the first full
message blast.
The second tool I introduced was Exit slips have been on my todo
list for months, however the thought of another piece of paper to peruse was likened to sticking a
needle in my eye. To the rescue, Socrative! I created an exit quiz for the week and allowed the
students to answer the questions during their group work. After looking at the report, I realize
how this important five minute activity allowed my students to take some responsibility for their
learning (Tomlinson, C. 2001).
A big piece I did take away from, was getting linked over to Eight weeks ago, flipping my classroom meant seating the students in
reverse alpha order. On Edpuzzle, I was able to find a YouTube video on learning to take a
blood pressure, embed some questions, assign it to a class and I will have the students sign up


next week. This will be my first attempt at a flip. The students will watch the video as homework
in addition to the hands on learning in the classroom. By providing the assignment in this was, I
have provided multiple learning materials, assessment will be ongoing, and multiple
intelligences are addressed (Tomlinson, C. 1999). I also look forward to using Prezi to enhance
my lectures. Right now I use powerpoint slides that are provided by the textbook company and I
find them less than exciting. By using Prezi, I am hope to find the students asking more
questions and taking better notes during the lecture portion of the class.
Since I allow no phones out during class, too much purse texting and who knows what
else, this week was a huge change in my classroom. I had my students wondering if I had
suffered some sort of traumatic brain injury. I told them they made such fun of my flip phone, I
was shamed into getting an iPhone and they were now going to have to enjoy it whether they
wanted to or not. LOL!



Tomlinson, C. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed ability classrooms (2nd ed.).
Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Tomlinson, C. (1999). The differentiated classroom, responding to the needs of all learners.
Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

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