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The policy and measures of the Party and the State of Vietnam in
order to reduce the income gap
In the Report entitled "Global Risks 2012" announced on 11-1, the World
Economic Forum (WEF) remarked that income disparitie and increased financial
unbalance in the next10 years are two largest risks threatening global economic
growth, and Vietnam is not an exception. Also, as classified by the World Bank,
Vietnam is classified as a country with low average income. The economic experts
of the big financial institutions like the World Bank, Asian Development Bank or
International Monetary Fund has warned Vietnam about middle-income trap, we
can easily exceed over 996 USD rate, low average, but to exceed $ 12,195 average
income / person / year is very difficult. To escape this trap, policy makers have
proposed a strategy of economic development, at least in the next 10 years, aiming
to a more sustainable growth model.
Central Conference 5th (VII) has set out the policy of poverty reduction in the
strategy for rural, agriculture and farmer development as well as in the overall
socio-economic development strategy. Resolution of the XI National Congress
affirmed: "To implement poverty reduction policies , in a more effective manner to
each period; to diversify resources and methods to ensure sustainable poverty
reduction, especially in poorest districts and areas facing special difficulties, to
encourage enrichment pursuant to laws and legal regulations, and to increase the
number of households with above-average incomes. To provide appropriate
policies and measures to limit rich and poor disparity,and to reduce inequality in
term of living standards between rural and urban areas. "
Improving the quality of growth is one of the focuses of socio-economic
development strategy period 2011 - 2020 with a view to enhancing and promoting
gradually living conditions of people, first priority is granted to mountainous areas
and ethnic minorities; creating significant and comprehensive changes in poor
areas, narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, among regions and
ethnic groups.
IV. The results of implemantation and recommendations for next year
IV.1. Results of income gap reduction
Measures to shorten income gap of the Government has gained remarkable
results, but, there still exist several points need to be addressed.

CIEM, Trung tm Thng tin T liu

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