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Progress of Literature:

Great patrons of learning and literature

Many scholars of Sanskrit language were patronized
Kushans foreigners >> made sanskrit as state language
Created congenial atmosphere of royal patronage for the production of Sanskrit literature
Inscription also written in Sanskrit
Ashvagosha: Pioneer of literary awakening greatest scholar of time of Kanishka >> well versed
in philosophy, music, literature, religion and debate :: owing to his versatile abilities 4 th
Buddhist council was held in Kashmir during the reign of Kanishka
Books of Ashvagosha Buddhacharitha, Saundaranand, Sariputra Prakarana, Vajrasuchi
Buddhacharitha imp poetic composition of Buddhism


Great scholar and philosopher

Known as the best exponent of Mahayanism or new theory of Buddhism
Book Prajna Parmita Sutra >> unique book on philosophy and science
Explained Theory of relativity: called as Indian Einstein

Vasumitra Buddhist theologist
Kanishka convened the 4th buddhist council under the presidentship of Vasumitra
Compiled Mahavibhasa Shastra valuable book on Buddhist philosophy

Charak reputed royal physician in the court of Kanishka
Celebrated author of Ayurvedic science
Book Charak samhitha: unique work on Ayurvedic science


Followed the policy of religious toleration

People attained religious freedom
Embrace any religion according to their own will

Kanishka embraced Buddhism > gave royal patronage to Mahayana Buddhism

Never compelled anybody to follow any particular sect
Most important event Birth of Mahayanism >> Remarkable change in the fundamental
principles of Buddhism
People made statues of Buddha and worshipped him as God
Buddhism spread to foreign countries China, Tibet, Japan, Central Asia
Kushan period Era of religious awakening
Remarkable progress in the domain of religion

Development of Art:

Great patrons of Art

Kanishka keen interest in the art of architecture
Laid foundations of the towns Purushpur, Kanishkapur
Beautiful buildings and viharas
Alberuni very much influenced to see the vihara
Stupas and Viharas were built by Kushan rulers in a large number >> supported by Hieun Tsang

The Gandhara School of Sculpture:

Most significant feature of Kushan period

Main centre of Art territory of Gandhara :: NW frontier >> called as Gandhara school of art
Mahayanism >> responsible for the growth of this art
Main theme of Gandhara Art Mahayanism
Gandhara art lively commentary on the life and deeds of Lord Buddha

Other Contributions:

The great tower at Peshawar 400 ft high was chiefly made of wood and constructed under the
supervision of a Greek engineer Agesilaos
Kanishka built a tower near Taxila
Images of Bodhisattvas began to be erected in Gandhara style
At Mathura, we have a headless image of Kanishka in which he is represented in the uniform of
a warrior

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