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I Mr. .. S/o aged about ____________ yrs,

resided at. Do hereby solemnly affirm and sate a follows:
1. That my recorded name in school and college is ______________(YOURNAME), but I
myself popularly known as _________________(New name).
2. That after the completion of my studies I want to start a business in IT Sector. From the
numerology point of view; I came to a conclusion that the business in my nickname as in the
name of NICKNAME will helpful for my endeavours.
3. That by virtue of this affidavit, I changed my name from YOURNAME (old name) to
CHOSENNAME (new name) and henceforth I shall be known as the CHOSENNAME (new
name) for all purposes.
4. That the facts stated above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Identified by
Advocate Deponent
Certified that the above named deponent being identified by
______________( ADVOCATE NAME), do hereby solemnly affirm his knowledge and
Notary Public, CityName

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