Finalpro5 2015

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Notation Software & MIDI


May- August 2015

Ms. HB Lim

Final Project (40% of Final Grade)

This project carries a total of 40% of the final grade. There are two (2) parts to this final project.

Part One (Logic) (25%)

You are to sequence a short piece of music between the lengths of 1:00 and 1:30 minutes. You may
choose to transcribe any existing tune, or play from the one-page leadsheet tunes* uploaded on LMS.
* if you are unsure on how to sequence the tune to 1:00-1:30 minutes, please consult with the
instructor for better a direction of your project.
Include the following in your project:

Use a minimum of 4 instrument tracks. (Including the drum and bass tracks)
Use a minimum of 2 audio loops (the loops does not necessary need to be thorough)
Insert at least 2 effects (plug-ins) in your project.
Use of automations (draw in the volume information) in at least 2 tracks.

Part Two (Finale) (15%)

Create a full score from the sequence in Part One

Import MIDI from Logic

Name the instrumentation
Clean up your score
Include any necessary information to make your score complete:
Arrangers name

A folder with YOUR NAME, consisting the following items:

Logic Project Folder Sec1_Elizabeth_FPL.logx

Mp3 of your sequence Sec1_Elizabeth_songtitle.mp3
Finale File Sec1_Elizabeth_FPF.mus

1) Deduction of 5% will be imposed on wrong naming format of your files.

2) All Projects are to be submitted to the Lecturers Workstation through

AIRDROP on Wednesday of Week 14, August 5th 2015, between 11:30am
and 12:30pm in the Music Tech Lab/ MIDI lab
3) Deduction of 20% will be imposed on projects submitted after 12:30pm.
4) Submission after 5:00pm on August 5th 2015 onwards will not be accepted.

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