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S-STEM Student Group Meeting Agenda

Friday, Nov. 7, 8:30 9:30 am, S.1500

1 Welcome and check-in How far have you gotten in meeting your
semester requirements?
2 Undergraduate research Shequaya Broadus
3 Share your transfer or job search plans find group according to
similar plans.
4 Transfer groups use the Transferology website to fill in your Transfer
worksheet. Be sure to note any questions you may have about your
transfer plans.
5 Job search groups use web-based resources to locate job listings that
match what you would like to do. Make note of at least two such
listings as examples (even if they are too soon/too far away). Be sure
to write down the preferred job qualifications and skills these will help
you build an attractive resume! You may also want to note any
questions you have about these types of positions.
6 Wrap up and reminder: for students returning Spring 2015, you will fill
out a reapplication form (found on D2L in the Content section) before
Dec. meeting.

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