Syllabus and Parent Letter Cpush 2015-2016

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United States History and Constitution - College Prep

M. Bendig, B. Black, L. Rossi-Potter, K. Young, C. Turpin
United States History and Geography, McGraw-Hill
Office hours for test make-up and general questions related to the course are each morning
(M, Tu, Th, Fr) from 7:30 am 8:15 and afternoons (M Th) 3:45 4:30 as follows:

Mrs. Black
Mr. Young
Mr. Davis
Mr. Gidick


Mrs. Rossi-Potter
Ms. Bendig
Ms. Bendig


Course Description: During this semester, students will explore United States History from its
beginnings through present day. Students will explore political, economic, and social topics in the
traditional classroom setting as well as in groups. Primary and secondary sources such as maps, graphs
timelines, tables, diagrams, paintings, photographs, letters, artifacts, and multimedia sources will be
examined. Students will experience the material through reading, listening, discussion, and writing.
The ability to think critically will be essential for the success of each student.
Units Covered in class:
First Nine Weeks
Review of:
Colonial America
Creating a Nation
Westward Expansion
Civil War and Reconstruction
The Gilded Age
United States Emergence as a World Power
The Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression

Second Nine Weeks__________

World War II
The Cold War
Global America

Materials Needed: Each student will need a three-ring binder, loose-leaf paper, and dividers. He/she
will also need pens, pencils, and highlighters. Please replenish these throughout the semester. The
school will issue each student a copy of the United States History and Constitution standards that will
need to be kept in their three-ring binder.
Grading Procedures: Students will be assessed formally or informally on a daily basis.
Assessments/Projects: 50% of quarter grade - there will be an assessment on each unit as well
as two benchmark assessments each quarter. Students absent on the designated assessment
day will take an alternate assessment based on the teachers discretion.
Classwork: 30% of the quarter grade - daily individual and group activities
Homework/Quizzes: 20% of the quarter grade - quizzes may be used to assess nightly reading
United States History and Constitution has a state required End-of-Course exam that will be
administered to all students taking the class. This test will count as the final exam and will be worth
20% of the final grade. Each quarter grade will count as 40% and will be combined with the End-ofCourse exam grade to determine the final semester grade. If time permits, each class will complete a
project on the Modern Era which will count as a test grade. Homework will be due when requested in
class. The homework grade will be reduced by 10% each day it is late for five days. Any work turned
in after the fifth day will receive no more than 50% credit.

Make up work: Class attendance is essential! Make-up work is the students responsibility. Make-up
classwork and homework is due within five (5) days of the students return. Make-up tests or quizzes
will be administered to the student upon returning to school. If make-up work is never completed,
student will receive a grade of 0. Please refer to the 2015-2016 Wando student handbook for more
Classroom Behavior: To insure that all students have a positive classroom experience, students are
expected to comply with the stated rules.
1. Be in your seat and ready to work when class begins.
2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Respect other peoples property
4. Wear student ID at all times
5. Do not bring food and drink into the class; plain water is allowed
6. In accordance with CCSD and Wando policies, the use of a cell phone or any other electronic
device during class will result in confiscation of the device and administrative action.
7. Obey all other school rules and CCSD policies.
8. Wandos tardy policy will be strictly enforced.
If a student chooses not to follow the rules, the following consequences will occur:
Verbal Warning
15 minute or 30 minutes detention
Call to Parent/Guardian
Referral to administration
If a student is extremely disruptive, an administrator will be called to the classroom.
New Exam Exemption Policy
Students in grades 9-11 will take exams as scheduled. Seniors are exempt from a course final
exam if they have an overall average of 85 or higher. Seniors who have at least an 85 average may opt
to take a final exam in that course to improve their grade. For these students, their final grade may be
raised, but not lowered, by their final exam grade. Those seniors who do not an overall average of 85
or higher will take exams as scheduled. Senior exam exemptions do not apply to any quarter courses.
Cumulative examinations have a computational weight of 20 percent of the final average. Our
exam exemption policy does not apply to State End-of-Course tests required by the S.C. Educational
Accountability Act. No student may exempt a State End-ofCourse Exam.
Please note the previous policy which is reflected in our 2014-2015 Student Handbook is no
longer accurate and has been replaced with this new policy.
Communication with Parents: If a student or parent has any questions, teachers can always be reached at
school (881-8200). Progress reports are sent home by the students during each nine week grading period to keep
parents informed about grades. Parents may access the parent portal to keep abreast of student grades.

I am looking forward to this semester and I remain confident that with parents, teachers, and students
cooperation, it will be a positive one. Thank you!
Mallory Bendig

Please fill in the following information to indication you and your student have read the
syllabus and understand the guidelines and procedures for my class, Wando High School, and the
Charleston County School District. We are Charleston. We are WANDO!
Parent/Guardian Name
Email/Telephone Number
Parent Signature and date
Student Name
Student Signature and date
Provide any information below that might aid me in teaching your child:

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