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First meeting
The researcher greeted and asked students feeling
The researcher explained what will do and explained about scrabble game and gave
scrabble sheet to every group.
The researcher divided class into eight groups.
The researcher explained the rule in scrabble that students wanted to play. Then
the researcher gave some example in white
board how to play it.
The researcher gave about 15 to 20 minute
to play scrabble.
The researcher checked every group if the
group have difficulty.
After finished playing scrabble game, the researcher took their worksheet and asked
students to expressing their idea orally about playing scrabble.
The researcher asked students practice how
to pronounce the words and asked students
one by one to make simple sentence orally
using the word that they found on the
The researcher corrected some sentences
from students.
The researcher explained simple past tense
and asked students to correct their
sentences before.
The researcher explained about personal
After the time was over, the researcher gave
closing and explained what will do in the
next meeting.

Second meeting
The researcher greeted and asked students
The researcher announced who is the winner
after playing scrabble in the last meeting.
The researcher reminded about personal letter.
The researcher gave scrabble game in the white
board and asked them to arrange the letters.
The researcher asked them to make a letter by
using word that they have arranged in white
The researcher asked students to practice how
to speak the letter orally.
The researcher asked them to make letter based
on the word that they get after did scrabble
The researcher helped students if there any
difficulty and corrected their pronunciation.
The researcher closed the class and explained
that students will get the post test by
monologue their letter.

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