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Travel itinerary

Day 1- February 8, 2010- 12:00AM Flew out of Los Angeles international airport into
Dublin International Airport. Arrived in Dublin at 6:00PM Pacific standard time, it was
2:00am February 9, 2010 in Dublin.
Day 2- February 9, 2010- 2:00 AM took shuttle to hotel, checked into hotel. Woke up at
8:00AM local time to tour the Irish countryside. We took a tour bus that was leaving
from the hotel. We toured the countryside all day. Everything was very green there.
Day 3- February 10, 2010- 6:00AM We flew to London, United Kingdom. We arrived at
7:00AM and visited Big Ben. We also crossed the London Bridge. When we finished up
on the bridge we took a bus to Branscombe Village, Devon, England. We walked on the
beach. When we finished up there it was already 5:00PM London time.
Day 4- February 11, 2010- We woke up at 6:00 AM and got a bus to the Dulwich,
London in England. We visited the Dulwich Picture Gallery. We spent 6 hours there. At
1:00 PM Local time we got on another bus and went to the airport. We got on a plane
bound for Stolkholm, Sweden. The airport is called Stockholm- Arlanda Airport. From
there we flew to Kiruna Airport. And then took a bus to the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjarvi,
located 17 Kilometers (about 28 miles) from Kiruna, Sweden. It was very cold there. The
entire hotel is made of ice and snow.
Day 5- February 12, 2010- We woke up in the ice hotel. We hung out all day at the ice
hotel. It was amazing.
Day 6- February 13, 2010- We spent all morning packing and checking out all the last
details of the ice hotel. We then returned to Kiruna and flew back to Stockholm, from
Stockholm we flew into Berlin- Tegel Airport. While in Germany we visited what was
left of the Berlin Wall. We then took a bus to see the Black Forrest and drive on the
Autobahn. We went back to the hotel.
Day 7- February 14, 2010- We just walked around Berlin and checked out the shops.
Day 8- February 15, 2010- We got up and took a bullet train to Hannover to see more of
Germany. While in Hannover we walked around the city a lot. We saw the Hannover
New Town Hall, which is an amazingly large building that has a large lake right in front
of it. We then hopped back on the Bullet train and rode back to Berlin.
Day 9- February 16, 2010- We got up and took a bullet train to Paris, France. In france
we first visited the Eiffel Tower in Paris. After that we visited Chartres Cathedral. We
then spent the night in a hotel in Paris.
Day 10- February 17, 2010- We took another Bullet Train to Madrid, Spain. We visited
an outdoor café in Madrid and then went to the Airport. We flew out of Madrid Barajas
International Airport into Athens International Airport.
Day 11- February 18, 2010- We visited Oia in Greece. We then headed down to the
beach at Santorini, Greece. We then got on a water taxi and went to see the Parthenon in
Greece. Then we went back to the hotel.
Day 12- February 19, 2010- We got up and saw the Island of Crete in Greece. After that
we went back to the beach at Santorini. We spent the rest of the day there and went back
to the hotel.
Day 13- February 20, 2010- We traveled from Greece to Italy. We flew out of Athens
International and into Rome- Fiumicino “ Leonardo da Vinci” Airport. While in Rome
we visited the Leaning Tower of Pizza. We stopped by the Vatican and watched a church
service. We checked into our hotel and went to sleep.
Day 14- February 21, 2010- We visited the Coliseum. We walked around a little bit and
saw a lot of Roman Architecture. We then took a Bullet Train to Venice, Italy. We took a
small boat around Venice through the many canals of Venice. We took a bus to Venice-
San Nicolo Airport. We got on a plane bound for LAX. We then had to endure a 12 hour
and 45 minute flight.
Day 15- February 22, 2010-We were on the plane all day. We arrived at LAX at 4:00 PM
Pacific Standard Time.

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