INDO - Islamic Architecture

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Persian, Greek, Chinese and Mongoloid influence

Initially had Mongoloid influence and showed the conflict
between Hindu system and Islamic formal mind
Later the differences merged in the united effort of
craftsmanship and led to cooperation and collectivism

Muslims introduced
Arches based on true arch principle
Minarets (minar)
Scientific formulae
Mortar as cementing agent
Artistic calligraphy
Jali work

Religious structures
Mosque (Masjid)
Tomb (Maqbara)
Mimbar (Pulpit) platform attached to miharab having series of
steps for Imam to stand and lead the Namaz
Mihrab (prayer niche in the centre of western wall facing Mecca)
Aiwan (prayer hall)
Haud (ablution tank)

Sahn or Sehan (open courtyard)

Riwaq (arcade)
Minar (minaret)
New kind of structure introduced by the Muslims which contain
the grave
Always has entrance from the southern side
Rauza tomb : situtated in a garden and its significance is
architectural rather than religious
Makbara chamber which contains a grave
Cenotaph tombstone without actual grave
No definite classification
Varied structures forts, houses etc.
1) Imperial or Delhi
2) Provincial
Imperial style witnesses continuous architectural evolution
1) Slaves
2) Khaljis
3) Tughlaqs
4) Lodis

Architectural phase exhibit elements of confrontation b/n the
Hindus and Muslim world
Phase of introduction of Muslim architectural elements and use
of Hindu motives, raw material and ideas in building activities
Qutab Minar:
4 projecting balconies and 5 storeys tapering as they go up is the
most famous
Built by Iltutmish
Uppermost 2 storeys of this minar is round rather than with
alternating flute and flanges and is of later addition by Firoz
Shah Tughlaq and is faced with marble rather than red
sandstone which has been used for the first 3 storeys
It has symmetry and rich ornamentation
British later added railings to the projecting balconies
Arhai Din-ka-Jhopra:
Closely resembles Quwatul-Islam mosque in style and
Exlusively carved mihrab of white marble in the West hall
Tomb of Sultan Ghari
Unique in plan and form

Square chamber and octagonal flat roof with round towers at
the four corners
Resembles a small fortress and is the 1st monumental tomb in
Used by the Gupta temple structures as raw material
Balbans Tomb:
Shows the 1st example of true voussoired arch
Famous Structures Incomplete tower just near Qutub Minar which was supposed to
be twice the height of Qutab Minar
Alai-Darwaja near Qutab Minar with excellent calligraphy and
intricate designs uses horse shoe keel arch for the first time
Jamat Khana Masjid earliest example of a mosque built on
wholly Muslim ideas > used scientific arches and domes
Most of the structures are located at Tughlaqabad

Buildings were placed on a platform
Tomb had fort like appearance
Tall gateways and towers
Sloping walls
Use of grey sandstone, rubble and plaster
Use of minimum decoration

Stress on strength and austerity as a reaction to Khalji

During Firoz Shah Tughlaq, the Principle of Arch, lintel and beam
combination was used showing Tartar influence
Lodis :
Emergence of independent style >> more elegant

Use of double dome
Use of thick walls
Enameled tiles were used for decoration showing the Persian
Balconies and Kiosks showed influence of Rajasthani and
Gujarati styles
Buildings were on platforms with gardens at the sides
Octagonal shaped tombs introduced by them which were later
adopted by the Mughals

Architecture showed influence of local traditions
Main styles Bengal, Gujarat, Kashmir, Jaunpur, Khandeshi or
Faruqi, Deccan
Use of black marble and schist

Use of bricks
Delicate decorations
Convex roofs suited to the heavy rainfall in that area
Buildings massive

Tradition of temple architecture carried on
Use of limestones carvings and geometrical designs
Richly decorated buttresses

Transformation of the Tughlaq style

Massive. Slim and elegant
Domes on high drums
Absence of minarets in mosques
Use of ogival arches and fine Jali
European and Egyptian influence


Wooden architecture
Hindu temples converted to mosques
Show Buddhist influence
Few buildings are of stone and there is occasional use of brick
and mortar

Square hall with pyramidal roof crowned with long slender spire
Ex: Kanka Shah mosque
Used arch and beam combination
Lofty propylon consisting of tapering square minars and
recessed arch
Absence of minarets Ex: Atala mosque
Arcuate and Trabeate systems were used as architectural
technique to support the weight of the ceiling
Khandesi or Faruqi:
Similar tombs as Mandu shows influence of Gujarat style

Influence of Hindu, Persian and Malwa styles
Bulbous dome, with lotus neck Ex: Gol Gumbaz
Military architecture, typically Tughlaq style
Use of thick walls, falt dome and use of squinch system
Combination of Mosque and Gateway Ex: Charminar


Criticized Indian Art and Architecture

Invited Sinan from Persia and employed Indian Masons
Built mosques @ Panipat, Rohikand, Agra and Ayodhya
But there is no architectural significance
Babri Mosque at Ayodhya became controversial and was
destroyed in 1992

No time for building activities due to his troubled life
Only one mosque at Fatehabad in Punjab decorated with Persian
tiles remain
Completed the Jamali-Kamali masjid at Mehrauli which had
been commenced during Babars reign


Great builder
Architecture was nationalist in character
Borrowed from Rajputs & others
Building activities @ Agra, Fatehpur Sikri and Lahore
Humayuns Tomb:
Shows 1st real Mughal style
Ground Plan Persian tiles and White marble + swelling double
dome with high neck
1st of the Mughal scheme of tomb gardens
Foreign influence :- square plan with flattened corners,
Octagonal central chamber & double dome treatment
Taj Mahal was inspired by this monument >> called as
Precursor of Tajmahal

Agra Fort:

Plan irregular semicircle

Masculine in appearance
Massive walls
Borrowed features from Gwalior Fort
Jahangiri Mahal Built by Akbar, rest of the buildings in this fort
belong to ShahJahan(house arrested by Aurangzeb)
Most of construction part Shah Jahan >> Moti Masjid, Diwan-eaam, Diwan-e-khas
Marked by liberal use of marbles featuring
1. Use of red sandstone and limited use of white marble
2. Liberal outlook of the building

3. Use of trabeate and arcuate systems for decorations

Charbagh style
Haram places where women were captured by emperors
Fatehpur Sikri:
Built in red sandstone
Buildings official, residential and religious
Gateways and lake
Notable structures

Panch Mahal:
Influence of Bengal and Gujarat
Pyramidal in shape with open pavilions, decorated pillars
Persian influence can be seen in blue glazed tiles

Buland Darwaza:
Style half dome portal

Smaller gates are found in the rear wall showing Iranian

Commemorate his triumph over deccan

Tomb of Sheikh Salim Chisti:

White marble
Famous for its Jali (marble screen)

Mariams palace: Persian style

Jodha Bais palace and Birbals palace: Jain and Gujarati influence

Diwan I Khas: central pillar with suspended radiating bridges

Akbars Mausoleum @ Sikanadara was built >> famous for its
massive terrace

3 storeys open courtyard with kiosks and pavilions

Red sandstone
Topmost storey Marble
Main entrance 2 minars fused on the corners >> first time in
Mughal monuments
Pietra dura
Moti masjid at Lahore
Built own tomb @ Lahore (only ruler to do like this)
Shah Jahan:

Structures inferior in grandeur compared to Akbars structures

Superior in lavish display of rich and skillful decorations
Jewellery work on bigger scale
Main characteristic feminine beauty
Mosque building reached climax under Shahjahan Ex: Moti
Masjid(marble) & Jama Masjid(red sandstone) designed by
Ustad Khalil

Agra fort white marble @ Moti masjid, Musamman Burj

Red fort Irregular octagonal plan

2 gateways Lahore & Delhi gate
Famous buildings Moti Mahal, Hira Mahal
Diwan-i-khas : Paradise on Earth
Hammam of RangMahal decorated in marble
8 types of calligraphy decoration purpose
Text Quran is quoted
Vase designs with mosaic ornamentation
ShahJahans contribution twds Indian art Taj Mahal

Architect Ustad Isa

22 yrs construction period

Built on the line of Humayuns Tomb

Octagonal walls support the dome
Marble and Petra Dura were used
Symmetrical garden tomb
Double dome >> bulbous in outline
4 white marble minarets with 4 storeys
Octagonal kiosks @ corners
Garden, platform, tomb combine to give a composite whole
Others Moti Masjid, Shalimar Bagh @ lahore, Jama Masjid, City
of Shah jahanabad

Took initiative to build peacock throne by Bebudal Khan >>

famous couplet of Amir Khusro

Economy minded few buildings are credited to him
Contribution twds Mughal Architecture
Bibi ka Maqbara >> imitation of Taj at Aurangabad

Badshahi Mosque Lahore

Moti Masjid Lal Quila, Delhi

Features of Mughal Architecture:

Perfect or bilateral symmetry

Red sandstone with white marble inlays
Later pure white marble surfaces
Geometric ornament
Domes slighly pointed
Garden surroundings
Construction of walls rough rubble stone
Construction of domes & arches baked brick

Gardens relaxation &for tombs and palaces

Buildings ceramic tile work, pietra dura inlay, carved
stonework (jalis)
Persian and Hindu influence

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