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Caliacsiacy.\ Headway 1 Gre the correct verb form. 1 Iwill pass / would pass Kwould have passed the exam if Thad studied hard. 2. Ifshe'd seen me, she willbe / would be/ would have ‘been soangry. 3. Ifthey dont park didn't park ! hadi parked the car ‘there, they could have got away. 4 Hewill move/ would move/ would have moved tothe USA if hed gota visa. 5 fl meet met! had met the President,1 woud tll him hho was wrong. 6 Willyou make! Would you make Would you have ‘made the same decisions if you lived your life again? 7 Lam were had been you, | would buy the red jacket. 8 John might help / might be helping | might have helped if you'd asked him. 9. What had you done / would you do / would you have doneif you had won? 10 Heknows it wasa mistake. He shouldn't steal/ shouldn't have stolen! shouldn't have to steal the money. 11 Tfshe loved/ loves will ove him, she would have married him. 1 point foreach correct answer [TIO] 2. Match A with B to make conditional sentences. A 1 Ifyou saw me walking down the street, 2. He wouldn't have become. criminal 3 Iwould haverungyou, 4 Would youmarry me 5 What would you buy 6 yowhadn'tleft your passport in the stolen can, 7 Ifyouwere lonely, 8 Howwould you have behaved 9 Ifshe'd asked us to help, 10 If'someone scratched your car, 11 Iwould go HTTP TTT tT B 4 ifasked youto? b wouldyousayhelloz © youshould have called me. d_-wemight havebeen ableto. € if e hadn't come from a dysfunctional family. the police wouldn’thave found you. if you'd lived during World War I ‘what would you do? ifthey asked me. but 'd lost your number, if youhad a million euros? no re | point foreach correct answer [_[l0] 3. Rewritethe sentences with the same meaning with shouldor shoulda’, 1 twas abad idea for you to drive during the snowstorm. Youshouldn't have driven during the snowstorm, 2. Why didn’t you use the screwdriver? 3. Stealingthe money was stupid. 4 Why did you argue witha customer? 5 Larry madea mistake when he married Monica, 6 You didn't need to turn on all the lights. 7 can'thelieve that criminal has been released from prison. 8 Itwas wrong ofustoarrestyou. 9. Running away would have been the best idea for you. 10 Please forgive me for not recognizingyou. 11 Ttwould have been better for you to mother. 2points foreach correct answer [_[20] 4 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Tick (Y) the three correct sentences, 1 Ifhedhad ahappy childhood, he woulde’tbecomea thief, wouldrit have become 2 Ifyou saw someone shop-lifting, would you report ito the manager? New Hendy temedate oui mons © Onford Uiverty Pes 2008 1 ace.) 3 Iwould demand a receipt if were you. 4. Why didn’t you ask them? They could help. 5 Thepolicecould arrest him if you'd called them ‘yesterday. 6 Iffam you, [would break up with him. 7 Hewouldn't have played truant ifhe wouldn’thave been afraid ofthe bullies. 8 How would you feel if you caught someone breaking {nto your house? 9) IfLara and Gary hadn’targued, they hadn't broken up. 10. You willbe happier if you didn't worry about everything. 11. Hfshegiven mea chance, could make her happy. I point for each correct answer [_[10 5. Completethe sentences with the correct form of the 6 Replace aword or phrasein each sentence witha word, from the box with a similar meaning. angry completely delighted frightened furiously located met normal point priser stunned 1 Hartishad to goto aif for theft 2. Thesituation istotally hopeless. 3. Areyou scared of snakes? 4. Tbumped into Richard the other day. 5 [don’t understand the purpose of this task. (© Wevwere shocked when we heard the news, 7 Monday was just an ordinary day. 8 ‘Tllnever forgive you; he said angrily 9 Pmgoingtobe a daddy! I'm over the moon, 10 ‘Theold town is situated north ofthe centre. 11 When Theard what had happened, Iwas furious,__ elles I point foreach correct answer [_[10) T Decideif the sentence is correct (V) or incorrect (X). Correct themistakes, verbs, Semtence 7] | correction 1 Ifshehad left earlier, she (notbe) wouldn't have been (Dennis Rotana Merman, * [eat se 2My uncle’s gota very fast ar. 2 = 3 Would you likea litle glas of wine? 3 [llgiveyoualiftif you (come) now. zl poate als ERGATA EG 4 T(notstop). workingif won alot of ES MUCre Mie ea aU money. ‘6 Damien Hirst isa big artist. 5 Ifyou (tell) him the truth, would younot have argued? | point foreach correct ansner [[5 6 You (canbe) happy together if you hadn't been so jealous. 8 GrdBthecorrect words, 7 alkyd Wace eee taerapee (eet) 1 Tomwassittng in hs living-room, .. his favourite able to fixit. co 8 (take) you the courseagain aC{iening’D) b hearing ifyoutailed? 2 Youdon’t have to be perfect. Just... your best. 9) fyouwereborn again, what (do) you a make b do differently? 3. Vicky enjoys... sporton TY. 10 He (not ring) you if you dor’t give him a watching b looking at ‘your number. 4 Ithink Argentina .., the next football World Cup. 11 Iwould buyanew/lat fl (have)___the Piel esta wa an) money. 5. Hewasconvicted for... supermarket. I point for each correct answer [_[10) a stealing b robbing Naw Hendy termediate ium) mon © Onord sverity Pes 2009 2 tac 6 Tomhad to stayat hometo ... the flat. 10 Translate the sentences into your language. adean b dear 1 Tmjust tired, that’sall. 7 Canyou ... mesome money? a lend b borrow 2 Tjust love your new jacket! 8 You canhavea party, just don’t... amess. ado b make 3. Lwas over the moon when I heard the news. 9... your wife some flowers ~ she'll love them. a Pay b Buy 4. Could you give me the balanceon my account? 10 Isthat... boy lost? a small > little 5 And here's your change. 20p. 11 Llove.., tomy mates about football, a speaking b talking 6 Bearwithmeone moment. I point foreach correct answer [_[10 7 Your accounts £350 in credit. 9 Complete the conversations with words from the box. eee 8 gave you £10, but you've given me change for £5. bill card change expiry receipt service A Here’ the (1)_bi 9 What's the expiry date? B Thank you.1s(2)____included 10. Here'syourbill. A That'll be £19.50, please. B Ilere youare.£20, ‘A Thank you. Here's your(3)__,and your (4)_: I point foreach correct answer [10] a EB ‘A My credit (5)__numberis 9988 7766 5544 3322. B Thankyou. What’ the (6)_date? I point foreach correct answer [_[5 Nev tena temedate Fourie: 2 Osford Uiverity Preis 2009 3 Uialiaccies) Headway 1 Gieidthe correct verb form. 1 If had studied more, will gt! would get/ (Gould have gop through the exam, 2 They could have escaped it they dont forget didn't _forget | haan’ forgotten to put petrol in the ca. 3 Iwould tell my old teacher if meet / met had met her again that she was wrong. 4. Twould accept the job if am / were! had been you. 5 How had you dealt/ would you deal would you have dealt with the problems he hast 6 ‘They know itwas wrong. They shouldn't have tosteal/ shouldn't have stolen | shouldn't steal the cat. 7 Iwill be / would be | would have been so embarrassed, if he'd seen me staring at him, 8 He would have married herifhe loved loves/ willlove her. 9. TeTlived my life again, Iwill ive! would live would shave lived the same way. 10 you'd asked me,T could help could be helping could Ihave helped you. 11. Hfwe'd gota visa, we will move/ would move! would have moved to Japan. I point foreach correctanswer [_[l0 2 Match A with B to make conditional sentences. A Ifyou saw me walking down the street, What would you buy Ifyou called, would have written ‘What would you have done He wouldrrt have had problems Ifsomeone spilled coffee on your jacket, If they hadn't used theircarin the robbery, ‘We wouldn't give up 10 Ifthey‘dasked metohelp, 11. Would you move to Paris with me B aif be had been brought up in aloving family. b ifyouwon thelottery? € Imighthave been abletto. d iflhad had the time. € theywouldn't have been caught. £ Iwould cometo seeyou. § what would you dor hi ifthey tried tomake us, i srnetebqeersap hello? j_ iflasked you to? k ifyou'd been in Rome during the attack? | point foreach correct answer [_[10] 3. Rewrite the sentences with thesame meaning with shouldor shouldn't. 1 Twas a mistake for you to go out during the hurricane. Youshouldnit have gone out during the hurricane, 2. Taking my car was stupid. didn't want you to. 3. Why did Larry marry Monica? It was a mistake. 5. Lcan'tbelieve you didn't think of running away. 6 Pmsorry didn't recognize you. 7 Why didn’t you use the food processor? 8 Itwould have been better for you to listen to me. 9) Did you really need to turn on ll the lights? 10. You didn’t need to argue with the boss. 11. Releasing that bank robber from prison was wrong. 2polntsfor each correctanswer [_[20] 4. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Tick (7) the three correct sentences, 1 He wouldn't choose alife of crime ifhe'd had a happy childhood. wouldn't have chosen 2 Twould have made him happy if hed given mea chance. 3. Fiona and Kieran hadn't broken up if they hadn't argued, Now Headway Ieemedate zou =om0N Orford Univers Pets 2009 1 iets eve] 4 Ifyou caught someone stealing your car, how would. youteel? 5 Ifyoudon’t worry about things, you'd be more relaxed. 6 Iwould break up with herif fam you. 7 fhe wouldn’thave been afraid of the bullies,he ‘wouldn’thave played truant, 8 Would you report ito the manager if yousaw someone shop-lifting? 9 They could helped if you'd asked them. 10 Why didn't you call the police when you saw him? They could arrest him, 11 Iwill demand a receiptif were you. I point for each correct answer [_[10 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 1 I (not be) wouldn't have been late if Pd lett earlier. 2. [wouldn't stop working if (win) alotof 6 Replace aword or phrase in each sentence witha word from the box with a similar meaning, angrily completely delighted furious eit met ordinary point scared shocked situated Dixon had to go to prison for robbery. ial. Pmover the moon. She said she'd marry met ‘We were stunned when we found out. twas just anormal evening. He shouted furiously, ‘Tl get yout? ‘The parkis located next tothe university, Pm totally hopeless at maths. Do youknow who I bumped into yesterday? Richard! ‘9. What's the purpose ofthis exercise? 10 When I heard what had happened, I wasangry. LL Mybrother’s frightened of spiders. I point for each correct answer [_[10] T Decideif the sentenceis correct (Y) ox incorrect (X). Correct the mistakes. money. 3 Ifyou failed the test, (retake) you it? 4 You wouldn't have argued if you (tell). him the trath, 5. What (do) you. youlived your life again? 6 Ifyoudon't give her your address, she (not write) differently if 7. Ifthey/d started sooner, they (finish) the job. 8 T(buy). anew houseif had the money. 9 Tbe). able to fix your computer if you breakit again. 10 Tl buy youa coffee if you (come) now. 11 We (canbe) happy ifyou hadn't cheated onme. point foreach correct answer [0] New Headvay temedate usrscomon FEEREBRR oxford Univers ress 2009 Sentence 4 |x| Correction 1 Dennis Rodman isa high man. * [tat 2 Ifyourte Lonely, you can't be happy. 3 Would you Ikea little glass of wine? 4 Damien Hirstisa bigartst, SYou've made a great mistake, 6 My uncles gota very fast car. 1 point foreach correct answer [_[5. 8 Girdlothe correct words. 1 Mary was ... her favourite CD as she was sitting alone athome. a hearing bCisteningt) 2 Fmgoingto ... my father a new watch. a pay b buy 3. Sean doesn't like... soap operas on TV, a lookingat b watching 4 Could you... mesome cash? a borrow b lend 5. Ifyou... your best, that’s good enough. a make b do ace) ate 6 Isthat... gitllost? a small little 7 My mumasked meto .. the house. adean b clear 8 Wehadaparty,and we... terrible mess. a did b made 9) Fred spends every evening.... to his mates, a talking speaking 10. Brazil... the football World Cup many times. a haswon b hasbeaten 11. They were convicted for ... diamond necklace. a stealing b robbing 10 ‘Translate the sentences into your language. 1 Pmjusttired, that’s all. 2. Tjust love your new jacket! 3 Lwvas over the moon when I heard the news 4. Could yougive me the balance on my account? 5 And here's your change: 20p. 6 Bearwith me one moment. | point foreach correct answer [_[lO] 9 Complete the conversations with words from the box. bill card change expiry receipt service A Here's the (1) _bill_. B ‘Thankyou. Is (2)___ included? ‘A My credit (3)__nummberis 766 55443322 1100. D Canyoutellmethe (4) ___date? A That'll be £9.20, please. B Here's ten pounds. ‘A Thankyou, Here’s your (5)_,and your (6)_: 0p. | point foreach correct answer [_[5 7 Your accountis £350 in credit, 8 Igave you.£10, but you've given me change for £5. 9 What's theexpiry date? 10. Here’syourbill, I point foreach corectanswer [TIO] New Headay Itemedine rournieorios 0 Oodord Univers rts 2009 3 Unit test 10A 1 Completethetext with a/an/the/~(noarticle) or one, 2 ‘We bought this cake for ourselves. t's not (they) My name) consultant for (3) 4) London in) 6 sallofficeon(7|__fifth floor of cour building fmresponsible for (8). maintaining curcomputernetworko (9). ‘twenty-four PCs, hich means theres (10) Cor each Marketing Executivem{T}) ‘only person working in. Nathan Phillips. workas(2)___ largemarketing company in UK.Aworkin Tpoint foreach corect answer [10 2 Correct themistakes in these sentences, Tick (7) the three correct sentences, 1 In Brazil, everyone likes the football 2. When you're in New York, visit the Empire State Building, Callthe police ifthere’s one bank robbery. _ Would you like to go fora coffee later? __ ‘My teacher is already in classroom, _ ‘What timedo youhavealunch? __ I visited Austria the last year. ‘The doctors earn more than teachers. Lifeis exciting. 10 ‘They climbed the Mont Blanc, 11 The my catisa black Porsche, I point foreach correct answer [_[I0] 3. Complete the sentences with a possessive adjectiveora possessive pronoun, ‘These are not (1)_may_ shoes. ‘This house is now (you) yours. ‘The theatre opened (it)__doorsin 1759. ‘Madonna looks so young. What's (she) ‘That blackearis(1)__. ‘That bagisn't Carla's thisis(she)__. T'm going borrow (they) ___car for the weekend. [don’t think those are Mick’ glasses. These are (he) 9 (we) 10 Heisn't (you) II IsMichelle (he) secret? hhouseis large, but John’s house is small, husband, wife orgirlitiend? | point foreach correct answer [_T10] 4 GedBthecorrect words. 10 u Rerrari owes its /{is)success to excellent traditions, What's theyre ther secret? ‘Theirs | Theresa lake near Budapect. ‘Thisis our two boy’ / boys' room, H#s/ isnot acar,butaplane, Alice's boyfriend’: boyfriends house is nearby. Tcantt tum on the TV. Have you seen its ts remote control? {ts Its got twenty channels. found my mobile in there thei car Whose! Whos the new English teacher? ‘Thedog wagged it its tail I point foreach correct answer [_Ji0] 5 Gircidthe correct words. 10 u ~~ Youneed islove, a Everyone b(All) Everything d Every -.«know the capital of Italy s Rome? a weall b everybody c alld every Tve spent... money. a myall b myevery c allmy d all "This present is from... a weall b allofus ¢ useveryone d allwe want to know... your new girlfriend, a allof b allabout ¢ alld allfrom ve known Dave. life. a wholemy b myall cmyevery d allmy You don’thave to invite the party. a everyone ball c allthem d every «love opera. a Everybody b Theyall ¢ Allthey Allofthey We'vesold .... a all b allthings c everything d allofeverything My friends, Tlove a allyou b all ¢ youall "There’sa pub in... town. a all b everyone c every d allofthe Doesn't d youeverybody I point for eachcorrectanswer [_]10 New Headway Intermediate four ernon © for Univesity Press 209 1 ie ciay Headway 6 Complete the sentences with the information using reflexive pronouns or each other. 1 Tove youand you love me. ‘We love each other. 2. Jack’slookingat his reflection in the mirror. Jack, 3 Thekids are havinga good time. ‘The kids 4. Weall help the other people inthe family. Inthe family, we 5 Imade the casserole dish without any help. 1 6 Rachel gets on well with Phoebe, and Phoebe gets on ‘well with her. Rachel and Phoebe. 2points foreach correct answer [10] 7 Complete the sentences with a word from the box. banking dating download engine log networking online page post send surf 1 1 Log_onto Facebook when | get home trom school. 2 Jess mainly uses the Internet for social 3. Howoften do you 4 the Net? "To find the information they want, students use a search, 5 When you create your profile, you can. a photo of yourself 6 Imet my girlfriend through an online service, 7 Wenever. ‘music illegally. We only copy Jegal MP3 files. 8 Many people only use the Net to 9 Haveyou got your own web z 10. Idon'titke shopping. tke to try things before buy them, 11. Youcan check if your account is in credit if you use Internet__. Ipoint foreach correct answer [TIO 8 Gircldthe correct words. 1 Youcan tryon clothes nthe... room. a waiting b clothing c@hanging) 2. People carry their important documents in their... a briefcase b suitcase © papercase 3. ifyouparkin the wong place, the traffic... willfine you. a officer b guard c warden 4. Thetastestway to getthereisby taking the. a headway b runway ¢ motorway 5. [quickly read th the newspaper to see what's happening, 2 headlights b highlights headlines 6 Youcanusea.. card to pay for your shopping. a business b credit c transfer 7 Were going to watch the evening ... from our window. a heatwave b sunset c skyline 8 Oops.I'm afraid ve dropped a... It maybe broken. a teabag b teacup ¢ teaspoon 9 Wespentthe whole afternoon sttingina traffic... a halt » jam ¢ error 10 ‘The... of NATO arein Brussels. a amenities b chairmen ¢ headquarters 11. Wetravelled from Ireland to Spain ona..., a censorship b motorbike ¢ skyline 1 point foreach correct answer [10] 9 Match the two parts of the description. 1 Itsthestuffyouuse 2 Isakind of signal with three lights 3 Itsmade of paper and you use 4 Iesused for 5 They're very thin, and they're made of silicon and they Isa large flat board Il} [| a. thattells driverswhen to stop or go. covering thewalls of room, € control what your computer does. 4 thatyou useto put up messages. € ittocoverapresent. F toclean between your teeth. point foreach correct answer [_[S New Hendvay termediate our omen © Orford Uiverty Pes 2009 2 ram 10 Match the objects with the descriptions from exercise9. ‘Thereisoneextra object. dental floss if. ‘wrapping paper ‘point foreach correct answer [_[5 Tl Translate the sentencesinto yourlanguage. 1 Ineed one of those things you use to protect your eyes from sunshine. 2 Fmlooking for some of that stuff you use to dean the computer screen. 3 Itsalso gota round metal bitat one end. 4. Ies something you use when you want to open a bottle 5 Help yourself to tea and cake. 6 Luse the Net for social networkingas well. 7 Buy somebread, too. 8 “Iwantto go home now:‘Me too? 9) Thestation isa masterpiece in iron and glass. 10. Isa luxury hotel with every comfort and modern amenity. Tpoin foreach corect answer [10] New Herdvayntemediate Four ceenon ‘Orford Univers rss 7009 3 Unit test 10B 1 Completethetext with a/ an/the/~(noarticle) or one. Myname’(1)_= Jessica Wallace. liveon(2)___ second floor ofan apartment building near Fifth Avenue in @. New York, n(). USA.Iworkfor 6 Englsirlanguageschoolas (8), tT consultant. havent gt (7) office of my ov m responsible for 8) maintaining ou small. computer network of) rine Cs. There i} Cor ever three ul time teacher, butl'm m), ‘only person working nT. T point foreach correct answer [TiO] 2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences, Tick (/) the three correct sentences, In Argentina, everyone loves the football. _—_ Lifeisfom, __ We'enot inclassroom yet, _ He's goingto climb the Mount Everest. _ went to Slovenia the last year, _ “Theour carisa red Suzuki. ‘The foathallers earn more than teachers ‘When you're in Pars, vist the Eiffel Tower. _ Do youwant tocomeforacoffeelater? 10. When do youhave abreaktast? 11 Callan ambulance if there’s one accident. _ wavauneune I point foreach correct answer [_[10 3. Complete the sentences with a possessive adjectiveora possessive pronoun. ‘That's not (1) _my_ house. Isshe (you) your wifet Kylie aways looks beautiful. Whats (she)____secret? “They're going to lend me (they). ‘Those glasses aren't Steph’s~ these are (she) __. IsMichelle(he)____cousinor sister? carforaweek. ‘Those shoes over there are (I)__. ‘She bought the car. It isn’t (their), “the café first opened (it) __doorsin 1824. 10. Idon’t think this is Mick’s bag. That’s (he)_. 1 @é4) Its got many decades of excellent tradition. 2. Matkis girlfriend’ | girlfriends hat. 3. Lean’tturn on the'TV, Where's its /ifS remote control? 4 Its/ Its got twenty channels. 5 Theres/ Theirsa mountain near San Francisco. 6 Whose! Who’ that girl there? 7 Ourechool started itt/itesports competition three years ago. ‘There/ Their house keys were in my cat. 9 Iknow theyre / their secret, 10 ts/TéSnotaplane, but abird. 11 Lookatour three girs/ gils'room. 1 point foreach correct answer [_[10] 5 Grddthecorrect words. 1... younced islove. a Every b Everyone c All d Everything 2 Come on, ell me... your new boyfriend. a allftom b allof ¢ {aout 4 all 3... knows the capital of Franceis Pati. a Every b Weall c Everybody d All 4 They'velost. a allthings b everything c allofeverything dall 5 Tjustwanttosay Llove... @ all b youall ¢ allyoueverybody d allyou 6... cameto the party on Sunday. a All b Everyone ¢ Every d Allthey 7 Donna's pent... money. a allher ball cherall herevery 8 Pvegota friend in... country. a everyone b allofthe call d every 9 Best wishes from... @ allwe b useverybody c allofus d weal 10 Do... like pizza? a theyall b allthey c allofthey d everybody 11. She's known me... life, a wholeher b herall ¢ aller d herevery 11 This caris now (you) _. ‘point foreach conect answer [TiO] 12 (we)___caris fast, but Jess's carisslow. Ipoin foreach corect answer [ [10] New Headway ntemediate curt somow El ‘Oso Unversity Press 2008, 1 ire Chia 8):9 ase ENG 6 Complete the sentences with the information using reflexive pronouns or each other. 1 Sheloveshim and heloves her. ‘They love each other. 2 They llhelp the other studentsin the class. Inthe class, they 3. Kelly's lookingat her reflection in the mirror. ee 4. Ron gets on well with Harry, and Harry gets on well with him, Ronand Harry, 5 [finished the exercise and nobody helped. 1 6 My guests are having fun. My guests 2 points foreach correct answer [_ [10 7 Complete the sentences with aword from the box. banking dating download Jeg online page post search send social surfing 1 When I get home from work,1_log_onto Facebook. 2 Innyy free time, enjoy the Net. 3 Sean uses Internet. to checkif his account isin credit, 4. My friends decided to, aphoto of ourlast partyon the web. 5 often music for my MPS player. 6 Online. sites help lonely people to find eachother. 7 Ifthere areno shops in your village, its easier to do shopping n 8 Doyouwant totakealookat my web. 2 9 Alotof people use free online services to and receive email, 10 Weusea engineto find the information vweneed. 11 MySpaceisa famous networkingsite, I point for each correct answer [_]10 New Hexdway neemedate Four somicn © Oeford Uiversty Press 2009 8 Gireidithecorrect words. 1 Inthe buy. a waiting b@hanging) ¢ clothing 2 Youcan take the... if you want to get there faster. a runway b motorway ¢ headway 3A... ina newspaper usually tells you what the article is about. a highlight b headlight ¢ headline 4, Wehad a romantic evening and the... was beautiful, a skyline b sunset ¢ heatwave 5 Thetraffic... will give you parking ticket if you park illegally. a officer b warden ¢ guard 6 Ymsorry.brokea... when I dropped the tray. fa teaspoon b teacup c teabag 7 Do youknow where the... of NATO are? a chairmen headquarters ¢ amenities .. fom, you can try on the clothes you want to 8 When you go on holiday, you put your clothes in your a briefcase b suitease ¢ travelcase 9 Itravelled all the way from Denmark to Franco ona... a skyline b censorship ¢ motorbike 10 I think Illbe late. My car’sstuckina traffic... a error b halt jam 11. Talways pay for things with my... card, a transfer b business ¢ credit | point foreach correct answer [_JI0] 9 Match the two parts of the description. Tm looking for the stuff you use ‘You useitfor Iesmade of pretty paper and you use Its flat and usually made of something soft ‘They're made of silicon and they're very small Isa kind of signal with three lights that controls the trafic. toclean between your eth. itto putyour presents into, and they are the brains of acomputer. and you pin messages on it. covering the walls in your home. ITT TF monoges I point foreach correct answer [[5. Riau tg 10 Match the objects with the descriptions from exercise 9, ‘Thereisone extra object. i 2 2 4 5 6 7 dental floss b notice board ‘wrapping paper ___ microchips headlights wallpaper ae trafficlights | point foreach correct answer [_[5 TL Translate the sentences into your language. 1 10 I need one of those things you use to protect your eyes, from sunshine, Tmlooking for some ofthat stuf you use to clean the ‘computer screen, Itsalso gota round metal bitat one end. ‘Ws something you use when youwant to open a bottle, Help yourselfto tea and cake, ‘use the Net for social networking as well. Buy some bread, too. “Lwantto go home now?"Me too? ‘The tation isa masterpiece in iron and glass. I’sa luxury hotel with every comfort and modern amenity. Tpoint foreach corectanswer [10] New Headway ntemedite rournteomon RIESE o Odord Uivesty Press 009 Headway Name ____. Class Unit test answers 11 2 How much do 4 2 Correct 3. What time does / When does 3. Correct. 4 Howmany 4 could have helped 5 How many 5 could have arrested 6 How far is 6 were 7 How much does 7 hadn't been 8 Where 8 Correct. 9. Which / What 9 wouldn’t have broken up 10 How long is 10 would 11 What's 11 gave 12 Translations 5 2 had started 3 come i 4° wouldn't stop Unit test 94 Sous 1 2 would have been © could have been 3 hadn’t parked 7 won't be 4 would have moved 8 Would... take 5 met 9) would... do 6 Would you make 10 won't ring 7 were 1 had 8. might have helped 9 would you have done 10 shouldn't have stolen Pca 11 loved i ae 5 purpose point 226 Te 6 shocked stunned avian tae 7 amordinary a normal 4a 9d 8. angrily furiously Sk 10h 9 overthemoon delighted 600 eau 10 situated located 11 fusious angry 3 2. You should have used the screwdriver. 7 2 Comect. 3. You shouldn't have stolen the 3 Incorrect. small money. 4 Correct. 4 You shouldn’t have argued with a 5 Incorrect. big customer, 6 Incorrect. great 5. Larry shouldn't have married Monica. 82b 728 6 You shoulda’t have turned on all aa Beh the lights. ashe ols 7 The criminal shouldn’t have been uu Lh released from prison. er atahee 6) 8 We shouldn't have arrested you. / ‘You shouldn’t have been arrested. a 9 You should have run away. Pew 101 should have recognized you. 3 teocipt 11 You should have listened to your 4 change mother. aos 6 expiry 10 Translations. New Headway trmedate coun somons + Orford Unies Press 2009 Name Class Unit test answers Unit test 9B 52 won i 3 would... retake i aa ei fal toaasid A pee 5 would... do 3 would you deal 5 wld ave finshed 6 shouldn’t have stolen 8 youl kay 7 would have been Rei EE 8 loved 10 come ae) 11 could have been, 10 could have helped 11 would have moved ea fies 24% 0% 5 3. stunned shocked aa ae 4 enesmet an ordinary aaa 5 furiously angrily ea 6 teeated situated aaa 7 totally completely J 8 bumpedinte met 9. purpese point 3 2 Ishouldn’t have taken my car. Taner furous 3. Larry shouldn’t have married 11 Bightened scared Monica. 4 We shouldn't have arrested you. / ” You shouldn’t have been arrested 2) Cnet 5 You should have run away. a laccreets peat 6 Ishould have tevognized you. Sicaerere tie 7 You should have used the food eG, processor. 8 You should have listened to me. 9 You shouldn’t have turned on all Oe the lights, Bee ui 10 You shouldn’t have argued with ah 2 your boss. py ol 11 That bank robber shouldn't have ae ane been released from prison. 9 2 service 4 2 Correct. 3 card 3. wouldn’t have broken up ey 4 Correct. 5 receipt 3. didn’t worry 6 change 6 were 7 hadn't been 10 Translations. ‘orrect. 9 could have helped i 10 could have arrested erkmn 11 would 12 a 3a a 5 the 6a 7 the 8 - Spe 10 one Ll the New Heady Itemedate rournceomon [ESRI « oxford Uriverty Pres 2009 Unit test answers Correct. a bank robbery Correct. the classroom Junch last year Doctors Correct. 10 Mount Blane LL My car Cor suEeer its her mine hers their his Our 10 your this 12 theirs wera their There’s boys? It’s boyfriend's its It’s their 10 Who's 11its qi 8 9 1 1 *s looking at himself in the mirror are enjoying themselves (all) hetp each other made the casserole dish myself get on well with each other & é page 10 online 11 banking wocos voces ao coe Sees 7 3e 2is the extra object. 11 Translations. Unit test 108 12 th the 10 one 11 the Correct. the classroom Mount Everest last year Our car Footballers Correct. Correct. 10 breakfast 11 an accident werausen New Headvay intermediate rournicomens REESE o Oxford University Press 2009 Name Class Unit test answers 33 her 10 2 4e 4 their 3 3c 5 hers 4 5d 6 his 6 2f 7 mine 7 6a 8 theirs 5 is the extra object. 9 its 10 his 11 Translations. L yours - Unit test 114. 4 2 girlfriend's 12 must 3 its 3 can’t 4 It's 4 can’t 5 There’s 5 might not © Who's 6 must 7 its 7 can’t 8 Their 8 can’t 9 their 9. might lolt’s 10 mast 1 gitls? 11 might 520) tie 2 2 One of you must be left-handed. 3c 8d 3. They may be from South America. 4b Ge 4 Sally can't have gone / been to the 5b 0a bank. 6b Ile 5 They could have taken your jacket. 6 2 (all)help each other 6 ‘Lonise and Mike must have bought 3. ’s looking at herself in the mirror 4 get on well with each other 7 Aorhe dear mah Lavelieen ae 5. finished the exercise myself avert Pease a 6 are enjoying themselves ‘ee alee 9 Temust be true. ae 10 They can’t be sisters. 3 banking 11 It must have been Sean who solved apres the problem. 5. download os 3. 2. must have gone / may/might have gone shed 2 Gan't have heard 10sench 4 can’t have sold Ti(soona 5 can’t have solved 6 must have passed 7 can’t have lost eee 8 must have heard SHE uEEB Ee 9 can’t have seen eae 10 must have lived / may have lived An 11 must have called 6b Ile 92 Sd 30 6a 4e New Headway Intermediate: 70 torres 1 Orford Uist ss 7009

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