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To find Gods refuge we must learn dependence on him.

Cities of refuge didnt mean much to the average person on Old Testamentera
streets. But to the person who had a blood avenger hot on her heels, cities of
refuge were the most important places on the planet.
She runs for her life, bursting through the gates of the city of refuge just ahead of
her pursuer. She falls down on the street inside the city and says, God, I would
have been dead were it not for this safe place.
Some of us have said similar words when we have come into Gods refuge. God, I
couldnt have gone another day if you hadnt hid me under your wings.
Read Psalm 9:9. Throughout the Psalms, there is an invitation by God to come
under his wings. Who needs a refuge? Oppressed, troubled, weary, grieving,
worried, lonely, and disappointed people do.
God says to oppressed people: Let me shelter you for a time. Let me shelter you
from those angry spouses, devious business partners, frightening medical reports,
overwhelming financial needs, parents who dont understand, or children who are
saying and doing hurtful things.
Some of you dont know what its like to camp a while in Gods refuge, and you just
keep running. There is a city of refuge nearby, and the gates will swing open to
you. We have a refuge in God. His irrational love for us makes it a joy for him to
hide us for a time.
To seek the refuge of God, the first move is ours. It can be a hard one. It goes
against the grain of many of us who like to consider ourselves independent. It is a
move from independence to dependence on God.
Reread Psalm 91:15. The first practical step toward accessing Gods refuge is to
call out and admit that something or someone is chasing you down and wearing
you out. Its admitting you need a city of refuge, a hiding place, wings to crawl
under. You have to say, I cant outrun this one. My only hope is a city of refuge.
These days, you dont have to run to a city or a monastery to access Gods refuge.
You dont have to drive to the church to do it. You dont have to call a minister to
do it. You can access the refuge of God any time, anywhere. But the first step is for
you to move from independence to dependence on God. Youve got to call out.

[Q] How does our need make us dependent on God?

[Q] How do we show God that we are willing to be dependent on him? What
might you have to give up control of to do this?

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