510 Again - Volume 1.3

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—————— By. NEWSLETTER 4 i June 1992 Volume 1.3 anise ——— HATIONAL DATSUN 510 CLUB eet National Datsun 510 club 520 Pont Oe x50 Pate Ge CA 5800150, (09 e250 Eee tor & Publ Rey an aa Aastha Van Zar, Georg Fo Dina ‘The SO AGAN NEVESLETTER a moni putas 510 ‘AOA SIONGAN at fia Hanke Com ony Chute. Theos amateurs crenente S10 AGAN NEWSLETTER ot over se 510 Dann Cont ‘trenton rh 1221510 ABAN. Malm be ‘road wth bm plo write coset S1OAGAN. ‘Nrnbil shod 510 AGAN sassoediterey herd ‘nerded or blsion essay rend nee, AS 8 fuleabon we ren he gl ty beaten rb Fabian, Mtr cat ane we rx sen veto: Toabosintn S1OAGANNEWSLETTER plscotac 10 ZAC decent packs alto 00 fic ter susbest cxssonar nes Pee (tie Che! Matt Pct or ior abs pera & ated Morera becipin: ‘Thefotonng mmbartipbnciption ar avalale: 1 YEAR/ 12 mothy nun 2500S Dots YEAR) 2 mori nun 00 US Dlars (ceradantteatnsibeco pose 9880015 Dae} ‘To utero 510 AGAN NEWSLETTER an bec 2 Tonber e210 RGA, enc ments apt fe tale nie reece esocigSI0AGAN. You nay ‘Sones snares ass opr: ‘Sepaadiyjourenbertopartt eh nk arme fiir yoyie sO AGANY ote asses ed att, Man trea earl change aso: Paes retlyS1OAGANatbast nonhsnohercola chara ‘doin, Chor clatensretcestodvinbe Spot ‘Heer ope your airs tox fe. etree: “Threw ale of 000 US Clef teh ened ou enor any aon Neva Daan: ‘Thi rpg nomen nt SIOAGAN NEWSLET: ‘Tents tthe pormorh oman cei ere Tonio paced be owing wre, Capea, EDITORAL RAMBLINGS Hello for month number three! | hope everyone is stil enjoying the newsletter as muchas ever, Lastmonth we printed anextra bigissue, twenty fourpages(yipes), because we are going fo use Vol 1.2 as our sample issue forthe club forthe next 6 months or so. Normaly, the newsletter wil be a sold 16 pages each month, Perhaps as our member- ship grows, we wil increase the size ofthe standard issue to 24 pages. This issue is 20 pages, due tothe size of the NAPS-Z 22 arte. ‘Alothas happened sine the last issue ‘The clubisreallystartingtotaking off. Seems that there isa renewed inerest in 510' from all around the Country. A few people have even said that after reading our newsletter, they want to get backnto 510's again! Even the owner ofthe photolab where we get some cof our blackand whit photos printed wants to gota 510now! ‘May and June seem tobe the months for Stevents, Asaresuitwe arerunringa litle late wi the issue dates. Over the nex! few months, we wil try fo step tings up a bit so that neneleters are mailed onthe {st day of the cover date ‘We just gotback romthe Nissan- Datsun swap meet at Far Performance, where 49 Datsun $10 owners showed up with het cars and parts, Georgie, Shawn and! handed out ‘over 125 sample issues ofthe newsleter and twelve 510owners joined the clubon thespot! itwas great to meet some of you face to face forthe fist time. Ifyou wore at the swap mee, you may have noticed that Georgie, Shawn and | were ‘wearing al black 510 AGAIN T-shirts. We originally made these black shits so that people could recognize us atthe swap meet. We didn’ realy have any plans to ofer back 510. AGAIN shirts through the ub, however, somany peopl asked about buying tem that \wehave decided to makeboth black and grey shirts avaliable! Check out the order form in thisissue and selectfrom ether color, original ash grey or new jet black! They both look fabulous and are avallable in medium, large and extra arg. Earlier this month we stopped by Laguna Seca to promote the clib and photograph ‘almost thirty racing 510s. 510 AGAIN also Joined the SCCA Sports Car Oubof America) andwilbe runningads forthe clubinboth their newsletter, The Wheel, and their National Magazine, Sports car. Ifyou race and are a member of SCCA, keep your eyes open for our ads. ‘This weekend one of our very first mem- bers (member number three to be exact), ‘Conrad Abastlls J, is criving to Oregon to ‘check out the Northwest 510 overs associa- tion car show and pionc, Its rumored that ‘over fiy 510's willbe on display, Conrad is helping to promote the club by handing out samples ofthe newsletter and taking phots. ‘Thanks Conrad! Later this month, we are puting on our fist 510 BBQ. We arent sure how many people will show up, but well let you know howitturns out. We would ike to puton actub BBO at least once a year i things go well. ‘Nissan has mentioned that after we get rll- ing, they would be happy to send speakers or ‘what have you 10 spice up any event or gathering that 510 AGAIN puts on in the future. I's rice to have a car company lke Nissan behind what we are doing. Thanks Nissan! 'As | mentioned, we are planning on run- ON THE COVER - ‘SCCA acer Nick Sofregen, ITC #83, from Walnut Creek California takes first place at Laguna Seca Raceway in his Rebello Racing Sponsored 510. ‘More race photos next month! Photo taken witha Nikon N6006 anda ‘Nikon 70-210mmlens using Fu Super HG 400 fim, Ol Volume 1.3 - June 1992 _ LETTERS Dear 510 AGAIN: Wow! What a way to make my day! A “paw energy" National S10 Club! | got your fist newsletter yesterday and readitcover to cover, wanting more and more. ‘iy fe could be considered “Heaven on art for a5tOnut, havea rural paperroute anddtveabout 150 miles per dey, seven days perweek. (Andyes, Imake a decent living at iteventhough work 12michighttoSam). My caurent §10{s.a'71 2door witha factory SSS 1600, dome top S.U’s and 5 speed. Not fancy, but very fun. During my nighty run | have togo overathot July pass*(3000ft) and have most curvy banked roads around lake CCoard Alene for paper delvery. No traffic ‘around the lake, so have an extra wide road {ouse. lke the pass because there isalways someone who is going 70-80 mph at the bottom passing everyone. Usually bythe top, {imaround them, laughing at the strange look they have when a 20year od Datsun” goes ‘around thelr $10:20,000 new car! The other day itwas a cherry Alpha Romeo... He went bby me at about 0 mp. | passed him in th gear at about 5500 RPM's going over 90mph ‘onthe steepest part of the hil. AS soon as | slart down, | slow to the speed limit (55) and they always 200m past. More laughs! Congrats to you, Keep up the good en- cexgy andthe best of uc for etamal operation of the lub and newseter. Fick Harlow Cataldo, 1D Weloome tothe cub, Rick. There's nothing ‘more fun than a 610 and a wide open road. Dear 510 AGAIN: ‘This is great! A National 610 club is exactly what need, exacty when!needit(rm in the midst of rebuilding an L208 with dual Webers, the L18 with duel SU:ype carbs in my5t 0isrice,butnotniceenough). 'veseen yoursecond newsletter anditissuperb! The staff has good ideas, and | lke the writing style. Keep up the good work. 1 wil be watchingcloselythe progressonyourst0and the NAPSZ 2.2 engine you ae rebuilding for ii. Maybe that should be my next project. | have toadmitthough fd ike anengine with a more advanced head than the L20B for my rest project. I's not bad, but i's not up to date, Aur valve per cylinder, dual overhead camead with dual Webers would be the tick setup, or even a supercharged L20B. Ary ideas on these? By the way, does thismean!mnolonger ‘issingin action"? Havelbeen found? Ifso, woulditbe possible for youto sendme a copy of your first nevsletter? Thank you ‘Armando J. Rotondi Madison, WI ‘Armando, welcome tothe club. Yes, you are ro longer missing in acon! You have been found. To get a copy of our fist newsletter {hie they last) use the ‘back issue order forminihis newsletter, Ithinki’sjustamatier of time before an “easy” motor swep 10 a 4 valve percylndertype motoreadisfound for the 510. Infact, we are doing some research into the newer Nissan motors as ofthis wit ing... keep your eyes pealed! Dear 510 AGAIN: Giad to see your effort on behalf ofthe remaining 610 fanatics! Here on the East Coastthe 510i allbutdead. There arentany left. Maybe soon mine wil be ready for ‘member prot. Keep up the good work! Marc P. Hauser ‘Sudbury, MA ‘Sorry to hear how rough it son 510's in the East. Weil be glad to feature your carin a ‘member profile as soon as youfeelitisready! Welcome to the cub. Dear 510 AGAIN: J enjoyedyourApinewsleterand would like to say howmuch | appreciate your forts to do something ike ths, Itreally takes a lot ‘ofgutsandseltmativationto produce anews- continued on page 5... TOP TEN THINGS 510 OWNER'S GIRL FRIENDS SAY ABOUT THEIR 510 #10. You mean ths isnt @ BMIN!? #9, never thought something so ‘small could Be so much fun! #8. Who the Hellis this ask Phoebe chick? #7, What, what? | can'thear you. tmtone deat from riding inthis damn 510. #6. sion. much more impressed if you fad left our waitress @ tp. 45. would consider icing in your Sie Phas @ Poche #4, No, Lwontt"ustjumpin overthe roll cage.” #3. Egek! Do all 510 owners drive this fast? #2, You mean you made it this low ‘on purpose? ‘And the #1 thing 510 owners git friends say about their 510. 41. Either the 510 goes, ogo! Send in your ideas for a 510 top ten list... Coming up next month: Top ten reasons not to fix your 510 on Friday night. aD National Datsun 510 club [ica paces Gi rete tae A aie ..continued from page 2 ring ads in Sports car magazine and the San Francisco regional SCCA newsletter, The ‘Wheel. But asifthis wasn'tcool enough... ‘also have an ad coming out in Road and Tracks'scar club’ section. The ad wil appear from August te October and possibly longer. if we get a good response, | don' know about ‘you, but after UFO cldsed down, | would ‘always catch myself looking in the back of Road and Trac, just hoping that one day see "DATSUN 510 CLUB’. Inever thought | ‘would be the one placing the ad though! By the way, if you read a specific car magazine, please latusknow. Weare always looking for ways to reach Datsun 510 owners ‘around the world S LOOKS LIKE MIKE FINALLY DECIDED TS BUY THAT TWIN TURBO DATSUN MOTR " ‘As youmay know, we strtedthe club by sending out over 1500 sample copies ofthe fistnewslttrtoformer UFO members. Ina {ow weeks, we willbe sending outa folow up postcard of letter to people on the list who haven’ gotten around to [pining the cub yet Hopeful tis wil encourage people to join Lup. We wil alsobe offering them alook atthe second issue as an added incentive to join. (Sometimes | get the feeling that some S10 ‘ovine are wating nthe wings to see fhe cubmakes itor not | Guess they'ljust have to spendextramoney on buying backissues!) ‘Speaking of back issues, hang on to Vol 4.4, itis becoming a collectors item already! [Newmembers coninueto ask forback issues cof Vol 1.1, however, 'm afraid thatthe only ‘copies lft are ones that the post office has retuned to us. These returned copies are & litte worse for wear butwilthey last, we wil make them available. See the "back issues" ‘order form if you are interested in geting copies of vol 1.1 oF 1.2 ‘Acouple of people (not members though \wroteinto say that they iked the cub overall, tut havent joined up yet because they are waiting to see if we wil be supplying more “technically oriented” articles. The answer to that is yes! | feel that one of the most important aspects of tis clubs to supply 510 ‘owners around the Country with hard to.come by technical information about the 5108s well as asource for newandusedparts, With this issue, we wil be bringing you more informa- tion on high performance engine mods and ‘suspension setups forthe street. ‘know tat I say this ll theme, but any ‘members out there that have done “ick stuf to your cars, please contact us. We wantto hear from you. And don’t forget, ifyou havea ‘question, write to Phoebe! Well, on another nota, its almost mem- bership card and window decal time! We wil begin printing membership cards right ator this issue is mailed out. And as for window

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