510 Again - Volume 1.1

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Zs WATIONAL DATSUN 510 CLUB NEWSLETTER April 1992 Volume 1.1 Inside this issue - HOW TO JOIN THE CLUB + TECH TIPS + QUESTIONS? ASK PHOEBE - MEMBER PROFILE + GET YOUR 510 AGAIN T-SHIRT + CLASSIFIED MARKET PLACE + GET PERFECT DATSUN KEYS EVERYTIME! - AND MUCH MORE! _—————_—_————— WHAT IS 510 AGAIN? Between 1968 and 1973, a car company named Nissan (but using the alias Datsun in America) produced one of the finest small cars ever created. This caris the Datsun 510. For the few that can see the beauty and simplicy ofthe 510, there iso car that can replace it Personally, Te always felt that no matter what happens, no matter what kind of car they ‘come out wit next, I always have atleast ‘one Datsun 510 parked outside. Il never replace my 510! | believe ths is @ common bond among dedicated 510 owners. Today you don't see as many Datsun 5108 as you might have in the 1970's, but when you do, especialy a ‘lean’ one, i's generally driven by a 510 enthusiast. Someone who has saved the ca from & junkyard fate. A person who appreciates the car and is wing o spend time end ‘money to fxit up. Luckly for the 610 ‘owe, these cars are stil faced and kept Up, ofherwise paris and accessories might be much harder tofind, However, as with any older car, taking proper care oft can sometimes be a fulltime, dficutjob, 'As you may have guessed 'm also a 510 enthusiast (hough fanatic might be a batter word). When I bought my fist carn 1986 or there about, | was faced with an interesting problem; | knew liked these ‘cars, but | cidn't know anything about them. ‘Soon after becoming intrested in Datsun 5108, I remember talking with a person ver the phone about Datsuns. | don't really remember why | called him, or evan how | got his phone number, but it was probably because | was trying to find some partoritem for my car, His name was Kevin and he was very much into fixing up Datsuns for himself and other people. While we were talking about Datsun 510’, | remember being amazed at how much he know about them. What parts could be hitched between what Datsuns, the sight continued on page 9... ee Natlonal Datsun 510 club 52D Pat fies Bx 180 Pte rm, CA 2950.05 (9 50510 or & Publ ay ns ‘eri Aunt: ShwnVan Zt Dicaioe, “The S10 AQAN NEVBLETTER a monty uation t 510 GAN: ORCA ret odin Newari Cery a ‘hecaty Thaw, lrmsonopnors bres ne ‘510 AGAN NEWSLETTER ot pecs ove SiO ro orth: Avena apt 0, SAGAN, Mati maybe Inpro mah be poten con S1OAGAN, ate: _Airatis nosy S1OAGAN sasuredibe ad ran ‘de orton ss Cay red ern. AS 8 pubexion wo rsa fe to et ay son pee Pear, Matin cb ered wih or erage evetnig: “Tosti S10AGHANENGLETTER plssacota810 {GAN areas oration packs avalaetb ae you flcnyethera tices cea roam at Pose mt {o'r Ganied Maret Pe fr ora abou pc & hated Menburaip Suber ‘Thateowng manbunhiphibtripton ae vale: 1 YEAR 12 mony une -2500 U8 Dolan 2YERR/24 mob nse 4500 US Dare (Geradandlaaratistneteponeo8t 60018 Don) “To utero S10 AGHN NEWSLETTER and tome onber of 810 AGAR seo menborp apenas ‘lane reltreryesaceg TO AGAN. Your ‘Scuecbe by sndrgyetarm abs and teu: ‘zzrnpsedtyjeamerbertppayerah checker ‘rh pyateS10 AGA be ws atc above, em thie ae mnfoabe Charge tars Pesce ry SSOAGANatnstAuelsnaaes aye toes Pence ern are ae (en song wine aaa anda Soe new aes Petre check ‘Thr ib fe of 1000S Dolch tne a tank ry en. evant Denne: “Thm deain placa nt 10 NGANNEWSLET- “TE tithe por moh Iman reshed are {stv be dedi be wing nel, Fpl. LETTERS We would Ike to hear fom you. Ifyou have something you'd ke to ask, or something you'd like to say, good or bad, please feel fee to drop us ane. Our address is always listed (onthe inside front cover ofthe newsletter. ‘As this is our first issue, we don't have much to respond ta, We did receive a letter from ‘a Mr. Scott Kilgore, He was nice enough to collect names and addresses of Datsun 510 ‘owners in his area who were interested in joining, Thanks Scot! By the way, if you know of ‘a Datsun 510 owner who didn't receive a copy of our newsletter, let us know and welll send them a sample copy. We also received alate from one of our members whois helping produce our oficial 510 AGAIN T-shirts, tou would Ike to order a T-shirt, simply use the order form inthis issue. The shits have our logo on them and look very cool on any 510 owner HOW TO GET A PERFECT DATSUN KEY EVERYTIME! Everytime you open your dor or start your car, your key and lock gets a itl bit of ‘wear. Pretly soon your Datsun key begins to ose its edges. Your key is becoming all ‘smoothed out! Of course, by the time you decide to geta new key made, the orginal pattem of your Datsun key may be so far gone that cuting a new key from tt would be impossible. When you combine this with the wear that occurs in the lock itself you have a pretty wobbly affair But did you know there is a simple solution to at least haf of ths problem? ‘Actually there are two solutions. The frstis rather cost. As you may have guessed, i involves buying and installing a completely rrewlock set. While its very nice to have a brand new lock seton your Datsun 510 (Pelieve me), it’ also very costy. Noto mention the work involved in nstaling it, ‘especialy the ignition key lock. Let me tell you about the second solution. While itonly fixes half the problem, namely getting a new key, its very Inexpensive and doesn't require much of your time, Here's what you do, Fist, find a ‘competent lock smith. Most good lock smiths wil have a code book which has the codes Datsun used to produce their keys. ‘This code wil allow them to cut a brand newkey without the use of your old key! ‘This is very helpful your kay is lst or broken, | was amazed the first ime | saw this done. The kay I got back was perfect, identical othe factory key sold with the car. Finding this key code is very straight forward, The number is stamped on the lock for the trunk. (We know the number is present on Datsuns of 1971 and late, let us nowif there are problems with eater years) To get ths number, you must open the trunk and remove the lock. The trunk locks held in place buy a smal metal cp. ‘This cp is siilar to the one holding the lock in pace on the gas door. On the underside of the trunk, tothe lf ofthe locking mechanism, you should see a hole about the size of siver dollar. Reach into the hole. The clp should be on the left side ofthe lock. Youlifeel an edge. With two fingers over tis edge, pull the clip to the left. The cp should come loose, however the fist time you remove it, it may be stiff, Remove the clip, being careful not to allow to fall or sip in between the metal of the trunk. ‘Once you have removed the clip, the lock should come free. Remove the lock ‘and clean the dust off of i. Be careful, do not clean the lock with a wire brush. This may damage the stamped number andlor destroy the plastic washer on the lock. Use a lite bit of solvent and a paper towel 1o clean the dit and debris from over the ‘number. You should be able to locate a continued on page 12... Page 2 mmc Volume 1.1 - April 1992 Tech Tip of the month Stop radiator leaks fast! Here's a tip that could save you when you need it most. AS we all know, radators aren’ the best designed peaces of equipment inthe world. Seems about every 3rd years they stat to leak and eventu- ally need replacing or rebuilding ‘Sometimes, as inmy case, they ick the worst possible time to spring a leak. A {few years ago | was visting a fiend in San Francisco. Having just installed a fresh 2.2 liter motor | felt | could drive tothe East Coast and back without even a 10 mm wrench inthe glove box! Well the motor di just fine on the tp, but after my ist right came outto the parking lotto find my Datsun 510 siting near a large green puddle of what appeared to be antfreeze, | thought to myse. “Must have been some Chevy of Ford parked near me during the night... leaking all this stuff, they should buy a Datsun!” But wait? | was parked at the top ofa small Fill The antifreeze couldn't have rolled up hilt must be coming from my car! Sure ‘enough, | popped the hood and checked, not a drop of water in the radiator. No problem, "just fil the radiator up. Hit slowly drips out, | can cary some water with me til get back home. ‘As | was filing the raator | could here this sound near my feet ike water unig. Hooked down and yup... we had a serous leak, the kind that drains the entire ragiator in 2.0r 3minutes. This would jst not due! ‘There was no way | could drive home with a hole like this, the car would burst into flames before | even made it tothe freeway. ‘What to do? | went back to my fiends apariment and called a Datsun 510 fiend back home. | figured | could pay him to bring a used radiator up to San Francisco (about 125 miles) and I'd instal it inthe parking lt and dive home. This was & great plan except forthe fac that my fiend didnt have a radiator and told me even fhe did, he wasnt going to crive up to San Francisco. Thanks Mike! He did have a solution, however. He tld me ofa product that would completely seal my leak and allow me to drive home. This product was called Alumaseal. Touted as the word's best stop leak. | was very skeptical at frst. I never really liked the idea of ading solutions to Your car to keepiit running. However, at ‘this point, | was quicly running out of options. Mike assured me that it woud do ro harm, and that mary of tis racing fiends ‘added itt ther cars even thought they had brand new radiators. The idea being that ‘leak were to appear, the Alumaseal floating around in the radiator / cooling system would immediataly seal the leak. ‘Okay, | thought, | would give ita ty. its good enough forthe race trac, is good enough for me! After a couple mile walk to the nearest auto parts store, | returned with ‘a package of Alumaseal. Packaged in a ‘Yellow and Red package, the Alumaseal itselfissiver and about the size of roll of ‘quarters. Price wes about Sbucks. Could this be all| needed to get home? | returned to my stranded 510 and began filing the radiator, once again causing a huge foad of greenish water (by this time the parking ot attendant was geting prety tired of my road side repairs). | quickly added the entre container of Alumaseal and started the ‘motor up. | was amazed, within only a few seconds the leak had stowed to only a crip. ‘ter a minut ithad completely stopped. | was saved! Now, Alumaseal may not be the only radiator leak sealer on the market, butts the best have seen. | continued to dive my 510 fr almost another 2 years with that same radiator int, sealed only wth ‘Aumaseal. From time to time the leak would drip bit, but as soon as | started the car it would reseal. Now | add Alumaseal fo ary new 510 buy. Ithelps to lubricate the water pump ‘andi any leaks do decide te appear they ‘would quickly be sealed. From what | know ‘about the stuff, Alumaseal stays in your cooling system, just floating around. When a leak appeas, it blocks the hoe almost immediately. Cheap insurance for 3 dolars! ‘There you have it! Get some ‘Auumaseal and add itt your radiator, or just cary it with you. Ifyou ever find yourself wit a leaky radiator, youl be glad youhaveitl. TECHTIPOF THE MONTHisamonthly column. ifyouhave ahandy tip, write to us at 510 AGAIN and we will publish it tohelp out other members in the club. ‘No. This NOTa Fiat, Dama it 18, Dent pay any atertin to tat rise, "thnks sth fot et su 1a, Thay edo race hase cars you non #7. mary be fet woman who thes mycat #5. Dont lam the door 15, But ote, hese cars hand beter tran normal care 16, Doyouknow anyone wth an entra factory toh? #3 Lowinsuarce aes causes ‘any sedan. #2 Onthatdert inthe hood. Itita rsh onthe Fee. National Datsun 510 club SAVE YOUR ASS Have you ever noticed the high number of Datsun 510's you see that have been rear ended? We've noticed it. Seems that a lt of Datsun 510s end up being hit from the back. We started thinking about get trapped inside the tal ight and settle on the reflectors. This can realy reduce the effectiveness ofthe rectors. Your tll lights wil appear very dim. Again tis is especially common onthe diver side tal this a litle and wondered if maybe there light because itis right above the tail pipe. wasn'ta reason for it, Of course this is all ‘Another tip that can increase the speculation on our brightness of te til ight part, but ifithelps is to remove part of the ane or wo people ctvome tim fing fom the keep from being ear talightiens, youhave ended then its worth Tail lights on wren while. ‘a second lig raps to inst andcet one theBateun 510 | Epranien) your the tings motioned simply aren't tars ae here. ouside chrome peace that (One possible bright enough hols the lens tothe body explanation is that the ‘of the car. There is also a tail lights on the ‘small, more or less Datsun 510simply decorative peace, which aren't bright enough. ‘encircles the raised peace Itmight be tha if the til (and brake) ights cn the 510 were brighter, not as mary rear lend accidents would oocur. So then the question; what can be dane to increase the brightness ofthe rear lighting system on the 510? Folowing are a couple of things you ‘can check to ensure that your lighting system is in good operating condition. They may of may not save you from being rear ended, but they sure can't hurt. “The first thing you can do to increase the brighness of you alight isto check them for carbon build up. This applies especialy to the diver side tail ight. If your Datsun run a litle bit diy, then after a shot period of ime, you can end up with a

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