Support Letter - Alpha-1

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February 27, 2009

The Honorable Blanche Lincoln

355 Dirksen Senate Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Lincoln,

This is to express the Alpha-1 Foundation’s strong support for S.343, the Medicare
Respiratory Therapy Initiative Act of 2009. This bill will allow patients with respiratory
problems to see a Respiratory Therapist without hospitalization.

The services provided by Respiratory Therapists are an important component of the

disease management for individuals with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (Alpha-1). Alpha-1
affects an estimated 100,000 people in the US, and an estimated 20 million more are carriers who
can pass the gene on to their children. Alpha-1 is the most common known genetic risk factor
for COPD and is commonly referred to as genetic emphysema. Patients with Alpha-1 experience
significant respiratory problems that, if unmanaged, can lead to unnecessary hospitalizations and
an increased burden on the US healthcare system. The ability to access Respiratory Therapists
services without hospitalization is critical to reducing costs and improving the quality of life for
individuals with Alpha-1.

This legislation will help ensure that all individuals with Alpha-1 living in the US will
have access to the quality and types of services needed to appropriately manage this chronic

If an individual relies on Medicare, they can see a physician without having to check into
a hospital. It should be the same for an individual who needs to see a Respiratory Therapist.

On behalf of all individuals and families impacted by Alpha-1, we thank you in advance
for recognizing the importance of bill S.343.


John W. Walsh
President and CEO

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