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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STANISLAUS af > Case Number. YO F ZA Petitioner/Piaintift $s BEG “SoD Eur wana. DCSS Number: L = Date of Hearing: Z =) G =] > Respondent/Defendant{ LYST MANGAN, Findings and Order After Hearing: (U) Minute Order (Otis Patra ee ee {[1Judgment—[ } Recommendation Judge | ALOB SOA Clerk AMES Court Reporter: Ai >A (Blas) om ig vs Petitioner/Plaintiff [48 present [] is not present [} pro per kithiby attorney: hes Gos Responent/Defendant (8 post (isnot preset {pro pr [witty atomey: Yee tn Hd Bienes Other Parent [is present [] isnot present {] pro per] withiby atomey: PT DCSS Attomey: fare sere eee OPEEEE interes DIRECTIONS: (Father shall be referred to as "F"; Mother shall he referred to as Jina Dissolution action, "I”"is for Husbands “Mis for Wie.) Petitioncx/Respondent/Plaimiff/DefendanvDCSS OSC/Motion filed —_____[ ] New Onder [| Modification of Prior Onder Upon Motion of [ [Petitioner { } Respondent { } Plaintiff (] Defendant ] Third Party { } Court mater is continued to [retain counsel | complete financial arrangements [ J [ Petitioner { ] Respondent [ } Plaintiff [| Defendant [ } Third Party [ J object [] do not oppose Motion is [] GRANTED [] DENIED [ ] Continued { ] Dropped ‘This Orde apis othe Following minor ire 1; Other Party shall be referred “O”. Name/dob©> yi Nameldob, Nameldob NameldobZ.s.i2hs rat 11 [27 / oe Nameldob, Name/dob. Nameldob Nameliob Nameldod [ ] THE PARTIES HEREBY STIPULATE AND AGREE that as to the items checked and stated below, the Court shall make the following orders; [ASOT PURSUANT TO STIPULATION IT IS ORDERED BY THE COURT.AS FOLLOWS: 1 By contested Hearing by uncontested Hearing { 1 Pending tea, or until further order ofthis Court, existing orders shall continue in effect excep as modified by this order. [ 1 Necessary findings are pursuant to attached DissoMaster/Guideline Calculator printout (| CHILD SUPPORT: (F/E)(M/W)(0) shall pay for the support of the minor children, a total sum of $_-__; per month, ‘commencing payable on the day of each month. Support shall be divided: LPursuant to the aitached Guideline Calculator/Dissomaster printout. [| Equally between children. DAs follows: es Child support ordered Kerein shall continue until further order of the court; unless terminated by operstion of law. [ ] CHILD CARE COSTS: (F/H\(M/W)(O) ordered to pay one-half employment-related child care costs directly to other parent within 15 days of receipt of bill. [ ] MEDICAL/DENTAL: As further child (spousal) support, (F/H)(M/W)(O) shall maintain the (minor children)(spouse) on “medical insu availab All children’s expenses not covered by insurance shall be paid ‘equally between the parties Wi f bill. Health insurance coverage assignment shall issue. Judicial Council Notice of Rights of Responsibilities (FC4063) on reverse side. [1 (E/EXM/W)O) shall complete and file with DCSS a medical insurance form forthwith. [ ] CHILD SUPPORT ARREARAGE: (F/H)(M/W)(O) shall pay arrearage of $___ forthe time period from to. as of in the sum of per month; commencing payable on the__________ day each month until paid in full, crns-cre leoh> case nol SS 922, OTHER ORDERS [_ IMotion to bifurcate is granted. [ Petitioner [ ]Respondent is sworn and testifies. Jurisdictional facts are established. IT IS ORDERED that a judgment of dissolution, status only, be granted on grounds of irreconcilable differences. [ Murisdiction is reserved as to all other issues. is vacated. [_ JCurrently scheduled-hearing for [Parties have arrived at, ie Partial stipulation as to soups a Pending i in thismatter, as follows: fa) A . F So arCort He Seo tgrt a Heap \rA coun ar ret aaa Byte Pe wre hasan wthp 22m foe 928, Pp. Fea 2 Ladauus Ai Oa HA are) (Bae : F z a prottrtt Ted —socbaseren tt og j ty L a aott AE \ oe [ Oe Orde = Hn Roa diay paver Oppel \OAAF , Formal judgment shall be prepared by [. ]Petitioner [ JRespondent. Page <> of =. casEno, $55 922 DCSS NO. {_] SPOUSAL /FAMILY SUPPORT: (F/H)(M/W/\(O) shall pay spousa/family support the sum of $—_____ per month, commencing ________ payable on the __"_" day of each month, * Support ordered herein’ [ shall continue until further order of the court [ Jsball terminate on —____ "unless terminated by operation of law. The Parties are admonished in accordance with the provisions of FC. 43308). [ ] SPOUSAL SUPPORT ARREARAGE: (F/H)(M/W\(O) shall pay arrearage of $ ______ forthe time period from to a8 of. in the sum of $ per month, commencing payable on the day of each month until fully paid. { ] ATTORNEYS FEES/COSTS: (F/H)(M/W) shall pay directly to (F/H)(M/W)(spouse's attorney) $ ____ fees (and s taxable court costs) payable in installments of $_________on the _____ day of each month commencing ________until paid in full. If any payment(s) is/are more than 10 days delinquent, the balance owing shall be deemed due and payable forthwith, { ] Attorney fees are deferred. | ] PROPERTY CONTROL: (W/M) is awarded the exclusive use of: [ ] PROPERTY CONTROL: (H/F) is awarded the exclusive use of: [1 CONTINUANCE: This matter is continued to: ____at___am/pm in Department for futher hearing on 1] (F/H)(M/W)(O) ordered to appear at Court hearing. [.] Currently scheduled hearing on _______is vacated. [1 Within ____ days of the hearing, (F/H)(M/O)(O) shall file with the Court, and mail to DCSS, to the ‘opposing party, or fo opposing counsel if other party is represented by an attorney, an Income and Expense Declaration with their three most recent pay stubs, copies of all W-2 forms, 1099 forms, and other forms reflecting receipt of income during the previous year attached. [ ] Parties shall keep Court and each party/DCSS informed in writing of any change of employment, employment status, or residence within 10 days of the change, to include employer's name, address and phone number. We have read the entire stipulation. We understand it fully and request the court to make our stipulation and agreement the court's order. We updérstand that Willful failure to comply with the provisions of this order will be a contempt of Court and may be punished by fine and imprisonment. We waive further notice of this order. _ fi KR ‘Attomey for Hushaea/Ruticr > , fg L wf D.C.S.S. Attomey ws so ORDERED this LZ aay of Et Brae, 29 13 / aan a nun 6 ALN La VCXO OLAS JQDGEICOMMISSIONERYOF THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE TO RESPONDENTS/DEFENDANTS WITHOUT COUNSEL: The signing or filing of this order, or your personal appearance in the courtroom today, does not constitute a response to the original petition. A Default may be taken against the party that has not filed a response within the time requited by law. Recommended order THIS ORDER, WHEN SIGNED, IS THE FORMAL ORDER. NO FURTHER DOCUMENTS ARE NECESSARY. * WAGE ASSIGNMENT: In regard to Child Support, Spousal Support, and Arrearage, a separate order shall issue, without the necessity of further application, and shall be directed to obligor’s employer. FC. 5230. fe

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