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SooHwan Lee

General Essay Outline Outline #3

I. Introduction
A. Hook- Large number of people experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
B. Thesis Statement- The literary piece, The Catcher in the Rye, shows post war traumatic effects
on Soldiers, Holden, and the author itself.
C. Three main points of support Relieving the past, detachment, agitation
II. Topic Sentence 1 Relieving the past:
A. Support Soldier
1. Detail/example Duane Telfer, a former U.S. soldier, thought that his son was taken
because of him killing people in Croatia. He regrets doing it.
B. Support J.D. Salinger
1. Detail/example Salinger regrets of having written The Catcher in the Rye.
C. Support Holden
1. Detail/example Holden looks at his past a lot. The book itself is one giant flashback.
III Topic Sentence 1 Detachment
A. Support Soldier
1. Detail/example Duane Telfer, because of the stress received at his job, refused to
socialize with people, even with his wife.
B. Support J.D. Salinger
1. Detail/example J.D. Salinger built a bunker-like building on his property to keep away
from people coming to visit him.
C. Support Holden
1. Detail/example He shows detachment by failing every school he gets sent to.
IV. Topic Sentence 1 Agitation
A. Support Soldier
1. Detail/example Had many nightmares and couldnt get to sleep.
B. Support J.D. Salinger
1. Detail/example The sound of a plane flying over his house would trigger flashbacks.
C. Support Holden
1. Detail/example Holden always acts irritated about someone or something.
V. Concluding Paragraph

SooHwan Lee
A. Summary of main points of support Holden, aside with soldiers and the author J.D. Salinger,
suffered from PTSD.
B. Restate thesis using different words J.D. Salinger shows the reader the effects of PTSD in a
teenagers perspective.
C. Concluding comment: finish with a fresh idea, create a bridge from your specific analysis to
a broader context. Many traumatic effects had caused PTSD on people and people should work to
decrease it.

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