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Brinson Memorial Elementary School

319 Neuse Forest Avenue

New Bern, NC 28562
(252) 514-6431
Dear Students and Parents:
On behalf of Brinson Memorial Elementary School, we would like to welcome each of you to the 20152016 school year. We are excited about this upcoming school year and we will work together so that
your son/daughter can be a successful Bear Cub. We encourage you to be involved in your childs
education. A commitment to two-way communication is a key ingredient in the educational process.
We want you to feel welcome in being a part of our school community and feel free to ask questions.
Our teachers have high expectations of all students as well as themselves. We will provide a family
atmosphere where your child feels safe. Welcome Brinson Bear Cubs to our new, exciting school
Our teachers will be implementing the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts and Math
for the
2015-16 school year. They will also be teaching the Essential Standards for Science, Social Studies
and Information Technology. If you would like to learn more about the Common Core Standards and
which states are participating, you can go to or ask your childs teacher.
The K-2 teacher team will have a new observational reading assessment software program integrated
with IPADs, called Reading 3D. This program will help provide detailed reports that will help track
your childs progress, inform program effectiveness and help provide strategies that will help support
your childs growth in reading and eventually all content areas.
We will also have a S.T.E.M (Science Technology Engineering and Math) focus this year as we strive to
improve literacy skills across all grade levels. We will achieve this by linking Literacy Skills and
Science in our classroom instruction and resources. A core set of teachers has been trained in
Project Based Learning and you will see this initiative grow over the next few years as a way of
reaching students where their strengths are and getting opportunities to develop 21 st Century Skills
such as collaboration, connection, critical thinking and creativity.
I encourage you to join our HUG (Help Us Grow) Volunteer program. We appreciate any assistance
that you can offer to help our school continue offering high quality instruction and learning materials.
Alexandria Aguiar

Courtney Morgan
Assistant Principal

Student Information: Bus # ____

Driver _________ AM Time _______ PM Time
*Please allow 15-20 minutes for AM pick-up and PM drop-off time until routes are
Student Lunch # ____
Lunch Time ________

Our Vision
To become the highest performing elementary school in North Carolina
Our Mission
Brinson Memorial, in partnership with families and communities, will provide
opportunities for all students to reach their highest potential and become responsible
citizens in a global society
In order to obtain our vision and mission, we are constantly aligning our processes to achieve
the goals established within our school improvement plan. Please join and support us in our
quest for excellence at Brinson Memorial Elementary where we will always put children first.
Our mascot is the Brinson Bear Cub.
Our colors are yellow and blue.
Telephone changes will not be accepted for the transportation mode for your child. All
changes must be in writing to the teacher and the office.
Buses Students will be driven to the bus parking lot. If they eat breakfast, they will be
escorted to the cafeteria. If they do not eat breakfast, they will be escorted into the gym.
Bus Conduct - Bus routes and bus stops are established in compliance with state and Craven
County regulations. Safety is the number one factor in developing bus routes and bus stops.
Misbehavior on the school bus or at the bus stop will not be tolerated.
*Video cameras have been placed on all Craven County buses.
Some basic rules are:
1. Be at the designated bus stop on time. The bus driver cannot wait for students; they
must be at
their stop on time.
2. Students will remain in their seats at all times while the bus is moving.
3. Students may not open windows on the bus without permission from the driver.
4. Students may not eat, make excessive noise, and never put head or arms outside bus
5. Students are not allowed to throw any objects.
6. When loading the bus, students who must cross the road should wait until the bus is
stopped and
the door is open. Always check both ways and walk in front of the bus.

7. When exiting the bus, students should exit the bus quickly and walk immediately away
from the
bus. Students who must cross the road should walk in front of the bus remaining in the
view of
the driver. Cross quickly, but do not run.
6. The bus driver is in charge at all times, and is to be obeyed and respected like any other
Transportation Continued
Students must get on and off the bus at the assigned stop unless a note has been sent
by the
parents or guardian and given to their childs teacher. All changes must be approved in
advance by Jessica Fortescue, Assistant Principal and our Director of Transportation,
Toni Floyd . Parents are not allowed to step onto a Craven County School Bus.
Carpool Carpool students will be loaded and unloaded in the horseshoe drive located at the
main entrance. This area is to be used for dropping students off in the morning and picking
students up in the afternoon. Car riders, including those who eat breakfast, should not
arrive on campus BEFORE 7:30. Please DO NOT drop off or pick up students in the
staff, cafeteria or technology parking lots. There will be a staff member on duty redirecting you to the horseshoe drop-off area in front of our school. Please do not park in
the front of the school. In order to maintain maximum traffic flow in and out of the main
driveway, there will be No Left-Turns allowed onto Old Cherry Point Highway during the
school day. For safer loading and unloading of students, please follow the directions given
by school personnel who volunteer to help with this process. Make sure your childs car seat
is on the right side of the car. This is for you and your childs safety. Cell phone use by
drivers is not allowed in carpool lines.
Walkers Please caution your children who walk to school to observe safety procedures.
Walkers should walk facing the traffic flow. Students are reminded to cross only at the
designated crosswalk and pay close attention to their surroundings. Students should not
walk on their own to school. We will provide a staff member to walk students across our
designated walker zone. Parent(s) should pick up and drop-off their students on time.
Visitor Parking Parents and visitors to our campus are welcome to use the rear parking
area on Neuse Forest Road or the area next to the ball field near the main entrance for
parking during the school day. Do not park in the staff/faculty parking lot or the
Parents should have their children at school no earlier than 7:30 a.m. and no later than 7:55
a.m. Classes will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. Students need to be in class and ready to
begin the school day by 8:00 a.m. The school day will end at 3:00 p.m. The following
dismissal times will be in effect: 3:00 Bus Riders, 3:05 Day Care & Car Riders.

Admittance is through the main entrance door only. Parents and visitors are required to
check into the main office immediately upon arrival at school to receive a visitors badge
while on campus.
If for any reason you need to check your child in or out during the instructional day, please
do so through the main office. Students must be in school until 11:30 a.m. to be counted
present for the day. Students who arrive late for school (after 8:00 a.m.) should
report to the main office with a parent. If your child is to leave school any way other
than the norm, please notify your childs teacher or the main office in writing. We will not
honor phone calls to change students mode of transportation. Students should not be
checked out of school after 2:00 p.m. The end of the school day is a vital part of the
teachers closing activities. Parents must sign out before leaving the building. This assists
us with our safety procedures. Early checkouts are discouraged because it will reduce the
amount of face to face contact and engaged learning time with your childs teacher.
Students leaving school during the day will be called for and signed out in the office. Do not
go to the classroom. Classes will not be interrupted except for emergencies. Parents are
requested not to pick students up during school hours except for medical appointments
or student illness. A valid photo I.D. is required to check out a student.
At the beginning of the school year, parents or guardians complete an emergency form for
their child. This form has a space for parents to indicate who is authorized to pick up their
child. These are the only people with whom the child can be released from school unless
written notice is provided. Photo I.D.s are required to check out a student.
The school phone # is 514-6431. We have a phone in the office for business purposes only.
Office hours at Brinson are from 7:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Office hours on early release day
will be from 7:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. If you receive a phone call from the school, please listen
to the message so we know how to direct your call.

If schools must be closed in the New Bern area due to an emergency situation, the media
(local radio and TV) will make an announcement. Craven County Schools or Brinson Memorial
Elementary will send a telephone message to all parents and guardians giving them the
closing times and dates. Please make immediate arrangements to pick up your child/children
from school. We highly encourage you to keep your home, cell and current workplace phone
numbers up to date so that our phone message system will reach you.
You may call 514-6300 for a Craven County announcement concerning the closing of schools.
You may also go to Craven County Schools website and look for
the scrolling announcement in red at the top of the webpage.

You are encouraged to meet with your childs teacher and discuss your childs progress. Our
teachers are eager to work with you and help each student realize and meet his/her
potential. Conferences may be scheduled with your childs teacher on Mondays, Tuesdays,
or Thursdays. Parent-Teacher conferences are not to be held in the hallway at the
beginning of the school day. We ask that you keep this important part of the day sacred so
that your childs teacher can prepare for start of the day and meet the needs of all of their
If you have an appointment with your childs teacher and are unable to keep the
appointment, please notify the teacher in advance. Teachers may not leave their class
unattended to answer the telephone; therefore, we ask that you correspond with your
childs teacher by letter or e-mail. If an emergency situation prevents this, please call the
school at 514-6431, and leave a message with one of our main office staff.
It is our policy that parents contact the teacher first if they have a concern on the
progress of their child. Parents should be respectful of the teachers and students
instructional time and not plan on meeting with teachers without an appointment. Parents
must visit the area specified on the sign in sheet at the front office. Administration
welcomes your feedback on the instructional, operational and safety processes of our
Technology Fee
Beginning the 2015-2016 school year, Craven County schools will be implementing a
non-refundable self-insurance technology fee of $20 for all students. This fee is good
for one school year and is intended to protect you and your child from being charged
for accidental damage to school technology. Additional information will be sent home
the first day of school.

The breakfast and lunch schedules are listed on the next page. Students may pay by the
day, week, month, or year. All money will be collected by the cashier in the cafeteria.
Students are allowed to charge breakfast or lunch for (3) days only. On the fourth day,
students charging, will be given a fruit, milk, and a roll per Board of Education policy.
Cafeteria Continued
Breakfast Times


Exceptional Students

Lunch will be served from 10:45 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Meal Prices
Free until further
If your child has any specific medical dietary needs, parents should submit a letter from a
physician to the lunchroom manager. No outside food items are to be sold or served until
after the last student is served lunch (Wellness Policy adopted by the State Board of
Education). 1016.08


All lunch meals must include a cup of fruit or vegetable choice

You will see more whole grain breads this school year like spaghetti noodles and lasagna in
addition to all hot dog and hamburger buns. We are moving towards 100% Whole Grain
Products for the school lunches in 2015-16
Water is available during your childs lunch time by water fountain or dispensed in a pitcher.
Bottle water is available for purchase


Applications for free or reduced price lunches will be available from the school office. They
are also available on the Craven County Schools website under the Child Nutrition Section.
These forms must be completed, returned and approved by the central office or the
student will be required to pay for his/her lunch. During the first ten days of school, the
student will be allowed to eat on the basis of his/her free or reduced status at the end of
the last school year.
Having Lunch with Child(ren) at Brinson
We discourage parents or guardians that plan to eat with their child(ren) to not bring in
outside food items (i.e. McDonalds, Dunkin Doughnuts, Pizza Hut). We want to be
respectful to our children that do not have the resources that allow them to have access to
these items. You may invite one child to eat with you during your visit. We have limited
cafeteria space.

Homework should be an extension of class work and should provide a review of the lessons
and activities taught in class. Students should complete homework independently as much
as possible. Please communicate with your child about his homework assignments. Following
up on homework assignments with your child will allow you to gain a better perspective of
your childs growth during the school year. The purposes of homework are listed in the
Craven County School System Policies and Procedures Handbook. All students should read
to/with parents each school night.
Students are expected to attend school every day for maximum performance in their school
work. Excessive absences could adversely affect the student's work and result in the
student failing his grade. Students must remain in school until 11:30 AM to be considered
present for the school day. To receive perfect attendance for the grading period, a
student must be present everyday and have no more than 3 tardies.
Please refer to the Craven County School System Student Policies and Regulations
Handbook (policy 4400).
When a student is absent from school, he/she must present a note to his teacher, signed
by a parent or guardian, stating the reason for the absence on the date he/she returns to
school. Absences will be deemed excused/unexcused based upon Craven County Board
Policy. It is the student's responsibility to make up any work missed while absent from
It is very important to notify the schools main office personnel when your address changes
or your telephone numbers changes. Accurate information for emergency situations is
invaluable. We will utilize the telephone messaging system which allows the school to
contact parents/guardians regarding school events/incidents/early releases/emergencies.
We are fortunate to have a full-time nurse at Brinson Elementary School. If your child has
any special medical problems the nurse should be notified in writing.
Medication - If any medication, prescription or over-the-counter medicine, is to be
administered at school, special forms are available at the doctors office, Health Dept., and
the school office. This form MUST be completed, signed by both the doctor and parents
and turned into the office before any medication can be given to a child (North Carolina
State Law). All medicine must be in the original container and have your childs name on it.

As a part of Craven County Schools wellness policy several health screenings are performed
throughout the school year.
Vision screening will routinely be completed on grades 1, 3, and 5. Referral letters
will be sent to parents of students who fail two screenings.
Hearing screening will be routinely completed on grades 1 and 3. Referral letters
will be sent to parent of students who fail two screenings.
Height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) screening will be completed on 3 rd grade
students. Please note that body mass index does not take into account children who
may have a muscular build. Letters will be sent to parents of students over 85%
BMI for age.
Dental screenings are routinely completed on grades K and 5 by the public health
dental hygienist. Other grade levels may be screened at the discretion of the
principal. Referral letters will be sent to the parents on an as needed basis.

The school administers only minor first aid for cuts, scrapes, abrasions, etc. In the event
of illness or accident, parents will be notified. Please note students with fevers or
contagious ailments must go home for the well being of everyone. If your child experiences
a fever due to illness, your child should remain free of a fever and/or vomiting for 24
hours before returning to school.

Student Insurance Rates for 2015-2016

Voluntary K-12 Rates/Primary Basis

School Time: Standard Plan $9.00

Intermediate Plan $19.00

Premier Plan $51.00

24 Hour:

Intermediate Plan $109.00

Premier Plan $289.00

Standard Plan $59.00

High School Football: Standard $96.00 Intermediate $157.00

Premier Plan $357.00

Optional Dental: Annual Premium $8.00

The above rates DO include coverage for all Interscholastic Sports.
Go to for plan information. You may complete online and pay by
credit/debit card or print out form and mail to the address below.
The Young Group
256 West Millbrook Road
Raleigh, NC 27609

Dates for necessary shots and health assessments must be completed and turned into the
office prior to enrollment. Parents are responsible for seeing that the immunization dates
and health assessment forms are brought to the school. Also, students entering Brinson
Elementary for the first time must have a record of immunizations on file. The required
shots are listed:

DPT dates of each (if 4th dose is after 4th birthday, 5th dose is not required)
Polio dates of each (if 3rd dose is after 4th birthday, 4th dose is not required)
MMR dates of each (one on/after 1st birthday, second dose before entering school)
HIB at least one required for children entering school who have not reached 5 th
HEP required for children born on/after 7-1-94

A school medical examination is now required for all students entering Kindergarten. The
forms are available in the school office, in doctors offices, and at the Health Department.
The completed form must be returned to school by September 25, 2015
Individual pictures will be taken in the fall. Group and individual pictures will be taken in the
spring. You will be notified of dates and cost of pictures. We will also have a yearbook with
individual student pictures.
All basic textbooks are assigned to students for their use during the school year.
Textbooks are to be kept clean and undamaged. We encourage the use of book covers. The
student will be required to pay for lost or damaged textbooks or library books.
Our PTA needs you! We want to continue to have an active PTA that is working together to
provide a better school for our children. Please give us your support at the meetings and in
fund-raising so that we can purchase items that will improve the quality of education at
Brinson School. Remember, this is a team effort and it can't be done without your help.
PTA President-Tina Martin-Nims. Please visit our PTA website.

Support Brinson While You Shop

Go to the Brinson Website and click on the PTA section. Then scroll to the bottom and click
on a blue link that says Link Your Cards to Brinson. Here is the website to save you some
You must re-link your cards each year for Harris Teeter, Food Lion and Target. You can
also send in Box Tops to school the last Friday of each month. You will help raise money for
Brinson by just doing what you naturally do.
Students should be dressed neatly and in good taste. Students must wear closed in shoes
for PE classes. We highly encourage closed in shoes daily for safety purposes. Please refer
to the Craven County School System Policies and Procedures Handbook for student
dress code requirements
Lost and found items are located in the blue bin next to the Cafeteria. Students who lose
or find articles may visit the lost and found section once a day. Found articles will be kept
for one month. After one month, they will be donated to a charity. Students who find
articles of value should turn them into the office. Do not leave money or other valuables in
a room or in a desk
Brinson Memorial School needs parent volunteers. If you can help, please call our H.U.G.
Coordinator(s) Kay Noell at 514-6431. It is best to contact via E-mail address at Volunteers should adhere to dress code for Craven County and
please refrain from wearing hats and flip flops in the building. Here is the volunteer web link:

All students are expected to behave properly in class, lunchroom and in the halls.
Running, talking loudly and chewing gum are not allowed in the classroom at any time.
Students may not disrupt or distract the teaching/learning process. Laughing at
other students and making unnecessary comments are included in this category.
No student may at any time force another student to give up his own personal
Students are expected to show politeness to all staff and visitors, and to knock
before entering a classroom.
Any wireless communication device or personal entertainment device shall be stored
in the students book bag in the off position.
Students should not bring stuffed animals to school.
We have zero tolerance for bullying at Brinson. We do have a bullying website
where students and parents can reports bullying incidents. This information will go
directly to the Principal, Assistant Principal and Counselor. The incident will be
reviewed and proper interventions and/or consequences will be utilized following the

Craven County Board of Education Policy Handbook.
-This website may be found on the Craven County Schools website: or Brinson Memorials website:

Please refer to the Craven County School System Policies and Procedures Handbook for
additional information.
1. Fighting in any form will not be permitted on the grounds, or on the school bus.
2. Profane language and vulgarity will not be tolerated in any form, under any
3. Theft of school materials or those of another person will not be tolerated.
4. Students are not permitted to sell or trade any items on school property unless
authorized by the school principal.
5. Students are expected to show respect to the principals, teachers and supervising adults
at all times.
All staff and faculty members are responsible for school-wide discipline. We believe that
learning should not be interrupted because of the inappropriate behavior of students.
Therefore, students will be disciplined for inappropriate behavior in accordance with the
Craven County Schools Policies and Procedures Handbook. An attempt will be made to
contact the parent or legal guardian of students being disciplined. Punishment may include
conferences with student, conferences with parents, conferences with school
administrators, work detail, in-school suspension assignment or out of school suspension.
We also believe that parents play an important role in the disciplining of students. Please
encourage your child to take the appropriate steps to eliminate problems at school.
Communication among student/teacher and teacher/parents is vital to the successful
implementation of school-wide discipline.
All classes may enhance the educational program through field trips. Field trips are an
extension of the classroom and provide valuable learning experiences to students in all
grade levels.
An official Craven County Field Trip form must be completed and signed by a parent or
guardian for your student to attend field trips. The cost of a field trip is determined by
the distance and places visited. You will be notified by your childs teacher of cost and due
date for planned field trips. Parents/Guardians are not allowed to ride on a yellow or white
bus to attend their childs field trip. They must provide their own transportation to the
field trip.
*Field trip money may not be refunded due to required deposits for the trip and bus


Dear Parents/Guardians:
The purpose of the Physical Education Program is to provide appropriate instruction for
building a healthy body, mind and character for the student. The student will be evaluated
on his/her performance of basic gross motor skills, locomotor skills, and skill-based
instructional class activities which reflect the N.C. Healthful Living Standard Course of
Study. A conduct grade will also greatly reflect the students overall P.E. grade.
RULES and EXPECTATIONS: Students are expected to come to class prepared to
participate with a positive and cooperative attitude treating others with respect. Each
student should put forth their best effort into every activity and help others when
necessary. Treating others with common courtesy is expected and cooperating with
classmates and the teacher is required in order to experience the most out of each lesson.
As with any type of team or individual game activity, demonstrating good sportsmanship is
essential. Following all class rules is important in the essence of safety and well-being.
Proper footwear is required to actively participate in class activities. Make sure your
child wears sneakers or rubber-soled running shoes to class on scheduled P.E. days.
Students are not permitted to wear sandals, flip flops, boots or Crocs to P.E. class. Girls
should not wear a dress or skirt on a scheduled P.E. class day. If a female must wear a
dress or skirt, then she should also wear a pair of shorts under her attire. (Skorts are
also acceptable.) This will prevent any potentially embarrassing situations during class when
the child is actively participating.
EXCUSES and MEDICAL NOTES: If for any reason your child needs to be excused from
participating in P.E. class for the day, the parent will need to send their child to P.E. class
with a written note explaining the illness or injury and the amount of time the child will need
to be excused. Any condition which requires a child to be excused for an extended period
of time must be noted by a written medical excuse.
P.E. INFRACTION MARKS: Whenever a student misbehaves during class, he/she is given
a verbal warning to correct the behavior. If the student continues to misbehave, a second
warning is given and the student is directed to sit in a time-out zone in the gym. A
conduct infraction mark is recorded in the grade book for that student. Whenever a
student accumulates three (3) infraction marks during a nine week grading period, he/she
will receive an N = needs improvement mark for a grade on the report card. Any student
who receives four (4) or more infraction marks during a nine week grading period will
receive a U = unsatisfactory mark for a grade on the report card.
BEHAVIOR NOTICES: A behavior notice is sent home to the parents/guardians of any
student who receives two (2) infraction marks. This notice is to inform the childs
parents of his/her current conduct status in P.E. class and we appreciate your support in
helping reinforce the importance of our class requirements. Whenever a behavior notice
is sent home, the student is responsible for getting his/her parent/guardian to sign and
return the notice to the P.E. teacher as soon as possible. These notices will be kept on
file throughout the school year.

END OF YEAR FIELD DAY CELEBRATION: Near the end of every school year, all
classroom students participate in a celebratory field day which consists of fun and games.
However, P.E. policy states that any student who accumulates ten (10) or more
behavior infraction marks against them throughout the entire school year leading up
to this day will not be permitted to participate in field day activities. Parents and
students need to keep this policy in mind as the school year progresses. Pets will not be
allowed at field day.
Please read over this sheet with your child so that he/she understands the above P.E.
policies and student requirements which will be necessary to experience a successful
school year in Physical Education class.

Title I Parent Involvement Policy

Brinson Memorial Elementary

Annual Public Meetings

All Title I school events are open to the public. Brinson conducts various
types of meetings to involve parents, such as, Brinsons Barnyard Blast, held in September,
for orientation to Title I. Our annual spring Science Night, provides opportunities for
parents to evaluate and/or make improvements to our SIP and Parent Compact. The
information will be compiled and coordinated to ensure implementation and improvement of
the school. Brinson also hosts a Kindergarten Orientation, a beginning of the school year
Meet and Greet, a Fall Festival, Book Fair and a Spaghetti Night Dinner. Other numerous
get-togethers provide opportunities for parents to obtain information from our Title I
teachers and ask questions they may have related to the Title I program.

Regular Meetings
All teachers conduct regular conferences with students and parents. These
conferences help parents to meet the obligation of being their childs first educator. This
promotes and creates a two-way dialogue between home and school.
Weekly communication is provided through Brinsons Tuesday Folders, weekly
newsletters, and public access to the teachers school web pages.
Teachers, Administration, and school Support Personnel are available throughout the
year, as needed.

Flexible Meetings

At every school event, Title I personnel will be available for parents and students.
Meetings and school events are held primarily in the evening to accommodate our
parents schedule.
Information regarding Title I involvement is posted regularly on our web page,
available from the classroom folders and published in our PTA Monthly Newsletter.
Varied and on-going practices will be implemented to enhance parent involvement
activities and reflect the needs of our students and families.

Involving Parents
We believe that a childs education must involve all stakeholders as partners.
Brinson has a parent representative on our cabinet, who regularly attends meetings. We
also have a PTA Board that meeting monthly. Our HUG volunteer encourages parents to
become involved with our individual classrooms.

Some Opportunities Included:

Barnyard Blast
Science Night
Kindergarten Orientation
Weekly classroom take-home folders assist parents and teachers in communicating
with one an other
Telephone conversations
Bingo/Spaghetti Dinner
Fall Festivals
Monthly Come and Learn to Help meetings
Talent Show
Spirit Rock

Timely information
The following on-going activities enable parents and staff members to work
together in order to build a strong partnership between home and school.

An Open House is conducted for each grade level within the first two or three
weeks of school. Parents meet with individual teachers.
Weekly academic, classroom information folders are sent home
Monthly PTA Newsletter
Data published and displayed in the school
Web pages of all staff are updated weekly. Teachers and Title I have a Weebly

Title I representative attends all school functions

Parents are made aware of all our events through:
1. Newsletter
2. Alert-Now telephone messages/Black Board phone messages
3. Craven County Home Web page and school web-sites
4. Take home flyers are sent home throughout the year for special events

Parent Assistance
Information pertaining to State academic standards, content, and local and state
assessments, school wide requirements are provided.
Information focuses on the understanding of daily curriculum and school
requirements for each student.
Guidance Counselors, Administration, and Support Personnel can provide strategies
to a group or to an individual, based upon needs.

Parent Student Compacts

The compact outlines how parent, the entire school staff, and students share the
responsibilities for improved student academic achievement. It details specific ways the
school and familys partner to help all children achieve the States academic standards.

Highlighted Measures include:

The responsibility of the school is to provide high quality curriculum and

The ways parents are responsible for supporting their childrens learning
The importance of ongoing communication between parents and teachers,
access to staff, opportunities for all parent to volunteer and participate in
their childs education
The students responsibilities in the classroom

Materials and Training

Brinson encourages parents to participate in their childs education. Out Title I

Resource Center is located in the Library Conference Room. We provide information
pamphlets, Parenting DVDs, educational materials, games, and support to parents for the
benefit of all students.
Title I will hold monthly Come and Learn to Help, meetings in the evening, to
provide parents with ideas and activities to help their student at home.
Home and School Connection flyer are sent home monthly.

Coordination and Integration

Brinson collaborates with all Federal, State, and Local entities to ensure that we
develop appropriate roles of community-based organizations and businesses,
including faith-based organizations, in parental involvement activities.

Opportunities for LEP and SWD Parents

We have the following staff in place, if needed:
School Nurse
Teachers for the Hearing and Visually Impaired
Speech Teachers
Our facility is handicap accessible
Information sent home (as much as possible) in native language
Equal Opportunity Statement
Craven County School System administers all policies, education programs,
employment activities and admissions without discrimination against any person
on the basis of individuals race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, creed, age,
physical characteristics, national origin, socioeconomic status or disability,
except where exemption is appropriate and allowed by law.
Title IX Coordinator and Americans with Disabilities Act
Debbie Hodges
Mr. Danny Skinner
Student Support Services
Director of Facility Support Services
Mrs. Sandy Carlaccini
Director of Federal Programs

Mrs. Wendy Miller

Assistant Superintendent for Personnel

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