Educando de No Futuro: Brazil Stays With Rousseff As President After Turbulent Campaign

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Brazil Stays With Rousseff as President After Turbulent Campaign

RIO DE JANEIRO Brazilian voters re-elected Dilma Rousseff as president on Sunday, endorsing a leftist leader
who has achieved important gains in reducing poverty and keeping unemployment low over a centrist challenger
who castigated her government for a simmering bribery scandal and a sluggish economy.
Ms. Rousseff of the Workers Party took 51.4 percent of the vote in the second and final round of elections, against
48.5 percent for Acio Neves, a senator from the Social Democracy party and scion of a political family from the
state of Minas Gerais, electoral officials said Sunday night with 98 percent of votes in the country counted.
While Ms. Rousseff won by a thin margin, the tumultuous race was marked by accusations of corruption, personal
insults and heated debates, revealing climbing polarization in Brazil. Mr. Neves surged into the lead this month in
opinion surveys, only to be eclipsed by Ms. Rousseff as the vote on Sunday approached.
People without much money have seen their lives improve during recent years, said Liane Lima, 62, a secretary in
So Paulo who voted for Ms. Rousseff. I think we should let Dilma finish what she started.
Indeed, Ms. Rousseffs victory reflects broad changes in Brazilian society since the Workers Party rose to power 12
years ago with the election of her predecessor and mentor, Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, who chose Ms. Rousseff as his
successor to run in the 2010 election and campaigned for her again this year.
Building on an economic stabilization project put in place by the Social Democrats in the 1990s, Ms. Rousseff and
Mr. da Silva aggressively expanded social welfare programs, lifting millions of Brazilians out of poverty. Pointing to
the popularity of the antipoverty spending, Mr. Neves, the challenger in the race, said he would not scale it back.
But while Ms. Rousseff campaigned largely on her governments support for poor and working-class citizens, she
faced fierce criticism over her economic policies, with Brazil struggling with slow growth throughout her first term
and a recession this year. Brazils financial markets gyrated wildly throughout the race, reflecting skepticism over
her management of the economy.
Ms. Rousseff, 66, a former Marxist guerrilla who was imprisoned andtortured by Brazils military dictatorship,
rejected much of the criticism while emphasizing that she had no plans to shift away from policies involving greater
state control over the economy. Still, she signaled openness to shaking up her cabinet, including replacing her
unpopular finance minister, Guido Mantega.
In addition to facing turbulence in the markets, Ms. Rousseff will deal in her next four-year term with a sprawling
scandal involving testimony of bribes and money laundering at Petrobras, the national oil company, which has
eroded confidence in the Workers Party. A former high-ranking executive at Petrobras has testified that he
channeled bribes to the party and its allies in Braslia.
I always voted for the Workers Party, since I was a teenager, but this government hasnt done anything different,
said Jos Abel, 48, who runs a tourist agency in Braslia and voted for Mr. Neves largely out of concern over
corruption in Ms. Rousseffs government. Theyre just the same as other parties now.
Still, with the unemployment rate remaining near historical lows even during a recession, economic stability
seemed to trump corruption as a major issue among voters. Many people who cast ballots on Sunday expressed
concern that a change in government could erode welfare benefits which are now a fixture of society.
My life is stable thanks to Dilmas government, said Diogo Bernardo, 28, an installer of telephone lines in Rio de
Janeiro who voted for Ms. Rousseff, referring to her by her first name, as is common in Brazil. Shes not great, but

Acio would have been worse since he cares less about the rights of working people. I voted for the lesser of two
Mr. Neves, in a televised speech conceding defeat, said that he had spoken with Ms. Rousseff and congratulated
The largest of all priorities now is to unite Brazil, he said. In her victory speech, Ms. Rousseff also called for
reconciliation. This president here is open to dialogue, she said.
The thin margin of victory for the Workers Party revealed rifts in the country, with Ms. Rousseff winning easily in
the relatively poor northeast while Mr. Neves comfortably won in So Paulo, Brazils richest and most populous
state. Ms. Rousseff also won in Minas Gerais, Brazils second most populous state, where Mr. Neves was recently
the governor.
With Ms. Rousseff set to govern for another term, the leftist Workers Party, which was created in 1980 in
opposition to the military dictatorship ruling Brazil, is also poised to be in power for 16 years. Moreover, the partys
leaders have already said that they want Mr. da Silva, who served as president from 2003 to 2010, to run again in
While many Brazilians are clearly content with giving Ms. Rousseff another term, others are not so sanguine about
one party being in power for so long.
Juliana Ribeiro Lima, an artist in So Paulo, said Sunday night after the results were announced that she was
concerned about the possibility that the Workers Party could deepen its control of public institutions, as other
political movements have done in Argentina and Venezuela.
This creates doubts for me about staying in Brazil, said Ms. Ribeiro Lima, 42. Ill find a way now to go abroad.
Clvis Rossi, a columnist for the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, pointed out that Ms. Rousseff faced two options after
her win.
Dilma can more or less think like this: I won the election with the country in a technical recession and inflation
above the targets, so Im going to continue down the same path and to hell with the critics, he wrote on Sunday
He continued, Or she can take note of strong opposition vote, and change her course.
Lucy Jordan contributed reported from Braslia, Mariana Simes from Rio de Janeiro, and Paula Ramon from So Paulo.

Match the two columns.
( 1 ) Workers Party

) Concorrer a

( 2 ) Working people

) Subiu ao poder

( 3 ) Targets

) Se afastar

( 4 ) Run for

) Partido dos Trabalhadores

( 5 ) Unemployment rate

) Regio Nordeste

( 6 ) Opinion surveys

) Programas sociais

( 7 ) To shift away

) Lavagem de dinheiro

( 8 ) Term

) To otimista

( 9 ) Social welfare programs

) Grandes mudanas

( 10 ) Northeast

) Taxa de desemprego

(11) Bribery

) Pesquisa de opinies

(12) Broad changes

) Suborno

(13) Rose to power

) Mandato

(14) Money laundering

) Metas

(15) So sanguine

) Trabalhadores

Match the information below.

(a) Minas Gerais

) was created in 1980 in opposition to the military dictatorship ruling Brazil

(b) Dima Rousseff

) chose Ms. Rousseff as his successor to run in the 2010 election

(c) Workers Party

(d) Guido Mantega


) Brazils second most populous state, where Mr. Neves was recently the governor
) former Marxist guerrilla who was imprisoned and tortured by Brazils military dictatorship

(e) Lula

) a senator from the Social Democracy party

(f) Petrobrs

) Brazils richest and most populous state

(g) So Paulo

) Rousseffs unpopular finance minister

(h) Acio Neves

) the national oil company, which has eroded confidence in the Workers Party

Elementos de links no texto.

(1) In addition to

) Mas

(2) But

) Alm do mais

(3) Indeed

) Alm de

(4) Moreover

) De fato

Circle in the text sentences using the relative pronouns.

Find in the text sentences in the:
Simple Present _____________________________________________________________________________
Present Perfect _____________________________________________________________________________
Simple Past ________________________________________________________________________________
Simple Future _____________________________________________________________________________

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