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Main Types of

Other types of


More types of

Other Useful

Advert, advertisement or ad?

All these forms of the words are correct but ad is mostly used in
spoken English only.
You should also be aware of a common pronunciation problem: ad,
advert, advertise, advertising, advertisement

Magazine and Book

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Paradise bookstore,
Ha Noi, Viet Nam

TV commercial
Scenes and Key Frames
A commercial is planned in scenes,
segments of action that occur in a single
location. A scene may include several
shots from different angles.
The key frame is the shot that sticks in
the mind and becomes the image
viewers remember when they think
about the commercial.

Promotion of products and services
using colour, action, sound and sight.
These are good to show how something
works and can be persuasive.

Scripts, Storyboards and

A television script contains all the
words, dialogue, lyrics, instructions, and
descriptions of the details weve been
discussing - sets, costumes, lighting, and
so forth.

Planning the TV Commercial

A storyboard, which is a visual plan or

layout of the commercial, is drawn to
show the number of scenes, composition
of the shots, and progression of the
A photoboard uses photographic stills
instead of art to illustrate the
progression of images. Its created from
the still photos or frames from the
filming and is used to present to clients.

The common lengths of TV commercials

are 10, 15, 20, 30, and 60 seconds. The
most common length for a TV
commercial is 30 seconds.


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Paradise bookstore,
Ha Noi, Viet Nam


Newspaper ad
The charges are published on a rate
card, which is a list of the costs for
advertising space and the discounts
given to local advertisers and
advertisers who make volume buys.
Most advertising sales are handled
locally by the sales staff of the
newspaper; however, newspaper
representatives sell space for many
different newspapers. This saves an
advertiser or its agency from the need to
make a multitude of buys to run a
national or regional campaign in
newspapers. The system is known as
one-order, one-bill.

Newspaper advertising can be described
as national or local (retail), as well as
classified and online, is sold based on
the size of the ad space and the
newspapers circulation.

Newspaper Ad Sales

Another alternative that allows national

advertisers to pay the local rate is
cooperative (co-op) advertising with a
local retailer. Co-op advertising is an
arrangement between the advertiser
and the retailer whereby the retailer
buys the ad and the manufacturer pays
half - or a portion depending on the
amount of space the manufacturers
brand occupies.

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Never give up on your DREAMS!

Types of Newspaper Ad

1. Display: The dominant form of

newspaper advertising, can be any size
and can be placed anywhere in the
newspaper except the editorial page.
2. Classified: advertising by individuals
to sell their personal goods and
advertising by local businesses.
3. Supplements: magazine-style
publications inserted into a newspaper,
especially in the Sunday edition, that are
either syndicated nationally or prepared

Magazine ads
5. Corporate publications are
produced by companies for their
customers and other stakeholders.

Fit magazines into media mix

These are aimed at a specific market and
interest group. The ads are colourful and
eye-catching but can be more expensive
than newspaper ads.

Types of Magazines

1. Trade magazines aimed at retailers,

wholesalers, and other distributors.

Geographic editions help encourage

local retail support by listing the names
of local distributors.
Demographic editions group
subscribers according to age, income,
occupation, and other classifications.
Editorial content: the most widely used
categories are general editorial,
womens, shelter, business and special

Distribution and Circulation:

Magazine revenues come from
advertising, subscriptions, and singlecopy sales.

3. Professional magazines aimed at

physicians, lawyers, and other

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Physical Characteristics: 8 1/2 x 11

inches and 6 x 9 inches.
Ownership: Some magazines are owned
by publishing companies, organizations.

2. Industrial magazines aimed at


4. Farm magazines aimed at those

working in agriculture.

Live Learn Grow

Paradise bookstore,
Ha Noi, Viet Nam


Billboards, posters
Size and Format

Printed posters are created by the

advertiser or agency, printed, and
shipped to an outdoor advertising
They come in two sizes based on the
number of sheets of paper used to make
the image: 8 sheet (5 x 11 feet) and 30
sheet (12 x 25 feet).

These are often signs on the road or at
sports stadiums. Large billboards can
give a message with impact but with
limited information.
An advertiser uses outdoor boards for
two primary reasons. First, for national
advertisers, this medium can provide
reminders to the target audience. A
second use for billboards is directional;
it acts as primary medium when the
board is in proximity to where a brand is

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Painted outdoor bulletin differ from

posters in that they are normally created
on site and vary in size or shape,
although their standard size is 14 x 48
They can be painted on the sides of
buildings, on roofs, and even natural
structures, such as the side of a
Designers can add extensions to
painted billboards to expand the scale
and break away from the limits of the
long rectangle. These embellishments
are sometimes called cutouts because
they present an irregular shape.

Dont PAUSE your life.

Another innovation for billboards,

electronic posters, and kiosks is the use
of digital displays.
Digital displays use wireless
technology, which allows them to be
quickly changed to reflect an advertising
situation or the presence of a target
audience member.
Posters are used on kiosks, bulletin
boards, the sides of buildings, and even
Kiosks are typically located in places
where people walk, such as a manysided structure in a mall or near a public
walkway, or where people wait.

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Direct Mail
Builds in feedback: Direct mail is
particularly conducive to marketing
research and can be modified until the
message design matches the needs of the
desired target audience.

A direct-mail piece is a print advertising
message for a product or service that is
delivered by mail: a letter, a brochure, a
sample, a premium, and an order card
with a return envelope.


Reaches the unreachable: Direct mail

allows the marketer to reach audiences
that are inaccessible via other media.


Negative perceptions: The main

drawback of using direct mail is the
widespread perception.
Cost: Direct mail has a higher cost per
thousand than mass media.

Tells a story: The medium offers a

variety of formats and provides enough
space to tell a complete sales story.

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Mailing list: To deliver an acceptable

response rate, the quality of the mailing
list is critical. It must be maintained and
updated constantly.
Response rate: Difficulty of keeping
relevant data in the database, the
response rate can be lower.

Engages attention: When it is received,

it can engage the readers attention.
Personalizes the message: Because of
the use of databases, it is now possible
to personalize direct mail across a
number of consumer characteristics.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where

there is no path and leave the trial.

Paradise bookstore,
Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Vulnerability: Direct-mail delivery is

vulnerable to natural disasters as well as
catastrophes such as the 9/11 terrorist


Radio advertising
Radio can also engage the imagination
more than other media because it relies
on the listeners mind to fill in the visual
Many radio ads use drama, especially
public service announcements (PSAs),
which are spots created by agencies that
donate their time and services on behalf
of some good cause. PSAs run for free on
radio and TV stations.

Three categories

This approach reaches a target audience
and relies on them listening to a
particular station. However, the message
can easily be forgotten.
Media planners use radio to deliver a
high level of frequency because radio
commercials, particularly jingles, which
are commercials set to music, lend
themselves to repetition.

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1. Network Radio Advertising can be

bought from national networks that
distribute programming and advertising
to their affiliates. A radio network is a
group of local affiliates connected to one
or more national networks through
telephone wires and satellites.
2. Spot Radio Advertising lets an
advertiser place an advertisement with
an individual station rather than
through a network. It makes up nearly
80 percent of all radio advertising.

If youre going through hell KEEP GOING.

Local stations also offer flexibility

through their willingness to run unusual
ads, allow last-minute changes, and
negotiate rates.
3. Syndicated Radio Advertising: This
is the original type of radio
programming that plays on a large
number of affiliated stations.
Program syndication has benefited
network radio because it offers
advertisers a variety of high-quality,
specialized, and usually original
Both networks and private firms offer
syndication. A local talk show may
become popular enough to be taken
into syndication.

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Slogan: Never Eat Alone!

Text messages
Female teenagers were leaders in
exploring text messaging on their cell
phones and teaching others.
2. Instant messaging (IM): Exchanging
text-based messages in real time via an
Internet communications service.

These promotions reach a target
audience in real-time but they have a
limited number of characters in the text.

Mobile Marketing

Messages on mobile phones usually look

like small banners tucked into the
corner of a Web page or text messages
that can resemble spam.

Instant messaging (IM), in which two

people chat via their computers, has
been used more for business, as has the
Bluetooth technology, which keeps
businesspeople in touch with their
companies and clients wherever they
In addition to becoming essential
communication, information, and
entertainment tools in most people lives,
cell phones also open up new avenues
for commercial communication.

Cell phones also launched new product

lines such as graphic faceplates and
specialty ring tones.
1. Text messaging (TM)
Communicating using brief messages
keyboarded into a cell phone.

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The days you are (the) most uncomfortable are the days
you learn the most about yourself.

Mobile marketing is the strategy based

on reaching people on the run via their
cell phones. It refers to the use of
wireless communication (WiFi) and GPS
locational devices to reach people on the
move with geotargeting capabilities.
Mobile marketing includes instant
messaging, video messages and
downloads, and banner ads on these
mobile devices.

Paradise bookstore,
Ha Noi, Viet Nam


Internet Pop-ups

The most common form of online

advertising is small banner ads
containing text, images, and perhaps
motion (animation).
Banners in this small format have to be
creative to stand out amidst the clutter
on a typical Web page and, similar to
outdoor advertising, they have to grab
the surfers attention with few words.

Pop-ups and pop-behind are types of ads
that burst open on the computer screen
either in front of or behind the opening
page of a website.
The Internet is more interactive than
any other mass medium.
This makes Web advertising more like
two-way communication, and thats a
major point of difference from other
advertising forms.

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Effective banners arouse the interest of

the viewer, who is often browsing
through other information on the
computer screen.
Sometimes banners provide brand
reminder information only, like a
billboard, but they usually also invite
viewers to click on the banner to link to
an ad or the advertisers home page. The
effectiveness of such efforts is
monitored in part by the number of

Never apologize for showing your feelings. When you do,

you are apologizing for the truth.

Their creators make banners

entertaining by using multimedia effects
such as animation and sound,
interactivity, emotional appeals, color,
and provocative headlines.
Effective banner ads satisfy the need for
entertainment, information, and context
(a link to a product), and often use
promotional incentives, such as prizes or
gifts, to motivate visitors to click through
to the sponsors website13 to drive

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Slogan: Never Eat Alone!

Email Advertising
Some users still operate that way, but
with newer forms like instant
messaging, Facebook, and Twitter, many
users are always online and that has
changed the function, as well as the
speed, of online connections.

Direct advertising to the customer. It is
cost effective as long as the customer
database is up-to-date.

E-Mail Communication

One of the attractive features of using email for advertising is that it is so

inexpensive. All it takes is a list of e-mail
addresses, a computer, and an Internet

E-mail marketing

E-mail marketing software and

advertising assistance is available from
such companies as Constant Contact,
which even provides email templates.
Addressable to current customers
Addressable to prospects
Unsolicited and often unwanted, or

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Issue: Spam

Although e-mail marketing has enjoyed

increased success, the practice has
received intense criticism for generating
too much unwanted e-mail, otherwise
known as spam.

E-mail is a product of an earlier time in

online communication - back in the days
when we used to log on and off and
check messages in bursts.

Page 9

Fall down SEVEN times, stand up EIGHT.

Email spoofing is the creation of email

messages with a forged sender address.

Paradise bookstore,
Ha Noi, Viet Nam


Persuade or send a social, religious, or
political message, as in evangelism or
political campaign activities on behalf of
a political party or candidate.

The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man
perfected without trials.

Flyers are inexpensive to produce. Their

widespread use intensified with the
spread of desktop publishing systems.

Small flyers with printed information
handed out to customers face to face.
They can be attractive and informative
but also costly.
Flyers may be used by individuals,
businesses, or organizations to:
Advertise an event such as a music
concert, nightclub appearance, festival,
or political rally.
Promote a good or service, such as a
restaurant or nightclub.
Recruit members

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In recent years, the production of flyers

through traditional printing services has
been supplanted by Internet services;
customers may send designs and receive
final products by mail.

Cheap to produce, contemporary flyers

are frequently produced in 300 g/m2
glossy card, whereas a leaflet might be
produced on a 130 g/m2170 g/m2
weight paper and can be a very effective
form of direct marketing.
There are many different flyer formats.
A4 (roughly letterhead size)

Distribution and use

A5 (roughly half letterhead size)

DL (compliments slip size)

Flyers are handed out on the street (a

practice known as flyering or leafleting),
posted on bulletin boards, or given away
at events.
Bulletin boards are found on college
campuses, in cafs, community meeting
houses, laundromats and small markets.

A6 (postcard size)

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Slogan: Never Eat Alone!

Transit advertising
Interior transit advertising is seen by
people riding inside buses, subway cars,
and taxis.


Exterior transit advertising is

mounted on the side, rear, and top
exteriors of these vehicles, so
pedestrians and people in nearby cars
see it.

Transit advertising is mainly an urban

mass advertising form that places ads on
vehicles such as buses and taxis that
circulate through the community as
moving billboards.

Transit advertising is reminder

advertising; it is a frequency medium
that lets advertisers get their names in
front of a local audience who drive a
regular route at critical times such as
rush hour.

Transit advertising also includes the

posters seen in bus shelters and train,
airport, and subway stations.

Painted vehicles is another type of

transit advertising.

The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting

it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and

It started in 1993, when PepsiCo paid

Seattle in return for permission to wrap
six city buses with its logo.

Most of these posters must be designed

for quick impressions, although people
who are waiting on subway platforms or
bus shelters often study these posters,
so here they can present a more
involved or complicated message than a
billboard can.

More recently recessionweary drivers

have been tempted to sign up to have
their cars and trucks wrapped with ads
for brands such as Jamba Juice and
Verizon in exchange for monthly

Types of transit advertising


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Paradise bookstore,
Ha Noi, Viet Nam


Covert advertising
Television Advertising

Television is used for advertising

because it works like the movies.
It tells stories, engages the emotions,
creates fantasies, and can have great
visual impact.
Because its an action medium, it is also
good for demonstrating how things
work. It brings brand images to life and
adds personality to a brand.

Covert advertising is when a product or
brand is embedded in entertainment
and media.
For example, in a film, the main
character can use an item or other of a
definite brand, as in the movie Minority
Report, where Tom Cruise's character
John Anderton owns a phone with the
Nokia logo clearly written in the top
corner, or his watch engraved with the
Bulgari logo.

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What Does Covert Advertising


Abstract: Advertising as a tool in the

promotion/ communication armoury
creates tremendous impact among
consumers in terms of awareness and
other consequences thereof. Among
different forms of advertising, covert
advertising also plays a vital role as it
creates better impact with regard to
communication and sales.

The great glory in living, lies not in never falling but

rising every time we fall.

Introduction: Covert advertising as a

vehicle in the advertising medium has
been used among other vehicles to
create awareness about products/
brands among prospective consumers
and as a reminder among customers. Its
impact cannot be underestimated and
the consequences thereof about
products/ brands.
Covert advertising is nothing but a
unique kind of advertising in which a
product/ brand is placed as an insert in a
movie which is normally endorsed or
patronized by a celebrity acting in the

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However, the costs of producing and
sponsoring a 30- or 60-minute program
make this option too expensive for most

Sponsorships and Event

A company sponsors an event or entity
in return for recognition of the brand or
product. For example, companies
funding schools or sporting events in
return for them using their equipment.

Program sponsorships


Sponsorships occur when companies

support an event, say, a sporting event,
concert, or charity, either financially or
by donating supplies and services.
Event marketing means building a
products marketing program around a
sponsored event, such as the Olympics
or a golf tournament.

The advertiser assumes the total

financial responsibility for producing the
program and providing the
accompanying commercials.
Sponsorship can have a powerful effect
on the viewing public, especially because
the advertiser can control the content
and quality of the program as well as the
placement and length of commercials.

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You have to learn the rules of the game and play them
better than anyone else.

Sponsorships and event marketing

include sports sponsorships; support for
the arts; entertainment tours and
attractions; festivals, fairs, other annual
events; and cause marketing.
Sponsorships typically cost a lot of

Paradise bookstore,
Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Companies undertake sponsorships to

build brand associations and increase
the perceived value of the brand in the
consumers mind.


Most calls are made from databases of
prospects who were previously qualified
on some factor, such as an interest in a
related product or a particular profile of
demographics and psychographics.
Occasionally a cold call is used, which
means the call center staff are calling
random numbers, but this practice has a
much lower response rate.

Two types of telemarketing

This involves promoting and selling over
the phone. This offers direct contact
with the customer but can be intrusive if
it is a cold-call, which means an
unasked for call.
Atypical telemarketing campaign usually
involves hiring a telemarketing company
to make a certain number of calls using a
prepared script. These callers work in
call centers, which are rooms with large
banks of phones and computers.

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1. An inbound telemarketing or
incoming telemarketing call is initiated
by a customer. The consumer can be
responding to an ad, catalog, e-mail, or
2. Calls originating from the firm are
outgoing or outbound telemarketing.
These calls typically generate the most
consumer resistance because they are
uninvited, intrusive, and unexpected.

Intrusion, Fraud, and Privacy

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.

Telemarketing has its drawbacks.

Perhaps the most universally despised
telemarketing tool is predictive dialing.
Predictive dialing technology makes it
possible for telemarketing companies to
call anyone - even those with unlisted
Many people consider these calls a
nuisance, and they can even be alarming,
because burglars have been known to
call a house to see if anyones home
before they attempt a break-in.

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Slogan: Never Eat Alone!

Some singers, models and film stars
have at least one licensed product or
service which bears their name.

A celebrity is paid to promote and
market a product through TV ads or
event appearances. This can be effective
as it is high profile but it does rely on the
celebrity image remaining constant and

Celebrity branding

The use of a celebrity or of a sports

professional can have a huge impact on a
Celebrities also provide voice-overs for
advertising. Some celebrities have
distinct voices which are recognizable
even when faces are not visible on a

It is hard to fail, but it is (even) worse never to have tried

to succeed.

Celebrity branding is a type of branding
or advertising in which a celebrity
becomes a brand ambassador and uses
his or her status in society to promote or
endorse a product, service or charity.
The most popular forms of celebrity
brand lines are for clothing and

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The ability to build brand equity is a

valuable asset.
One of the strongest reasons for using a
celebrity as a product endorsement is
that it can link the product to the
celebrity's skills.
Paradise bookstore,
Ha Noi, Viet Nam


Other Useful Advertising Vocabulary

Adjectives to describe advertising

Other Useful Advertising

1. witty/humorous: The idea is that if you can make someone laugh

with a witty advert, then they will be more likely to buy the product.

eye-catching = appealing, attractive

subtle = not obvious

2. memorable: Almost all the best adverts are memorable in some


flick through a magazine = look at the pages quickly

3. persuasive: Some ads are extremely persuasive and we find we

buy products we do not really need.

catchy tune = an appealing melody

to target an audience = to aim for a group of people

4. misleading: Although there are regulations against this, many

adverts are still misleading.

peak viewing time = a time when the majority of people are


5. word-of-mouth: It is frequently said that the most effective form

of advertising is word-of-mouth advertising.

glossy = shiny
specific market = particular group of people
specific interest group = particular group of people with the same
persuasive = it convinces us to do something or think something
memorable = it stays in our minds for a long time
intrusive = causing annoyance, uninvited
invasion of privacy = when your privacy has been invaded
(entered) without permission
up-to-date = current
customer database = list or record of customers

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Other Useful Advertising Vocabulary

Smart advertising words and phrases (Part 1)

Smart advertising words and phrases (Part 2)

1. Advertorial (Media most often used in: All media): An

advertisement that appears to be a news story.

6. Deadline (All media): The latest time to submit material for


2. Brief (All media): This is like a plan for your advertising. It explains
what you would like to be achieved from the campaign, the amount of
money you intend to spend on the campaign and the time frame the
campaign would adhere to. This is normally given to your advertising
agency or the advertising sales representative selling you advertising.

7. Demographic (All media): A general description used to determine the

type of people you want to see your advertisements (age group,
employment, location etc.).

3. Circulation (Newspapers and magazines): The number of

publications sold.
4. Column space (Newspapers and magazines): Generally used to
describe the size of an advertisement. All newspaper pages are split
into columns; the number varies as does the width. Advertising space
tends to be measured by the number of columns, by the centimetres
or inches. The number of columns tells you how wide the
advertisement will be and the number of centimetres or inches tells
you how high the advertisement will be.
5. Copy (All media): This is the text to form the basis of the
advertisement or the commercial. Copy is normally supplied to the
organisation producing the material. If asked to supply copy for
editorial consideration, supply up to 500 words that can be culled
down according to the length of the article.

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8. Early right hand (Newspapers and magazines): Describes the prime

advertising pagesclose to the front and on a right-hand page.
9. Impacts (Television): The total number of people who have seen the
10. Flighting (All media): Ongoing advertising that runs automatically.
11. Frequency (Television and radio): The average number of times
viewers were exposed to the commercial.
12. Key number (Television and radio): A unique number used to identify
your commercials. Even slight changes to an advertisement require the
issuing of a new key number.
13. Layout (Newspapers and magazines): The design of an advertisement.
14. Live read (Radio): Commercial read live by an announcer.
15. Loading (All media): Extra cost paid for prime position of
advertisements or commercials.

Other Useful Advertising Vocabulary

Smart advertising words and phrases (Part 3)

Smart advertising words and phrases (Part 4)

16. Masthead (Newspapers and magazines): Generally refers to the

top of the front page of a newspaper or magazine. Can also refer to an
advertisement that runs across a page in a similar format.

24. TRP or TARP (Television): TARP (Target Audience Rating Point)

is a way of measuring see a particular commercial based on the schedule
provided by the station. It provides a means of comparing schedules
between television stations.

17. Position (Newspapers and magazines): Where the advertisement

appears in the publication.
18. Production (All media): Generally refers to the production of
your advertisement or commercial.
19. Ratings (Television and radio): The number of people of various
age groups that view or listen to a particular programme or time slot.
20. Reach (Television and radio): The number of people in your
targeted audience who had at least one opportunity to see/hear your
21. Run of station (Television and radio): Commercials aired at nonspecific times on television or radio (generally during lower rating
time slots).
22. Schedule (Television and radio): A detailed plan showing the
days and times your commercials will be aired. It is supplied by the
station, normally in the form of a proposal.
23. Storyboards (Television): Rough sketches showing the concept
of a television commercial. Storyboards are used to plan television

Page 18

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For example, if the ABC Corporation decided that its market was men aged
18 - 45 and it aired commercials at 9 p.m. on a particular station where 20
per cent of the viewing audience fitted into this demographic, the
commercial has a TARP of 20. Each time the commercial is aired the TARP
figure is accumulated so the commercial might acquire a total of 200 for
the week. Generally, the higher the TARP the more impact the campaign
will have.
25. Voiceover (Television): The sound track for a television commercial.
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