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Customer Experiences

SITE is a very
useful tool for us.

SITE Test Sytem

Vodafone Spain
offers a wide range of different services to its subscribers
making it very complex to have full visibility on the entire network
is an integral
performance and quality. At Vodafone we have experienced that ensuring a
of our service
perfect network- and service quality implies to combine both, active and passive
monitoring. The Keynote SIGOS System is our choice for the active component.

SIGOS As Network and Service Tools Manager, it is my responsibility to serve many internal
solution!customers with accurate measurements on how different services perform in order

to identify even the slightest potential for improvements. KPIs and Customer Experience
(KQI) is extremely important every day we look for that extra Kb or millisecond to make our services
superior to any other network.

Best practice test

with Keynote SIGOS

At Vodafone Spain, the Keynote SIGOS SITE system is connected to our entire network infrastructure e.g.
directly to the core via IP, Iu and SS7, over the air via stationary and wireless test probes, and, internationally to well over
150 countries. This provides 365/24/7 visibility, especially for the most vital services voice, data and
roaming whatever infrastructure they are based on.
The future will bring exciting new technologies combined with new and maybe even more complex problems.
At the same time, the close cooperation between Vodafone Spain and Keynote SIGOS will ensure that
we both are well prepared for any future task, technology and even the most complex services.

Salvador Prez Martnez


Vodafone Spain
Network & Services Management Manager,
N&S Monitoring Systems (O&M Core)

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