Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Human Motivational Theory Presentation by - Varun Kumar & Vishnu B.K

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Maslows hierarchy of needs

Human Motivational theory

Presentation by Varun Kumar & Vishnu B.K.

Maslow's hierarchy of needsis a theory

proposed byAbraham Maslowin the year

Focus on growth of human motivations.
Study of exemplary people such asAlbert

Einstein, Jane Addams.

5 levels of motivation
Most fundamental levels

of needs at the bottom.

Need forhighest levelat

the top.

If deficiency needs are not met there

may not be a physical indication. But

tension and anxiety prevails
Exception- Physiological need.
Metamotivation - Motivation of people who

go beyond the scope of the basic needs

and strive for constant betterment

Physiological needs
The physical requirements for human survival.
Most important needs.
Absence of it leads to improper functioning of body.

Example: If your are taking a road trip and you get

thirsty you usually stop somewhere to get a drink.

Safety needs
Personal security.
Financial security.
Health and well-being.
Safety net against accidents/illness and their

adverse impacts.
Absence of it leads to Stress disorders and
Example: People look at both ways before
crossing the road and only after they feel safe
they cross.

Love and belonging

Interpersonal and involves feelings

Absence of it leads to loneliness and

Example: People join groups just to feel like
they fit in and have friends.

Human desire to be accepted.
Need to develop a sense of self worth by

recognizing that others know and value ones

competence .
Two versions
Low self-esteem
High self-esteem

Example: A boy buys a

new bike, people commenting on his bike builds

up his self esteem.
Absence of it leads lack of self confidence and
inferiority complex.

Self Actualization
"What a man can be, he must be.
Realization of ones full potential.
Reaching Self satisfaction.
Example: A person is a mountain climber so

climbing mount Everest may be him reaching the

level of Self actualization.

Levels of motivation
Complex mind runs parallel processes.
Can different motivations from various levels

of Maslow's hierarchy can occur at the same

Answer: Yes, it can but a certain need
"dominates" the human organism at all times .

Research does not validate it.

No empirical substantiation.

Little evidence to show Maslow organised


Conclusion - Video


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