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oontitsiayeneteetions vee ios spasm RECEIVED Republic of the Phiippinas BY: ‘COMMISSION ON ELECTIONSG#TE: Tw. Inemuros, Manila GGENERALINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE BRILLANTES, Sito.S. haan, BOARD OF ELECTION TELLERS TAGLE,Luceito N. Semis {eers), SPECIAL BOARD OF —YUSOPH Elan R Son ELECTION TELLERS (S0eTs), AND UM, Chisan Roberts Semis BARANGAY BOARD” “OF PAUAGA,Mara Gracia Cielo M. Commisaoner CAWASSERS “(BOCs IN PARRENO, AA Sommerer CONNEETION WiTH THE. CONDUCT GUIA Lule Tho F. Semmiggoner Orr tHe. ocTobER 20," 2043, SYNCHRONIZED BARANGAY AND SANGGUNIANG KABATAAN ELECTIONS. Promulgated: ment RESOLUTION NO. 9751 gag"” Pursuant to the powers vested in it by the Consittion of the Republic ofthe Philppines, tha Omnlau Election Cade (BP Big. 881), Republe Acts No. 9164, 9940 tnd olher slecton law, the Commission on Elections (Commission) hereby promulgates the following General isiuctions [othe conduct ofthe Octcber 28, 2013 Synctvonized Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Elections. ARTICLE | GENERAL PROVISIONS. Section | Nature of the Berangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections. — ‘The Barangay and SK elections shall be non-partisan and shall be corducted in an ‘expeditious and inexpensive manner. Sec. 2. Supervision and control of the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections. ~ The Commission shall have supenrsion and contol over the conduct of the Barangay and SK elections. ARTICLE It BOARD OF ELECTION TELLERS Sec, 3. Board of Election Tollers, Department of Education Supervising Official and Support Staft. ~ The Commission, through the Election Officers (ECs) ‘hal, based on the Ist submited by the highest Department of Education (DepEd) Ofeial in the ctyfmuncpaly, conaiute the Board of Elecon Telere (BETs) and ‘Sppoint ts memers in wnting in the form preseribed by the Commission CE Foim No. 5) “The BET shall be composed of @ Chairman and two (2) members, ll of whom shall be. publ ‘schoe! toachors, ghing_ preference to those wih permanent ‘ppoinments and those who served inthe May 13, 2019 Synchronized Katona, Local hor Bere'SBETS and BBOCa or Oxabe 28, 2019 Berens and SK Elcoos ‘and ARMM Elections 2s members of te Board of Election Inspectors (BE ‘othensisedisqualfied to serve under Sac. 6 horoo! In case tha are not enough publc schoo teachers, teachers in pate schoo's, ‘employees in the chil service. of other clizans of known probity and competence who are registered voles ofthe ciy/municpalty may be appointed for election duly ‘There shalt be one (1) DepE6 Supervising Ofetal and one (1) Support Staff for every ten (10) clustered precincts, See, 4. Qualifications of members of the Board of Election Tallers. - No person shall be appointed as Chalman or member of the BET, whether regula, Subettle or temporary, unless he: 4} Is of ood moral character and ireproachablo reputation; 2) Isa registered voter ofthe citymunicipally, 23) [sable to speak and wie Flpino, English orth local dialect 4) Hes never beon convicted of any election offense or any othe: crime punishable by more than be (8) months ef imprisonment, and 5) Has no pending case ageinst him with the Commission or ccut for any election offense, See, 6, Disqualification. ~ No parson shall serve a8 Chaiman or member of the BET if he or his spouse related wihin the four chil degtee cf consanguinity or arity to any member of the same GET or fo any candidate to be vored for in the Darangay whore they re assigned Sec. 6, Honoraria of the Board of Election Tellers, DepEd Supervising tical and Support Staff. ~ The members ofthe BET shall each recehe an amount Gf Two Thousand Pesos (P2,000.00) a8 honoraria and Five Hundred Pesos (Php 500.00) as transportation lowance, the latter shall be sourced fram the. Local ‘Government Unitas provided fr In Resolution No, 9738. The members ofthe BET also handing, SK. pretinels. shall receive additonal honoraria of Five Hundred Pesos {(P500.00) each “The DepEd Suporvsing Official and Support Staff shal receive Coo Thousand Pesos (Pi,000.00) and Fue Hundred Pesos (500.00), respectively. Sec. 7. Oath of members of the Board of Election Tellers. - Before ‘assuming office, the members ofthe BET shal take and sign an oath inthe form (CSF No. 5A) preserved by tha Commission before any ofcor authorized to scminster cath, Of befor any other Member cf the BET. Coples of the aath shall be submitted tothe 0, See. 8. Powers and functions of the Board of Election Tellers. ~ The BET shall have the following powers and functions: 9) Conduct the voting and counting of votes in thelr respective poling placos; Gite BETWSBETS and BBOCs for October 2, 2013 Barangay and SK Elections b) Act as deputies of the Commission int ‘lection in the poling plac: supervision and contolof the 1} Maintain order within the poling place and its premises, to keep ‘access thereto open and unobstructed, prohibit the uso of celular phones and camera by the voters and to enforce obediance to is lawful orders. If any person refuses to obey the lawful oars of the BET or conducts himeelf In @ disordery manner in its presence oF ‘within ts nearing and thereby interups or disturbs its proceedings, tho BET may issue an order in writing directing any peace oes take such person info custody unt the adjournment of tha mote, but fueh order shall not be exacuted as to prevent such person fom voting. In the absence of any peace officer, such order may be executed by any other competent and able person deputized 2y tho BET in wring. A copy of such writen order shall be atlaced to the Minutes of Ving and Counting of Vote(tntes} ¢ Fumish watchers Gertieate of Votes (CEF No. A13) upon request, and 1) Perform euch other funetons prescribed by law er by the cules and ‘regulations promulgated by the Commission, Sec. 9. Relief and substitution of mombers of the Board of Election Tellers ~The members of the BET shal nol be robeved unless dsqualfed in accordance ‘with Secs, 4 and 5 hereof If any member of the BET suffers ‘ioquaicaton, he shal voluntary Init himsef by submitin an aida stating the {act of cequalfcation lo the EO. |Win tree (3) days ater thelr constitution and appointment, the EO shall posta lst of the members of the BETs in the bulletin boards of his offce nd of the ‘ciylmuniepalbarengay hall. Within tho same period, the EO shal vey. whether there fare members ofthe BETs who are related fo ary member of the same BETS within tne ‘ourth ell degree of consanguinity or affinity. where they are assigned oc disqualified Under Sec, 4 heteot. BETs found to be csqualtied by reason of relationship to any member af the eame BETs or Sec. 4 here, shal be Informed by the EO in wing and Cause fis substitution. Liewlse, any Inlerested party may, untl September 16, 2013, fie an opposition In wrting before tne EO, on the foregoing grounds. Within forty eight (4) hours upon receipt, such oppostion shall be resolved bythe EO. If ho resolves for the isquaiiction, he shal appoint a subettuto who shall possess the qiications as herein provided. Disqvalifcation by reason of relationship either by consanguinity or ati within 4 civ dagiee with any candidates, parties have until October 20, 2013 to file ther ‘oppostons, The "48-hour rule" provded above shal apply. ‘Sec. 10, Vacancy In the Board of Election Tellers. ~ att time of the meeting of the BET any mamber le absent, the members present shall appoint any non- Dorian registred voter ofthe poling place te fi temporary such vacancy unt te SSbsent member appears, In case thee are lwo 2) members present, they shall act jor. tor BETeS2ETS and OCs fr Osoba 28, 2013 Busozay and SK Ehcons Soc. 11. Arrest of absent member. - The ramiber or mombere of the BET prosent may order the airest of any member who, In his or thei judgement has Tfosented himself withthe intention of obstructing the performance of the sutias ofthe Ber Sec. 12. Prohibition on partisan politica activity. ~ No member of the BET shall engage, diecty or Indecty In any partisan politcal actvty or take pat in the ‘lection except fo discharge his duties as such and to vole. 0c, 12. Proceedings of the Board of Election Toller, ~ The meeting ofthe BET shall be held inf designated poling place by the Commission, ‘The BET shall act through ts Chaleman and shall decide, without delay by rajoty ote, all questions which may arise in the performance of is cuties See. 14, Vating privilege ofthe members of the Board of Election Tellers. ~ Members ofthe BET or ina eubeltutes may vata in the polling places wire they are fseigned on election day 2s long as: 4) They are registered voters ofthe barangay where they are assigned: 'b) Their voting in the poling place where they are not registered should bbe noted inthe Minutas; and ©) They shall add! in the EDCVL for barangay voters ther names and provinet numbers where they re actualy registered ‘Any member of the BET who isnot registered in the barangay where he 's ‘assigned. may vote the paling place whore he is registered, provided tha: 8) The voting in ls place of assignments ght 5) His absence shal not befor more than twenty (20) minutes; and ) The members of the BET shall schedule the voting so that only one (1) rmemer shall eave at any ven time. ARTICLE Ill WATCHERS Sec, 15. Official watchors of candidates and other groups. - Each cancidate for te Barangay and SK elections mey appaint two (2) watewers to serve faterately in every poling place or canvassing center. Duly accredited citzens' arms of the Commission shall be ented to appoint a watcher in every poling place or canvassing center. Other civic, reigious professional, business, service, youth. and any cther similar organization, wth prior autholy ofthe Commission shal de ented collectively fo appoint one watcher in every poling place Sec .16, Qualifications of watchers. - No person shallbe appointed watcher uniess he: k

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