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DISCUSSION of the Topic

TOPIC: Types of Garbage; How to Reduce Garbage; 5`s in Solid Waste Management

Types of Garbage

- A waste that capable of igniting and burning.
Non- combustibles
- Non-combustible inert wastes are non-hazardous, non-combustible, nonbiodegradable, and chemically inert solid wastes that are not likely to
decompose significantly.
- A materials that can be used again.
- Waste that poses substantial or potential threats to public health or the

Ways to Reduce Garbage

1. Take a re-usable bag.
2. Buy items made of recycled content, and use and reuse them as much as you can.
3. Avoid individually wrapped items, snack packs, and single-serve containers.
4. Compost food scraps and yard waste.
5. Dispose of trash and hazardous waste properly

5`S in Solid Waste Management:

The students in the orphanage were gathered in one place and were
explained about the importance of the waste segregation in RED, BLUE and GREEN
bins according to the nature of waste.
Set in Order:
The bins were arranged according to the places where it is mostly used,
like the GREEN bin which should contain the organic matter is placed in the kitchen.
The RED and BLUE are placed in the common area where children take there snacks
and study.

The bins are provided with plastic bags so that they dont get dirty and also
interesting pictures are kept on the bin for the attraction and information about the
waste to be thrown in the bin.
Standardize: The segregated waste is recycled and this system of segregation
and then disposing them accordingly would be implemented in other residential
area where this is not happening.
Sustain: Continuous disposal, troubleshooting the problems encountered and watch
on the people is done to sustain the system. To develop technology for monitoring
the bins and also to locate them.

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