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1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE” VOLUME 2 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING DESIGN PROVISIONS ‘Third Printing Publication Date: Apsil 1997 ISSN 0896-9655 ISBN 1-884590-89-6 (soft cover edition) ISBN 1-884590-90-X (loose leaf edition) ISBN 1-884590-93.4 (-vol. set—soft cover) ISBN 1-884590-94-2 (3-vol. set—loose leaf) COPYRIGHT © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 by International Conference of Building Officials 5360 WORKMAN MILL. ROAD. WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601-2298 (800) 284-4406 « (562) 699-0541 PRINTEDINTHE USA. Preface ‘Tae Uniform Building Code™ is dedicated to the development of better building construction and greater safety tothe public by ‘uniformity in building laws, The code is founded on broad-based principles thai make possible the use of new materials and new construction systems. The Uniform Building Code was frst enacted by the Intemational Conference of Building Officials atthe Sixth Annual Business ‘Mecting held in Phoenix, Arizona, October 18-21, 1927. Revised editions ofthis code have been published since that time at approx. {mate three-year intervais. New editions incorporate changes approved since the last edition. ‘The Uniform Building Code is designed to be compatible with related publications to provide a complete set of documents for regulatory use, Sec the publications list following this preface for a listing of the complete family of Uniform Codes and related publications ‘Code Changes. The ICBO code development process has been suspended by the Board of Directoss and, because ofthis ection _hanges to the Uniform Building Code will nt be processed. For more information, wit tothe Intemational Conference of Build, ig Oficial, 5360 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, Califomin 90601-2298, An analysis of changes between editions is published in the Analysis of Revisions tothe Uniform Codes. ‘Marginal Markings. Soli vertical lines in the margins within the body of the code indicate a change from the requirements of the 1984 edition except where an entire chapter was revised, anew chapter was added or a change was minor. Where an entire chapter ed ox a new chapter was added, a notation appears atthe beginning ofthat chapter. The letter F repeating in line vertically in ‘the margin indicates thot the provision is maintained under the code change procedures of the International Fire Code Insitute, Dele tion indicators (#) are provided inthe margin where 2 paragraph or item listing has been deleted if the deletion resulted in a change of requirements. ‘Three. Volume Set. Provision ofthe Uniform Building Code have been divided into three-volume set. Volume 1 accommodates dninisative, ire~ and lfe-safey, and field inspection provisions. Chapters 1 thraugh 15 an Chapters 24 through 35 are printed in ‘Volume 1 i their entirety. Any appendix chapters associated with these chapters are printed in thelt entirety athe end of Volume 1, -Excerpis of certain chapters from Volume 2 are reprinted in Volume 1 to provide greater usability, Volume 2 accommodates structural engineering design provisions, end specifically contains Chepters 16 through 23 printed in {heir entirety. Included inthis volume are design standards that have been added to ther respective chapters as divisions of the chap ters. Any appendix chapters associated with these chapters are printed in their entirety ai the end of Volume 2. Excerpts of certafn cchepiers from Volume 1 are reprinted in Volume 2 to provide greater usability ‘Volume 3 contains material, testing and installation standatds. Metrication. The Uniform Building Code was metricated in the 1994 edition. The metric convessions are provided in parenthesis. following the English units. Where industry has made metric conversions available, the conversions conform to current industry standards, Fonnulas are also provided with metric equivalents. Metric equivalent formulas immediately follow the English formula and are denoted by “For SIz” preceding the metric equivalent. Some formulas do not use dimensions and, thus, are not provided with ¢ metric equivalent. Multiplying conversion faciors have been provided for formulas where metric forms were unaveilable. Tables are pr0- ‘vided with multiplying conversion factors in subheadings for each tabulated wnit of measurement. 2am CODES AND RELATED PUBLICATIONS Jeuematonsl Conference of Builfing Oficial (ICBO) publishes a family of codes each conlated withthe Uniform Building Seder o provide jrisdicions wit «complete st of blisng-elated regulation fer adoption. Some ofthese cades ate pubichen ‘eiRtition th oer ogalzations uch asthe intemationalFze Code Insitute TPCD and the International Code Coune’ (ICC) Refer ERS materials and slated codes also are available to improve knowledge of cee enforcement snd administration of bulldine imac {gu mograms. Publications and prodscs are continually bring added so ingures should be directed to Conference hendoomice fea RE of avaiable products Many codes an references ar also available on CD-ROM or loppy disk These are desotd y (, The {following publications and products ae evailable from ICBO: CODES “Uniform Building Code, Volumes 1, 2 and 2. The most widely ‘adopted model bulking code in the United States, the performance based Uniform Building Code isa proven document, mestng the needs Of government units charged with the enforcement of building regula: tions. Volume 1 contains administrative, fre and life-safety and eld Inspection provisions; Volume 2 contains structural engineering design Drovisions; and Volume 3 contains material testing end instalistien Standards, ‘Uniform Mechanical Code™. Provides a complet set of requie- ‘ments for the design, coastruction, installation and meinenanr of eating, ventilating, cooling nd refrigeration systems; incinevaions and other beat-producing appliances International Plumbing Code™. Provides consistent and techni cally advanced requirements that can be used across the county to pro- vide comprehensive regalations of modem plumbing systems, Seting ‘minimum regulations for plumbing faites in tomas of performance ‘objectives, the IPC provides forthe acceptance of new até innovaive prodocts, mnterials and eystoms. International Private Sewage Disposal Code™. Provides fexibil- sty in the development of safety and sanitary individ sewage disposal systems and includes dewiled provisions for all aspects of design, {instalation and inspection of private sewage disposal systems International Mechanical Code™. Establishes minimam regula: tions for mechanical systems sing preseriptive and performnecce. related provisions, Its founded on broad based principles that make Possible the use of new materials and new mechanical designs Uniform Zoning Code™. This code is dedicated to intelligent eom- ‘munity evelopment and tothe benefit of the public welfare by provid ing a means of promoting uniformity in zoning laws and enforcement, “*Uniform Fire Code™, Volumes 1 and 2. The premier model fire code inthe United States, the Uniform Fire Cade sets forth provisions ‘necessary for fire prevention and fire protection, Poblisied by the Internetional Fie Code Insist, the Unform Fire Code is endorses by the Westera Fire Chiefs Association, the Intemational Association of Fire Chiefs and ICBO. Volume 1 contains code provisions compatiole withthe Uniform Building Code, and Volume 2 contains standards re, crenced from the code provisions, *Urban-Wildland Interfuee Code™. Promulgsted by IFCI, this ‘code regulates both land use and te it environment in designated ur ‘ban-wildland interface areas. This newly developed cod isthe only ‘mode! cod that beses construction requirements on the fire-hazard severly exposed to the structure, Developed under a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency this code fs the dire! resalt ‘of hazard mitigation meetings held afer devastating wildfires. Uniform Housing Core™. Provides complete requirements affect {ng conservation and rehabilitation of hosing, Is regulations are com patible withthe Uniform Building Code. Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings™. A code compatible with the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Housing Code which provides equitable remedies consistent wih oer Jaws forthe repir, vacation o: demolition of dangerous buildings Uniform Sign Code™. Dedicated tothe development of better sign regulation, its requirements pertain to all signe and sign constuction attached to buildings. Uniform Administrative Code™. This code covers administrative ‘areas in connection with adoption of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code and related codes. It contsins provisions ‘whieh relate to site preparation, construction, alteration, moving, repey snd use ard occupancies of buildings or sirctures and tlleing service equipment, including plumbing, electrical and mechanieal regeiations ‘The code is compatible withthe administrative provisions ofl codes published by the Conference. Uniform Building Security Code™. This code establishes mint ‘mum standards to make dwelling units resistant to unlawful entry, Tt regulate swinging doors, sliding doors, windows and hardware in con. ‘ection with dwelling units of apartment houses or one- and we-faomly Awellings. The code gives consideration fo the concemns of police, fire nd building offiits in establishing requizements for resistance to bur, lary which are compatible with fie and life sefety. ‘Uniform Code for Building Conservation ™. A building conserve- tion guideline presented in code format which will provides communi, 'y witb the means to preserve its existing buildings while achieving ‘spproprate levels of safety. I is formatted in the same manner as the Uniform Building Code, is compatible with other Uniform Codes, and ‘may be adopted asa code of used as a puideline, Dwelling Construction under the Uniform Building Code™. Designed primarily fo use in home building and apprectice taining, this book contains requirements applicable tothe constrection af one: and two-story dwellings based on the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. Availsbie in English o: Spanish, Dwelling Construction under the Uniform Mechanical Code™. ‘This poblication is forthe convenience of the homeowner or contractor {interested in installing mechanicl equipment in a one- or two-fanily ‘welling in conformance with the Uniform Mechanical Code Supplements to UBC and related codes, Published in the years be- ‘tween editions, the Supplements contain all approved changes, plas an analysis of tbose changes. Uniform Building Code—1927 Raition. A special 60th anaiverso~ "y printing of the first published Uniform Building Code. ‘One and Two Family Dwelling Code. Promulgated by ICC, this ode eliminates confits end duplications amang the model eodes 10 achieve national wniformity. Covers mechanical and plursbing require. amen as Well as constrection and oceupancy, ‘Application and Commentary on the One and Two Family Dwelling Code. An interpretative commentary on the One and Two Family Dwelling Code intsned to enbance uniformity of interpretation ‘and application of the code nationwide. Developed by tne tree model ‘ode organizations, this docurmeat ineludes numerous illastations oP ‘ode requirements and the rationale for individual provisions ‘Model Energy Code. This code includes minimum requirements for effective us of energy inthe design of new buildings and sirvetures nd additions to existing buildings. Ii based on American Society of eat- ing, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers Standard S0A-1880 ‘and was orginally developed jointly by ICBO, BOCA. SBCCI and the National Conference of States on Building Codes snd Standards under Contract fonded by the United Slates Department of Energy. The code is ‘now maintained by ICC and is adopted by reference in the Uniform Building Cade. tional Electrical Code®. The electrical code used throughout the United States. Published by the National Fie Protection Association it ‘san ingispensable aid 1o every elecirieian, contractor, architec, bulld- inspector and anyone who taast specify or certify electrical installa- tions, aw ‘TECHNICAL REFERENCES AND EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS ‘Analysis of Revisions to the Uniform Codes™. An analysis of ‘changes beeen the previous and new editions of the Uniform Codes is provided. Changes between cod editions are noted either atthe begin- fing of chapters or i the margins ofthe code text. ‘Handbook to the Uniform Building Code. The handbook is a completely detailed and illustrated commentary on the Uniform Builé- ing. Code, tracing historical background and rationale of the codes through ihe current edition, Also included are numerous crawings and figures clarifying the application and intent ofthe code provisions. Also availabe in electron format. “Handbook to the Uniform Mechanical Code. Aa indispensable tool for understanding the provisions ofthe current UMC, te tandbook traces the historical background and rationale bid the UMC provi- sions, includes 160 figures whieh ctarty the intent ané application of the eae, and provides a chapter-by-chapier analysis ofthe UMC. ‘Uniform Bailding Code Application Manual. This. manval discusses sections ofthe Uniform Building Code with a question-and- answer format, providing 4 comprehensive analysis of the intent of the code sections. Most sections include Ilustatve examples, The manual is in loose-leaf format s0 that code applications published in Building Standards magazine may be inserted, Also available in tron format. "*Uniform Mechanical Code Application Manual. As a comp: Jon document to the Uniform Mechanical Code, this roanuel provides comprehensive analysis ofthe intent ofa numberof code sections in Aan easy-toase question-and-answer format. The manual is availabe in a loose-leat format and includes illustrative examples for many code sections ‘Uniform Fire Code Applications Manual. This newly developed manual provides questions and answers regarding UFC provisions ‘A-comprehersive analysis ofthe intent of numerous code sections, the ‘manval icin #loose-leaf format for easy insertion of code applications published in IFCI's Fire Code Journal Quick-Reference Guide to the Occupancy Requirements of the 1997 UBC. Code requirements are compiled in this publication by ‘occupancy groups for quick access. Those tabulations assemble requirements for each occupancy classification in te code. Provisions, such as fresesstve ratings for occupancy separations in Table 3B, exterior wall and opening protection requirements in Table S-A-L, and ‘re-esistve ratings for types of construction in Table 6-A,azetab- lated for quick reference and comparison. Plan Review Manual. A practice! text shat wil assist and guide both the fal inspector and plan reviewer tn applying the code requirements This manual covers the nonstructural and Basie structural aspects of plan review. Field Inspection Manual. An important fundamental text for courses of sudy a the community college and trade or technical choot level. tisan effective text for those studying bullding construction or chitectare ané includes sample forms and checklists for use in the Field, Building Department Administration. An excellent guide for im- provernent of skills in departmental maragement and inthe enforee- ment and application of the Building Code and other regulations administered by a building inspection department. This textbook will also be a valuable ad to nstrctes, students and those in related profes- sional Feld. Building Department Guide to Disaster Mitigation. This new, expanded guide i designed to assist building deparunents ia develop- Ing of updating disaster mitigation plans. Subjects covered include guidelines for damage mitigation, disasterresponse management, Immediate response, routial aid and inspections, working with the ‘medi, repair and recovery polices, and public information bul This publication is x must for those involved in preparing for and responding to disaster. Building Official Management Manust. This manual addresses the unique nature of cade acministration and the managerial duties of the building official. A supplementary insert addresses the budgetary ai ‘and financial aspects of a building department. It is also an ideal resource for those preparing forthe mansgertent module ofthe CABO Building Official Cortfcation Examination Legal Aspects of Code Administration. A manual developed by the ‘three model code organizations to inform the building oficial on the l- ‘gl aspecs of the profession. The text is writen in& logical sequence ‘vith explanation of legal terminology. Its designed to serve as @ ‘ofrecer for those preparing to take the legal module of the CABO Building Offical Corfcation Examination, Mlustrated Guide to Conventional Construction Provisions of, the UBC. This comprehensive guide and commentary provides : cece DATS 2aiv ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS—vOLUME 3 ‘Table of Contents—Volume 3 Material, Testing and Installation Standards SENS UBC Standard 2-1 Noncombustible Material—Tests . 3-1 UBC Standard 4-1 Proscenium Firesafety Curtains .. 3.3 UBCStandard 7-1. Fire Tests of Building Construction ‘and Materials ... Seetieieiecees tag: UBC Standard 7-2. Fire Tests of Door Assemblies .... 3-19 UBCStandard 7-3 Tinclad Fire Doors . 303 UBC Standard 7-4 Fire Tests of Window Assemblies. 3-37 UB Standard 7-5 Fire Tet of Thrngh-peeeatn: ‘Fire Stops 3.39 aC Standard 76 pat Density Papin and Cohesion/Adhesion for Spray-appi Fire-resistive Material . oa UBC Standard 7-7. Methods for Calealating Fire Resistance of Steel, Conerete, Wood, Concrete Masonry and Clay Masonry Construction - URC Standard78, Horizontal Sliding ire Doors Used in a Means of Egress. ‘URC Standard $1. Test Method for Surface buraing Characteristics of Building Materials UBC Standard 8.2. Standard Test Method for Eralating Room Fire Grovis Contribution of Textile Wall Covering 3-105 UBC Standard 9-1 Installation of Sprinkler Systems . 3-117 UBC Standard 9-2. Standpipe Systems ...........6. 3-241 UBC Standard 9.3 Installation of Sprinkler Systems ‘in Group R Occupancies Four Stories or Lest»... 3-273 UBC Standard 10-1 Power-operated Egress Doors ... 3-289 UBC Standard 10-2 Stairway Lentifeation....... 3-291 URCStandard 10:3. Exit Ladder Doves ose... 3298 UBC Standard 10.4 Panic Hardware «. - 3-295 ue Sande 141 Krall Waterproof Ballng UBC Standard 14-2 Viny Siding. 3299 UBC Standard 18-1. Roofing Aggregates... 3201 OM pe Bre Rela daney of Reef Mente ans UBC Standard 15.3. Wood Shakes. UBCStandard 15-4 Wood Shingles... 3317 UBCSiandard 168 ool Te o.oo. eeeeeeee ee 3321 UBC Standard 15-6 Modified Bitumen, Thermoplastic gpd Thermoset Membranes Used fot Rea Coverings | cos 3323 ‘UBC Standard 15-7 Automatic Smoke and Heat Vents 3-325 UBC Standard 18-1 Soils Classification 327 UBC Standard 18-2 Expansion Index Test .......... 3-331 ‘UBC Standard 19-1 Welding Reinforcing Steel, ‘Metal Inserts and Connections in Reinforced Conerete Construction - 23 UBC Standard 19-2 Mill-mixed Gypsum Conerete ‘and Poured Gypsum Roof Diaphragms - 3335 UBC Standard 21-1 Building Brick, Facing Brick and Hollow Brick (Made from Clay or Shale) 3.337 ‘UBC Standard 21-2 | Calcium Slcate Face Brick (Sand-ime Brick) . 33 UBC Standard 21-3 Conerete Building Brick ....... 3-345 ‘Unc Stand 2-4 Holly and Sold Load-earing, ‘Concrete Masonry Units»... 3-347 UBC Standard 21-5 Nonload-bearing Concrete Masonry Units... 7 389 ‘UBC Standard 21-6 In-place Masonry Shear Tests... 3-251 UBC Standard 21.7 Tests of Anchors in Unreinforced ‘Matonry Wail 3.353 UBC Standard 21.8 Pointing of Unreinforced ‘Masonry Walls Sean 3355 VBCStandard 21-9 Unburned Clay Masonry Units and Sandard Methods of sping and Testing ‘Unborned Clay Masonry nls. eos 3357 UBC Standard 21-10. Joint Reinforcement for Masonry. eee 3559 URE Standard 22-11 Cement, Masonry .........+.. 3-363 UBC Standard 21-12 Quiekiime for Structural PUPOSS .cveccsrissesrsatsoiseirrrnesssee J6367 UBC Standard 21-13 Hydrated Lime for Masonry PUPPOSS oscecsrisvnsertsssirssesnn cess 3369 UBC Standard 21-14 Mortar Cement . aan UBC Standard 21-15 Mortar for Unit Masonry and ‘Reinforced Masonry Other than Gypsom 3375 UBC Stendard 21-16 Feld Tests Specimens for Mortar 337 ‘UBC Standard 21-17 Test Method for Comore ‘Strength of Masonry Prisms... 34379 Unc Standard 2-18 Method of Sampling and ‘Testing Grout . 3-381 UBC Standard 21-19 Grout for Masonry . < 3383 ‘UBC Standard 21-20 Standard Test Method for ‘Flexural Bond Strength of Mortar Cement -...... 3-385 Upc Standard 22-1, Matera Spciteation for ‘Structural Steel... ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS—VOLUME 3 UBC Standard 23-1 Classification, Definition, ‘Methods of Grading and Development of Design Values for All Species of Lumber s395 ‘UBC Standard 252 Construction and Indust Plywood 3.397 UBC Standard 23-3 Performance Standard for ‘Wood-based Structural-use Panels ..-.........-. 3425 UBC Standard 23-4 Fireelardant-treated Wood “Fests on Durability and Hygroscopic Properties .... 3-427 UBC Standard 23-5 Firesetardant-teated Wood ..... 3-429, UBC Standard 24-1 Flat Glass ....2...02.2+ 3433 UBC Standard 24-2. Sefety Glazing ......-...¢.05. 3-437 UBC Standard 25-1 Plastic Cement ........-....... 3-447 UBC Standard 25.2 ‘Acoustical Tile and For Lay-in Panel Ceilings ‘UBC Standard 26-1 _ Test Mothod to Determine Potential Heat of Building Materials. . ‘UBC Standard 262. Tet Method forthe Eraluation of Thermal Barriers 7 UBC Standard 26-3 Room Fire Test Standard for Interior of Foam Piastie Systems 3.463 UBC Standard 26-4 Method of Test for the Bvaluation ‘of Flammability Characteristics of Exterior, Nonfoad-bearing all Fane Assembles Using Foam Plastic Insulation =... 3.467 UBC Standard 26-5 _Chaimber Method of Test for ‘Measuing the Density of Smoke from the ‘Burnlug or Decormposition of Plastic Materials... 3-481 UBC Standard 26-6 Ignition Properties of Plastics ‘UBC Standard 26-7 | Method of Test for Determining ‘Gasiiaton of Approved Light-transiting ‘UBC Standard 26-8 Room Fire Test Standard for 3491 ‘Garage Doors Using Foam Plastic Insolation ...... 3-493, ‘UBC Standard 26.9 Method of Test for the ‘Evaluation of Flammability Characteristics of Kxterior, Nonload-bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components Using the Intermediate-scale, Multisiory Test Apparatus ..... 3-507 UBC Standard 31-1 Flame-retardant Membranes .... 3-533 UNIT CONVERSION TABLES 3535 2a EFFECTIVE USE OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ‘The following procedure may be helpful in using the Uniform Building Code: L |. Review the buil (Chassfy the building: ‘A. OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Compute the floor area and occupant load of the building or portion thereof. See Sections 207 and 1002 and Table 10-A. Determine the occupancy group which the use of the building or portion thereof most nearly re. ‘sembles. See Sections 301, 303.1.1, 04.1, 305.1, 306.1, 307.1, 308.1, 309.1, 310.1, 311.1 and 312.1. See Seetion 302 for buildings with mixed occupancies. B. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Determine the type of construction ofthe bui resistance of the parts of the building. See Chapter 6. ©. LOCATION ON PROPERTY: Determine the location of the building on the ste and clearances to property lines and other build- ings from the plot plan, See Table 5-A and Sections 602.3, 603.3, 604.3, 605.3 and 606.3 for fie resistance of exterior walls and ‘wall opening requirements based on proximity to property lines. See Section 503. D, ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: Determine the allowable floor area of the building. See Table 5-B for basic allowable floor area ‘based on occupancy group and type af construction. See Section 50S for allowable increases based on location on property and installation of an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. See Section 504.2 for allowable floor aroa of multistory buildings. E HEIGHT AND NUMBER OF STORIES: Compute the height of the building, Section 209, and determine the numberof stories, ‘Section 220, Sec Table 5-B for the maximum height and number of stories permitted based on occupancy group and type of con- struction. See Section 506 for allowable story increase based on the installation of sn approved automatic fire-sprinkler system, ing by the building materials used and the fire Review the building for conformity with the occupancy requirements in Sections 303 through 332. Review the building for conformity withthe type of construction requirements in Chapter 6, ing for conformity withthe exiting requirements in Chepter 10, Review the building for other detailed code regulations in Chapters 4, 7 through 11, 14, 35, 24 through 26, and 30 through 33, and the appendi ‘Review the building for conformity with structural engineering regulations and requirements for materials of construction. See Chap- 11s 16 through 23. Box 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE Volume 2 ‘CHAP. 16, O1v.! eo: 360824 Chapters 1 through 15 are printed in Volume 1 of the Uniform Building Code. Chapter 16 STRUCTURAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, NOTE: This chapter has been revised In its entirety. Division |-GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS SECTION 1601 — SCOPE ‘This chapter prescribes gencral design requirements applicable to all structures regulaled by this cade. SECTION 1602 — DEFINITIONS ‘The following terms are defined for use in this code: ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN is a method of proportion- ing stmetural elements such that computed stresses produced in the elements by the allowable stress load combinations do not exceed specified allowable stress (also called working stress design). BALCONY, EXTERIOR, is an exterior floor system project ing from a structure and supported by tht structure, with no addi- tional independent supports DEAD LOADS consist ofthe weight ofall materials and fixed ‘equipment incorporated into the building or other struetue, DECK is an exterior floor system supported on at least 1wo ‘opposing sides by an adjoining structure andlor posts, piers, or other independent supports. FACTORED LOAD is the product ofa load specified in Sec tions 1606 through 1611 and a loz factor. See Section 1612.2 for ‘combinations of factored lods, LIMIT STATE is a condition in which a structure or compo= nent is judged either tobe no longer useful for its intended function (Gerviceability limit state) or 1 be unsafe (strength limit state). LIVE LOADS are those loads produced by the use and occa pancy of the building or other stracture and de not include dead load, construction load, or environmental loads such as wind load, ‘snow load, rain Toad, earthquake load or flood load. LOAD AND RESISTANCE FACTOR DESIGN (LRFD) isa ‘method of proportioning sinscuralclements using load and resist- ‘ance factors such thal no applicable limit state is reached when the structure is subjected 10 all appropriate load combinations, The term “LRFD" is used in the design of steel and wood structures. STRENGTH DESIGN is a method of proportioning structural tlements such that the computed forces produced in the elements by the factored load combinations do nol exceed the factored ele- ‘ent strength. The term “strength design” is used inthe design of ‘concrete and masonry structures, ‘SECTION 1603 — NOTATIONS = dead load. ‘= certhquake load set forth in Section 1630.1. D £ Eq = estimated maximum earthquake force that can be devel- oped in the structure asset forth in Section 1630.1.1. F H load due to Auids. Joad due to lateral pressure of soil and water in soil. L_ = live load, except roof live load, including any permitted live load reduction, = roof live load, including any permitted live load reduction, ponding load. snow load, self-siraining force and effects arising ftom contraction for expansion resulting from temperature change, shrink ‘age, moisture change, creep in component materials, ‘movement duc to differential settlement, or combina~ tions thereof, load due to wind pressure. soy w ‘SECTION 1604 — STANDARDS ‘The standards listed below are recognized standards (see Section 3504). 1. Wind Design LL ASCE 7, Chapter 6, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 12 ANSIEIA/TIA 222-8, Structural Standards for Steel ‘Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures 1.3 ANSINNAAMM FP1001, Guide Specifications for the Design Loads of Metal Flagpoles SECTION 1605 — DESIGN 1605.1. General. Buildings and other structures and all portions thereof shall be designed and constructed to sustain, within the limitations specified inthis code, all loads set forth in Chapter 16 and clscwhere in this eode, combined in aceordance with Section 1612, Design shall be in accordance with Strength Design, Load ‘nd Resistance Factor Design or Allowable Stress Design meth= ds, as permitted by the applicable materials chapters. EXCEPTION: Unless otherwise required bythe builling officiel, bulcings or pontions thereof tat are constrvied in accordance with ‘he conventional igh-raming equitements specified In Capes 23 of this cove shall be deemed Yo meet he requirements this section. 1605.2 Rationality. Any system or method of construction to be used shall be based on a rational analysis in accordance with well= ‘established principles of mechanics. Such analysis shall result in & system that provides & complete load path capable of transferring all loads and forces from their point of origin to the loud-resisting elements. The analysis shall include, but not be limited t, the pro- visions of Sections 1605.2.1 through 1605.23. 1605.2.1 Distribution of horizontal shear. The total lateral force shall be disiributed to the various vertical elements of the lateral-force-resisting system in proportion to their rigidities con- sidering the rigidity of the horizontal bracing system or dia- phragm. Rigid clements that are assumed not to be part of the Interal-force-resisting system may be incorporated into buildings, provided that their effect on the action ofthe system is considered land provided for in the design, aa HAR. 16, DIV. feos. i604 Provision shall be made for the increased forces induced on resisting elements of the structural system resulting from torsion duc to eccentricity between the center of application ofthe lateral forces and the center of rigiity of the lateral-force resisting sys- tem. For accidental torsion requirements for seismic design, see Section 1630.6. 1605.22 Stability against overturning, Every stucture shall be designed to resist the overturning offects caused by the lateral forces specified in this chapter. See Section 1611.6 for retaining walls, Section 1615 for wind and Section 1626 for seismic. 160523 Anchorage. Anchorage of the roof to walls and col- tumns, and of walls and colurans to foundations, shall be provided to resist the uplift and sliding forees that result from the applica tion of the prescribed forces. Concrete and masonry walls shall be anchored to all floors, roofs and other structural elements that provide lateral suppart for the wall, Such anchorage shall provide a positive direct connec- tion capable of resisting the horizontal forces specified in this cchaptcr but not less than the minimum forces in Section 1611.4. In addition, in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, diaphragm to wall anchorage using embedded straps shall have the straps attached to ot hooked around the reinforcing steel or otherwise terminated £0 a8 to effec tively transfer forces to the reinforcing steel. Walls shall be igned to resist bending between anchors where the anchor spacing exceeds 4 feet (1219 mmm). Required anchors in masonry ‘walls of hollow units or cavity walls stall be embedded in a rein~ forced grouted structural element of the wall. See Sections 1632, 1633.2.8 and 1633.2.9 for earthquake design requirements. 1605.3 Erection of Structural Framing. Walls and structural framing shall be erected trve and plumb in accordance with the design. ‘SECTION 1606 — DEAD LOADS 1606.1 General. Dead loads shall be as defined in Section 1602 and this section. 16062 Partition Loads. Foor in office buildings and other buildings where partion locations ace subject to change sall be designed to suppor in addition to all ther loads, a uniorly d tributed dead foed equal to 20 pounds per sqaae oot (pe) (0.96 KN/n?) offloot ae. ateei EXCEPTION: Accs or systems sal be designed to weer in addtion oer gus unlonly tbl ead ad na than 0 pt (248 kN oor se. SECTION 1607 — LIVE LOADS 1607.1 General. Live loads shall be the maximum loads expected by the intended use or occupancy but in ao case shall be less than the loads required by this section, 1607.2 Critical Distribution of Live Loads. Where structural members are arranged t0 create continuity, members shall be designed using the loading conditions, which would cause maxi- ‘mum shear and bending moments. This requirement may be satis- fied in accordancs with the provisions of Section 16073.2 or 1607.42, where applicable 16073 Floor Live Loads. 16073.1 General, Floors shall be designed for the unit live Ioads as set forth in Table 16-A. These loads shall be takea as the ‘minimum live loads in pounds per square foot of horizontal pro- jection to be used in the design of buildings for the occupancies 22 11997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE listed, and loads at least equal shall be assumed for uses not listed inthis seetion but that create or accommodate similar loadings. ‘Where it can be determined in designing floors thatthe actual live load will be greater than the value showa in Table 16-A, the actual lve load shall be used in the design of such buildings ar por- tions thereof. Special provisions shall be made for machine and apparatus loads, 1607,3.2 Distribution of uniform floor loads, Where usiform {oor loads ere involved, consideration may be limited to ull dead load on all spans in combination with full live load on adjacent spans and alternate spans. 1607.33 Concentrated loads. Provision shall be made in designing flors for a concentrated load, L, a set forth in Table 16-4 placed upon any space 71> fet (762 tam) square, whezever this lod upon an otherwise unloaded floor would produce stresses treater than those caused by the uniform load required therefor. Provision shall be made in areas where vehicles aie used or stored for concentrated loads, L, consisting of two or more loads spiced 5 fet (1524 mm) nominally on centr without uniform live loads. Each load shall be 40 percent ofthe gross weight of the maximur-size vehicle to be accommodated. Parking garages For the storage of private or pleasure-type motor vehicles with no repair or efveling shall have a floor system designed for a concen trated lon of not less than 2,000 pounds (8.9 KN) acting on an aree (20 square inches (12 903 mm?) without uniform live loads. The coadition of concentrated or unifoem live load, combined in accordance with Secion 1612 2 or 16123 as appropriate, produc- ing the greatest stresses shall govern. 1607.3.4 Special loads. Provision shall be made for the special ‘veitical and lateral loads as set forth in Table 16-B, 1607.3.5 Live loads posted. The live loads for which each floor ‘or portion the:eof of a commercial or industrial building is or has been designed shall have such design live loads conspicuously posted by the owner in that part of each story in which they apply, Using durable metal signs, and it shall be unlawful to remove or eface such notices. The occupant ofthe building shall be respon- sible for keeping the actual load below the allowable limits. 1607.4 Roof Live Loads. 1607.4.1 General, Roofs shall be designed for the unit live loads, L., set forth in-Table 16.C. The live loads shall be essamed to ect vertically upon the area projected on @ horizontal plane 1607.4.2 Distribution of loads. Where uniform roof loads are involved ia the design of structural members arranged to create continuity, consideration may be limited to full dead loads on all spans in combination with full roof live loads on adjacent spans and on alternate spans. EXCEPTION: Alternate span loding ces nat be considered ‘ere the uniform roof tive load is 20 pst (0.95 KN?) or more et where lead combinations, including spow ld, result in larger mem bers or eoanectons For those conditions where light-gage metal preformed stru tural sheets serve as the support and finish of roofs, roof structural ‘members arranged to create continuity shall be considered ade- quate if designed for full cead loads oa all spans in combination ‘with the most critical one of the following superimposed loads: L. Snow load in accordance with Section 1614. 2. The uniform roof live load, Z., set forth in Table 16-C on all spas. 3. A concentrated gravity load, L,, of 2,000 pounds (8.9 kN) placed on any span supporting a tributary area greater than 200, Square feet (18.58 m?) to create maximum stresses in the member, 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE Whenever this loading creates greater stresses than those caused by the uniform live load. The concentrated load shal be placed on the member over a length of 21/p feet (762 mm) along the span. ‘The concentrated load need not be applied to more than one span simultaneously. 4. Water accumulation as prescribed in Section 1611.7. 1607.43 Unbalanced loading. Unbalanced loads shall be used Where such loading will resull i larger members or connections, ‘Trusses and arches shall be designed to resist the stresses caused by unit lve loads on one half of the span if such loading results in reverse stresses, or siresses greater in any portion than the stresses produced by the required unit live load on the entire span, For Toofs whose structures ere composed of a stressed shell famed or solid, wherein stresses caused by any point loading are distributed throughout the erea ofthe shell, the requirements for unbalanced unit live load design may be reduced 50 percent. 1607.4.4 Special roof loads, Roofs to be used for special pur- poses shall be designed for appropriate loads as approved by the building official, Greenhouse roof bars, purlins and rafters shall be designed to carry 2 100-pound-minimum (444.8 N) concentrated loa, Lin ‘addition to the uniform live load. 1607.5 Reduction of Live Londs, The design lve load deter ‘ned using the ua ive Toads a et forth in Table 16 for loots and Table 16-C, Method 2, for roofs may be reduced gn any mem. ber supporting more then 150 square fet (13.94 m, ineuding flat slabs, except for floors in paces of public assembly and for live loads greater than 100 psf (4.79 kN/m?), in accordance with the following formule Rar(A-150) 74) For Sk: R=r(A-13.94) ‘The reduction shall not exceed 40 percent for members receiv. ing load from one level only, 60 percent for other members or, as termined by the following formula: R=? (1+DM) 02) WHERE: A= staf Door rot sroed ye mbes feet (wm) D = dead load per square foot (m2) of area supported by the member 1 = i ive loud per sane foo (ni?) ofr soponed by the member, R = reduction in percentage 17 = rate of reduction equal to 0.08 percent for floors. See ‘Table 16-C for roots, For storage loads exceeding 100 ps (4.79 Nin?) no redvetion shall be made, except that design live loads on columns may be reduced 20 percent. ‘The live load reduction shall not exceed 40 percent in garages for the storage of private pleasure cars having a eapecity of not ‘more than nine passengers per vehicle. 1607.6 Alternate Floor Live Load Reduction. As an sltemate to Formula (7-1, the unt live loads forth fn Table 16-A may be reduced in accordance with Formula (7-3) on eny member, includ ing flat slabs, having an inuence area of 400 square fet (31.2 m>) or more. CHAP. 18, O1V.1 WBor.82 Teits ee [x= + =(z)| WHERE: Ay = influence area, in square fet (m2). The influence area Ay is four times the tributary area for@ column, two times the tbutary area fr a beam, equal tothe pane! ara fora two-way siab, and equal to the product ofthe span and the fall ange width for a precast T-beam, 1 = reduced design live load per square foot (m2) of area supported by the member. ‘fq = unreduced design live load per square foo (m?) of area Supported by the member (Table 16-A), ‘The reduced live load stall not be less than 50 percent ofthe wnt live load for members receiving load from one level only, nor Jess than 40 percent ofthe unit ive load Z, for other members. ‘SECTION 1608 — SNOW LoaDS ‘Snow loads shall be determined in accordance with Chepter 16, Division I. ‘SECTION 1609 — WIND LOADS. ‘Wind loeds shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 16, Division M1, SECTION 1610 — EARTHQUAKE LoaDs Earthquake loads shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 16, Division TV. SECTION 1611 — OTHER MINIMUM LOADS. 1611-1 General. In addition to the other design loads specified in this chapter, strictures shall be designed to resist the loads spe ified in this section and the special loses set forth in Table 16-B, 1611.2 Other Loads. Buildings and other structures and por- tions thereof shall be designed to resist all loeds due to applicable ‘uid pressures, F lateral soil pressures, H, ponding loads, P and selfstraining forces, Z Sce Section 1611.7 for ponding loads for rools. 16113 Impact Loads. Impact loads shall be included in the design of any structure where impact loads occur. 1611.4 Anchorage of Conerete and Masonry Walls. Concrete ‘and masonry walls shall be anchored as required by Section 3605.2.3. Such anchorage shall be eapable of resisting the load combinations of Section 1612.2 or 1612.3 using the greater of the wind or eanhquake loads required by this chapier or a minimum ‘horizontal force of 20 pounds per linear foo! (4.09 KN/m) of wall, substituted for E, 161145 Interior Wall Londs. Interior wall, permanent pantions and temporary partion tha exceed 6 feet (1829 mam in height shall be designed io resist all loads to which they are subjected but not less than a Toad, L,of 5 pst (0.24 KN/m®) applied perpendicy- Jar tothe walls. The 5 psf (0.24 kN/m2) load need not be applied simultaneously with wind or seismic loads. The deflection of soch a tae. 16, DIV. 1 fens 161232 walls under a load of 5 pst (0.24 kN/m?) shall not exceed Vay9 of the span for walls with brittle finishes and '/,29 ofthe span for walls with flexible finishes. See Table 16-0 for carthquake design requirements where such requirements are more restrictive. EXCEPTION: Flexible, folding or portable pattons are net required to mect the loed and deflection cera but mst be anchored 1p the supporting structure to meet the provisions ofthis ode, 16116 Retaining Walls. Retaining walls shall be designed to resist loads due to the lateral pressure of retained material in accordance with accepted engineering practice. Walls retaining drained soil, where the surface ofthe retained soll is level, shall be designed for a load, H, equivalent to that exerted by a fluid weigh- ing not less then 30 psf per foot of depth (4.71 EN/m/tm) and hav- ing adepth equal to that ofthe retained soll. Any surcharge shall be in addition tothe equivalent fluid pressure. Retaining walis shall be designed to resist sliding by at least 15 times the lateral force and overturning by atleast 1.5 times the overtuming moment, using allowable stress design loads. 1611.7 Water Accumulation. All roofs shall be designed with sufficient stope or camber to ensure adequate drainage after the Iong-term deflection from dead load or shall be designed to resist ponding load, P, combined in accordance with Section 1612.2 or 16123. Ponding load shall include water accumulation from any source, including snow, due to deflection. See Section 1506 and ‘Table 16-C, Footnote 3, for drainage slope. See Section 1615 for deflection criteria. 16118 Hydrostatic Uplift. All foundations, slats and other Footings subjected to water pressuce shall be designed to resist a uniformly distributed uplift load, F; equal to the full hydrostatic pressure. 1611.9 Flood-resistant Construction, For flood-esistant con- struction requirements, where specifically adopted, see Appendix Chapter 31, Division 1 1611.10 Heliport and Helistop Landing Areas. In addition 10 other design requirements of this chapter, heliport and helistop landing or touchdown areas shall be designed forthe following Toads, combined in accordance with Section 1612.2 or 16123: 1. Dead load plus actual weight ofthe helicopter: 2. Dead oad plu a single concerted impact load, L, cover ing 1 square foot (0.003 m*) of 0.75 times the fully load weight of the helicopter if it is equipped with hydeaulicaype shock absorbers, or 1.5 times the fully loaded weight ofthe helicopter if iis equipped with a rigid or skid-type landing geat. 3. The dead ond plus a uniform lve load, £ of 100 psf (4.8 KN! 1m), The required live load may be reduced in accordance with Section 1607.5 or 1607.6. 1611.11 Prefabricated Construction. Y6IL.I1A Connections. Every device used to connect pre- fabricated assemblies shall be designed as required by this code and stall be capable of developing the strength ofthe members connected, excep in te case of members forming pat of asi tural frame designed as specified in this choptes. Connections shal bbe capable of withstanding uplift forces as specified in this chapise 1611.11.2 Pipes and conduit. In structural design, due allowancs shall'be made for any material o be removed for the installation of pipes, conduits or other equipment. 1611.11. Tests and inspections. See Section 1704 for require- ‘ments for tests and inspections of prefabricated construction. 24 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SECTION 1612 — COMBINATIONS OF LOADS 1612.1 General. Buildings and other structures and all portions thereof shall be designed to cesist the load combinations specified in Section 1612.2 or 1612.3 and, where required by Chapter 16, Division IV, or Chapters 18 through 23, the special scismic load ‘combinations of Section 1612.4. ‘The most critical effect ean occur when one or more of the con- tributing loads are not acting. All applicable loads shall be consid cred, including both earthquake and wind, in accordance with the specified load combinations. 1612.2 Load Combinations Using Strength Design or Load and Resistance Factor Design. 1612.2.1 Basic load combinations. Where Load and Resistance Factor Design (Strength Design) is used, structures and ell por- tions thereof shall resist the most critical effects from the follow- ing combinations of factored loads: 14D az) 12D 4160405 (Z, or 5) (12-2) 12D+16(LorS)+ALorosw) (12-3) 12D413W+fL+05 (Lor) (124) 12D + LOE+ (al +9) (25) 0.9D + (L0E0r 13) (12-6) WHERE: fi = 1.0 for floors in places of public assembly, for live loads in excess of 100 psf (4.9 kN/m?), and for garage live load. (0.5 for other live loads. fx = 0.7 for root configurations (such as saw tooth) that do not shed snow off the structure. = 0.2 for othee roof configurations. EXCEPTIONS: |. Factored load combinations for concrete per ‘Seetion 19092 here ond combinations do not nelode amie free. 2, Fectored load combinations ofthis section multiplied by 1. for GEE snd mony whe fond combines iclde seme 3. Where otber factored loa combinaons ar specifically reared by the provision of his code 1612.2.2 Other loads. Where F, Hi, P or Tate to be considered in design, each applicable load shall be added to the above combina tions factored as follows: 1.3F, 1.6H, .2P and 1.27. 1612.3 Load Combinations Using Allowable Stress Design. 1612.3.1 Basic load combinations. Where allowable stress design (working stress design) is used, structures and all potions thereof shall resist the most critical effects resulting from the fol- lowing combinations of loads: D 2-7) D+L+ (Lor) (128) p+ (wor &) (129) £ oss «1210) Deore coro+ (wor f)] czy No inereae in allowable stresses shal be used with these lad combinations except ts specifically prmited by Section 1809.2 1612.3.2 Alternate basic load combinations. In liew ofthe basic load combinations specified in Section 1612.3.1, structures and 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE portions thereof shall be permited 10 be designee for the most cit ical effects resulting from the following load combinations. When using these alternate basic load combinations, a one-hird increase shall be permitted in allowable stresses for all combinations including W or E. D+L+ tors (12-12) D+L+(wor 0213) parewss ca pitass¥ cai DeLise sh (216) oo sf 2464) EXCEPTIONS: 1. Cre hook loads need notte combined with ‘eof live load or with more than zee forts of the so lead or one ‘of the wind load. 2. Design snow loads of 30 ps (44 ENV?) or les eed nat becom bined with seismic loads. Where design snow lon exceed 30 pe (14d ‘kN, the design sno ‘ond sal be incoed wit seismic leads, bat smay be reduced up © 75 percent where consideration of hing, cog. ‘ation ad load duration warant when approved bythe ulin of al 1612.33 Other loads. Where F H, P or Tare to be considered in design, each applicable load shall be added to the combinations specified in Sections 16123.1 and 1612.3.2. When using the altr- chaP.16,DIv.1 rag 1613 nate load combinations specified in Section 1612.3.2, one-third ‘nerease shall be permitted in allowable stresses for all combina- tions including Wor E: 1612.4 Special Seismic Load Combinations. For both Allow- able Stwess Design and Strength Design, the following special load combinations for seismic design shal} be used as specifically required ty Chapter 16, Division TV, or by Chapters 18 through 23: 12D + fil + 108, azn 09D + 106, 2-18) WHERE: fi = 1.0 for floors in places of public assembly, for live loads in excess of 100 psf (4.79 kN/m2), and For garage live Toad, 0.5 for other live loads. SECTION 1613 — DEFLECTION ‘The deflection of any structural member shall not exceed the val- ‘ues set forth in Table 16-D, based on the factors set forth in Table GE. The deflection criteria representing the most restrictive con. ition shall apply. Deflection eriteria for materials not specified shall be developed in a manner consistent with the provisions of this seetion. See Section 1611.7 for camber requirements. Span tables for light wood-frame construction as specified in Chapter 23, Division VIL, shall conform to the design eriterie contained ‘herein, For concrete, see Section 1909.5.2.6: for aluminum, see Section 2003; for glazing framing, see Section 2404.2, CHAP.16, DI feu 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE Division I-SNOW LOADS ‘SECTION 1614 — SNOW LOADS [Buildings and other structures and ll portions thereof that are sub ject to snow loading shall be designed to resist the snow loads, a5 determined by the building oficial, in accordance with the load combinations set forth in Section 16122 or 16123. Potential unbalanced accumulation of snow at valleys, paro- pets, roof structures and offsets in roofs of uneven configuration ‘shall be considered ‘Snow loads in excess of 20 ps (0.96 kN/m®) ray be reduced for ‘each degres of ptch over 20 degrees by Ros determined by the formula: den For Si: R= Hn 0.0m WHERE: R, = snow load reduction in pounds per square foot (kN/m2) per degree of pitch over 20 degrees. 5 = total snow load in pounds per square foot (KN/m?). For alternate design procedure, where specifically adopted, see Appendix Chapter 16, Division I. 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ccHap. 16, piv. ae 18213 Division I-WIND DESIGN ‘SECTION 1615 — GENERAL Every building or structure and every portion thereof shall be de- signed and constructed to resist the wind effects determined in ac- cordance with the requirements of this division, Wind shall be assumed to come from any horizontsl direction, No reduction in ‘wind pressure shall be taken for the shielding effect of adjacent structures. Structures sensitive to dynamic effets, such as buildings with a hneight-to-width ratio. greater than five, structures sensitive 10 vwind-excited oscillations, such as vortex shedding or icing, and buildings over 400 feet (121.9 m) in height, shall be, and any stroc- ture may be, designed in accordance with approved national standards. ‘The provisions of this section do not epply to building and foun- ation systems in those areas subject to scour and waler pressure by wind and wave action. Buildings and foundations subject to such loads shall be designed in accordance with approved national standards SECTION 1616 — DEFINITIONS ‘The following definitions apply only to this division: BASIC WIND SPEED is the fastest-mile wind speed asso- ciated with an annual probability of 0,02 meesured at a point 35 feet (10000 mm) above the ground for an area having exposure category C. EXPOSURE B has tersain with buildings, forest or surface ir- segularties, covering atleast 20 percent ofthe ground level area extending 1 mile (1.61 km) of more from the site. EXPOSURE C has terrain that is flat and generally open, ex- tending 1p mile (0.81 km) or more from the site in any fall quad rant, EXPOSURE D represents the most severe exposure in areas With basic wind speeds of 80 miles per hour (mph) (129 kwh) or ‘greater and has terrain tha is flat and unobstructed facing large bo- ies of water over 1 mile (1.61 km) o: more in width relative to any quadrant ofthe building site. Exposure D extends inland from the shoreline "4 mile (0.40 km) or 10 times the building height, whichever is greater FASTEST-MILE WIND SPEED is the wind speed obtained from wind velocity maps prepared by the National Oceanographic ‘and Atmospheric Administration and is the highest sustained ay- ‘erage wind speed based on the time required for a mile-long sam- ple of ar to pass a fixed point. OPENINGS are apertures or holes in the exterior wall bound- ary of the structure. All windows or doors or other openings shall be considered as openings unless such openings and thei frames are specifically detailed and designed to resist the loads on ele- ‘ments and components in accordance with the provisions ofthis section, PARTIALLY ENCLOSED STRUCTURE OR STORY is 2 structure or story that has more than 15 percent of any windward projected arca open and the area of opening on all other projected ‘areas is Jess than half ofthat on the windward projection. SPECIAL WIND REGION is an area where local records and terrain features indicate 50-year fastest-mile basic wind speed is higher than shown in Figure 16-1, UNENCLOSED STRUCTURE OR STORY is a structure that has 85 percent or more openings on all sides. SECTION 1617 — SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS symbols and notations apply to the provisions of = combined height, exposure and gust factor coefficient as siven in Table 16-4. Gq = pressure cosfficient for the structure or portion of struc ture under consideration as given in Table 16-H. ‘importance factor as set forth in Table 16-K. ly = P = design wind pressure. de = wind stagnation pressure atthe standard height of 33 fect (20 000 mm) as set forth in Table 16-F. SECTION 1618 — BASIC WIND SPEED ‘The minimum basic wind speed at any site shall not be less than that shown in Figure 16-1. For those areas designated in Figure 16-1 as special wind regions and other areas wher local records oF terrain indicate higher 50-year (mean recurrence interval) festest- ile wind speeds, these higher values shall be the minimum basic wind speeds. SECTION 1619 — EXPOSURE ‘An exposure shal] be assigned at each site for which a building or structure isto be designed. SECTION 1620 — DESIGN WIND PRESSURES. Design wind pressures for buildings and structures and elements therein shall be determined for any height in accordance with the following formula: P= CoCy te by @0-1) SECTION 1621 — PRIMARY FRAMES AND SYSTEMS. 1621.1 General. The primary frames or load-resisting system of every structure shall be designed for the pressures calculated us- {ng Formula (20-1) and the pressure coefficients, Cp, of either ‘Method 1 or Method 2. In addition, design ofthe overall structure ‘and its primary Toad-resisting system shall conform t0 Section 1605. ‘The base overuming moment forthe entite structure, or for any tone ofits individual primary lateral-resisting elements, shall not exceed Iwo thirds of the dead-load-resisting moment. For an entire structure with a height-to-width ratio of 0.5 oF less in the wind di rection and a maximum height of 60 feet (18 290 ram), the combi- nation ofthe effects of uplift and overturning may be reduced by One third. The weight of earth superimposed over footings may be used to calculate the dead-load-resisting moment. 1621.2 Method 1 (Normal Force Method). Method 1 shall be ‘used for the design of enbled rigid frames and may be used for any structure, In the Nommal Force Method, the wind pressures shall ‘assumed to act simultaneously normal to all exterior surfaces. For pressures on roofs and leeward walls, C, shall be evaluated at the ‘mean roof height. 1621.3 Method 2 (Projected Area Method), Method 2 may be "sed for any structureless than 200 feet (60 960 mn) in height ex- cept those using gabled rigid frames. This method may be used in stability determinations for any simcture less than 200 feet (60 960 mm) high. In the Projected Area Method, horizontal pres- sures shall be assumed to act upon the full vertical projected area a7 wap, 16, DIV. sens 1628 of the structure, and the vertical pressures shall be assurned to act simultaneously upon the full horizontal projected area, ‘SECTION 1622 — ELEMENTS AND COMPONENTS OF STRUCTURES Design wind pressures for each element or component ofa stice ture shall be determined from Formula (20-1) and Cy values from Table 16-H, and shall be applied perpendicular to the surface. For outward acting forces the value of Ce shall be cbtained from Table 16-G based on the mean reof height and applied for the entire height of the structure. Back element or component shall be de- Signed for the more severe ofthe following loadings: 1. The pressures determined using C values for elements and components acting over the entire ribulory area of the element 2. The pressures determined using Cy values for local areas at discontinuities such as comers, ridges andl eaves. These local pres- ssures shall be applied over a distance from 2 discontinuity of 10 feet (3048 mam) or 0.1 times the least width of the structure, whichever is less ‘The wind pressures from Sections 1621 and 1622 need not be combines. 1097 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SECTION 1623 — OPEN-FRAME TOWERS: Radio towers and other towers of trussed construction shall be de- signed and constructed to withstand wind pressures specified in this section, multiplied by the shape factors set forth in Table 16H. ‘SECTION 1624 — MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES Greenhouses, lath houses, agricultural buildings or fences 12 feet (658 mm) of less in height shall be designed in accordance with, Chapter 16, Division II, However, three fourths of q,, but not less than 10 psf (0.48 kNNim?), may be substituted for qin Formula (20-1), Pressures on local areas at discontinuities need not be con- sidered, ‘SECTION 1625 — OCCUPANCY CATEGORIES: For the purpose of wind-resistant design, each structure shall be placed in one of the occupancy categories listed in Table 16-K. ‘Table 16-K lists importance factors. fy, for each category. 11997 UNIFORM BULLDING CODE ccnar. 16, DIv.1v 1625 ier Division IV—EARTHGUAKE DESIGN SECTION 1626 — GENERAL 1626.1 Purpose. The purpose of the earthqueke provisions herein 5s primarily o safeguard against msjor structural failures and loss of life, not o limit damage or maintain function. 1626.2 Minimum Seismic Design. Structares and portions thereof shall 2 minimum, be designed and constructed to resist the effects of seismic ground motions as provided in this division, 1626.3 Seismic and Wind Design, When the code-prescribed wind design produces greater effects the wind design shall gov= em, but detsiling requirements and limitations prescribed in this section and referenced sections stall be followed SECTION 1627 — DEFINITIONS FFor the purposes of this division, certain terms are defined as fol- lows: BASBis the level at which the erthquake motions are consid- cred to be imparted to the structure or the level at which the struc- ture as a dynamic vibrator is supported BASE SHEAR, ¥; isthe total Gosga leeral foree or shear atthe base ofa structure, BEARING WALL SYSTEM isa structural system without a ‘complete vertical load-carrying space frame. See Section 1629.6. BOUNDARY ELEMENT js an clement at edgrs of openings cr at perimeters of shear walls or diaphragms BRACED FRAME is an essentially vertical uss system of the ‘concentric or eccentric type that is provided to resist lateral forces, BUILDING FRAME SYSTEM is an essentially complete space frame that provides suppor for gravity loads, See Section 1629.63. CANTILEVERED COLUMN ELEMENT is a column ele- ment in 2 lateral-force-tesisting system that cantilevers from a fixed base and has minimal moment capacity atthe top, with lat- ‘ral forces applied essentially atthe top. COLLECTOR is a member or element provided to transfer l= eral forces from a portion of a structure to vertical clemenis of the lateralforce-resisting system. COMPONENT is a par or element ofan architectural, electi- cal, mechanical or structural system. COMPONENT, EQUIPMENT, is a mechanical or electical ‘component or element that is part of’ mechanical and/or electrical system. COMPONENT, FLEXIBLE, is « component, including its attechments, having a fundamental perfod greater than 0.08 sec- ond. COMPONENT, RIGID, is 2 component, including its attach- - ments, having a fundamental period less than or equal lo 0.06 sec- ond, CONCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAME is 2 braced frame in which the members are subjected primarily to exial forees. DESIGN BASIS GROUND MOTION is that ground motion that has a 10 pescent chance of being exceeded in 50 years a deter- mined by a site-specific hazard analysis or may be determined from a hazard map. A suite of ground motion time histories with ‘dynamic properties representative ofthe site cheracteristcs shall bbe used to represent this ground motion. The dynamic effects of the Design Basis Ground Motion may be represented by the Design Response Spectrum. See Section 1631.2. DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRUM is an elastic response. spectrum for 5 percent equivalent viscous damping used to repre- sent the dynarnic effects of the Design Basis Ground Motion for the design of structures in accordance with Sections 1630 and 1631. This response spectrum may be either a site-specific spe trum besed on geologic, tectonic, seismological and soil cherac- leristies associated with a specific site or may be a spectrum ‘constructed in accordance with the spectral shape in Figure 16-3 using the site-specific values of C, and C, and multipied by the acceleration of gravity, 386.4 in/sec.? (9.815 misec.*), See Seo- ton 1681.2 DESIGN SEISMIC FORCE is the minimum total strength de- sign base shear, factored and distributed in accordance with Sec- tion 1630. DIAPHRAGM is. horizontal or nearly horizontal system act- ing to transmit lateral forces to the vertical-resisting elements. The term “diaphragm” includes horizontal bracing systems. DIAPHRAGM or SHEAR WALL CHORD is the boundary clement of a diaphragm or shear wall that is assuraed to take axial siresses analogous tothe flanges of a beam. DIAPHRAGM STRUT (drag strut, ti, collector) is the ele- ‘ment of a diaphragm parallel to the applied load that colleets snd \wansfers diaphragm shear to the vertical-resisting elements or dis. ‘uibutes loads within the diaphragm. Such members may take axial tension or compression, DRIET. See “story drift.” DUAL SYSTEM is a combination of moment-esisting frames ‘and shear walls or braced frames designed in accordance with the criteria of Section 1629.6.5. ECCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAME (EBF) is a steel- braced frame designed in conformance with Section 2213.10. ELASTIC RESPONSE PARAMETERS ste forces and deformations determined from an elastic dynamic analysis using an unreduced ground motion representation, in accordance with Section 1630. ESSENTIAL FACILITIES are those structures that are nec- essary for emergency operations subsequent to a natural disaster. FLEXIBLE ELEMENT or system is one whose deformation ‘under lateral load is significantly larger than adjoining part of the system, Limiting ratios for defining specific flexible elements are sel forth in Section 1630.6. HORIZONTAL BRACING SYSTEM is a horizontal trass system that serves the same function as a diaphragm. INTERMEDIATE MOMENT-RESISTING _ FRAME GIMRE) is a concrete frame designed in accordance with Section 19218. LATERAL-FORCE-RESISTING SYSTEM is that part of the structural system designed to resist the Design Seismic Forces MOMENT-RESISTING FRAME is a frame in which mem= ‘ets and joints are capable of resisting forces primarily by flexure. MOMENT-RESISTING WALL FRAME (MRWF) is 2 ‘masonry wall frame especially detailed 10 provide ductile behav ior and designed in conformance with Section 2108.25. ORDINARY BRACED FRAME (OBF) is a sieel-braced frame designed in accordance with the provisions of Section 28 cHaP. 16, DIV. Iv tear 628 2213.8 or 2214.5, or concreie-braced frame designed in accord- ‘ance with Section 1921. ‘ORDINARY MOMENT-RESISTING FRAME (OMRR) i ‘2 moment-resisting frame not meeting special detailing require- ‘meats for ductile behavior. ORTHOGONAL EFFECTS are the earthquake load effects oon structural elements common to the lateral-force-resisting sys- tems along two orthogonal axes. OVERSTRENGTH is a characteristic of structures where the actual strength is larger than the design strength. The degree of overstrength is matetial~ and system-dependeat. PA EFFECT is the secondary effect on shears, axial forces and moments of frame members induced by the vertical loads acting con the laterally displaced building system. SHEAR WALL is a wall designed (o resist lateral forces paral- {el tothe plane of the wall (sometimes referred to as vertical dia- phragm or structural wall). SHEAR WALL-FRAME INTERACTIVE SYSTEM uses, combinations of shear walls and frames designed to resist lateral forces in proportion to their relative rigidities, considering inter- action belween shear walls and frames on alt levels. SOFT STORY is one in which the lateral stiffness i less than 70 percent of the sifiness ofthe story above. See Table 16-L. SPACE FRAME is 2 three-dimensional structural system, ‘without bearing walls, composed of members interconnected 50 as fo function a$ a complete self-contained unit with or without the aid of horizontal diaphragms or floor-bracing systems. SPECIAL CONCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAME (SCBE) isa steet-braced frame designed in conformance with the provisions of Section 2213.9. SPECIAL MOMENT-RESISTING FRAME (SMRF) is a momeni-resisting frame specially detailed to provide ductile behavior and comply with the requirements given in Chapter 19 or 22, SPECIAL TRUSS MOMENT FRAME (STMF) is a moment-esisting frame specially detailed to provide ductile behavior and comply withthe provisions of Section 2213.11 STORY is the space between levels. Story x is the story below Level x, . - STORY DRIFT is the lateral displacement of one level relative to the level above or below. peSTORY DRIFT RATIO ithe soya eight STORY SHEAR, Vz, is the summation of desiga lateral forces, above the story under consideration, STRENGTH is the capacity of an element or a member to resist factored load as specified in Chapters 16, 18, 19, 21 and 22. STRUCTURE is an assemblage of framing members designed + support gravity loads and sesist lateral forces. Structures may be categorized as building structures or nonbuilding structures. SUBDIAPHRAGM is « portion of a larger wood diaphragm, designed to anchor and transfer local forces to primary diapbragm struts and the main digpbragm. VERTICAL LOAD-CARRYING FRAME is a space frame designed to carry vertical gravity loads. WALL ANCHORAGE SYSTEM is the system of elements, anchoring the wall o the diaphragm and chose elements within the diaphragm required to develop the anchorage forces, including divided by the story 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE subdiaphragms and continuous ties, as specified in Sections 1633.2.8 and 1633.29. WEAK STORY is one in which the story strength is less than, £80 percent of the story above. See Table 16-L. SECTION 1628 — SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS: ‘ee folowing symbols and notations ply tthe provisos of ‘Ag = ground floor area of structure in square feet (m2) to include area covered by all overhangs and projec- sions, ‘Ae = the combined effective are, in square feet (m2), of the shear walls in the first story of the structure, ‘Ae = the minimum cross-sectional azes in any horizontal plane in the first tor, in square feet (m) of a shear wall the torsional amplification factor at Level.x = sumerical costicient specified in Secson 1632 and set forth in Table 16-0. = seismic coeticen, as set forth in Table 16-0. sumerical coeticient given in Scetion 163022. seismic coefficient, asset fort in Table 16-R. dead load on a structral element. the length, in foot (am), of shear wall nthe fist story inthe diretion parallel tthe applied forces earthquake loads set forth in Section 1630.1 Design Seismic Force applied to Level { m or x, respectively. Design Seismic Forces on a part ofthe structure, Design Seismic Force on a diaphragm, that portion of the base shear, ¥ considered concen- trated atthe top of the structure in addition to Fy. lateral force at Level for use in Formula (30-10). acceleration due to gravity height in feet (re) above the base to Level i nor x, respectively. 1 = importance factor given in Table 16-K. Jy. = importance factor specified in Table 16-K. live load on a structural element. level of the structure referred to by the subscript i ‘"{ = 1" designates the first Ievet above the base. Level m = that level that is uppermost in the mein portion ofthe sirveture. Levelx = that level that is under design consideration. designates the first level above the base. ‘M = maximum moment magnitude. Ng = near-source factor used inthe determination of Cin Seismic Zone 4 related to both the proximity of the building or structure to known faults with magnitudes and slip rates as set forth in Tables 16-S and 16-U. N, = nearsource factor used inthe determination of G, in Seismic Zone 4 related to both the proximity of the ‘building or structure to known faults with magnitudes and slip rates a8 set forth in Tables 16-T and 16-U. 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE PI = plasticity index of soil determined in accordance with approved national standards, R = mumerical coefficient representative of the inherent foverstrength and global ductility capacity of iteral- force-resisting systems, as set forth in Table 16-N or 16. 7 = armtio used in determining p. See Section 1630.1 ‘Sz, Sp = soil profile types asset forth in Table 16-3. T = elastic fundamental period of vibration, in seconds, of the structure in the direction under consideration. V = the total design jaterl force or shear atthe base given by Formula (30-5), 20-6), (30-7) or (30-11), Vz = the design story shear in Story x, W = the total seismic dead load defined in Section 1630.1.1 i, We = that portion of W located stor assigned to Level for, respectively. Wp = the weight of an element or corsponent. Mpe = the weight of the diaphragm and the element tributary thereto at Level x, including applicable portions of other loads defined in Section 1630.11. seismic zone factor as given in Table 16-1. ‘Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement, which is the total deft or toa story dsift that occurs when the structure is subjected to the Design Basis Ground Motion, including estimated elastic and inclastic Contributions to the total deformation defined in Sec= tion 16309. ‘As = Design Level Response Displacement, which isthe twtal drift or total story drift that occurs when the structure is subjected to the design seismic forces, ‘8 = horizontal displacement at Level relative to the base ‘due to applied lateral forces, ,for-use in Formala 60-10). 9 = Redundancy/Reliability Factor given by Formula G03), = Scismic Force Amplification Factor, which is ‘required to account for structural overstength and set forth in Table 16-N. ‘SECTION 1629 — CRITERIA SELECTION 1629.1 Basis for Design. The procedures and the limitations for the design of structures shall be determined considering seismic zoning, site characteristics, occupancy, configuration, structural system and height in accordance with tis section, Structures shall be designed with adequate strength to withstand the lateral dis- placements induced by the Design Basis Ground Motion, consid: ering the inelastic response of the structure and the inherent redundancy, overstrength and ductility of the lateral-force- resisting system. The minimum design sirength shall be based on the Desi is determined in accordance with the force procedure of Section 1630, except as modified by Section 1631.54. Where strength design is used, the load com= binations of Section 1612.2 shall apply. ble Stress Design is used, the load combinations of Section 16123 shall apply. Allowable Stress Design may be used to evaluate sliding or ‘overturning atthe soil-simicture interface regerdless of the design approach used in the design of the structure, provided load com CHAP. 15, DiV.IV "1628 1620.84 binations of Section 1612.3 are utilized. One- and two-family wollings in Seismie Zone 1 need not conform tothe provisions of this section. 1629.2 Occupancy Categories. For purposes of earthquake- resistant design, each structure shall be placed in one of the occ. [Pancy categories listed in Table 16-K. Table 16-K assigns impor tance factors, and j, and structural observation requirements for each category, 1629.3 Site Geology and Soll Characteristics. Each sie shall bbe assigned a soil profile type based on properly substantiated ‘eolechnical dala using the site categorization procedure se orth in Division V, Section 1636 and Table 16-1. EXCEPTION: Whea he pope fe et mown in sficent ‘ede alice, al Rc lr ble Type Sor Se need nt be astuneéunlest he BUI a detente tat Type Sr ay be pest at tes orn eevee tha Type So Ses enabithed by geotechnical da 1629.3.1 Soil profile type. Soil Profile Types S,, Sp, Se, Sp and Se ar defined in Table 16-1 and Soi Profile Type Sp s dts os requiring Ste-specific evaluation as follows: 1. Soils vulnerable to potential failure or collapse uncer seis- ric loading, such as liguefiable soils, quick and highly sensitive clays, and collapsible weakly cemented soils 2. Peats and/or highly organic clays, where the thicknese of Peat or highly organs cay exceeds 10 fest (3048 mm). 3. Very high plasticity clays witha plasticity index, PP>75, ‘where the depth of clay exceeds 25 feet (7620 mm). 4 Very thick sofvmedium stiff clays, where the depth of clay exceeds 120 feet (36 576 ma). 1629.4 Site Seismic Hazard Characteristies. Seismic hazard characteristics for the site shall be established based on ihe seis~ ‘mic zone and proximity of the site to active seismic sources, site soll profile characteristics and the structure's importance fector. 1629.4.1 Seismic zone. Each site shall be assigned a seismic zone {in accordance with Figure 16-2. Each structure shall be assigned 3 seismic zone factor Z, in accordance with Table 16-I. 1629.4.2 Seismic Zone 4 near-source factor. In Seismic Zone 4, each site shall be assigned a near-source factor in accordance with ‘Table 16-S and the Scismic Source Type set forth in Table 16-U, ‘The value of Ng used to determine G, need not exceed 1.1 for structures complying with all the following conditions: 1. The soil profile type is Sy, Sp, Se oF Sp. 2. p=10, 3. Except in single-story structures, Group R, Division 3 and Group U, Division 1 Occupancies, moment frame systems desig ‘ated as part of the ateral-force-resisting system shall be special moment-resisting frames, 4, The exceptions to Section 2213.7.5 shall not apply, except for columns in one-story buildings or columns at the top story Of mullistory buildings. 5. None of the following structural irregularities is present: ‘Type 1, 4.08 5 of Table 16-L, and Type 1 or 4 of Table 16M. 1629.4.3 Seismic response coefficients. Each structure shall be assigned a seismic coefficient, C,, in aceordance with Table 16-0, ‘anda seismic coefficient, C, in accordance with Table J6-R. 1629.5 Configuration Requirements. 1629.5.1 General. Each structure shall be designated as being Structurally regular or iregular in accordance with Sections 1629.5.2 and 1629.5. an cHap.ts, oIviv fozas2 162882 1629.52 Regular structures. Regular structures have ao sig~ nificant physical discontinuities in plan or vertical configuration fr in their lateral-force-resisting systems such as the iegular fea- tures described in Section 1629.5.3. 1629.53 Irregular structures. 1. Inegular structures have significant physical discontinuities in configuration or in their lateral-force-resisting systems. Imegu- Jar features include, but are not limited to, those described in ‘Tables 16-L and 16-M. All structures in Seismic Zone [ and Occu- pancy Categories 4 and 5 in Seismic Zone 2 need to be evaluated ‘only for vertical irregularities of Type 5 (Table 16-L) and horizon tal irregularities of Type | (Table 16-M), 2, Strvetures having any ofthe features listed in Table 16-L shall be designated as if having a vertical iregularty EXCEPTION: Where no story deft ato under desig taterst forces i reser than 13 mes the story dit ratio ofthe story above, he sruetire may be ered io not have the sucturlimegulares of “Type 1 oF 2in Table 16L. The sory dit alo forthe cop two saries seed not be considered. The story dfs Fr this detention maybe alulated neglecting torsional eects a 3. Structures having any of the features Tisted in Table 16-M shall be designated as having a plan irregularity. 1629.6 Structural Systems. 1629.6.1 General. Structural systems shall be classified as one Of the types listed in Table 16-N and defined in this section. 1629.62 Bearing wall system. A structural system without a complete vertical load-carrying space frame. Beating walls or bracing systems provide support for all or most gravity loads. Re- sistance to lateral load is provided by shear walls or braced! frames. 1629.6.3 Building frame system. A structural system with an essentially complete space frame providing support for gravity Toads, Resistance to lateral fond is provided by shear walls or braced frames. 1629.6.4 Moment-resisting frame system. A structural system with an essentially complete space fame providing support for gravity loads. Momentresisting frames provide resistance to lat- feral load primarily by flexural action of members. 1629.6.5 Dual systerp. A structural system with the following features: 1. An essentially complete space frame that provides support for gravity loads, 2. Resistance to lateral load is provided by shear walls or braced frames and moment-resisting frames (SMRF, IMRF, MMRWE or steel OMRF). The moment-resisting frames shall be designed to independently resist at least 5 percent of the design base shear 3. The two systems shall be designed to resist the total design base shear in proportion to their relative rigidities considering the interaction of the dual system a al levels. 1629.6.6 Cantilevered column system. A. structural system relying on cantilevered coluron elements for lateral resistance. 1629.6.7 Undefined structural system. A structural system not listed in Table 16-N. 1629.6.8 Nonbuilding structural system. A structural system conforming to Section 1634, 1629.7 Height Limits. Height limits for the various structural systoms in Seismic Zones 3 and 4 are given in Table 16-N. a2 Sere 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE EXCEPTION: Regular strictures may exceed these limits by act, ror tas 5D percent for unoccupied sructres, which are not scces= Beto the general pub. 16298 Selection of Lateral-orce Procedure. 1629.81 General. Any structure may be, ané certain structures defined below il be, desied sine the dnamis teeLfoce procedures of Section I 1629.82 Simplified static. The simplified static laeral-force procedare set forth in Section 1630.23 may be used forthe fol Iasing structures of Occupancy Category 4015: 1. Buildings of any occupancy (including single-family dwell: ings) not more than thee stories in height excluding basements, that use ligheframe construction. 2. Other buildings not more than two stories in height exclud- ing basemen. 1629.83 Stati. The static lateral force procedure of Section 1630 may be used forthe following structures: 1, All structures, regular or iregular, in Seismic Zone 1 and in ‘Occupancy Carepories 4 and 5 in Seismic Zone 2 %. Regular strictures under 240 feet (73 152 mm) in height {with lateral force resistance provided by systems listed in Table ‘S| 16N, except where Section 1629.8.4, Item 4, applies. | 3. Inegular structures not more than five stories or 65 feet (19 812 mm) in height, 4. Structures having a flexible upper potion supported on a rigid lower portion where both portions of the structure consid- ‘ered separately can be classified as being regular, the average Story stiffness ofthe lower portion is atleast {0 times the average story stiffness of the upper postion and the period of the entire ‘structure is not greater than 1-1 times the period of the upper por- tion considered as a separate structure fixed at the base. 162984 Dynamic. The dynamic lateralforce procedure of ‘Section 1631 shal be used forall othec structures, including the following: 1. Structures 240 feet (73 152 mm) or more in height, except as permitted by Section 1629.8.3, Item 1 2. Structures having a stiffness, weight or geomeatic vertical it- regularity of Type 1, 2 or 3, as defined in Table 16-L, or strucnues ‘having iregula featares not described in Table 16-L or 16-M, ex- cept as permitted by Section 1630.4.2. 3, Structures over five stories or 65 feet (19 812 mm) in height in Seismic Zones 3 and 4 not having the same structural system throughout their height except as permitted by Section 1630.4.2 4, Structures, regular or irregular, located on Soil Profile Type Sp. hat havea period greater than 0.7 second. The analysis shal include the effects ofthe sols atthe ste and shall conform to Sec- tion 1631.2, hem 4. 1629.9 System Limitations. 1629.9.1 Discontinuity. Structures with a discontinuity in ca- pacity, vertical imegulatity Type 5 as defined in Table 16-L, shall not be over two stories of 30 feet (9144 mm) in height where the weak story has calculated strength of less than 65 percent of the story above, EXCEPTION: Where the weak stor is capble of resisting atta Inerlseile Force of ©, vies the design force prescibed in Secon 1680, 1629.92 Undefined structural systems. For undefined struc- tural Systems not Tisted in Table 16-N, the coefficicnt R shall be substantiated by approved cyclic test date and analyses. The fol- lowing items shall be addressed when establishing R: 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE Dynamic response characteristics, Lateral force resistance, 5. Overstrength and strain hardening or softening, . Strength and stiffness degradation, Energy dissipation characteristics, ‘System ductility, and 7. Redundancy. 1629.93 Irregular features. All structures having irregular features described in Table 16-L or 16M shall be designed to mest the additional requirements of those sections referenced in the tables. 1629.10 Alternative Procedures. 1629.10.1 General. Alternative Jateral-force procedures using rational analyses based on well-established principles of mechan- jes may be used in licu of those prescribed in these provisions. 1629.10.2 Seismic isolation. Seismic isolation, energy dissipa- tion and damping systems may be used in the design of structures when approved by the building official and when special detailing is used to provide results equivalent to those obtained by the use of ‘conventional structural systems. For alternate design procedures, (on seismic isolation systems, zefer to Appendix Chapter 16, Divi- sion Ii, Earthquake Regulations for Seismic-isolated Structures. SECTION 1630 — MINIMUM DESIGN LATERAL FORCES AND RELATED EFFECTS 1630.1 Earthquake Loads and Modeling Requirements. 1630.1.1 Earthquake loads. Structures shall be designed for round motion producing siructurel response and seismic forces any horizonal direction. The following eerthquake loads shall bbe used in the load combinations set forth in Seaton 1612: PEA +E, G01) En = Ey 0-2) WHERE: E = theearthquake load onan element ofthe stucure resat- ing fom the combination of the norzonal component, 5, and the vertical component, Ey = the earthquake load due to the base shear, ¥; as set forth in Section 1630.2 othe design lateral force Fy. as st forth in Section 1632. : Eq = the estimated maximum earthquake force that can be developed in the stricture af set forth in Section 1630.11 = the load effect esuling from the vertical component of the eanhquake ground motion and sequel oan ation of OSCqID 10 the dead load effect, D, for Strength Design. and may be ken as 2er for Allowable Stress Design 2, = the seismic force amplification factor that is required to account for siructral overstrength, asset forth in Sex. tion 1630.3.1. p = Reliability/Rcdundancy Factor as given by the follow- ing formula: pea 2 03) (CHAP. 16, DIV. "Te28.92 5003 ForSI: per WHERE: ‘nar = the maximum elementstory shear ratio, Fora given di- rection of loading, the element-story shea rato isthe ra- tio of the design story shear in the most heavily loaded single element divided by the total design story shear. For any given Story Level i, the element-story shear ra- io is denoted as n. The maximura element-story shear "tio na is defined as the largestof the element story shear ratios, n, which occurs in any of the story levels at or below the two-thirds height level of the building. For braced frames, the value of ris equal to the maximum hori- ~ontl force component ina single brace element divided by the total story shear For moment frames, n shall be taken as the maximum of the ‘sum of the shears in any two adjacent columns in a moment frame bay divided by the story shear. For columns common to two bays with momentressting connections on opposite sides at Level fin the direction under consideration, 70 percent ofthe shear in that column may be used in the column shear summation. For shear walls, r shall be taken as the maximum value of the product ofthe wall shear multiplied by 101, (For SI: 3.05/l,) and divided by the total story shear, where fy is che length ofthe wall in feat (m). For dual systems, 7 shall be taken asthe maximum value of y as defined above considering al lateral-load-resistng elements, The lateral loads shall be distributed to elements based on relative ri= fiities considering the interaction of the dual system. For dual systems, the value of p need not exceed 80 percent ofthe valve eal- ‘ulated above. p shall not be taken less than 1.0 and need not be greater than 1.5, and Ag isthe ground floor area of the structure in square feet (an), For special moment-resisting frames, except when used in ‘dual systems, p shall not exceed 1.25. The numberof bays of spe cial moment ‘resisting frames shall be increased to reduce 7 such that pis less than or equal to 1.25. EXCEPTION: Ay may be taken athe average flor area in the upper seiback pron ofthe Baling where ager ba aes eit She round floor, ‘When calculating dif, or when the structure is located in Seis ‘mic Zone 0, 1 or 2, p shall be taken equal to 1. ‘The ground motion producing lateral response and design seis- aie forces may be assumed to act nonconcurrently in the direction ‘of each principal axis ofthe structure, except as required by Sec~ tion 1633.1. Seismic dea isd W. isthe total dead Toad and applicable por- tions of other loads listed below. 1. In storage and warehouse occupancies, a minimum of 25 percent of the flor live load shall be applicable. 2. Where a partition load is used in the floor design, a load of| not less than 10 psf (0.48 kN/m®) shall be included. ‘3, Design snow loads of 30 psf (1.44 KN/m?) or less need not be {ncluded. Where design snow loads exceed 30 paf (1.44 kNim®), {he design snow load shall be included, but may be reduced up to 175 percent where consideration of siting, configuration and Toad duration warrant when approved by the building official, 4. Total weight of permatient equipment shall be included. 1630.1.2 Modeling requirements. The mathematical mode] of the physical structure shall include all elements of the lateral- force-resisting system, The model shall also include the stiffness 243 (CHAP. 16, DIV. Yos02 463032 and strength of elements, which are significant tothe distribution Of forces, and shall represent the spatial distribution of the mass and stiffness ofthe structure. [n addition, the model shall comply with the following: 1. ‘Stiffness properties of reinforced concrete and masonry ele- ‘ments shall consider the effects of cracked sections. 2. Forsteel moment frame systems, the coatribution of panel ‘zone deformations to overall story drift shall be Included 1630.13 PA effects. The resuling member foroes and moments and the story drifis induced by PA effects shall be considered in the evaluation of overall structural frame stability and shall be ‘evaluated using the forces producing the displacements of A. PAY. ‘need not be considered witen the rat of secondary moment to pri- ‘mary moment does not exceed 0.10; the rao may be evaluated for any story asthe product of the total dead, floor live and snow load, as required in Section 1612, above the story times the seismic drif, 4m that story divided by the product of the seismic shear in that story times the height ofthat story. In Seismic Zones 3 and 4, PA need not be considered when the story drift ratio does not exceed 0.02/R. 1630.2 Static Force Procedure. {1630241 Design base shear. Te total design base shear in a |, given ditection shall be determined from the following formula: ih Gt . 0-4 ope v= Sly oa) 25 C1 net oo fle 085 ‘The oa design base shear shall abe es than the following: i oc rw 0-6) In addition, for Seismic Zone 4, the total base shear shall also ' not be less than the following: 08 ZN I Rae 1630.2.2 Structure period. The value of 7 shall be determined from one of the following methods: 1. Method A: For all buildings, the vaiue 7 may be approxi- ‘mated from the following formula: v w 60-7) (30-8) ‘WHERE: G = 01035 (0.0853) for steel moment-sesisting frames. G_ = 0.030 (0.0731) for reinforced concrete moment-resist- ing frames and ecceattically braced frames. C= 0,020 (0.0488) for all other buildings. Altematively the vale of C; for structures with concrete or ma- sonry shear walls may be taken ws 0.1/A, (For St: 0.0743 / JA for Ae in m2). or vale of hl be dein fom he following for mul Ae = BAL 12 + Ofh}') (30-9) “The valu of De/y used in Formula (30.9) shall not exceed 0.9. aaa “The total design base shear need not exceed the followings = 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ‘2. Method B: The fundamental petiod T may be calculated us- ing the structural properties and deformational characteristics of the resisting elements in a properly substantiated analysis. The analysis shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 1630.1.2. The value of T from Method B shall not exceed a value 30 percent greater than the value of T obtained from Method A in Seismic Zone 4, end 40 percent in Seismic Zones 1,2 and 3. ‘The fundamental period T may be computed by using the fol- owing formula: a 18, ) («Sss) (30-10) ‘The values of f represent any lateral force distributed approxi- mately in accordance with the principles of Formulas (30-13), (G0-14) and (30-15) or any other rational distibution, The elastic deflections, &, shall be calculated using the applied lateral forces, f- 1630.23 Simplified design base shear. 1630.2.3.1 General. Structures conforming to the requirements of Section 1629.8.2 may be designed using this procedure, 1630.23.2 Base shear. The :otal design base shear in a given \ direction shall be determined from the following formula: G0-11) “Th where te value of Cy shall be based on Table 16-0 forthe sol pro- 1. fle type. Whea the soil properties are not known in sufficient ecietail to determine tne soll profile type, Type Sp shall be used in, ‘Seismic Zones 3 and 4, and Type Se shall be used in Seismic Zones 1, 2A and 2B. In Seismic Zone 4, the Near-Source Factor, Na, need not be greater than 1.3 if none ofthe following structural iregular- ities are present: Type 1, 4 or 5 of Teble 16-L, or Type To 4 of Table 16M. 1630.2.3.3 Vertical distribution. The forces at each level shall be calculated using the following formule: 3.0 C oe (0-12) where the value of Cy shall be determined in Section 1630232. 1630.23.4 Applicability. Sections 1630.12, 1630.13, 163021, 1630.22, 1630.5, 1630.9, 1630.10 and 1631 shall not apply when using the simplified procedure EXCEPTION: For tilings with relatively Nexblesrusurl systens the bling oficial may requiceconsiertion of PA effets ‘nd dit insecortare wh Seton 163043, 1630 and 163040. Shall be prepared eg design semi lores fom Seton 1630232 ‘Where used, Ay shall be taken cquel to 0.01 times the story height ofall stores. In Section 1633.28, Formula (33-1) shall eed 30, Foe Foe pe and need nol exceed 1.0 Ce Mpe, but shall not be less than 0.5 Cy Wye ® and Q, shall be taken from Table 16-N. 1630.3 Determination of Seismic Factors. 16303.1 Determination of Q,. For specific elements of the structure, as specifically identified in this code, the minimum design sivength shall be the product of the seismic force over~ strength facior ©, and the design seismic forces set forth in Sec- tion 1630. For both Allowable Stress Design and Strength Design, the Seismic Force Overstrongth Factor, yy shall be taken from Table 16-N. 1630.32 Determination of R. The notation R shall be taken from Table 16.N. 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1630.4 Combinations of Structural Systems, 1630.4.1 General. Where combinations of structural systems are incorporated into the same structure, the requirements of this section shall be satisfied, 1630.42 Vertical combinations. The value of R used inthe de- Sign of any story shall be less than or equal to the value of R used in ‘the given direction for the story above. EXCEPTION: This requirement need not be appled to «sory hese the dead weight above thal say 1258 han 10 percent of he ead weight ef the stuctre Structures may be designed using the procedures of this section under the following conditions: 1, The entire structure is designed using the lowest R of the Iateral-force-resisting systems used, or 2. The following two-stage static analys jures may be used for sirctures conforming to Section 1629.8.3, Item 4, 2.1 The flexible upper portion shall be designed as a sepa- sate structure, supported laterally by tbe rigid lower portion, using the appropriate values of R and p. 22 The sig lower portion shall be designed as e separctz structure using the appropriate values of R and p. The ‘reactions from the upper portion shall be those deter- ‘mined from the analysis ofthe upper portion amplified by the ratio of the (Rp) ofthe upper portion over (R/p) ‘of the lower portion. 1630.43 Combinations along different axes. In Seismic Zones 3 and 4 where a structure has a bearing wall system in only fone direction, the value of R used for design inthe orthogonal di- rection shall not be greater than that used for the bearing wall sys- tem, ‘Any combination of bearing wall systems, building frame sys- tems, dual systems or moment-resisting frame systems may be used to resist seismic forces in strucnres less than 160 feet (48 768 mm) in height. Only combinations of dual systems and special moment-resisting frames shall be used to resist seismic forces in structures exceeding 160 feet (48 768 mam) in height in Seismic Zones 3 and 4. 1630.44 Combinations along the same axis. For other than dual systems and shear wall-frame interactive systems in Seismic Zones 0 and 1, where a combination of different structural systems is utilized to resist lateral forces in the same direction, the value of AR used for design in that dection shail not be greater than the least value for any of the systems utilized in that same direction. 1630.5 Vertical Distribution of Force. The total force shall be distributed over the height of the structure in conformance wi Formulas (30-13), (30-14) and (30-15) in the absence of a more rigorous procedure, 0.13) ‘The concentrated force F; at the top, which isin addition to Fy, shall be determined from the formula! A= 0o7Tv Go-14) ‘The value of T used for the purpose of calculating F; shall be the veriod thet corresponds withthe desiga base shea as computed sing Fonmula (30-4). need not exceed 0.25V and may be con- sidered as zero Where Tis 0.7 second or less. The remaining por- cap. 16, bv. fooas sen lion of the base shear shall be distributed over the height of the structure, including Level », according to the following formule: (= Fmets ra teach level designated asx, the force Fy shall be applied over the area ofthe building in accordance with the mass disitibution at that level. Structural displacements and design seismic forces shall be calculated as te effect of forces F. and F; applied at the appropriate levels above the base. 1630.6 Horizontal Distribution of Shear. The design story shear, Vs, in any story is the sum ofthe Forces F and Fy above that story. Vg shall be dsisbuted to the various elements of the vertical Jateral-force-resisting system in proportion to their rigidities, con- sidering the rigidity of the diaphragm. See Section 1633.2.4 for rigid elements that arc not intended to be part of the lateral-force- resisting systems, ‘Where diaphragms are not flexible, the mass at each level shall be assumed to be displaced from the calculated center of mass in tach direction a distance equal to 5 percent of the building dimen- sion at that level perpendicular to the direction of the force under ‘consideration. The effect of this displacement on the story shear distribution shall be considered ‘Diaphragms shall be considered flexible for the purposes of dis- tribution of story shear and torsional moment when the maximum Jteral deformation of the diaphragm is more than two times the average story drift ofthe associated story. This may be determined bby comparing the computed midpoint in-plane deflection of the diaphragm itself under lateral load with the story drift of adjoining veriical-resisting elements under equivalent tributary lateral load, 1630.7 Horizontal Torsional Moments. Provisions shall be made for the increased shears resulting from horizontal torsion, ‘where diaphragms are not flexible. The most severe load combi- nation for cach clement shall be considered for design. The torsional design moment at a given story shall be the mo- meat resulting from eccentricities between applied design lateral forces at levels above that story and the vertical-resiting elements in tat story plus an accidental torsion, ‘The accidental torsional moment shall be determined by assum- ing the mass is displaced as required by Section 1630.6. ‘Where torsional iregularity exists, as defined in Table 16-M, ‘he effects shall be accounted for by increasing the accidental tor” sion al each level by an amplification factor, A, determined from the following, formule: «- [re] WHERE: aug = the average of the displacements atthe extreme points of the structure at Level x Snax = the maximum displacement at Level x ‘The value of Ay need not exceed 3.0, 1630.8 Overturning. 1630.8.1 General. Every strscture shall be designed to resist the overturning effects caused by earthquake forces specified in Sec- tion 1630.5. At any level, the overturning moments to be resisted shall be determined using those seismic forces (F, and F,) that act on levels above the level under consideration. At any level, te in- as Foe Go-15) G0-16) json. cremental changes of the design overturning moment shall be dis- tributed to the various resisting elements in the manner prescribed in Section 1630.6, Overtuming effects on every element shall be ccartied down to the Foundation. See Sections 1615 end 1633 for combining gravity and seismic forces, 1630.82 Elements supporting discontinuous systems. 16308.2.1 General. Where any portion of the lateral-load- resisting system is discontinuous, such as for vertical imegularity ‘Type 4 in Table 16-L or plan irregularity Type 4 in Table 16-M, concrete, masonry, steel and wood elements supporting such continuous systems shall have the design strength to resist the ‘combination loads resulting from the special seismic load com- binations of Section 1612.4, EXCEPTIONS: 1. The quantity Ey in Section 1612-4 need not exceed masiznom foes that ean be transfered oth erent bythe Intrl-orce-esising system. 2. Concrete slabs supporting igh-frame wood shear wall systems orlighe- frame stel and wood sevetural pasel sbeor wall yetame For Allowabie Stress Design; the design strength may be deter- ‘mined using an allowable stress increase of 1.7 and a resistance factor, @, of 1.0. This increase shall not be combined with the one- third stess increase permitted by Section 1612.3, but may be com- bined with the duration of toad increase permitted in Chapter 23, Division UL, 1630.8.2.2 Detailing requirements in Seismic Zones 3 and 4. In Seismic Zones 3 and 4, elements supporting discontinuous sys- tems shall meet the following detailing or member limitation 1, Reinforced conerete or reinforced masonry elements ‘designed primarily as axial-load members shall comply with Sec- tion 1921.44.5. 2. Reinforced concrete elements designed primarily as flexural ‘members and supporting other than light-frame wood shear wall systes or light-frame steel and wood structural panel shear wall systems shall comply with Sections 1921.32 and 1921.33. ‘Strength computations for portions of slabs designed as support ‘ng elements shall include only those portions ofthe slab that com- ply with the requirements of these sections. 3. Masonry elements designed primarily as axial-load carrying members shall comply with Sections 2106.1.12.4, Item 1, and 2108. 4, Masonry elements designed primarily & lexural members shall comply with Section 2108.2.6.25. 5. Steel elements designed primarily as axial-load members shall comply with Sections 2213.5.2 and 2213.5.3. 6. Steel elements designed primarily as flexural members or trusses shall have bracing for both top and bottom beam flanges or chords at the location of the support of the discontinuous system and shall comply with the requirements of Section 2213.7.1.3. 7. Wood elements designed primarily as flexural members shall be provided with lateral bracing or solid blocking at each end of the element and 2t the connection location(s) ofthe discontinuous system. 1630.83 At foundation, See Sections 1629.1 and 1809.4 for ‘overturning moments to be resisted at the foundation soil inter- face. 1630.9 Drift. Drift or horizontal displacements ofthe structure shall be computed where required by this code. For both Allow- able Stress Design and Strength Design, the Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement, Ay, of the structure caused by the Design Basis Ground Motion shal be determined in accordance With this section. The drifts corresponding to the design seismic 2416 1897 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE forces of Section 1630.2.1, As, shall be determined in accordance with Section 1630.9.1. To determine Ay, these drifts shall be ‘amplified in accordance with Section 1630.9.2 1630.9.1 Determination of As. A static, elastic analysis of the lateral force-resisting system shall be prepared using the design seismic forces from Section 1630-21. Altematively, dynamic analysis may be performed in accordance with Section 1631, ‘Where Allowable Stress Design is used and where drift is being ‘computed, the load combinations of Section 1612.3 shall be used. ‘The mathematical model shall comply with Section 1630.1.2. The resulting deformations, denoted 2s As, shall be determined at all critical locations in the structure. Calculated deift shall include translational and torsional deflections, 1630.9.2 Determination of Ay. The Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement, Ay, shall be computed as follows: by = 07 Rds 60-17) EXCEPTION: Altematively, yg may be coraputed by nonlinear time story analysis in aceordance with Seton 16315, ‘The analysis used to determine the Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement Ayy shall consider PA effects. 1630.10 Story Drift Limitation, 1630.10.1 General. Story drifts shall be computed using the ‘Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement, Ay. 1630.10.2 Calculated. Calculated story drift using Ay shall not exceed 0.025 times the story height for structures having «funda- ‘mental period of less than 0.7 second. For structures having a fun- 5,000 flsec. (1500 m/s). Sp Rock with 2,500 fisee. < Fs 5,000 fuses. (160 m/s < ¥, 5 1500 mis) Sc Very dense soil and soft rock with 1,200 ft/sec. < ¥, = 2,500 fi/see. (360 m/s ¥, = 760 snls) or with either ‘i> 50 or 5, = 2,000 psf (100 kPa}. Sp Stiff soil with 600 fie. = Ve 1,200 ft/sec. (180 mis 5 ¥, 5 360 mis) or with 15 < N= S007 1000pst = 5, 5 2,000 pst (50 kPa s 5, = 100 KP). Se Asoll profile with ¥,< 600 fusec. (180 mis) or any pro- file with more then 10. 3048 mmm) of soft cay defined 25 ofl with PI> 20, Wee 2 40 percent and 5, <500 psf (25 kPa). Sp Soils requiring site-specific evaluation: 1, Soils valnerable to potential failure or collapse under seis mic loading such as liquefiable soils, quick end bighly sensitive clays, collapsible weakly cemented soils. 2. Peats and/or highly organic clays [Ff > 10 9. (2048 mm) of peat and/or highly organic clay where #1 = thickness of soil]. 3. Very high plasticity clays [#7 > 25 8. (7620 mm) with PY > 75). 4, Very thick sofv/medium stiff clays [H > 120 &. (26.580 rom). EXCEPTION: When th sal pepe ae ret known in mcent ito determine the sil profile type, Type Spell be ed Sol Pro- fle Type Se need nol be assumed unless the bul oficial deter- ‘mines thal Soi Proie Type Se maybe preset she it rn the event ‘hat Type Se is eseblishe by geotechnical dea. ‘The criteria set forth in the definition for Soll Profile Type Sp requiring site-specific evaluation shall be considered. Ifthe site ‘comresponcs fo this criteria, the site shall be classified as Soil Pro- {le Type Sr and a site-specific evaluation shall be conducted. 163621 ¥, Average shear wave velocity. ¥, shall be deter- ‘mined in accordance with the following formuls 66-1) ‘WHERE: dj = thickness of Layer in feet (m). vag = shear wave velocity in Layer fin ft/sec. (msec). 1636.2.2 N, average field standard penetration resistance and ‘Nag, average standard penetration resistance fr cobesionless soil layers. Vand New shall be determined in accordance with the following formula: "9 9908 62) and 6-3) WHERE: 4 = thickness of Layer in feet (mm). 4 = the total thickness of cohesionless soil layers inthe top 100 feat (30 480 mm). N, = the standard penetration resistance of soil layer in accordance with approved nationally recognized stand= ards, 16362.3 5, Average undrained shear strength. 5, shall be ‘determined in accordance with the following forraule: 654) WHERE: d_ = the total thickness (100 — 4, of cohesive soil layers in the top 100 feet (30 480 mam. Sg = the undrained shear strength in accordance with approved nationally recognized standards, not to exceed 5,000 psf (250 kPa), 1636.24 Soft clay profile, Sg. The existence of a total thickness of soft clay greater than 10 feet (3048 mm) shall be investigated ‘where a soft clay layer is defined by s, < 500 psf (24 kPa), Wine 2 40 percent and P/ > 20. If these criteria are met, the site shall be classified as Soil Profile Type Se. 1636.25 Soll profiles Se, Sp and Sp. Sites with Soil Profile ‘Types So, Sp and Sg shall be classified by using one of the follow- ing three methods with P, Wand 5, computed inal eases as spec fied in Section 1636.2. 1. ¥, forthe top 100 feet (30 480 mm) (¥, method), 2. W for the top 100 feet (30-480 mma) (W method). 3. New for cohesionless soil layers (PY <20) inthe top 100 feet (G0 480mm) and average 5, for cohesive soil layers (Pl > 20) in the top 100 feet (30-4860 mm) (5, method). 1636.2.6 Rock profile, 4 and Sp. The shear wave velocity for rock, Soil Profile Type Sp, shal be either measured on sit o et rated by a geovechnieal engineer, engineering geologist or seismologist for competent rock with moderate fracturing and ‘weathering, Softer and more highly fractured and weathered rock shall either be measured on site for shear wave velocity or clasi- fied as Sail Profile Type Se. The hard rock, Sol Profile Type 5, cstegory shall be supported by shear wave velocity measurement ether on ste or on profiles of the same rock type in the same formation with an equal oF ‘reales degree of weathering and fracturing. Where hardrock cone Gitins are known tobe continuous toa depth of 100 feet (30 480 rm), surficial shear wave velocity measurements may be extray- lated to assess ¥,. The rock categories, Soil Profile Types Sq and 223 chap, 16, DIV. e363. ‘Spy shall not be used if there i more than 10 feet (3048 ram) of oil, ‘between the rock surface and the bottom of the spread Footing oF mat foundation ‘The definitions presented herein shall apply tothe upper 100, feet (20 480 mm) ofthe site profile, Profiles containing distinctly, different soil layers shall be subdivided into those layers desig nated by a number from 1 ton atthe bottom, where there area total (fm distinct layers in the upper 100 feet (30 480 men). The symbol then refers to any one of the layers between 1 and x 224 1997 UNIFORM SUILDING CODE 41997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE TABLEI6A ‘TABLE 16-A_UNIFORM AND CONCENTRATED LOADS | wropuonor | SEI use on oocume | org a ea Saas ar rae 1 Raa ner ie 0 Caner a 2 _Armories, oot 150 [3 Assembly areas? and auditoriums and balconies | Foted seating seas 30 2 tee! ova sang od tier aes 709 — = [Sap eas dented porns m5 Ta] oa age a 7 SB meee a5 v6 Gags Tamara aaa 109 iso pest pe maby NC Ha z 7 ome ‘Wi no a To 3 Liar Rest oe @ 1000 Screams is 700 3 Wamaang eit a 3088 Bese? re S00" sos a 3,00 1 Finn Raa oy 2500" { ompoxing aie oSaE 8 p00 aa oor o * Ena bans a a Sai a a Senge 7% a Ti Raia i Reviewing stands, grandsiands, bleachers, an 1 10 lng ot tleeagsatng 10 ° Bt tas Sasser ee TOT Simanained ToS Cason a 66 TSS ard ROE Fa [ae 7 18 Sone Tie ia Heavy i 350 19. Stores t 100 3.0007 “20. Pedestrian bridges and walkways T 100 See Seton 1607 frie fad redaction Se Secon 1607.93, fit paragraph forma of lon pplition Sani wn oie hecho tans roo, ana, yooh lay, traces antics ae pny aes othe pbc “fen stow ln occu aren exe fhe desig conden he art be dso spo th asl the ead lds eats by Dei ora preter sow sergn determined by ulin official See Secon T61e For specal purpose ots see Secon 16074 ‘sg nltes Sl sncnce sci tas acorns uving a ceapet oa of 1001 mars person, trie Dlcol sisire; eeacapes od sia wes, ‘Spal a ead hl be esc sappor 300¢pund (23548) concent ad paces vs Posi ot mold came anion Si Snes Png be dsigoed fe form fads Ter athe able ‘sce Sion 10723 econ puraganh fo cance loa, See Table 16.5 for eke beers Stescenta espacis rcs peelings, sparen snd ttl gue rooms ‘Restoo on sbi be ssh te on foe sap) wh we they oe assole, bat ned nat exceed 50 pounds per saat op (24 KN) 2.25 1957 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE se 2 : oes = =a ee aes a RTT — a SE 7 ear a 7 Spats — = as 3 Tog Ss 7 Searcy B 6, Elevators and durbwalters (dead and live Inads) 2 * total loads* $a ae al oo zane Fo a iaraaiecie —[aeiae | aera ae Eas orgs ope = Othar than exit facilities 208 coma = ae Stans = iat oe om Ta fam |S mn Oeste a i ms aus Wi ab vane ants a eset pe aN ce pons SSSR ET Seen aetna See Ce st 50 uae one: ot) ppv once “byltasghes cgay G20 aad ona e452 enim te GCE Set a ea Made en epg oD epee yee Anca en een he te tore ue “ihleg rs er ae rE a ce argue nig ic a are pie cas nap em on maple tg ee ie Ls es er pm ots saat aes el eter forsee oc teppei won et vou) © boramrem meng nce ty nh ae eh py een 0 Smeg ea igen as cenit oan eee eRe Nes wag contan tmnt ee cae STR IS SB ge pd yh Sgn acu i sng cab ege teak CS ut pe 21 ed ey AE ae diy ge trish ns hn i peg To ny te 4 di pe ed i g wR Sed PAS tro St expose opt otteang amare ao eee oo Sebi cuneate secede srr us at it 019 SE eed eaten n ah eae her vitae coer wauanuedton coerce, wil edge na epee an tes re nce oot Sen Gr Take aLseas ae eee a coaureriyn mamonpien 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE TABLE 16-6 TARLETEE “ABLE 1-0 MINIMUM ROOF LVE LOADS! Tom SS ase eee rere eee aia enon sn aces Tae a; | TT a os | weigh id one indea) | Boao mete | an ts 2 » os ra rise Jess than one eighth of | 3a 3 Re ets ve ar faite a leit : : 100% slope) fs or toms with, 7 A a 6 6 a imental pation mamas | SR as vere in Ds gaceauersactvinie | 32 ca 2 2 ee slg pl do event | 5 5 5 No stn peed ee 2 ® ” "Where svow load orer, he rosie sal be Gesigned for sch ns delarnined by the baling oficial. See Selon 1614, For pedal purpose wool. Wt Secon 1607.44. se Sesion 6075 ad 1607. frie na reacts Ts me fect Seton 1607-5 Fol) hl es nde in the abe. Te maxima redetion R hall not ex 3A aloo! ny root wih lpe of es hen ut ver by Section 16117 44S ete in Secon 3206, the value inated in the abe In 12 unis brianna! (25 stpe). The live oad fr! roof itn ston to the ponding lsd equi See Section 1607-44 for concenmte lad requirements fr greeshouse oof members, ‘TABLE 16-D—-MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS* "WEBER LOADED WIT LVE LOAD PLUS DEAD ‘Tyre ormenoen EMBER LOADED WITH LYE LOAD ONLY (2) TNE NESD Roof member supponing plaster o floor member 360 map 'Safcion lope or camber Sal be proved Yor Wa alsa accordance wit Seolon T6INT, Lo-live lone —dosd load. K—facior a determine’ by Table 16, 1 tea of member in same unis 35 deletion, ‘TABLE 16-E~-VALUE OF "k” Wao 1 Ed Bean enFoncen CONCRETE? sree. 10) 05 7704500") a i "Seasoned Tuber is umber Taving a aclure conical af les han T6 peso a Une of Insalaion and used under dry condos of use suchas in covered 25ee also Section 1900 fr defnitons uncer requiremect ” shall be the vale et mdepan for simple ad cortiouos spans anda support fr canlevers. Time-dependent factor T for sustained lod may betes equal five yearsormore 2.0 weve monthe 32 six menihe 1 three months 16 TABLEI8F TABLE Ie. 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE [TABLE 16-F—WIND STAGNATION PRESSURE (g,) AT STANDARD HEIGHT OF 33 FEET (10 058 mm) Basic wind speed (pt)! (> 1.61 for kv) 70 @ 30 10 10 mm [ao Pressure ge 30 (X 9.0679 for kN) 126 Wea way | se 30] 369 | a3 Wind speed from Section 1618. ‘TABLE 16-G—COMBINED HEIGHT, EXPOSURE AND GUST FACTOR COEFFICIENT (C,)* MESEDSOWME ORC fea) peor eosune 9 eeosune e prosunce os 138 05 ry 20 145 | 13 087 2s 139 119 072 20 ise 123 | 076 0 182 131 ose o 173 vas o9s 80 ra 153 104 100 188 rst 3. 0 193 ust 120 160 2m. 179 131 200 210 187 12 300 233 163 490 234 159 Values fr iterate eights above 18 Tet (&572 mim) maybe tepolaed, 228 1957 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE TABLE 16+ ‘TABLE 16-H_PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS (Gz) STRUCTURE OF PART THEREOF DESCRIPTION FEST 1 Ty Pay frames and systems Mga T Warmer tho i ‘Windward wall 08 inward Leeward wall (05 onward ovis "Wind perpendicslar ro ridge Leeward roof ear eo! (07 outward Nindward rot Tess than 312 (06:78) 07 ouseard ‘Slope 2:12 (16.78) to esg than 9:12(75%) 19 outward or 03 inward ‘Slope 9:12 (75%) to 12:12 (100%) ward Slope > 12:13 100%) 07 inward Win partie 6 ridge a ft roois (07 outward | Method 2 (Projected ues method) ‘On.verical projected re 1 (Sirrars 40 fee (12 192 rm) or Hess in eight | 13 horizons! any direion | Sums ove 0:12 182 map oe | 8 hosanl ay Seton On horizontal projected atest 7 wpwnre Z Bleneats and componcite notin wear of | Wall elemenss iscontinaiy? ‘alsiuctues 12 oward ‘Encowed end unencleed srvctecs 13 ourward Peanilly enclosed sictres 16 oaward Parapet wale 1S foward or ovtward Roof element? “Enclosed and unenclosed store ‘Slope e712. 583%) 1.3 ouward ‘Slope 7:12 (8.3%) w 12:12 (100%) 13 purward crowd Pataly enclosed srotres ‘Slope <2:12 167%) 17 outward Slope 272 (16.7%) 00 722 (58.3%) 1 outward or 0.8 inward ‘Slope > 7:12 (683%) 101212 (10055) 1:7 purward or inward 3 cna ad ppponena i aro Wall eon : 15 outward or 12 inward ‘Roof eave, aks or idges without overhangs at ‘Siope £2:12.067%) 23 upward ‘Slope 2:12 (16.7%) 0 722 (58.38 26 outward Slope > 7:12 (58.3%) 10 12:2 16 ourward For slopes es than 212 (15.79) ‘Oveshangs at root eaves, rakes oridges, and | 0.5 added ro values above cenoptes Chimneys ais and sod Tower ‘Square or eecngular Ta any Sian ‘Msagenal or octagonal 13 any ection Round orelipheal 8 my direction 3 Opanfane rowan ‘Square and rectangular ‘Diagonal 40 Nomnal 38 angle 32 5. Tower acessones Guth saddens, cond. | Cyindneal embers Tights and elevator) "inches (31 man) orless ia ameter 10 ‘ver2 inches (31 mm) i ameter os "iat or angular oembere 13 Sins, Hagpcles, php, nar sere 1a aay dition [or one story or te tp sory of mulstory paral enclosed arotores aa addinal value of 05 sll be ad ‘hall be used for design, For defiiion of partly enclosed structures, see Sexton 1616. 2c ves sed for 1-sgua-fo (093 2 try aes Foray wes af 100 otf 8.28) vai of 93:may be aha rom Cy ene fracas at discontnuies wilh stpes les than 7 unis veri in 12 uns hizontal (38.3% saps) where he vlue of 0.8 maybe subeted fem C,.Inespotaon imay be used for wry aes bene 10a 100i et (083m aa 9.29. Forbes peter than 1000 square fst (228 se pracy frame values, 3For slopes greater than 12 units vical n 12 wits horizontal (1008 slope), use wall elemeat values. ‘Local pressures shall apply over a distance from tae eiscontinuty of 10 feet GO48 avn) or.) nes the lest width ofthe strcture, whichever i sma. SDiscontinuitis a! wall comers or coof ridges ave defined as discontinuous break inte surface where the Included interior angle measures 170 degrees or ess. Lod is tobe eplied on eile sie of discontinoity bu aot simutazcously on both sides, ‘Wind pressures shall be applied tothe oil normal pojesed area of al elements on one face. The forces shall be assumed tet patel tothe wind direction, ‘Factors for cylindrical elements ae to thirds ofthove for fst or angular elements, oe ovtward Gy. The moa erisealcontinaon 220 TABLE 1641 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE TABLE 16- ‘TABLE 16-4-SEISMIC ZONE FACTORZ i oe 7 Ey ® a z Zz bors os 20) 030 040 NOTE: The done shall be dtersined from the amis zone map in Figure 162 TABLE 16J-SOIL PROFLE TYPES VERSES PROPENTIS FON TOP 1 FEET BEG HR) GPSS PACE enone renteecneme eevee rs | Sxgustenraia es Rorfesis | osm sag OGRA sonitre Son Pret Srrmatieeaeams "+ | Sohne: sneer toa egy ON Rat Es Tad Rock > 5,000 i300 5 Toa 70 63.500, = a Geo isa S| Wey Dense Sa and Sot Rook 120010200, 3H > Eo eb 0 7, coos Sie Sai Pole Sie 1359 Bes Tr 6 28 = {180 10 360) (30 to 160) = Sal Sal Profs = 600 zis = 100 80) ch = Se og Se spec Belton” Sa Seain WSL "Soll Profile Type Sas fclades any soll profile wih mare than 10 feet and 34 500 pel (2¢ KPa). The Plasieiy Index, P, andthe meoistre "TABLE 16-K—OCCUPANCY CATEGORY (048 mm) of ay define 5 sl ith» lay les, PT> 9 gg = AD poco cota eal be dened natn: eh pres tte Sanaa ES aes oo cexaeyonrwerors of swore or | ae [ker 1 Bags |p aNa eae ior ee meee} et | cS | Papa mn Crag hi aegis Sicha achat tat ernae ae secrete Sects penne commen ce der Sarees eree Sindy roe gneceg ae cag ea ket ire oo a a er ae eee re oom ot (= Sapient a carr oapmasnemernemeass|—rs—}s—}- rs Eh" | Sorntodio ane oepaa wt oh chon ring eis of oo ‘escent es Stig clnet4Sapi ite i eee 5 Sa Jorp aos rae eee a= trey | oli bate Gcop Sot saga ih opty SOS | eekiezteae Gre Sl ley Ot 8 Ops wt ecteerait cn Gray Bnet mnpe i ore eto pce ent rim nda ern Boy Skee Sees fiche seep pve 09 ea Sect eee pete a ae ny SORE SRN ny eae ete nae ere 7 Sanat — ass et apa ng Ine TSST ST} —z | Ta} Sey | Moos aoe 7 Mesias Gap TORRE ia wae | {The imation of for panel Connections a Secon 1633.24 wall be 1.0 To he ene conver Structural observatio rerseats ae given in Seaton 1702. Ror anchorage of machinery aad equipment equied fr Hle-safety systems, the vale off stall be then 815 230 41987 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ‘TABLE 164—VERTICAL STRUCTURAL IRREGULARITIES. TABLE 16-1 TABLE ten ‘Sines irregulari—soft story {Sih oul rengih ofl seime-rering element sharing the ory sheer forthe crecon under consider ‘Aso story i one whe the stra siffaes is leas than 70 percem of thot nthe tory above ores than 1629.8.4, em So'pecon of the average sffnts othe tree stories above, 2 Weight mass) ivepuaeip Mast seepolanty shal be considered to exist whee the eTectve mass ef any stoi ore than 150 percent of he 1629.5, em 2 effective mae of a adjacent Stor. A root thats phe than the Hor below t=2d nt be considered 3. Verical geometsicinepalarity Ena semaine she omen xs wher bana dies of he ec 1629.8, hem? fore-essingspsem in ay sory is mere than 130 peters ef tat in an decent sory. One ry ‘eed not be sensicere, 4 Trplane dscontinul in vera lateral forecreiating clement ‘Anu ploneoffe of te llral aod resting ements reste han the length of those element 1630.82 "E Discontinuity fa capacity—weak sory [Rive story i np ih he say atength islets han 80 perent ofthat inthe story above, The sory srengh 1e99.1 ‘TABLE 16-M—PLAN STRUCTURAL IRREGULARITIES “Forsonalirrogelviy—ta he considered when diaphragms are not Neaibie Tortora repay Dal be conse toeaw te raxmam sory én computed including acetal 16352, {tron a on en of te sete wteveme tan tre more han 12 este average of he stony es the 16839, ems ‘wen of he acs. TReenirant corse Fla cfursns fa strocr snd it lateral oree-sessing stem consi entrant comers, where bth 165329, prjeteng of te suas beyond re-ant omer reser ian 3 perent ep dimenson fhe ems 6and7 Fratae nthe given ecto E Dinphrwar deco Dirks Gibbon Uscofiuiled or arson ia ales coding tose avy soa of open as peter 1683.28, ‘ha 0 percent ote goss encloses of the diaphragm, or changes nafeive apap sess of ore hems than 30 perce fom oe sory tothe Sx 7 Sua pane offs Births nol force pr, sch out-of plane oto he veri! elements 65082 rash en Es Nonporalel ystems ‘The venea laters losdresitng elements are nt paral Intra fore-resistag sym to orsymmee shout the mslor ortoponsl axes of the 1633) ae TABLE 16-N ‘TABLE 16-N—STRUCTURAL SYSTENS! 1987 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE i Sees | tint |__saste sraverunen sysre | LATERAL FORCEAESISTIVG SYSTEN DESCRIPTION * a [eter [Besnas wal sy Tat aise pares | "Wood send pa wall er saccade sre eres 2 6s & Aor ict wal x § | 2 Shear walls: | & Matooy x 3, Light tes amedbeaing walls with esioneny bracing 2 2 bed fac cher acing caer amy He 3 b Sess 3 oe ike Z T Baligtane nem 7 | T steely base a SES cacti ae "od rover pu wal racist sae ors ss | 2s shane x Gonerete B 20 5 Ntooy He ] ie 4. Grane mes ese a2 | wo E Steet H| © € Hey timber 2 & 5. Set hore traced ames | Sec a) TRS ang ame pega nT ng Fae SOR system ot 2 Steel snd 8 2 NL Tiny ressing wll ame CERO, 3 | ie 2 Hany omen eiig wl fae x ‘ 3. Conoreientrmedite morentreauing fame (IMRES 53 28 1 Grd omearnceg fame OME, eek as [os | wo i Sew | 2 - Speci moment aes te! STH) LR | a a bale T Shear alls eEotete wid SRE as] 22 [owe © Gores ie el ene a |B] ie © Sate wi eect es a] F 18 6. Mason wits SMR S| a | te © Misony wits Ore a |e | 18 © Mag wtcocte axe 2/a |] = Mates) uh a) MRO ae] | ie a bear 2 Nat et SRE es [as | ox Biases One (8/8 | % 2. Gry Set es 2 SSIMRa owe o | i vines x © Gono wih coarse SOARES & | i 4 Conor wien aR 8 | 8 «Spat eel tees hanes : oat wh wel RR ws poag oom Stato sel Ou Be 5 Cale emi baa | 1 Coie ain emer [aa a9] ar acm 6 Shear wall-frame interaction | 1. Conerete™ 33 28 160 Shen onsen yaa Teac TOOT ad BT =p = Na limi "See Section 1630.4 for combination of sacral systems, Basic srvturalsyslems are defined in Section 16206, Prohibited in Seismic Zonet 3 and 4 ‘tocludes precast concrete conforming o Section 1921.27. ‘Prohibited in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, excep as permed in Section 1634.2, Ordinary moment cessing frames in Seismic Zone 1 esting the requirements of Section 2211.6 may use aR valve of 8 ‘Total height f the boiling including canileveed columns, ‘Prohibited in Seismic Zones 24, 2B, 3 and 4. See Seton 1633.27. aan ee 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE TABLE 16-0 ‘TABLE 16-0—HORIZONTAL FORCE FACTORS. ap AND Fy (OSTEO a TS TROCTORRT COUBORENE AND ESUPRERT—— cy = Foor T Hien of Soci ‘A Wall incoding the fling (0) Unbraces tcantievere) pape. 30 {@) Extenor wale ator above he eround oor and papas Uaeed above Wai caeeGT | LO a0 ey {yA ineiorbeaing and nobearog wall 75 ED z Perouse (exept when framed by an exteion he ae Fae). 2s a Goyesons or lone rsa cen eran wal, Se ao ein 50 30 3 7 Neneraetal Component [A Exterior and interior oarenaion and appends 25 30 . Chines, sks and wused towers supported on or POENG ABaWE TE TOOT: (0 Lateral traced or anchored othe suc frame apis below their cemess of 25 30 ‘Bi menlly bed or anchored ote Resear Tate Ao above Wei cies OT a io 3 Sigs and billboards 2s 3a 1D, Siorege ac (inside ns) ver 6 Tet GERD maya 35 aa z = Feri Inoue eis al bn secs a Te Sma 70 30 = TR Anchorage and neal rig Yorsurpendedselinge and eg OE 75 Ey Tene] G_ Access Noor nym 10) 30 %59 TE Vasa or eoncreie orcs aver Tee (1659 min Wh 70) 30 1._Parkon 19 ao j S Bgaipnene ‘A. Tanks and vessels Glos onus), inc spon systems 10 30 B. Bleical, mcchansal and panbig equipment ad soc conduit and Gstwork and] 10 30 (SIT Pear 1415.36 c ay, Lone equipment Taterally braced or anchored to the structural frame wt a point 25 3.0 5,10, 34, 15, 16 ° Smee ‘ochre al sip seh ego i wk sesary ad ft ait Fer operation of emergency expment Se alo Sexton 16522, “Temporary containers wth Ferma orazardous marl 70) ae @ © Oder Components [A Rigid omponcts with date reste and etachmeats 10 30 1 Rigid components wih onéucte neil or anechments a z ‘_Fioble component wih dtl meri andwtachment a5, 30 fl 1D. Fete components wi rondcile maa or sehen as ey i Tce Secon 1627 for definitions of exible conponsats and gid comporeni. 3See Sectians 1683.24 and 1683.28 for concrete and masonry Wall and Section 16322 fer connections for panel connectors for panels. Sayles to Seismic Zones 2,3 and 4 only Groond supported see storage racks may be desipned using te provisions of Setion 1634. Chapes 22 Division VI. moy be used for design. provided seismic ‘esi Forces are equal too eae han those specified in Section 16322 or 1634. as appropri only anchorage or restraints need be desiened ‘elng weight sal neloce light fixers and oe egupmen opine ha foros clling weg fmol les than 4p (0.9 ENP sal Be bed. “eng consaced fla and lao psn baz sew oe sia suspended mehr th spor cei lane level exlending rm walt wall edit be snaly2e provide he wal ae over 50 feet (18240 rm) aan ti ‘Ligh tstures end rrechanica serves installed in meta suspeesion systems fr ecousti sircture above as specified in UBC Standard 25-2, Par I fy for acess Noo sysems shal be the de load the access fear system pus 25 percent af the oo live aad pus 20-pt (048 kN/n2) pation load allowance "0 iment nen bts ed, eis cles, echogenic overs, cota pale, ma, wchge se oneness eet ante mer pws etm eae oe pipiens SSP Esbn 15021 abelcal mgaemsn fr daemnnng fr ond or syed geen seismic resrants may be omited from piping nd dct suppors i all the following condions ae susfied: 11st motion ofthe pping or duc will ot cause damaging impact with other systems 102 Tpe piping or docs made of éuce material with ductile connections, 2 Ata motion ote pp oF dt oes ot ase impact fale appreances (2 sper bad) with any ober egtipmen, png or sacral 1.4} eral motion of the pping or duc does nt cans oss of system vertical suppor. 13 Roachung suppors of les than 12 inches (305 ram) ip length have top comsetins tha eanot develop momen 2.Seppor members candievered wp from the lar are checked for sabi. neal supponed by the eeling. For purposes of determining the seismic lean yn pane elings shal be Independent soppore tra the (Continued 293 TABLE 16-0 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE TABLE 16-0 FOOTNOTES TO TABLE 16-0—{Continuech "Seismic resuints my be omited tom cecal raceways. such a cable ars conduit ani bus dacs, fal he fllowng condhons te sas "Lateral motion ofthe raceway will ot eee camagiogimpec with ther srsems. 122 eral motion of the racewa? Goes not cause Jos of system veal sip, 2 3od-tumg suppors of less hen [2 inches (30S rm) in length Rave top conzecons tha canoe develop moments 224Seppon members cantilevered up fom the Hor are checked for sabi "Piping. ducts and elciial raceways, which mast be functional following an cathqvake,spaningberween different bllings or srctrl systems sal be surieienty Hexbie to wihsiandflave moon of suppon pont assuming out-of pass ouors, ‘bration slater supporting equprent shall e designed for ater lous or retains from Sepscng eral by other metns. Rest sal alo be provide, ‘whic mis vical spacer sack sat tera restrain do ot become Gscopagee. a ad fo expat supponed on vor sltos sale keg 525 and 15: especialy, exept if the oation mousing fame supported by shallow or bxpasionachors the design ores fre nachos calcu} by Form (2-15, 22) or 2-3) shal bs additionally lp sys cor of 20, "SEipmeot anchorage shal ot be designed such hat latrl lads ae resisted by gravity hcion eg. fiction clip) !WEspansion anchors. which ae required to resist seismic lads in eon. shal not be uted where operational vibrating loads ae present. "’sovement of components within elecrical cabins rack. and akid-mounted equipment and porions of id-mouniedelectrrechasiea equipment ht may ‘use damnoge to other components by displacing. shall be restrced by tactic To trehore equipment or suppor fae ‘Baris on racks shall be restrained against movement in all ciections de to earthquake eres, Seismic restraints may ince saps, chin, ols bara or her mechanisms that proven sling fling and breach of coinment of fammable ad toxic ‘teri reo fees ey 2 Be ed ett inter ds ne esti else tive esa prove wc eases hel ao rst set coninvously. ‘TABLE 16-P# AND 9, FACTORS FOR NONBUILDING STRUCTURES. vETERET RE z = 1 Wesel, including tanks and procarcnd spheres, ca raced or braced eG zm 22 20, 7. Casla-plce concrete Sios and chimoeys having wall colo othe Foundations 36 20. 3, Dissbued mass cantlover druciares such as stacks, cimaeys, sls and shir -suppotedverial ves, 29 20 . Trassed rowers (freestanding or guyed) guyed stacks ae chimneys 29 20 5. Cantovered columtype svelures 2, 20, 6. Cooling 19ers, 36 20 7. Bins and hoppers on breed or braced eas - 29) 20 B Slompe reks. 36 20 5, Sigas end bilboards 7 36 20 70, Amesement cies and monuments 22 20 {All her selsupporting structures aot obarwibe covered. 29 20) TABLE 16-Q—SEISMIC COEFFICIENT C, S00 PROMLE TYPE ae 707 73 7 Si as ais 026 Se og wo 030 Se ois a 333 . on ey 036 Se x09 030 os O36 [ 5 See Fooino 7 ‘specific geolechnical investigation and dynamic site sponse analysis shall be performed to determine scismie efficients for Sall Profle Type Sp 11997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE TABLE 16-8 ‘TABLE 160 ‘TABLE 16-R—SEISMIC COEFFICIENT G, sonpnonere p10 2e0a zea ze0z T Se B06 or tue T 2a Se 0.08" as 020 030) Se os 035 os os % oae 0m a0 re 86 630 a6 On t 3 : See Footoed — ‘Sie speclfegeotchca nvesgation ad Ojnaie ie reponse analyas dal bs performed o delerninesesie contents for Sol Profile Typ Se TABLE 15-S_NEAR-SOURCE FACTOR N,” "GLOBES DIS TANSE T6 FROWN SEE FOURCETT ‘soem sounce vee ie kn Sm z 13 12 ia 2 13 35 ia € a0 ia i) {pe er Source Feiormay be ised on ie Tncarnteposton of value for Stanaes oer thas those shove othe table 2p leet ed iype of semi sores toe se for design sali esbished bese on approved geotechnical date (mus recent meppiag af ectv fas by he Untd Stats Geologie Survey or he Califor Dison f Mines ard Gea}, ‘ye cnet tne omic sore thal be ken ts nium dsene twee he ses he se desere by the vertical projection ofthe sore 0 he as Ee auras rnc of alee) Tae ates penton neo ot nde portion tb soos w depths of 10 km or reer. Te arget vale of he EGSSz Pair Eoelering al saris all bund for esgn ‘TABLE 16-T_NEAR-SOURCE FACTOR Ny? 20 18 1 is az To ae 70) 20 2p Near Source Factor ay be based ov te Tina nespolaton of values or dicanoes oer thn tase shown inthe able, 2 fhe Jain and ype o slam soos ibe used fr desig shal be elie based on approved peotecinica! dt (e.g, mest vezent spying of active favs Th Unied Sats Geological Survey a the Caifomaa Dvisbn of Mines and Geology). weed c sri snes see xe: hale hr te iu sue bear hes nha neh eile t uso he lace Ge src projet of ful plane). Th sae projection nos not nsudeporbont oe sooes at dopo 10k or grestx. The lepet valu ofthe ‘NearSounce Bate Goosdeing a sores shal be use for design, i i f ‘TABLE 16-U—SEISMIC SOURCE TYPE’ ; ESTE FOOSE DERRTTORT sobket re stisitc SOURCE DESCTUPTION Warn Maio Megane, M | Sip Ra SR Pare “A | Fafa capable of roduc age magnitude eves ao Mz TD Ghee haves ghee of seme sci [Afar then Types and © ETD es meio SR2 eos, SRz2 ©] Falster capable of predcog ge rwpiude cot Mees ez {del ve a eadeely fw mt of same set ‘Gubdection soures call br evalated ona tespeiic basis 2Poth maximum moment maglivde and lip rte couitione mst be ssefiedcoacusently when determining the seismic source type FIGURE 16-1 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 100 90 89. T al oP soo fi \ n \ 0 ao { * 00 4 Y pp dirro L ‘10 0 \ 10 vo 80 \* 100 ns: A S ss aso wno sreeo 70.335‘ SPECIAL wno ReaIoN ees * patron arveove sen commie cre ng é : i Soaaietarrenartesearnemrereeer wane or FIGURE 16-1—MINIMUM BASIC WIND SPEEDS IN MILES PER HOUR ( 1.61 for kmh) 11997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE FIGURE 16.2 FIGURE 16.2—SEISMIC ZONE MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. For areas outside of the United States, see Appendix Chapter 16, FIGURE 16.3 4957 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. CONTROL PERIODS T= G80, y= 02 ‘SPECTRAL ACCELERATION (o's) Te ; PERIOD (SECONDS) FIGURE 16-3—DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRA ae +1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 3701 47015 Chapter 17 STRUCTURAL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS SECTION 1701 — SPECIAL INSPECTIONS 1701.1 General. In addition to the inspections required by Sec: tion 108, the owner or the engineer or architect of record acting as the ownes's agent shall employ one or more special inspectors ‘who shall provide inspections during constraction on the types of ‘work listed under Section 17015. EXCEPTION: The building ficial may waive the requirement {or he employient of s special inspecor ifthe constcton is of =| incr rate. 1701.2 Special Inspector. The special Inspector shall be 3 qual fied person who shall demonstrate competence, 1 the satisfaction of the building official, for inspection of the particular type of con- struction or operation requiring special inspection 17013 Duties and Responsibilities of the Special Inspec- tor, The special inspector shall observe the work assigned for conformance to the approved design drawings ard specifications. ‘The special inspector shall furnish inspection reports to the building official, the engineer or architect of record, and other des- ignated persons. All discrepancies shall be brought tothe immedi ‘ate attention of the contractor for correction, then, if uncorrected, to the proper design euthority ané to the building offical. ‘The special inspector shall submit a final signed report stating ‘whether the work requiring special inspection was, tothe best of the inspector's knowledge, in conformance to ths approved plans and specifications and the applicable workmanship provisions of this code, 17014 Standards of Quality. The standards listed below la- beled a “UBC Standard” are also listed in Chapter 35, Part Tl, and are part of this code, The other standards listed below are recog nized standards. (See Sections 3503 and 3504.) 1. Concrete. ASTM C94, Ready-mixed Concrete 2. Connections. ‘Specification for Stuctural Joins Using ASTM A 325 or A 490, Bolts-Load and Resistance Factor Design, Research Council of Siructural Connections, Section 1701.5, liem 6. Specification for Siractural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Holts-Allowable Stress Design, Research Council of Structural Connestions, Section 1701.5, Item 6. 3. Spray-applied Fire-resistive Materials, UBC Standard 7-6, Thickness and Density Determin ‘Sprey-applied Fire-resistive Materials 1701.8 Types of Work. Except as provided in Section 1701.1 the types of work listed below shall be inspected by a special in- specior. 1. Conerete. During the taking of test specimens and placing of seinforoed concrete, See Item 12 for shoterete. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Conse for fourdstions conforming to ini- su sequremeats of Table 181.C or for Group R, Division So Group Uh Division 3 Oceupances provided he blling oficial ins tha = special basa doesnot exit 2. For foundation concrete, other than casvin-place dled pies or caisions, where he srt desgn based enon Jno grater than 2500 pounds per square inch (ps) (72 MP). Sor Nonsinctoral slabs on grade, including prestressed slabs on grade when effective preses in concrete i less tan 150 ps (1.03, MPa) 4. Site work concrete filly supported on earh and conoree where po special hazard exists, 2, Bolts installed in conerete. Prior to and curing the place- _mént of cancrete around bolts when stress increases permitied by Footnote 5 of Teble 19-D or Section 1923 are utilized 3, Special moment-resisting concrete frame. For moment frames resisting design seismic load in structures within Seismic ‘Zones 3 and 4, the special inspector shall provide reports to the ‘person responsible forthe structural design and shall provide con- ‘inuous inspection of the placement f the reinforcement and con- crete 4 forcing steel and prestressing steel tendons. 4.1 During all stressing and grouting of tendans in pre~ stressed concrete. 42 During placing of reinforcing steel and prestressing ten- {dons forall concrete required 1 have special inspection by Item 1 EXCEPTION: The special inspect need not be present continy- onal daring placing of reinforcing seal and presressig ‘ded the special Inspector has ispeced for conformance to the ‘approved plan por We closing cf forms othe delivery ef enacrete ‘othe jobsite 5. Structural welding. 5.1 General. During the welding of any member or connec tion tht is designed 10 resist loads and forces required by this code. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Welding done in an approved faricator's shop in accordance with Section 1702.7, 2. The special inspector nead not be continuously preset during ‘ling ofthe following tems, provided the materials, qualifications (Of welding procedures and welders are vesfied prior to the srt of | ‘work; pectic inepections ae made af work in progres; and «visual inspection ofall welds mae prior to completion or par to shipment of shop wel 21° Singe-pass filet welds xo exceeding fg inch (7:9 mm) in 22. Flea and root deck welding 123 Welded stude wher wed fr strvturaldigphragm or com: pose este 24 Welded shee steel fr col-formed sie! framing members such asd ae jl 25. Welding of ssits ad ring systems. 5.2 Special moment-resisting steel frames. During the welding of special moment-resising steel frames. In addition 1o Htem 5.1 requirements, nondesiructve lest- ing as required by Section 1703 of this code. 5.3. Welding of reinforcing steel. During the welding of seinforcing steel EXCEPTION: The special inspecer need not be continuously resent during the welding of ASTM A 76 reinforcing Se! not get {hsp No.5 bars used fr embedmens, provided the materials, qualii- ‘aio of welding proedires and welders ae verled prio toe sh ff work, period inspections are msde of work in frogs: and a ‘sual inepection ofa welds 44e porto completion or par: "Shipment of shop welciog 6. High-strength bolting. ‘The inspection of high-strength A325 and A 490 bolts shall be in accordance with approved 239

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