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General Review

(1) Obtain the step response of a unity feedback system whose open loop transfer
function is
G (s) =
s ( s + 5)
(2) A unity feedback control system has an open loop transfer function
G (s) =
s ( s + 1)
Obtain the rise time, peak time, maximum overshoot, and the settling time.
(3) A unity feedback control system has an open loop transfer function
G (s) =
s ( s + 10)
Determine K so that the system will have a damping ratio of 0.5.
(4) A unity feedback control system has the forward transfer function
G (s) =
s (1 + 0.1s )
(i) Evaluate the static error coefficients Kp, Kv , and Ka for the system.
(ii) Obtain the steady state error of the system when subjected to an input of the
r (t ) = 1 + t + 2t 2
(5) Apply Rouths criterion to find the range of K for stability for the following
closed loop characteristic equations
(i ) s 3 + 3Ks 2 + (2 + K ) s + K = 0

(ii ) s 4 + 22 s 3 + 10 s 2 + 2 s + K = 0
(6) Determine the range of K for stability of the unity feedback control system whose
open loop transfer function is given by
G (s) =
s ( s + 1)( s + 2)
(7) The output c(t) and the input r(t) of a control system is related to each other by the
C (s)
K ( s + 1)
= 4
R ( s ) s + 2 s + 2 s 2 + (3 + K ) s + K
Determine the range of K for stable operation of the system. Find K which yields
imaginary roots and then find these roots.

Root Locus Analysis

(1) Sketch the root locus of the unity feedback systems whose forward transfer
functions are

G (s ) =

K (s + 12)
K (s 2 + 4s + 5)
, and
s (s 2 + 16s + 100)
(s + 5)(s 2 + 4s + 7)
s 2 (s + 1)(s + 3)

G (s) =

s ( s + 2 s + 2)( s 2 + 6 s + 10)

(2) A unity feedback control system has the following forward transfer function
G (s) =
s ( s + 8s + 20)
(a) Sketch the root locus of the system.
(b) A damping ratio of 0.5 is required for the dominant roots. Find C(s)/R(s).
(c) Find the positions of the three closed loop roots of the system in the case
(b) above.
(3) Sketch the root locus for the control system that has the following forward and
feedback transfer functions
K (1 + s / 5)
G (s) = 2 2
, H ( s ) = (1 + s /10)
s (1 + s /12)
Choose the closed loop pole locations which produced a time constant T=1/3
seconds for the complex roots and indicate these roots on the root locus.
(4) A unity feedback control system has a forward transfer function
G (s) =
( s + 1)( s + 2)( s + 5)( s + 6)
Sketch the root locus for the system and then find the control ratio when =0.5.
(5) A unity feedback control system has a forward transfer function
G (s) =

K ( s + 1)
s 2 ( s + 9)

Sketch the root locus for the system. Find the value of K such that the 2% settling
time of the system is 4 seconds. What are the values of the closed loop poles?

Root Locus Compensation

(1) A unity feedback control system has a forward transfer function
G (s) = 2
The overall system must have a settling time of 4.0 seconds when the damping
ratio is 0.447. Design a lead compensator to produce these roots. Determine the
control ratio of the compensated system.
(2) A unity feedback control system has a forward transfer function
K ( s + 6)
G (s) =
s ( s + 5)
The closed loop system must have s damping ratio of 0.5 and a settling time of 2.0
seconds. A suggested compensator is given by
A( s + a )
Gc ( s ) =
( s + b)
This compensator must maintain the same degree of the characteristic equation as that
of the basic system. Find the values of the compensator parameters and state the
compensator type.
(3) A unity feedback control system has the forward transfer function
K ( s + 6)
G (s) =
s ( s + 2)
Design a suitable compensator so that the closed loop system will have an undamped
natural frequency of 4rad/sec when the damping ratio is 0.5. What is the type of such
(4) A unity feedback control system has a forward transfer function
G (s) =
s (1 + 0.2 s )(1 + 0.5s )
Find the value of K and the undamped natural frequency of the system if the damping
ratio is 0.425. Add a suitable compensator for the system and determine its
parameters so that the system performance is improved.
(5) A unity feedback control system has a forward transfer function
G (s) =
( s + 1)( s + 2)( s + 5)( s + 6)
A damping ratio of 0.5 is specified for the dominant poles of the closed loop system.
Also the settling time must be no greater than 6.0 seconds, and the step (position)
error coefficient must be at least 2.5. Show that the system does not satisfy these
specifications. What kind of cascade compensator will be needed to obtain the
necessary improvements? Select the compensator parameters and show that the
addition of such compensator will produce the desired improvements.

(6) For the unity feedback control system given in problem (5):
(a) Determine the roots of the closed loop characteristic equation of the system
when =0.5.
(b) Determine the ratio 3,4/1,2. It is desired that this ratio be increased to at least
10.0 with no increase in the settling time for =0.5.
(c) Design a suitable compensator for the system to achieve the above requirements.
(7) A unity feedback control system has a forward transfer function
G (s) =
s ( s + 2)( s + 8)
A damping ratio of 0.5 is specified. The settling time must approximately be 2.0
seconds. The ramp (velocity) error coefficient must be at least 80 sec-1.
(a) Show that the original system does not satisfy the above specifications.
(b) Design a suitable compensator for the system then show that the compensated
system satisfies these specifications.
(8) A unity feedback control system has a forward transfer function
G (s) =
s ( s + 2)
Design a lag compensator so that the system will have a ramp (velocity) error
coefficient of 20.0 sec.-1, when the damping ratio is 0.45.

Frequency Response Analysis

(1) A system has The transfer function
2(1 + s )(1 + 0.5s )
s (1 + 4 s )(1 + 0.25s )
(a) Draw the asymptotes of G (j) on a decibel versus log () plot.
(b) What is the total correction from the asymptotes at = 1.0
G (s) =

(2) For each transfer function given below draw the log magnitude and phase diagrams
versus log ().
2(1 + 0.3s )
(a) G ( s ) =
(b) G ( s ) = 2
s (1 + 0.1s )(1 + 0.5s )
s (1 + 0.1s )(1 + 0.5s )
(3) A unity feedback control system has the forward transfer function
G (s) =
s (1 + 0.1s )(1 + 30 s / 625 + s 2 / 625)
(a) Draw the Bode plot for the system.
(b) Draw the polar plot for the system.
(c) Draw the log magnitude-phase diagram for the system.
(4) Find the transfer functions of the system whose log magnitude diagrams are shown
Lm dB
-20 dB/dec

-40 dB/dec


-20 dB/dec
-40 dB/dec

(5) For the following forward transfer functions of unity feedback control systems
sketch the polar plots to determine the closed loop stability.
K ( s + 2)
G (s) =
G (s) =
(1 + s )
s ( s + 3)( s + 5)
Determine the values of K that correspond to stable operation.

(6) Repeat problem (5) above using the log magnitude-phase diagram.
(7) For the unity feedback control systems having the forward transfer functions
K (1 + 0.2 s )
G (s) =
G( s) =
s (1 + 0.001s )(1 + 0.025s )(1 + 0.1s )
(1 + 0.1s )(2 + 3s + s 2 )
(i) Draw the Bode plot for the above systems when K=1.0
(ii) Determine the required values of K so that each system will have a positive phase
margin of 45.
(iii) From the same curves determine the maximum possible value of K for stability.
(8) Repeat problem (7) above using the log-magnitude-phase diagram.
(9) A unity feedback control system has a forward transfer function
G (s) = 2
s ( s + 5)
(a) Check the stability of the above system by drawing the complete Nyquist plot.
(b) By the use of the Nichols chart find the values of the maximum magnitude and the
resonant frequency for the compensated system.
(10) A unity feedback control system has a forward transfer function
(1 + 2.0 s )
G (s) =
s ( s 1)
Check the stability of the closed loop system by drawing the complete Nyquist
(11) A unity feedback control system has the forward transfer function
G (s) =
s (1 + s )(1 + 0.5s )
Draw the Nichols diagram and find the maximum magnitude and the resonant
frequency. Find the system gain margin and phase margin. What is the systems
bandwidth? Find also the factor, by which the system gain should be multiplied by
such that the resonant peak becomes 4.0 (12 dB).

Frequency Response Compensation

(1) A unity feedback control system has the forward transfer function
G (s) =
s (1 + 0.5s )(1 + 0.1s ) 2
(a) Find the gain K for 45 phase margin and determine the corresponding phase
margin frequency.
(b) For the same phase margin of part (a) above, it is desired to increase the phase
margin frequency to a value of 3.0. To accomplish this, a lead compensator is used.
Find all compensator parameters.
(2) A unity feedback control system has a forward transfer function
G (s) =
s ( s + 2)
It is desired to design a lead compensator for the system so that the ramp error
coefficient is 20.0 sec-1, and the phase margin is at least 50. Find the parameters of
such compensator.
(3) A unity feedback control system has the forward transfer function
G (s) =
s (1 + 0.5s )(1 + s )
The desired ramp error coefficient is 5.0 sec-1. The phase margin must be at least 40.
Design a lag compensator so that the above requirements are satisfied.
(4) Design a series compensator for the unity feedback system whose forward transfer
function is given by
G (s) =
s ( s + 1)
The compensated system should have a phase margin of at least 45.0, and the steady
state error for a unit ramp input must not to exceed 0.05.
(5) Repeat problem (4) above for the forward transfer function
G (s) =
s ( s + 20 s + 106 )
(6) A unity feedback control system has a forward transfer function
G (s) =
s ( s + 2)
It is desired that the system has a steady state error for a unit ramp input of 0.05 and
a phase margin of 30. Design a cascade lag compensator so that the closed loop
system satisfies these specifications.

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